Beware "Mr. Blue Sky" by ELO

FYI, If you have an Apple Lossless copy of this song matched in iTunes, other devices will simply recieve an error trying to play it.
The only workaround is to sync an AAC copy of the song with iCloud and keep a local copy of the Apple Lossless version as a duplicate.

Hi axelownes, welcome....
Well you've told us what you think....
Now I'll tell you what I KNOW....
Firstly it's interesting that you're "in college studing Computer Network Management"....I'm surprised that the course-work so far hasn't give you an insight into line noise.
Your connection is running with a 15db SNRm, which is the highest noise margin adaptive broadband will apply, from then on, the interleaving will get deeper, possibly up to level 32.
Your hub has a runtime of only 42 minutes or so, in this instance.
You have an "extensive" network.....period, and although it may grab stares of admiration from your friends and neighbours, I'd be willing to bet my last shirt, that your network is causing ALL the problems.
Your problem is noise, line noise, and a lot of it....broadband is line adaptive, it adapts your line speed to the line according to the quality of the line....and yours is excessively noisy.
I'm not going to go and write excessive amounts in this post, as clearly, where broadband is concerned, you have a lot of learning to do...and for the moment, suggest you start at the begining and read all the self help pages on line noise and slow connections you can.....after that we can discuss things to do......

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    Make your selection and then use Refine Edge.
    See this video tutorial from Bob Gager.

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    I don't have the Kelby book, but here is a way to replace the sky:
    1. Rename the Background layer to something else. This is needed to create the transparency in the next step.
    2. Use the various selection tools to select the gray sky. The Magic Wand should work well (you may have to Shift-click several times to select it all). Feather the selection 1 or 2 pixels and delete it, replacing the sky with transparent background.
    3. Create a new blank layer below the picture layer.
    4. Set Foreground & Background colors to blue & white respectively.
    5. Select the Gradient Tool with the Foreground-to-Background option. On the blank layer draw a gradient vertically from the top of the sky to the bottom. This will create a natural-looking sky.
    You will get different results depending on where you start and end the gradient. You can redraw the gradient as many times as you wish on the same layer until you are happy with the result.
    You might also try setting the Foreground & Background to dark blue & light blue for the gradient.
    See this example:
    It's my house (I wish!)
    Is this method similar to Kelby's?

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  • How do i create a layer of blue to add to existing image to have a blue sky?

    Adobe PhotShop Elements 3.0 for Mac OS X+ Mac Mini
    I am a real estate photographer. most agents want a blue sky rather than the grey. What procedure would you recommend to creat this?
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    Hank of California

    1. Open the layers palette and also the color swatches palette
    2. Duplicate the background layer, shut off the visibility of the background layer be clicking on its eye icon.
    We shall be working on the background copy layer, which should be the active layer, and is denoted in blue in the layers palette. In case it is necessary to start over, one can delete the layers which have been generated, proceeding from the original layer.
    3. Use the magic wand tool. Have contiguous and use all layers checked. Click on the "old" gray sky. In case this tool does not pick up a portion, hold down the shift key and click again.
    4. You shall see a selection as denoted by "marching ants."
    5. Go to Layer>new>Layer via copy. Hold down the ctrl key and click on this layer in the layers palette, making this active
    6. Select a blue color from the swatches palette (foreground color)
    7. Use the paintbucket tool to fill in the "new" blue sky
    8. You can adjust the opacity of the new sky layer with the slider in the layers palette
    There are other ways to do this as well, but this method has served me extremely well. To give it a really nice look, there are available cloud brushes for free download via Adobe Studio Exchange.

  • How do I find the blue sky feature?  Used it once.  Can't find now.

    I once used a feature that improved the shading of my  blue sky and now I cannot recall where it is.

    Or in those versions, in the Quick Fix toolbox there's a dedicated Blue Skies tool:

  • Problem with color banding on a blue sky using LR4.3

    Recently, I updated my LR3 to LR4.3 and my camera from Olympus EP2 to OMD. So, I am not sure if any of these factors play a role but, I started having severe banding on photos taken in vivid sunny day with a blue sky.
    I am not an advanced LR user and, my process of developing photos in LR has always been pretty simple. First, I export RAW format pictures from a card to a hard drive. Then, I do some adjustments and make two jpeg copies from each RAW file.
    One copy I in Export dialog box File Settings as a JPEG, Color Space sRGB, 100% quality and another copy I export for web so, I limit to some minimum size without setting any quality reductions.
    Again, in the Export dialog box -> File Setting -> check (checkbox) Limit File Size to 300KB to 1MB. In this sample case, file was farely large so, LR did not allow me to save this file in less than 950KB. (Most of my pictures are saved to 400KB just fine)
    Here is the link to the photo ectlink
    Thank you in advance,

    genadi_mak wrote:
    I just tried to export a file from my old EP2 with the same settings as I always have done 100% quality and limited size of the file to 450KB using LR4.3. And, I see banding so, this is definately how LR4.3 compresses files vs whatever method of compression was done in LR3.
    If you are using the same Export settings as LR3 then it's probably due to PV2012's more aggressive tonal controls. Try the same Export using LR4.4 using a few images adjusted using PV2010 to confirm.
    genadi_mak wrote:
    I experimented a bit and found that if I lower quality to 77% and Resize to Fit the photo to 1000X1000, I get the size of the file down to 350KB and good results on my 24" monitor but, will this be enough to print 4X6 if needed?
    For best results most printers require 300dpi image files, which would be 1800x1200 for 6" x 4" prints, but you can get reasonable results down to as low as 150ppi (900x600).
    genadi_mak wrote:
    If I leave quality to 100% and Resize to 1000X1000 the size of the file increases to 650KB. This will result in page with photo catalog loading longer.
    This is the opposite of what you should be doing to maintain the smallest files size. The only reason ro use a 100% Quality JPEG is if you plan on doing further editing to the file. Even when uploading files to a printer a 90% Quality setting is very adequate and will NOT show any difference in the final print. For the Web I have already suggested a JPEG Quality of 50 is adequate. Please read the article at the link Andrew posted and my comments.
    Try an Export using sRGB, 50 Quality, 1000x1000 Image Sizing, and Screen Standard Sharpening. Look at the exported images in LR at 1:1 view for visual artifacts such as banding, then post  them on the web and look at them at full-size. They should look identical. If not let us know.

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    First, try one of the DVD drive cleaning kits that are available.

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    Im concidering a SLP SMC 2489 or Blue Sky Bass Management Controller Mk 2.
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    nice regards
    Henning Flintholm

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    This might a general issue with current digital cameras but particular on HDR images I have trouble producing a blue sky with my Nikon D200 images in Aperture. Most often the light areas of sky are more cyan than blue, changing the color temperature and/or adding magenta usually make things worse.
    Adobe Camera Raw seems to do better but is not completely cyan free either. The best way to improve the situation, I have found, is to use the color palette and change the hue of cyan towards blue.
    Here are three examples, first Aperture (default except for a some exposure and brightness adjustments), second ACR (same kind of adjustments), and third Aperture with the cyan-hue correction:
    Is this a common problem of
    a: HDR digital cameras
    b: Aperture
    c: the D200
    Is there an easy solution? Is my WB balancing not good enough? (I am considering too always shooting a second photo with a grey card.)

    Played around a bit more with the color panel. Moving cyan towards blue and blue a bit towards cyan + reducing both brightness and saturation for cyan and blue produced a more pleasing color (and a rather good match with ACR):
    It's a bit annoying having to fix up the colors like this. But I guess this where the experience behind Nikon Capture and also ACR enables these applications to provide a better out-of-the-box result.

  • Blue Sky Digital Backgrounds

    I am starting to play with adding a blue sky to a very nice picture (which doesn't have color or any clouds) I have PSE8.  The photo's that I got off google images do not have the resolution I need for my photo.  Can someone suggest where I can buy high resolution sky digital backgrounds? Can some suggest where I can download sky gradients for possible inclusion in the sky of my photo?

    Personally, I tend to grab my camera and snap photos whenever I see a sky I really like. It helps as that way all the images the ones I'm mixing and the sky are shot with the same camera. Anyway...
    You might try Googling free high resolution sky images. I found this link that says these are okay for personal or commercial as long as you aren't selling the images. 1
    Just be sure you read terms on anything you download.
    I've never purchased any myself. I'm sure someone will know some good links or maybe even some places to get high resolution photos for free.

  • Replacing A Cloudy Sky with A Blue Sky

    Can anyone suggest an easy way to replace a cloudy sky with a blue sky using Photoshop? I'm doing real estate photography currently, and I have to take photos on a cloudy day. My major problem is when I have trees in the photo that I need to replace with a blue sky. Thanks, Arnold

    Those cloudy skies may have helped soften the sunlight and reduced any hash shadows.
    Nothing screams bad photo like a photo taken with the sun at the wrong angle, like photos at noon when the bright sun is directly overhead and it produces strong dark shadows on the house you are trying to sell.
    There was an article in PetaPixel about how good photos had helped sell a house in days when it had been on the market (with bad photos) for many months. -market-for-8-months/


    dear forum,
    i really can't decide on this..
    in short, i have two questions for you:
    #1 in a home recording studio do you think i'd need a subwoofer?
    #2 even w/ or w/out the sub, would you suggest to get the YAHAMA HS50M or the BLUE SKY MediaDesk ? ?
    "unfortunately" i deal w/ dirrefent kind of music (from dance/electronic to rock/metal) so i need something that is a good reference for barely everything..
    thanx a lot

    Subwoofer or no subwoofer - that is the question?
    I don't use one but I'm sure many here do. IMHO if your monitors are good and efficient and - most important - you have made your 'room' adequately soundproofed to reduce reflections and bass boom from corners etc., then you don't need a sub for music mixing.
    I do my mixing exlusively with a good pair of stereo monitors and I've had few complaints so far.
    If you work in film or surround-sound mixing the sub will be required of course when you add FX and stuff.
    Regards question #2 I can't help you.

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    Firefox does not have a built-in "Run" option on downloads for security reasons. If you "Run" an item, your anti-virus/anti-spyware may not have an opportunity to fully examine the contents until it is already installed on your hard drive. Result: damage, if infected, is already installed on your system.
    With that in mind, you can install the following add-on, but you accept the risk mentioned above ('''NOTE:''' the developer has not updated this product -- OR any of his other 7 extensions -- to be compatible beyond Firefox 3.6.x; therefore, when you upgrade to a more current version of Firefox, you may lose the functionality of the add-on if the developer does not update it.):
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''
    Not related to your question, but...
    You need to update some plug-ins:
    *Plug-in check:
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in: [ Installing ('''''or Updating''''') the Shockwave plugin with Firefox]
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape: [ Installing/Updating Adobe Reader in Firefox]
    *Shockwave Flash (Adobe Flash or Flash): [ Updating Flash in Firefox]

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