Big FMB files

We have a strange case with big FMB file (approximately 3 MB).
When i open the file in Forms Builder and store it in other directory the file change it size approximately to 2.5 MB.
After compilation and resaving the file it returns to original size - 3 MB.
Our programmer told me that sometimes he lose some triggers from the FMB while storing the file to other directory.
What can be a problem?
P.S. We are talking about v. 6i of Forms Builder.

The varying size of your form is nothing to be concerned of. see:
FMB size shrinks dramatically
Our programmer told me that sometimes he lose some triggers from the FMB while storing the file to other directory.Are those referenced triggers? Did you/he investigate a little? It's a little bit hard to diagnose a problem when the only information you have is that it exists (you know what? My database sometimes throws a no_data_found. Do you know why?) makes the solution to the problem more like a quiz show then a investigation...

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    Thank You for your Helps
    Kind Regards
    Caner Sahan

    Hi Caner...
    I believe that is possible.
    There is any column, from text file, that can be used as PK?
    What is the type of this text, delimited? positional?
    Do you want this only for development or will keep it for production?
    Cezar Santos

  • Slow extraction in big XML-Files with PL/SQL

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    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
          <ns2:GetDocumentByIDResponse xmlns:ns2="***">
                <ArchivedDocumentDescription version="1" currentVersion="true" documentClassName="Allgemeines Dokument" csbDocumentID="***">
                   <Metadata archiveDate="2013-08-01+02:00" documentID="123">
                      <Descriptor type="Integer" name="fachlicheId">
                      <Descriptor type="String" name="user">
                      <InternalDescriptor type="Date" ID="DocumentDate">
                      <!-- Here some more InternalDescriptor Nodes -->
                   <RepresentationDescription default="true" description="Description" documentPartCount="1" mimeType="application/octet-stream">
                      <DocumentPartDescription fileName="20mb.test" mimeType="application/octet-stream" length="20971520 " documentPartNumber="0" hashValue=""/>
                <DocumentPart mimeType="application/octet-stream" length="20971520 " documentPartNumber="0" representationNumber="0">
                   <Data fileName="20mb.test">
                        <!-- Here is the BASE64 converted document -->
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    v_filename := apex_web_service.parse_xml(v_xml, '//ArchivedDocument/ArchivedDocumentDescription/RepresentationDescription/DocumentPartDescription/@fileName');
    For the extraction of the binary data i use the following command:
    v_clob := apex_web_service.parse_xml_clob(v_xml, '//ArchivedDocument/DocumentPart/Data/BinaryData/text()');
    My problem is the performance of this extraction. Here i created some summary of the start and end time for the commands:
    Start Time
    End Time
    10.09.13 - 15:46:11,402668000
    10.09.13 - 15:47:21,407895000
    v_filename_bcm := apex_web_service.parse_xml(v_xml, '//ArchivedDocument/ArchivedDocumentDescription/RepresentationDescription/DocumentPartDescription/@fileName');
    10.09.13 - 15:47:21,407895000
    10.09.13 - 15:47:22,336786000
    v_clob := apex_web_service.parse_xml_clob(v_xml, '//ArchivedDocument/DocumentPart/Data/BinaryData/text()');
    As you can see the extraction of the filename is slower then the document extraction. For the Extraction of the filename i need ~01
    I wonder about it and started some tests.
    I tried to use an exact - non dynamic - filename. So i have this commands:
    v_filename := '20mb_1.test';
    v_clob := apex_web_service.parse_xml_clob(v_xml, '//ArchivedDocument/DocumentPart/Data/BinaryData/text()');
    Under this Conditions the time for the document extraction soar. You can see this in the following table:
    Start Time
    End Time
    10.09.13 - 16:02:33,212035000
    10.09.13 - 16:02:33,212542000
    v_filename_bcm := '20mb_1.test';
    10.09.13 - 16:02:33,212542000
    10.09.13 - 16:03:40,342396000
    v_clob := apex_web_service.parse_xml_clob(v_xml, '//ArchivedDocument/DocumentPart/Data/BinaryData/text()');
    So i'm looking for a faster extraction out of the xml file. Do you have any ideas? If you need more informations, please ask me.
    Thank you,
    PS: I use the Oracle

    Although using an XML schema is a good advice for an XML-centric application, I think it's a little overkill in this situation.
    Here are two approaches you can test :
    Using the DOM interface over your XMLType variable, for example :
      v_xml    xmltype := xmltype('<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> 
              <ns2:GetDocumentByIDResponse xmlns:ns2="***"> 
                    <ArchivedDocumentDescription version="1" currentVersion="true" documentClassName="Allgemeines Dokument" csbDocumentID="***"> 
                       <Metadata archiveDate="2013-08-01+02:00" documentID="123"> 
                          <Descriptor type="Integer" name="fachlicheId"> 
                          <Descriptor type="String" name="user"> 
                          <InternalDescriptor type="Date" ID="DocumentDate"> 
                          <!-- Here some more InternalDescriptor Nodes --> 
                       <RepresentationDescription default="true" description="Description" documentPartCount="1" mimeType="application/octet-stream"> 
                          <DocumentPartDescription fileName="20mb.test" mimeType="application/octet-stream" length="20971520 " documentPartNumber="0" hashValue=""/> 
                    <DocumentPart mimeType="application/octet-stream" length="20971520 " documentPartNumber="0" representationNumber="0"> 
                       <Data fileName="20mb.test"> 
      domDoc    dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
      docNode   dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
      node      dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
      nsmap     varchar2(2000) := 'xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ns2="***"';
      xpath_pfx varchar2(2000) := '/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/ns2:GetDocumentByIDResponse/';
      istream   sys.utl_characterinputstream;
      buf       varchar2(32767);
      numRead   pls_integer := 1;
      filename       varchar2(30);
      base64clob     clob;
      domDoc := dbms_xmldom.newDOMDocument(v_xml);
      docNode := dbms_xmldom.makeNode(domdoc);
      filename := dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(
                  , xpath_pfx || 'ArchivedDocument/ArchivedDocumentDescription/RepresentationDescription/DocumentPartDescription/@fileName'
                  , nsmap
      node := dbms_xslprocessor.selectSingleNode(
              , xpath_pfx || 'ArchivedDocument/DocumentPart/Data/BinaryData/text()'
              , nsmap
      --create an input stream to read the node content :
      istream := dbms_xmldom.getNodeValueAsCharacterStream(node);
      dbms_lob.createtemporary(base64clob, false);
      -- read the content in 32k chunk and append data to the CLOB :
      loop, numRead);
        exit when numRead = 0;
        dbms_lob.writeappend(base64clob, numRead, buf);
      end loop;
      -- free resources :
    Using a temporary XMLType storage (binary XML) :
    create table tmp_xml of xmltype
    xmltype store as securefile binary xml;
    insert into tmp_xml values( v_xml );
    select x.*
    from tmp_xml t
       , xmltable(
             '' as "soap"
           , '***' as "ns2"
         , '/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/ns2:GetDocumentByIDResponse/ArchivedDocument/DocumentPart/Data'
           passing t.object_value
           columns filename    varchar2(30) path '@fileName'
                 , base64clob  clob         path 'BinaryData'
         ) x

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    Here's our requirement. We have a web business application developed on JSF 1.2, JE66, WebLogic for application server, and Oracle for the data back end tier. We need to upload big data files (80 to 100 Mb) from a web page, and persist the content in database tables.
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    In addition, LoadFromFile is overloaded to handle both BLOB and CLOB:
    Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
    DEST_LOB                       BLOB                    IN/OUT
    SRC_LOB                        BINARY FILE LOB         IN
    AMOUNT                         NUMBER(38)              IN
    DEST_OFFSET                    NUMBER(38)              IN     DEFAULT
    SRC_OFFSET                     NUMBER(38)              IN     DEFAULT
    Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
    DEST_LOB                       CLOB                    IN/OUT
    SRC_LOB                        BINARY FILE LOB         IN
    AMOUNT                         NUMBER(38)              IN
    DEST_OFFSET                    NUMBER(38)              IN     DEFAULT
    SRC_OFFSET                     NUMBER(38)              IN     DEFAULT

  • Form Builder crashes while saving .fmb file when connected to db

    I am getting error The instruction at "0x679c352c" referenced memory at "0x0000001c". The memory could not be "read".
    Forms version is and database version is
    I am doing the following steps:
    1) Open .fmb file in forms builder
    2) Connecting to database
    3) Making some changes in form
    4) Compiling (Ctrl+Shift+K) and generating form (Ctrl+t)
    5) Saving form <--- Here I am getting the error and form crashes
    If I do not connect to database then builder is allowing me to save the file
    1) Open .fmb file in forms builder
    2) Making some changes in form
    3) Saving form (Successful)
    I did some exercise just as a guess that may some part of the form is causing this error. I full expanded all components of the form i.e. blocks, canvases, triggers etc.
    This exercise produced that 3 program units were giving same error while full expending those. I deleted those 3 program units and re-created them. Now it is not showing me this memory error while full expanding all program units. I can now fully expand my full form.
    But I am still getting this error while saving the changes when I am connected to database.
    Please help.
    Edited by: rawat75 on Sep 2, 2011 7:13 PM

    Hi Experts,
    We are getting the same issue. Our form builder crashes once we open our custom form
    in form builder.
    Server shows:-
    Forms 6.0 (Forms Runtime) Version (Production)
    Form Builder shows:-
    Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    How to upgrade the form builder version?

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    Hi, i have forms 10g on windows vista business edition. but when i try to open a FMB file with some sintax or any error forms crashes. If FMB file doesn´t have any sintax error open ok.

    Have a look here:
    Error compiling a form under Vista

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    If I want to avoid all this conversion process, whats the best way to get a text from a file into a CLOB variable?
    Please suggest.

    In addition, LoadFromFile is overloaded to handle both BLOB and CLOB:
    Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
    DEST_LOB                       BLOB                    IN/OUT
    SRC_LOB                        BINARY FILE LOB         IN
    AMOUNT                         NUMBER(38)              IN
    DEST_OFFSET                    NUMBER(38)              IN     DEFAULT
    SRC_OFFSET                     NUMBER(38)              IN     DEFAULT
    Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
    DEST_LOB                       CLOB                    IN/OUT
    SRC_LOB                        BINARY FILE LOB         IN
    AMOUNT                         NUMBER(38)              IN
    DEST_OFFSET                    NUMBER(38)              IN     DEFAULT
    SRC_OFFSET                     NUMBER(38)              IN     DEFAULT

  • How can I transfer a big .pdf file e.g. 9 MB from my Macintosh Performa 5200 and its OS 8.1 to an USB-flash drive?

    How can I transfer a big .pdf file e.g. 9 MB from my Macintosh Performa 5200 and its OS 8.1 to an USB flash drive? E.g. is there any adapter available in order to connect the SCSI with USB? Or is it better to use a compression software and transfer it to 10 3,5" floppy discs?
    Thank you

    Hello Emanuel,
    The Performa 5200CD did not have built-in Ethernet as standard, so unless an Ethernet card (or an external SCSI or LocalTalk-to-Ethernet adapter) has been added, that method would not be available in this case.
    Your suggestion involving compression software (such as an appropriate version of StuffIt) with segmenting capabilities could of course be one alternative.
    If you have an internal or external modem for the Performa, another way could be to use the telephone lines for transfers. A communications program would have to be used on both sides (for example, ZTerm or the communications section of ClarisWorks on the Performa).
    It is even possible to connect two serial modems directly. A simple line simulator (in principle, a 9 V battery in series with a 680 ohm resistor in one of the leads in an RJ-11 to RJ-11 cable), which can be built in a couple of minutes, is sometimes needed. Do NOT use a line simulator for units connected to the public telephone network.
    Yet another solution could be a null-modem transfer to a PC with a (DB-9M) serial port. This would require a null-modem cable (can be designed by combining a Macintosh modem cable (MiniDIN-8M to DB-25M) with a normal PC-style (DB-25F to DB-9F) null-modem cable . HyperTerminal or another communications program can be used on the PC.
    What do you have to work with (other computers/models/platforms)? Is this a one-time transfer, or do you plan to send additional files later? Is the intention to continue to use the Performa 5200?

  • Advice needed: The way to solve out of memory problem (or the way to work with big csv files)

    I'm in trouble: I have a big csv file (over 5gb of web-analytics data) and my 64 bit excel (and 6gb ram)
    I cant load file to data model because of it's size. There is an error "out of memory" in power query. 
    This is the first time when I encountered such a problem.
    What options do I have to work with such a file? To increase memory in my computer? Would it solve the problem? How much do I need to work with 6gb csv? 
    Or may be I can upload my data somewhere to azure and work with it there? 
    So the problem - is there any way to deal with big files using power query? Or I need to become a developer and learn sql or other languages? 
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Miguel!
    Thanks for your answer. 
    I've tried to load this file on virtual pc from azure cloud with this config:
    I have increased memory limit in power query settings:
    And still, the proble is the same:
    What I do wrong? 

  • Cann't open a *.fmb file (with the same version of Form Builder)

    Hello everybody,
    My Form Builder 6.0 cann't open a *.fmb file, created with the same version, even with the same Form Builder tool.
    I worked for long time ago at this module, I saved it many times, I compiled it and it worked very well. But last time it didn't want to work(open). I couldn't open it (FRM-10043: Cannot open file). But the corresponding *.fmx file is working.
    Here is some additional information:
    When I try to rename or replace this file an Windows "There has been a sharing violation. The source or destination file may be in use" error appear. But that file is not in use and it is not shared. Is this helpfull?
    Is there something which can be done?
    Thanks in advance,

    Sure. I did that many times. I checked the volume for the errors. I interrupted any share connection. I tried to change the extension of the file and to change it again to *.fmb(I did this on a copy of that file).

  • Big XML Files

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  • Problem opeing FMB file when not connected to db

    I am using Forms 6.0i and I have a problem
    when opening an existing fmb file.
    If I man not connected to the database before
    I try tp open the fmb file Forms just "hangs"
    If I connect to the database first it opens just fine.
    Anyone have any idea what might be the problem ?
    Thanks in advance.
    Klas Malmstrom

    Can you tell me the full version number of Forms you are usingForms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    and also, do you get the same problem when you opena very simple (one button) Form.Forms 6.0
    No, a simple form opens just fine.

  • How to use template.fmb file within form builder

    I have created forms without using template.fmb file
    and deploy them on EBS then they working fine
    But when I try to use template.fmb file then it gives an error
    following are the steps :
    1:open template.fmb file with form builder
    2:rename that file with XXXX.fmb
    compile that file and deploy XXXX.fmb file in AU_TOP
    after that
    in putty i m trying to create XXXX.fmx file in same TOP but it gives an error
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler) Version (Production)
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler): Release - Production
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle Procedure Builder V10. - Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Common Area Version
    Oracle CORE Production
    Compiling package specification APP_CUSTOM...
    No compilation errors.
    Compiling package specification APP_CUSTOM...
    No compilation errors.
    Compiling package body APP_CUSTOM...
    Compilation error on package body APP_CUSTOM:
    PL/SQL ERROR 302 at line 22, column 19
    component 'DISABLED' must be declared
    PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 22, column 5
    Statement ignored
    PL/SQL ERROR 201 at line 40, column 5
    identifier 'APP_WINDOW.CLOSE_FIRST_WINDOW' must be declared
    PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 40, column 5
    Statement ignored
    Compilation errors have occurred.
    Form not createdfollowing is command
    $ frmcmp_batch module=$AU_TOP/forms/US/XXXX.fmb userid=APPS/apps output_file=$AU_TOP/forms/US/XXXX.fmx module_type=form batch=NO compile_all=special

    for you question - EBS General Discussion General EBS Discussion
    Compiling Forms In R12
    and search on forum

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