BI Desktop tools via Windows Terminal server

Dear Community,
I need to install the BI Publisher desktop tools on our Windows server 2008.
However, the 64bits installer pops up a dialog instructing to use 'BI Publisher Desktop installer 32bit', but the 32bit installer asks me to make sure JRE v 1.6 or later is installed.
JRE and JAVA 1.7 update 4 (both 32 bit) are installed, so is MS Office 2010 SP3 32bit.
Did anyone manage to install the Desktop tools on Windows server 2008, what was your experience (setup?)?
Thank you in advance!
Edited by: Pier van der Graaf on 13-mei-2013 4:45, added information about the servicepack version.

We installed newest JAVA 6 64bit, after wich we could run the 32bit installer.
64bit installer still informs us its incompatible with the architecture.. (which is 62bit...)
Edited by: Pier van der Graaf on 22-mei-2013 1:02

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    this happened to anyone?
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    Fernando D. Bozzo / Madrid (Spain)

    I never had this type of problems, but somewhat similar start up problems. I'd say it indicates resource problems. Low RAM can cause many unpredictable things. In my case loading much data at the begin of an application caused out of memory errors, which
    were reported and logged normally, though.
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    Under Product Availablity
    SAP Business One FOrums Team
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    hi Zulma,
    Please follow the step by step guide.
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    How To Install SAP GUI 7.30 on Windows 8
    SAP GUI for Java 7.30 Release Notes

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    > estimated 20 or more users who will be using the WTS to do their specific transaction. How much ram do we need to put in the WTS to handle 20 or more users?
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    Q5) What are the exact steps you took when it
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