Bin Cue files to iMovie

Hi all,
A friend sent me some of his home movie data for me to edit and to put onto DVD for him. The problem is, they are in Bin_Cue files made on 'that other kind of computer' for burning as VCDs. He doesn't have the original VCDs either. Is there any way to convert these files to DV or Mov or even an Mpeg stream that I can use in iMovie? I've tried ffmpegX, visual hub, VLC, disc mounter, QT Pro, toast Titanium 7.1 and nothing will have a bar of it. Am I missing something or can it just not be done?
Also, I tried making a VCD with the Bin_Cue files with Toast and it come out black and white. Would anybody have ideas on this one please? - (Please excuse me, this is not a Mac specific question)
I'll look forward to your input.
Thanks in advance.

I guess you could use vcdXrip in GNU vcdtoolsX to extract the MPEGs from the .bin file:
I wouldn't convert the MPEG1 in a VCD to .dv. Instead, I'd do minimal MPEG-editing if necessary and burn it as a video-DVD. That preserves any quality there is. You only have to resample the 44.1 kHz VCD audio to the 48 kHz video-DVDs use:

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    Credit BGreg for:
    There are a number of ways to turn an avi into a DVD viewable on a normal DVD player. You need to convert, or render, the avi file to a DVD image and then burn it onto the DVD. Here are a few ways to do that:
    Using included Apple iLife apps, you can import an avi file into iMovie, passing it on to iDVD for making the DVD, which includes menu's.
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    Keynote: Exporting a presentation from Keynote to iMovie
    Burning Keynote presentations in iDVD
    Contributor Old Toad has added the following excellent advice:
    To get the keynote presentation into an iDVD slideshow that you can advance slide by slide with a DVD player remove you need to convert each Keynote slide to a jpg file.  To to this go to the view all slide window, select all of the slides and type Command+P to start a print job.
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    Next add those slides to a slideshow in iDVD and select slide duration to Manual.  Now the finished DVD is played the DVD player remote will control the advance of the slide.
    I suggest you follow this workflow to create the DVD:
    Once you have the project as you want it save it as a disk image via the  File ➙ Save as Disk Image  menu option.  This will separate the encoding process from the burn process.
    To check the encoding mount the disk image and launch DVD Player and play it.  If it plays OK with DVD Player the encoding was good.
    Then burn to disk with Disk Utility or Toast at the slowest speed available (2x-4x) to assure the best burn quality.  Always use top quality media:  Verbatim, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden DVD-R are the most recommended in these forums.
    As far as having no menu you must have a menu to fall back into once the presentation has finished.  If you want just a black screen use one of the old themes like Brushed Metal, Burlap, Sage or Graphite and put a blank, black image file in as the background.  You will have to have a button or text button in the menu so choose text and set the text to black if you want a fully blank menu.  Be sure to set the highlight color for the text button to black also.
    Finally follow Klaus1's method of dragging the slideshow into the autoplay bin while in the Map mode so the slideshow will start automatically when the disk is inserted into the player.

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    Aren't CUE files more of a PC-thing?
    The "Mac way" to make an exact copy of a CD would be to use a disk image. If you've acquired a bunch of AIFFs and a CUE to go with them, I'd suggest you follow PT's advice and set the gaps manually in Toast. Evidently, the files you have obtained have not been ripped with Mac-burning in mind.
    If you're copying a CD you own, make a disk image of it.

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    andyguilder wrote:
    .. and they still wouldn't import.
    • get free tool Mpeg Streamclip
    • open mpeg
    • convert to h264 or AppleIntermediate or photo-jpeg or .. , set resolution to res. of your project
    • 'Import File' into iM, add to project

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    I would like to know this too. I imported a lot of files, then Imovie crashed. I went back in and they are not in imovie at all.
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    I must admit, I think iMovie 10 is a failure in certain essential ways.  It dropped Keywords, its deletion is not true deletion, and it's all or nothing when deleting an event.  I have always been a huge Apple fan, but this new release of iMovie 10 has not been a good user experience for me. I have read a lot of feedback from others with similar problems and issues with iMovie 10 and would really like to understand what Apple plans to do to address some of these defficiencies in what will hopefully be a much better next version.
    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Hi PGWilli,
    If you are satisfied with 8.0 then you shouldn't need 4.01 at all. As long as all your bookmarks and personal information are in the newer version, go ahead and remove the older version.

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    I've managed to download the mini dvd from the video camera onto a USB and have save onto my Desktop.
    But have no idea how to convert to iMovie so I can edit and attach video to an email and Facebook.

    Edit WMV
    Also... I have NOT used those products, I only forward due to other mentions
    Edit Vob
    $70 Converter
    $40 Digital Media Converter
    $00 MPEG Streamclip Converter
    $00 Multi-Converter
    $00 Mpeg to AVI Converter

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    the .thm file is simply a jpeg thumbnail version of your movie which you could probably view by changing the name from .thm to .jpeg (not entirely sure about that). Your audio problem is more likely caused by iMovie not having the codec needed to play the audio format encoded into your mov container. Maybe someone here more familiar with iMovie can tell you what audio formats work within iMovie, and you can set that in your camera to prevent this problem.
    Now, worst case scenario is that you'll probably have to extract the audio and convert it to something that works in iMovie. You can extract the audio from within iMovie from the advanced options menu. You can also use a free app called FFMpegX to extract and convert it to something else. Hopefully though, someone here will have a more convenient solution for you.

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    You can't.  ( n-the-mac.html)

  • How can I burn Audio-CD's and .cue files on my iMac.

    Since a few months I stepped over from Windows to iMac, I am satisfied I did that, but now I am at a point that I regret it !!
    I tried for the first time to burn an Audio-CD on my mac, first with the help of the programs BURN and SimplyBurn, but I did not succeed to get a Audio CD that also worked on my Stereo set. Also trying to burn a .cue file was a dissaster.
    I also tried Finder and iTunes, well the with Finder burned CD did not play on my Stereo, iTunes did not burn my music, maybe because it was not downloaded from iTunes, because the burn entry was not in the menu bar.
    I also went to an help desk, but the gave me some unclear answers.
    So you can imagine I'm very disapointed, not succeding to burn a simple CD or .cue file, right now I'm happy I did not get rid of my Windows machine.
    Please a solution for this "problem" and what kind of burn programs can you advise I should use, and that I stay in the Apple communtiy and not go back to Windows ??

    Thanks for your answer. But I tried to burn an image with the program BURN yesterday, without succes. The file I tried to burn was a 350MB big file to a CD, BURN told me the file was 1.5TB big !!!! and did not burn it.
    I burned it on my Windows machine with NERO and that worked ! 
    Also today Itried to burn a normal Mp3 album to disk with BURN, without result, I got an answer from BURN telling me "One of the volumes on this medium is still in use" not nowing what this means !!

  • How do I edit a .mov file in iMovie '09 without losing quality?

    Can anyone tell me how to edit .mov files in iMovie '09 without losing quality?
    I have perfectly fine looking screen capture video from iShowU. It's 1024x768, 30 fps, Animation compression codec. It's a .mov file that looks great played in the QuickTime player. I can't even tell it's a movie -- it just looks like the screen I captured.
    Now, I bring it into iMovie '09, trim the ends, and Export to QuickTime using no compression and the same fps and size. The output quality is noticeably lower than the input quality, which makes no sense to me because I'm telling the export not to compress (and my Preferences are set to "Import HD video as Full-Original Size".
    I just want to trim the ends off a video -- maybe combine a couple files -- but without wrecking the quality of the originals. That really doesn't sound like it should be all that hard, but so far, it's been impossible.
    Any pointers are greatly appreciated!!
    -- gnagent

    I've found the answer. On the File/Import/Movies... dialog, uncheck "Optimize Video" even if you have "Full - Original Size" selected. You don't want any optimizations done, even at original size. Then make sure you are exporting at precisely the same size as the original file, which means that under the Export to Quicktime/Options/Video Size dialog you do NOT want to check "Preserve aspect ratio using:" Just use "Custom" size and set your size to exactly what "Get Info" tells you when you view the file in the Finder.
    Make sure that Video/Settings is set to Compression Type: None, and that you have the Frame Rate exactly what your original was.
    Hope this helps someone.
    -- gnagent

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