BI-Purchasing reports help

I am tasked on implementing standard BI reports for Purchasing in SAP.  Can anyone in the forum provide me details of any standard BI report that are relevant to Purchasing?
Any links, documents and guides that will help me on implementing this will be very much appreciated.

Contract Details   : Technical Name: 0SRCT_DS1_Q003
Consolidated Purchase Order Value Analysis (Over Three Months)  : Technical Name: 0BBP_C01_Q029
ABC Analysis   :Technical name: 0BBP_C01_Q041
Procurement Values with/Without Contracts   : Technical Name: 0BBP_C01_Q020
Expiring Contracts   : Technical Name: 0SRCT_DS1_Q004
Quantity reliability   :Technical Name: 0BBP_C01_Q011
Procurement Values per Service Provider   :Technical name: 0BBP_C01_Q019
Delivery Delay of Last Confirmation   :Technical Name: 0BBP_C01_Q012
Procurement Card Use   :Technical Name: 0BBP_C01_Q015
Procurement Values per Vendor   : Technical Name: 0BBP_C01_Q005
Procurement Values per Product Category    :Technical Name: 0BBP_C01_Q004
Thse are some of the standard reports for purchasing

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  • Purchasing Report help

    I need to create a report from EKKO,EKPO,KOMV,MSEG & LIFNR table....I found the related data sources as 2LIS_02_ITM, 2LIS_11_VAKON /2LIS_13_VDKON, 2LIS_03_BF & 0VENDOR_ATTR. Now my doubt is what are the key fields I should take to consolidate the data from above data sources in to a ODS / Cube /Multi Prov....
    Is this a good idea to use all above data sources? Or Can I just create a view on top of these tables and create a Data source so that I dont need to create multiple ODS/data sources....Please advice

    The easiest method for datasources is always to do the necessary joins and analysis in the datasource program itself, and then present as narrow a table to BW as possible for inclusion into an info cube. I would recommend that approach. Do try to 'futureproof' your data model so that the future requirements of the customer (and there will be some.. they ALWAYS want more information) can be considered without over-loading your data.
    Have you looked into the Logistics Information System (LIS) structures ? SAP has some nice standard content for LIS structures related to purchasing activity that is a good starting point, and will keep you from having to create all your own joins and datasources.

  • Purchasing Report Errors - Please Help

    Hey everyone!
    I am an SAP newb so bear with me please. I am having issues with a the Purchasing report on our system.
    The report takes parameters determining the time period for which the report is to be run, ex: from Jan 1 2008 - Aug 1 2008.
    The values returned by the report are:
    Item code
    Item Name
    Purch Unit
    Available units
    Units on Order (how many are currently dedicated to an already placed order)
    Purchase Factor
    Purchase Price
    Purchase Currency
    Avg Price
    Stock Value
    MonthToDate Sales (calculates total sales for item within time period)
    Average Sales (calculates the average sale for item within time period)
    Sales Factor
    Month on Order
    Month on Stock
    The Problems are occuring with: Month to Date Sales and Average Sales. As well as Month on Order and Month on Stock, however these are secondary.
    The report in SAP is as follows:
    declare @FrmWhs varchar(8),
    @ToWhs varchar(8),
    @WhsLst varchar(254),
    @GroupCode int,
    @FrmItm varchar(20),
    @ToItm varchar(20),
    @MthAgo int,
    @GroupName varchar(20),
    @HistStart varchar(6),
    @HistEnd varchar(6),
    @ShowInactive varchar(1)
    SELECT @FrmWhs = T0.U_FrmWhs,
    @ToWhs = T0.U_ToWhs,
    @WhsLst = T0.U_WhsLst,
    @GroupCode = T1.ItmsGrpCod,
    @FrmItm = T0.U_FrmItm,
    @ToItm = T0.U_ToItm,
    @MthAgo = T0.U_MthAgo,
    @HistStart = T0.U_Hist1,
    @HistEnd = T0.U_Hist2,
    @ShowInactive = T0.U_Inact
    FROM dbo.@XXPURCH T0, dbo.OITB T1
    WHERE T0.U_FrmWhs = '%0'
    AND T0.U_ToWhs = '%1'
    AND T0.U_WhsLst = '%2'
    AND T1.ItmsGrpNam = '%3'
    AND T1.Locked = 'X'
    AND T0.U_FrmItm = '%4'
    AND T0.U_ToItm = '%5'
    AND T0.U_MthAgo = %6
    AND T0.U_Hist1 = '%7'
    AND T0.U_Hist2 = '%8'
    AND T0.U_Inact = '%9'
    SET @GroupName = '%3'
    IF @GroupName = ''
    SET @GroupCode = 0
    SELECT @GroupCode = T2.ItmsGrpCod
    FROM dbo.OITB T2
    WHERE T2.ItmsGrpNam = @GroupName
    SET @FrmWhs = '%0'
    SET @ToWhs = '%1'
    SET @WhsLst = '%2'
    SET @FrmItm = '%4'
    SET @ToItm = '%5'
    SET @MthAgo = %6
    SET @HistStart = '%7'
    SET @HistEnd = '%8'
    SET @ShowInactive = '%9'
    exec dbo.xxPurchReport @FrmWhs,@ToWhs,@WhsLst,@GroupCode,@FrmItm,@ToItm,@MthAgo,@HistStart,@HistEnd,@ShowInactive
    I do not fully understand how the SQL query (the stored procedure) dbo.xxPurchasing Report calculates these numbers. If it is helpful, I could post the SQL query in its entirety or in part.
    Thank you very much for your willingness to help. It is quite frustrating for me and it is so great to have knowledgeable people here to help

    Thanks. That makes sense.
    I am not a database guy, but from my limited knowledge, so here is the query in its entirety:
    ALTER  proc xxPurchReport (
         @FromWhs varchar(8) = null,
         @ToWhs varchar(8) = null,
            @WhsList varchar(255) = null,
            @GroupCode int = null,
         @FromItem varchar(20) = null,
         @ToItem varchar(20) = null,
         @MonthsAgo int = 1,
            @HistStart varchar(6) = null,
            @HistEnd varchar(6) = null,
            @ShowInactive char(1) = 'Y')
        set NOCOUNT ON
        DECLARE @StartDate datetime,
                @EndDate datetime,
                @Today datetime,
                @Periods int
        CREATE TABLE #tempwhs(WhsCode varchar(8))
        if @WhsList is null or LTRIM(RTRIM(@WhsList)) = ''
           if @FromWhs is null
              set @FromWhs = ''
           if @ToWhs is null or LTRIM(RTRIM(@ToWhs)) = ''
              set @ToWhs = 'ZZZZZZZZ'
           insert into #tempwhs
           select WhsCode
             from OWHS
            where WhsCode between @FromWhs and @ToWhs
           set @WhsList = ',' + @WhsList + ','
           insert into #tempwhs
           select WhsCode
             from OWHS
            where charindex(',' + WhsCode + ',',@WhsList) > 0
        if @GroupCode = 0
           set @GroupCode = null
        if @FromItem is null
           set @FromItem = ''
        if @ToItem is null or LTRIM(RTRIM(@ToItem)) = ''
            set @ToItem = 'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ'
        if @MonthsAgo is null
           set @MonthsAgo = 0
        if @MonthsAgo > 0
           set @MonthsAgo = @MonthsAgo * -1
        select @StartDate = dateadd(mm,@MonthsAgo,cast(cast(year(getdate()) as varchar(4)) + right(cast(month(getdate()) + 100 as varchar(3)),2) + '01' as datetime)),
               @EndDate = dateadd(mi,-1,dateadd(mm,@MonthsAgo,dateadd(mm,1,cast(cast(year(getdate()) as varchar(4)) + right(cast(month(getdate()) + 100 as varchar(3)),2) + '01' as datetime)))),
               @Today = cast(convert(varchar(8),getdate(),112) as datetime)
        if isnull(@HistStart,'') = '' or isnull(@HistEnd,'') = ''
           select @HistEnd = left(convert(varchar(8),@StartDate - 1,112),6),
                  @HistStart = left(convert(varchar(8),dateadd(yyyy,-1,@StartDate),112),6)
        select @Periods = count(distinct period)
          from XXSalesHistory
         where period between @HistStart and @HistEnd
         select itemcode,whscode,cast(round(cast(sum(totsale) as decimal(12,5)) / @Periods,2) as decimal(12,5)) as AvgSale,
                cast(round(cast(sum(totqty) as decimal(12,5)) / @Periods,0) as int) as AvgQty
           into #tmpavg
           from XXSalesHistory
          where period between @HistStart and @HistEnd
          group by itemcode,whscode
          order by 1
        Select ItmGrp.ItmsGrpNam,lines.ItemCode,lines.WhsCode,
               items.CardCode as DefaultVendor,items.ItemName,
               whs.OnHand,items.SalUnitMsr as SaleUnit,items.BuyUnitMsr as PurchUnit,whs.IsCommited,
               (whs.OnHand - whs.IsCommited) as Available,whs.OnOrder,items.PurFactor2,
               isnull(purprc.Price,0) as PurchasePrice,
               isnull(purprc.Currency,'USD') as PurchCurrency,
               cast(whs.OnHand / (CASE WHEN items.PurFactor2 = 0 THEN 1 ELSE items.PurFactor2 END) as decimal(16,2)) as CS,
               whs.AvgPrice,prc.Price,isnull(prc.Currency,'USD') as Currency,isnull(whs.StockValue,0) as StockValue,
               cast(sum(case lines.usebaseun
                   when 'Y' then   Lines.OpenCreQty
                   else ( Lines.OpenCreQty  * Items.NumInSale) end) as integer) as MtdSales,
               isnull(hst.AvgQty,0) as AvgSales,items.SalFactor2
          into #temprpt
          From OINV Main,
               INV1 Lines,
               OITM Items,
               OITB ItmGrp,
               OITW whs
                    left outer join #tmpavg hst
                         on hst.ItemCode = whs.ItemCode and hst.WhsCode = whs.WhsCode,
               ITM1 prc,
               ITM1 purprc
         Where Main.DocDate between @StartDate and @EndDate
           And Main.Instance = 0
           And Main.Canceled = 'N'
           and Main.DocEntry = Lines.DocEntry and lines.LineTotal <> 0
           and lines.ItemCode between @FromItem and @ToItem
           and lines.whscode collate database_default in (select WhsCode from #tempwhs)
           and Items.ItemCode = Lines.ItemCode
           and items.PrchseItem = 'Y'
           and (@ShowInactive = 'Y' or Items.frozenfor = 'N')
           and ItmGrp.ItmsGrpCod = Items.ItmsGrpCod
           and ItmGrp.ItmsGrpCod = isnull(@GroupCode,ItmGrp.ItmsGrpCod)
           and whs.ItemCode = lines.ItemCode and whs.WhsCode = lines.WhsCode
           and prc.ItemCode = items.Itemcode
           and prc.PriceList = (CASE WHEN whs.whscode = '02' THEN 6 else 2 END)
           and purprc.ItemCode = items.Itemcode
           and purprc.PriceList = (CASE WHEN whs.whscode = '02' THEN 10 else 1 END)
         Group BY
            cast(whs.OnHand / (CASE WHEN items.PurFactor2 = 0 THEN 1 ELSE items.PurFactor2 END) as decimal(16,2)),
        select grp.ItmsGrpNam,itm.ItemCode,whs.WhsCode,itm.CardCode as DefaultVendor,
               itm.ItemName,whs.OnHand,itm.SalUnitMsr as SaleUnit,itm.BuyUnitMsr as PurchUnit,
               (whs.OnHand - whs.IsCommited) as Available,whs.OnOrder,itm.PurFactor2,purprc.Price,
               isnull(purprc.Currency,'USD') as PurchCurrency,
               cast(whs.OnHand / (CASE WHEN itm.PurFactor2 = 0 THEN 1 ELSE itm.PurFactor2 END) as decimal(16,2)) as CS,
               whs.AvgPrice,prc.Price,isnull(prc.Currency,'USD') as Currency,isnull(whs.StockValue,0) as StockValue,0,
               isnull(hst.AvgQty,0) as AvgSales,itm.SalFactor2
        from OITM itm,
             OITB grp,
             OITW whs
                  left join(INV1 lines inner join OINV main
                    on lines.DocEntry = main.DocEntry and lines.LineTotal <> 0
                       and main.Canceled = 'N' and main.instance = 0
                       and Main.DocDate Between @StartDate and @EndDate)
                    on whs.ItemCode = lines.ItemCode and whs.WhsCode = lines.WhsCode
                  left outer join #tmpavg hst on hst.ItemCode = whs.ItemCode and hst.WhsCode = whs.WhsCode,
             ITM1 prc,
             ITM1 purprc
            where itm.ItemCode between @FromItem and @ToItem
              and itm.PrchseItem = 'Y'
              and (@ShowInactive = 'Y' or itm.frozenfor = 'N')
              and grp.ItmsGrpCod = itm.ItmsGrpCod
              and grp.ItmsGrpCod = isnull(@GroupCode,grp.ItmsGrpCod)
              and whs.ItemCode = itm.ItemCode
              and whs.WhsCode collate database_default in (select WhsCode from #tempwhs)
              and main.DocEntry is null
              and prc.ItemCode = itm.Itemcode
              and prc.PriceList = (CASE WHEN whs.whscode = '02' THEN 6 else 2 END)
              and purprc.ItemCode = itm.Itemcode
              and purprc.PriceList = (CASE WHEN whs.whscode = '02' THEN 10 else 1 END)
        group by grp.ItmsGrpNam,itm.ItemCode,whs.WhsCode,itm.CardCode,
           cast(whs.OnHand / (CASE WHEN itm.PurFactor2 = 0 THEN 1 ELSE itm.PurFactor2 END) as decimal(16,2)),
        select r.*,
               cast((CASE WHEN r.OnOrder = 0
                THEN 0
                ELSE (CASE WHEN r.AvgSales = 0
                           THEN (CASE WHEN r.MtdSales = 0 THEN 999 ELSE r.OnOrder / r.MtdSales END)
                           ELSE r.OnOrder / r.AvgSales
                END) as decimal(9,1)) as MonthsOnOrder,
               cast((CASE WHEN r.Available <= 0 THEN 0
                     ELSE (CASE WHEN r.AvgSales <= 0 THEN 999
                     ELSE r.Available / r.AvgSales END) END) as decimal(9,1)) as MonthsInStock
          from #temprpt r
         order by 1,2,3
    I hope that is not too overwhelming, it is for me so any help you have to offer is truly appreciated. I am not trained in SAP but they have no one else. Thanks alot everyone!

  • CR2008 Purchasing Report needed

    Has anyone created a Purchasing report in Crystal Reports 2008 based on AP Invoices and AP Credit Notes. I have created a WPA (Weekly Purchase Analysis) report but based off AP Invoice table (OPCH & PCH1), now the company is wanting to have Credit Notes added to this report.
    I have created a UDF called WPA on the OPCH form which is a Mandatory field so when running the WPA Report you can run it by WPA # and Project to get your results (Parameter), now how will I acheive this by adding the AP Credit Note fields ORPC & RPC1 to the report so if I create x2 Invoice's (different suppliers) for say WPA # 1010 and I Credit one, on the WPA Report I will want to see Invoice 1 (NumCard = 1) = R100, Invoice 2 (NumCard = 2) = 100, Credit Note 1 (NumCard = 2) = -100, Total = 100.
    Any suggestions or ideas will be most helpful.
    Kurt Walters

    Hi Kurt,
    That is possible using "Shared Variable".
    Check this link: [Sub-report data in report|Sub-report data in report].
    1.Initialize a shared variable in Report.
    2.Pass the Credit memo value to the 'Shared variable' in Sub-report
    3.Now create a formula in Report like
          Sub-total = {Invoice total} - {SharedVariable}
    In order to know more about shared variable, post a separate question in [SAP Crystal Reports Design - Forum|SAP Crystal Reports;.
    Hope this helps.

  • 0vtype in purchasing reports

    Hi ,
    0vtype is used to differentiate a keyfigure with respect to its value type like actual value and planned value.
    But what is the use of 0vtype as a filter in Purchasing Reports where there are no planned values and why is it always 10 - does it mean that its always actual value?

    Hi JB,
    I think in case of Controlling module, we have to specify 0VTYPE in query level , as in r/3 we define budget, planning figures for a period/fiscal year.
    And for purchasing it should be actuals only.
    Hope that helps.
    ***Assigning points is the way to say thanks in SDN.***

  • Purchase report for Supplier

    Hi Experts
    I would like to creat a report that shows all items purchased from a specific supplier
    amount and price sum per item
    I try using the default purchase report in the system but it doesnt show the frozen/non active items.
    could you help me with this issue?
    thanks & regards.

    You need to use Union All function.......
    SELECT T0.DocEntry, T0.[DocNum] As 'PO No.', T0.[DocDate], T0.[DocDueDate],
    T5.DocEntry 'DownPayment No.', T0.[CardCode], T0.[CardName], T0.[NumAtCard],
    T1.[ItemCode], T1.[Dscription], T1.FreeTxt,T1.[Quantity], T1.Price as 'PO Price',
    T4.[PymntGroup] 'Payment terms', T3.DocNum As 'GRN No.', T2.Quantity  As 'Total Rcvd',
    T1.[OpenQty], T1.ShipDate FROM OPOR T0  INNER JOIN POR1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
    LEFT Join PDN1 t2 On T1.DocEntry=T2.BaseEntry and T1.LineNum=T2.BaseLine LEFT Join OPDN T3 On T2.DocEntry=T3.DocEntry Left Join OCTG T4 On T0.GroupNum = T4.GroupNum LEFT JOIN DPO1 T5 On T5.BaseEntry=T0.DocEntry LEFT JOIN ODPO T6 On T5.DocEntry=T6.DocEntry
    Where (T0.Docstatus='[%0]' or '[%0]'='') And (T1.LineStatus='[%1]' or '[%1]'='')
    And (T6.Canceled != 'Y' or T6.Canceled Is Null) And T0.CardName='[%2]'
    Group By T0.[DocNum], T0.[DocDate], T0.[DocDueDate], T0.[CardCode], T0.[CardName],
    T0.[NumAtCard], T1.[ItemCode], T1.[Dscription], T1.[Quantity], T1.[OpenQty], T3.DocNum,
    T2.Quantity, T1.Price, T4.[PymntGroup], T1.FreeTxt, T0.DocEntry, T1.ShipDate, T5.DocEntry
    Union All
    SELECT Null, T0.DocNum, Null, Null,
    Null 'DownPayment No.', Null, '', '',
    Null, Null, '', Sum(T1.[Quantity]) , Sum(T1.LineTotal)/Sum(T1.[Quantity]) as 'PO Price',
    Null, Null, Sum(T2.Quantity)  As 'Total Rcvd',
    Sum(T1.[OpenQty]), Null FROM OPOR T0  INNER JOIN POR1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
    LEFT Join PDN1 t2 On T1.DocEntry=T2.BaseEntry and T1.LineNum=T2.BaseLine LEFT Join OPDN T3 On T2.DocEntry=T3.DocEntry Left Join OCTG T4 On T0.GroupNum = T4.GroupNum LEFT JOIN DPO1 T5 On T5.BaseEntry=T0.DocEntry LEFT JOIN ODPO T6 On T5.DocEntry=T6.DocEntry
    Where (T0.Docstatus='[%0]' or '[%0]'='') And (T1.LineStatus='[%1]' or '[%1]'='')
    And (T6.Canceled != 'Y' or T6.Canceled Is Null) And T0.CardName='[%2]'
    Group By T0.[DocNum]
    Order By T0.DocNum

  • BI Purchase Report

    <Moderator Message: Please search the forums as well as the [help|]. This question has been asked already a lot of times>
    Hi Experts,
    Can anyone explain me the steps in creating a Purchase Report in BI 7.x.
    I m using the following datasources.
    1. 2LIS_02_HDR
    2. 2LIS_02_ITM
    I am stuck at consolidating the data from difference datasources into a single InfoProvider.
    Can anyone explain me the steps involved in BI 7.x for data extraction and consolidating it to a single Infoprovider (Cube/DSO).
    Edited by: Siegfried Szameitat on Jun 24, 2009 12:29 PM

    while there is always a new requirement, one needs to discuss  with the functional consultants and find out which tables are being used which may fulfill the scenario. We also need to identify the list of characteristic and Keyfigues the client wants to analyze.
    Also SAP Help is a good source to find more of a standard stream lined objects. Need to analyze if standard objects satisfy the requirement or customization is required.
    Please perform the steps as Rama has suggested...
    thank you

  • Report help does not work

    We have generated a headstart online helpfile belhelp.htm
    All works fine when using online help with forms: the help text uses help context id and bookmarks in het htm file.
    Altough help text for all reports is generated in belhelp.htm, following errors and restrictions occur:
    1. URL = http: is wrong. It should be http: How can I resolve this issue?
    2. report help does not use bookmarks. Although help context id's are generated in the module defined in design editor, the button 'report help' in the report launch form does not use the bookmark. When I add a bookmark manually it works, eg http:

    This is a known bug that was fixed in Headstart patch, available through the supplement option. There are also a small number of other bugs related to reports that are fixed in patch, also available through the supplement option.
    If you do not already have the supplement option, you can purchase it through your Oracle Consulting representative or through the Oracle store.

  • Guys i need to get m itunes account unlocked its stopping mefor making in app purchases please help need to make a purchase within 30 minutes

    guys i need to get my itunes account unlocked its stopping mefor making in app purchases please help need to make a purchase within 30 minutes

    If you've tried to buy something and your've been charged for it (and it's not a temporary store holding charge) but haven't received it then try the 'report a problem' page to contact iTunes Support :
    If the 'report a problem' link doesn't work then you can try contacting iTunes support via this page : click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

  • How can i use microsoft office on the mAC - what app do i purchase? help?!!

    how can i use microsoft office on the mAC - what app do i purchase? help?!!

    What aspect of Microsoft Office? Office is a suite of programs... Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.
    You've got several potential options. Libre Office and Open Office (both googleable) are 'open source,' free, downloadable programmes that will open most MS Office programmes and perform many of the functions of MS Office. Might be an idea to have a look round for reviews (etc) first, to see if they sound like they'll match your needs.
    If you're keen to use the App Store, there's Apple's own suite of programmes: Pages, Numbers and Keynote. They're a word processor, spreadsheet programme, and presentation-type programme with similar functions to Word, Excel and Powerpoint respectively. They're pretty good for most functions, and are better integrated with Macs than MS programmes. They're excellent programmes for what they do, and relatively cheap (about £14 each?).
    But if you're heavily reliant on MS, want ALL the bells and whistles of MS, or need to regularly transfer files between MS programmes on other computers and your laptop / desktop computer, then they might not be the best of ideas. Keynote - IME - can have some difficulties in transferring formatting to Powerpoint.
    Finally, there's MS Office Mac 2011. You can't download MS Office from the App Store, but can order the CDs from most online stores (including Apple's own store). It might be worth price hunting - if you're a student, you can usually find the programmes relatively cheap (£38 at the moment on Software4Students, though you'll need to belong to an academic institution / have a UK .ac email address). Apple's own prices on MS software are unlikely to be the best prices out there (though the product will be identical).
    MS Office includes Word, Excel and Powerpoint in the basic version. The slightly more expensive version (which, I think, is the £38 one on S4S) includes Outlook. Which - IME - is far more of a nuisance than Apple's native Mail programme.
    (I should probably add - I'm an academic. I own both Apple's own programmes, and MS Office 2011. I tend to use the MS programmes more, if only because they're the ones that other people tend to use, and transferring between Apple and MS programmes is a minor inconvenience. Pages also lacks Garamond, my favourite work font. The Apple progs are, however, far more beautifully integrated, and would be MORE than good enough for most users...)

  • HT1848 I am trying to transfer my purchases from my iPhone 5 to my new Mac computer.  I get the message stating that it can only be synced with one computer at a time.  I have tried the 2 other ways and I get no options to transfer my purchases.  Help?

    I am trying to transfer my purchases from my iPhone 5 to my new Mac computer.  I get the message stating that it can only be synced with one computer at a time.  I have tried the 2 other ways and I get no options to transfer my purchases.  Help?

    If you see Devices in the big list on the left-hand side of iTunes, it should show the name of your iPhone right below it. You can right-click (or hold ctrl and left click) on the name of the iPhone there, and choose "transfer purchases from iPhone".
    If you're on iTunes 11, you won't see the big list of the left until you go to the View menu at the very top (where you see iTunes/File/Edit/View/etc) and choose Show Sidebar. Then do the same thing: right-click or ctrl and left-click on the iPhone's name below Devices and "transfer purchases from iPhone".
    It'll ask you to authorize the computer for your Apple ID if you haven't yet; to do that, you just type your Apple ID and password in when it asks. If it says you are not authorized but doesn't automatically give you an option to do so, then you can go to the Store menu at the very top and choose "authorize this computer".

  • Reg:Vendor Sales & purchase report

    Dear All,
    We need one customzied report which is having the details about Vendor Sales & purchase transactions , if we are giving the input vendor or customer , fiscal year, comapany code, & fiscal period as the input means we need the details about the vendor sales and purchase report.
    Sanakar M

    You can purchase the custom report from vendors called consultants or employees with developer keys.
    If you input the type as ABAPER, then you have the options and (hopefully) a good quality report.
    I am sure this will work....

  • Division wise Purchase Report

    In Import Purchase process how to get the report for division wise purchase,
    some material from USA some from France, and some other countries
    we need to get country wise purchase reports. how it will be possible in sap

    Use report MC$4,here enter purchase organization,_vendor country_,vendor,plant & finally period.

  • Summary Report help

    Although my summary report indicates the total responses received for comments, it does not show the actual comments. I used a forms central template, perfect for what I need, however I really need the comments to be visable in the report. help please.

    Can you please send me screenshot with the problem ([email protected]) so i can understand the problem better.
    Currently the Summary Report tab only show fields added in the Design tab, so if you've added comments field directly in the Response tab you would not be able to display in the Report tab.
    But you should be to see all comments in the View Response tab.

  • Purchasing Report: Plant, Purchasing group, material type, PO, GR No.

    All SAP Gurus,
    Is there any Purchasing report available which gives the information regarding:
    Plant, Purchasing group, material type, PO, GR No., vendor, amount (all in single report only).

    Refer following reports;
    ME2N - List of PO Documents (In selection Screen use Scope of List - ALLES)
    ME80FN - General Analysis (Here in Output, select option "PO History" by clicking on the button at extreme right)

Maybe you are looking for

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