Big gravity issue, need much help please.

Hey there, so my game is a platformer. I have gravity working fine, but the only issue is, is that when I just and land on the ground my character goes through the ground a little and if the platform is thin enough, or Im falling fast enough, I go right through the platform, with obviousness, this is a huge problem, but I cannot solve the problem, even when I set the gravity to 0 once the floor is hit.
Who ever wants to help I am going to place the 3 as files that associate with the ground and the gravity, along with the hit testings below.
          import flash.display.*;
          import flash.text.*;
          import flash.ui.*;
          import flash.utils.*;
          import flash.geom.*;
          import flash.display.Bitmap;
          import flash.display.Sprite;
          import flash.utils.Timer;
          public class Main extends Sprite
                    var Hero = new Character();
                    var platforms = new Platforms();
                    var BackGround = new Background();
                    var Keys1 = new Keys();
                    var nDir:int;
                    var nDirUpDown:int;
                    var tmrHitTest:Timer = new Timer(35);
                    var tmrCurrentStage:Timer = new Timer(35);
                    var kYmove:int=150;
                    var kXmove:int=400;
                    var i:int=0;
                    public function Main()
                              //Checks if the left key has been released;
                              //Checks if the right key has been released;
                              // constructor code
                    public function Clicking(e:MouseEvent):void
                              platforms.bClicked = true;
                    public function mover(event:KeyboardEvent)
                              nDir = event.keyCode;
                              if (nDir==37||nDir==37&&nDirUpDown==32)
                              {// left
                                        Hero.bLeftKeyDown = true;
                              else if (nDir==39||nDir==39&&nDirUpDown==32)
                              {// right
                                        Hero.bRightKeyDown = true;
                    function timerCurrentStage(eventArgs:TimerEvent)
                              if (platforms.LevelOne.CurrentStage == platforms.LevelOne.iStage)
                                        if(platforms.LevelOne.bRemoveStage == true)
                                                  while(platforms.LevelOne.arFloor.length > 0){
                                                            platforms.LevelOne.removeChild(platforms.LevelOne.arFloor.p op());
                                                  //platforms.LevelOne.arFloor.length = 0;
                                                  platforms.LevelOne.bRemoveStage = false;
                              if(platforms.LevelOne.CurrentStage == 1){
                              }else if(platforms.LevelOne.CurrentStage == 2){
                              }else if(platforms.LevelOne.CurrentStage == 3){
                              }else if(platforms.LevelOne.CurrentStage == 4){
                              }else if(platforms.LevelOne.CurrentStage == 5){
                              }else if(platforms.LevelOne.CurrentStage == 6){
                              }else if(platforms.LevelOne.CurrentStage == 7){
                              }else if(platforms.LevelOne.CurrentStage == 8){
                              }else if(platforms.LevelOne.CurrentStage == 9){
                    function timerHitTest(eventArgs:TimerEvent)
                              if (platforms.LevelOne.TouchingGround(Hero.HeroGroundTouch))
                                        Hero.bTouchingGround = true;
                                        Hero.vy = 0;
                              else if (platforms.LevelOne.TouchingRoof(Hero.HeroRoofTouch))
                                        Hero.vy = 0;
                                        Hero.StandRight.y +=  4;
                                        Hero.bTouchingGround = false;
                               if (platforms.LevelOne.TouchingLeft(Hero.HeroLeftTouch))
                                        //Hero.bTouchingLeft = true;
                                        //Hero.vx = 0;
                                        // = 0;
                              else if (platforms.LevelOne.TouchingRight(Hero.HeroRightTouch))
                                        //Hero.bTouchingRight = true;
                                        //Hero.vx = 0;
                                        // = 0;
                                        Hero.bTouchingLeft = false;
                                        Hero.bTouchingRight = false;
                    function keyUpHandlerLeft(event:KeyboardEvent)
                              if (event.keyCode == 37)
                                        Hero.bLeftKeyDown = false;
                    function keyUpHandlerRight(event:KeyboardEvent)
                              if (event.keyCode == 39)
                                        Hero.bRightKeyDown = false;
                    private function moverUpDown(event:KeyboardEvent)
                              nDirUpDown = event.keyCode;
                              if (nDirUpDown==32)
                              {// Jump
                                        Hero.GroundSnapped = false;
                                        if (Hero.bDownKeyDown == false)
                                                  if (Hero.bTouchingGround == true)
                                                            // trace("Jump");
                                                            Hero.vy = -20;
                                                            Hero.bTouchingGround = false;
                    function keyUpHandlerDown(event:KeyboardEvent)
                              if (event.keyCode == 40)
                                        Hero.bDownKeyDown = false;
          import flash.display.*;
          import flash.text.*;
          import flash.ui.*;
          import flash.utils.*;
          import flash.geom.*;
          import flash.display.Bitmap;
          import flash.display.Sprite;
          import flash.utils.Timer;
          public class Character extends Sprite
                    var tmrMove:Timer = new Timer(35);
                    var tmrCoordinateMaintain:Timer = new Timer(35);
                    var bLeftKeyDown:Boolean = false;
                    var bRightKeyDown:Boolean = false;
                    var bTouchingGround:Boolean = false;
                    var bTouchingLeft:Boolean = false;
                    var bTouchingRight:Boolean = false;
                    var bDownKeyDown:Boolean;
                    var StandLeft = new standLeft  ;
                    var StandRight = new standRight  ;
                    var jumpRight = new JumpRight  ;
                    var jumpLeft = new JumpLeft  ;
                    var RunRight = new runRight  ;
                    var RunLeft = new runLeft  ;
                    var HeroGroundTouch = new heroGroundTouch  ;
                    var HeroRoofTouch = new HeroTouchRoof  ;
                    var HeroRightTouch = new HeroTouchRight  ;
                    var HeroLeftTouch = new HeroTouchLeft  ;
                    var GroundSnap:int = 0;
                    var GroundSnapped:Boolean = false;
                    var i:int = 0;
                    var ax:int = 0;
                    var vx:int = 0;
                    var vy:int = 0;
                    var Stance:int = 2;
                    var maxVelocity:int = 18;
                    var minVelocity:int = -18;
                    var maxGravity:int = 20;
                    var minGravity:int = -20;
                    var aGravity:int = 1;
                    var HeroSize:Number = 1;
                    public function Character()
                              StandRight.x = -320;
                              StandRight.y = 400;
                              StandRight.scaleX = HeroSize;
                              StandRight.scaleY = HeroSize;
                              StandLeft.scaleX = HeroSize;
                              StandLeft.scaleY = HeroSize;
                              RunRight.scaleX = HeroSize;
                              RunRight.scaleY = HeroSize;
                              RunLeft.scaleX = HeroSize;
                              RunLeft.scaleY = HeroSize;
                              jumpLeft.scaleX = HeroSize;
                              jumpLeft.scaleY = HeroSize;
                              jumpRight.scaleX = HeroSize;
                              jumpRight.scaleY = HeroSize;
                              StandLeft.visible = false;
                              RunLeft.visible = false;
                              RunRight.visible = false;
                              jumpLeft.visible = false;
                              jumpRight.visible = false;
                              HeroGroundTouch.visible = false;
                              HeroRoofTouch.visible = false;
                              HeroLeftTouch.visible = false;
                              HeroRightTouch.visible = false;
                              // constructor code
                    function timerMove(eventArgs:TimerEvent)
                              if (((bLeftKeyDown == true) && bRightKeyDown == true))
                                        //if both are pressed then do nothing
                              else if ((bLeftKeyDown == true))
                                        if ((bTouchingGround != false))
                                                  Stance = 1;
                                                  jumpRight.visible = false;
                                                  jumpLeft.visible = false;
                                                  StandRight.visible = false;
                                                  RunRight.visible = false;
                                                  StandLeft.visible = false;
                                                  RunLeft.visible = true;
                                                  ax = -1;
                                                  Stance = 1;
                                                  jumpRight.visible = false;
                                                  jumpLeft.visible = true;
                                                  StandRight.visible = false;
                                                  RunRight.visible = false;
                                                  StandLeft.visible = false;
                                                  RunLeft.visible = false;
                                                  ax = -1;
                              else if ((bRightKeyDown == true))
                                        if ((bTouchingGround != false))
                                                  Stance = 2;
                                                  jumpRight.visible = false;
                                                  jumpLeft.visible = false;
                                                  StandRight.visible = false;
                                                  RunRight.visible = true;
                                                  StandLeft.visible = false;
                                                  RunLeft.visible = false;
                                                  ax = 1;
                                                  Stance = 1;
                                                  jumpRight.visible = true;
                                                  jumpLeft.visible = false;
                                                  StandRight.visible = false;
                                                  RunRight.visible = false;
                                                  StandLeft.visible = false;
                                                  RunLeft.visible = false;
                                                  ax = 1;
                                        ax = 0;
                                        if ((vx > 0))
                                        {//slows down veloctiies when no keys are pressed
                                                  vx -=  1 / 3;
                                        else if ((vx < 0))
                                        {//returns velocities to zero when keys are released
                                                  vx +=  1 / 3;
                                                  vx = 0;
                                                  if ((Stance == 1))
                                                  {//Left Stance
                                                            if ((bTouchingGround != false))
                                                                      StandRight.visible = false;
                                                                      RunRight.visible = false;
                                                                      StandLeft.visible = true;
                                                                      RunLeft.visible = false;
                                                                      jumpLeft.visible = false;
                                                                      jumpRight.visible = false;
                                                                      StandRight.visible = false;
                                                                      RunRight.visible = false;
                                                                      StandLeft.visible = false;
                                                                      RunLeft.visible = false;
                                                                      jumpLeft.visible = true;
                                                                      jumpRight.visible = false;
                                                  else if ((Stance == 2))
                                                  {//Right Stance
                                                            if ((bTouchingGround != false))
                                                                      StandRight.visible = true;
                                                                      RunRight.visible = false;
                                                                      StandLeft.visible = false;
                                                                      RunLeft.visible = false;
                                                                      jumpLeft.visible = false;
                                                                      jumpRight.visible = false;
                                                                      StandRight.visible = false;
                                                                      RunRight.visible = false;
                                                                      StandLeft.visible = false;
                                                                      RunLeft.visible = false;
                                                                      jumpLeft.visible = false;
                                                                      jumpRight.visible = true;
                              }//if velocity is a
                              if ((vx > maxVelocity))
                                        vx = maxVelocity;//stop too high velocities
                              if ((vx < minVelocity))
                                        vx = minVelocity;
                              if ((vy < minGravity))
                                        vy = minGravity;
                              if ((vy > maxGravity))
                                        vy = maxGravity;
                              vx +=  ax;
                              vy +=  aGravity;
                              if ((((vx < 0) && bTouchingLeft == false) || vx > 0 && bTouchingRight == false))
                                        StandRight.x +=  vx / 2.2;
                              if (((bTouchingGround == false) && vy != 0))
                                        StandRight.y +=  vy;
                                        vy = 0;
                              //trace(vy+" is the Gravity");
                    function timerCoordinateMaintain(eventArgs:TimerEvent)
                              //trace(  "HERO.X = "+StandRight.x + "HERO.Y =" + StandRight.y);
                              //trace( vy + " Velocity");
                              StandLeft.x = StandRight.x;
                              StandLeft.y = StandRight.y;
                              RunRight.x = StandRight.x;
                              RunRight.y = StandRight.y;
                              RunLeft.x = StandRight.x;
                              RunLeft.y = StandRight.y;
                              HeroGroundTouch.x = StandRight.x;
                              HeroGroundTouch.y = StandRight.y;
                              HeroRoofTouch.x = StandRight.x;
                              HeroRoofTouch.y = StandRight.y;
                              HeroRightTouch.x = StandRight.x;
                              HeroRightTouch.y = StandRight.y;
                              HeroLeftTouch.x = StandRight.x;
                              HeroLeftTouch.y = StandRight.y;
                              jumpLeft.x = StandRight.x;
                              jumpLeft.y = StandRight.y;
                              jumpRight.x = StandRight.x;
                              jumpRight.y = StandRight.y;
          import flash.display.*;
          import flash.text.*;
          import flash.ui.*;
          import flash.utils.*;
          import flash.geom.*;
          import flash.display.Bitmap;
          import flash.display.Sprite;
          import flash.utils.Timer;
          public class Level1 extends Sprite
                    var i:int = 0;
                    var ExFloor=new exFloor();
                    var tFloor:exFloor = new exFloor  ;
                    var arFloor = new Array();
                    var GroundSnapped:Boolean = false;
                    var bRemoveStage:Boolean = false;
                    var CurrentStage:int = 1;
                    var iStage:int = 1;
                    public function Level1()
                    public function PlaceFloor(nx:int,ny:int,nWidth:int,nHeight:int):void
                              tFloor = new exFloor  ;
                              tFloor.x = nx;
                              tFloor.y = ny;
                              tFloor.width = nWidth;
                              tFloor.height = nHeight;
                    public function TouchingGround(HeroGroundTouch:Sprite):Boolean
                              for (i=0; i<arFloor.length; i++)
                                        if (HeroGroundTouch.hitTestObject(arFloor[i]))
                                                  GroundSnapped = true;
                                                  return true;
                                        if (HeroGroundTouch.hitTestObject(arFloor[1]))
                                                  bRemoveStage = true;
                                                  //return false;
                              return false;
                    public function TouchingRoof(HeroRoofTouch:Sprite):Boolean
                              for (i=0; i<arFloor.length; i++)
                                        if (HeroRoofTouch.hitTestObject(arFloor[i]))
                                                  return true;
                              return false;
                    public function TouchingLeft(HeroLeftTouch:Sprite):Boolean
                              for (i=0; i<arFloor.length; i++)
                                        if (HeroLeftTouch.hitTestObject(arFloor[i]))
                                                  return true;
                              return false;
                    public function TouchingRight(HeroRightTouch:Sprite):Boolean
                              for (i=0; i<arFloor.length; i++)
                                        if (HeroRightTouch.hitTestObject(arFloor[i]))
                                                  return true;
                              return false;
                    function GenerateLevel1():void
                              PlaceFloor(-405,521,1360,18);// Ground
                              PlaceFloor(943,353,12,166);//  Door
                    function GenerateLevel2():void

make your ground larger so it's easier to detect contact between your character and the ground.  ie, increase its height. 
because you probably don't want to change the ground that the user sees, add an alpha=0 shape to your ground.  it will look the same but contact will be detected with the current shapes that make up your ground and the alpha=0 shape.
then fix the glitch where it appears the character is falling below the top of the ground.  do that by moving the character as soon as contact is detected.

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    Thank you!!

    rwmac22 wrote:
    Hopt and OneOrangeTree, Thank you both very much for replying!!
    It took me a long time to get back to the dissucison group because I tried both of your suggestions which therfore had to do about 4 restores. They take quite a while (about 50 minutes each actually). Your help got me half way there and is very apprecaited! I did manage (with your excellent help) to get most of my backup put onto the replaced iphone. the photos, music, and videos didn't get put over. I think I can move those back over by making sure they are selected in the seperate tabbed screens for the iphone. However, I can't get to those screens because every time I connect the iphone now, it brings up the "set up your phone screen". The one with the "an iphone has been previously synced with this compter" setup as new phone or restore from ....
    Well I did the resotre from 3 times and that page still comes up when I plug in the iphone. Yes, I did close itunes, reboot the PC, and powered off the iphone and then brouhgt it back up before connecting (all several times), but itunes still takes me to the same "setup iphone screen".
    Can you help me to get it to the standard iphone screen and there I will make sure the selected items are checked and do a sync.
    Please know I do appreicate your kind assistance so far and hope someone can get me the rest of the way!
    The "Backup" do not store your Applications, Music, Video's. It saves your settings, your application preferences, etc.

  • I am the biggest "Newb" on this site,  and I really need some help please..

    Ok, the short of it.... I started training on Database programming about 2 weeks ago. I still don't really know a thing, or even understand the concepts. Now, my boss wants me to fix a bug in Oracle, and I haven't a clue. The ONLY help I've gotten was a link to this forum, and a speech about how I need to help myself. I told him I have the same chance of fixing anything, as monkeys typing hamlet. Anyone up for a challenge?
    When I go to Application System, then Application Entry and enter the password a dialog box appears.... "FRM-40039: Cannot attatch library Empower while opening from APPUSRAPP."
    That's what I have to fix. I have no clue. I don't even really know how to click around in this program. Please help, someone.
    UPDATE: I've been told that everyone's pretty much going to be a jerk to me for asking this, and I'm currently searching old threads and can't find a way to delete this one I posted. So, you could just ignore the post, or jump in and be the internet tough-guy and tell me what I already know.... I'm a newb.
    Edited by: user11033020 on Apr 14, 2009 11:41 AM

    As this appears to be a Forms error (the error begins with FRM) you might get a better response by posting this in the Forms forum:
    The Community Feedback forum isn't meant for product-related questions (as it says in the title).
    Still, you should consider searching Metalink as well. If you've paid for support, you have every right to use it.

  • About Ready To Throw Printer In The Trash!! Cartridge Issues!! Help Please:)

    I have an all in one 3135 Photosmart. I can scan fine, the issues are related to printing. I have the blinking top 2 lights only, the check paper and check cartridge. I went thru all the online troubleshooting steps. I do get an error on my computer that says carriage jam but the carriage moves freely and there is no paper inside. 
    Also... I feel like a real idiot now... why do I have FOUR print cartridges? There are two on the carriage itself and two on the right side of the printer. I used to be a systems manager but I've had a stroke and now things like this are causing my mind to just blank. 
    I tried to follow the steps to remove the two print cartridges on the carriage but I can only unseat them, not remove them at all. 
    Somebody help please... I am probably doing something incredibly stupid. Thanks!!! 

    The cartridges are only accessible for replacement on the right side of the printer.  It is possible an extra set of cartridges have been installed in the right side slot while there were still cartridges in the carriage.  Your printer only holds two cartridges, if there are four installed I would suggest you remove the two in the right side, then turn on the printer, open the carriage access door and allow the carriage to move to the right to change the cartridges in the printer.  At this point both sets of cartridges may be damaged, as they may have sat from some time outside the protective caps.  You may need to run a few cleaning cycles after the cartridges are reseated properly.
    The video here may help resolve the issue.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

  • My stupid iphone turned off sundenly and now is saying i have to connect to itunes and it wont connect to itunes i need ur HELP please please please!!!!  whoever helps me u r an amazing person!!!!!

    help please my iphone 4 turned off sundenly and now is not working its says to connect to itunes but when i get to itunes it shuts offf or doesnt work!!! i am depley need help!!! if anybody can help that wuold be amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP

    The problem is your friend's music does not belong to you.  It is owned by your friend.
    I'm afraid you cannot do what you are trying to do.  Restoring the iPhone is what you would have to do.
    In the future, put your music on the computer and transfer it to the iPhone, not the other way.

  • I have a older intel MacBook pro, now when I try to start up instead of the apple logo I see a file folder with a question mark. Need some help please.

    I have a first gen MacBook pro with intel chip. All of a sudden when I try to start up instead of the apple logo I see a file folder with a question mark. Phone support wasn't much help since it is a older machine. It's either a software issue or the hard drive went. Any ideas on how to fix if it's a software issue would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.

    Thanks I tried that and when I click repair it tells me
    Invalid volume header
    Checking hfs plus volume.
    Invalid b-free node size
    Volume check failed
    Error: the underlying task reported faliure on exit.
    1 hfs volume checked
    1 volume could not be repaired because of an error.

  • I need your help, please. I can't get my photostream synchronized

    Dear friends, I need your help again!!!
    My photostream from my computer, windows vista, is not updating the pictures on my photostream in neither one of my IOS devices.
    I'm sure that the photostream in both IOS are turned on. In my computer it is also turned on.
    For example, I tranferred some pictures from a normal file to the photostream in the computer and I expected that them went also to my
    iphone and ipad, but it not occurred.
    Please, do you have some advise for me?
    Thanks in advance.

    first i would try a simple restart of your computer and your iPad and see if they show up after they reboot. Also which folder are you putting them in? on windows there will be a seperate folder in the photostream folder that will show upload/uploads you will want to make sure they are in there. Also here are some basics about photostream to make sure you are meeting all the requirements and are not over your limit,

Maybe you are looking for

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