Bind Exception

Hi All,
I am trying to start the 2nd instance of coherence sample application using the explore-config.xml file in my windows pc. I am getting the following error.
Exception in thread "main" (Wrapped: MulticastUdpSocket{State=STATE_INITIAL, address:port=, InterfaceAddress=, TimeToLive=4}) Address already in use:
I think we can start any number of instance of coherence in one pc and all of them form a cluster and join the cluster. but i am getting the above error. can some one explain me what's going worng.

Hi SR,
Have you performed a [multicast connectivity test|] to confirm that your Windows host supports multicast?

Similar Messages

  • Outbound binding exception: No standard agreement found

    Hi ,
    I have 2 asynchronous FILE to IDOC scenarios. These scenario work fine most of the times but strangely some times it gives the error OUTBOUND_BINDING_NOT_FOUND (outbound binding exception: No standard agreement found for , <out_BS>, , <IN_BS>, <http://ns>, <Query_Out>)
    sxmb_moni shows that in the errored messages, the interface names in the sender and receiver side are same
    i.e. Outbound interface "Query_Out", but in the successful messages the interface name in the sender is "Query_Out" and in receiver is "FIDCC1_FIDCCP02".
    The Scenarios were working until today when i tested it again, no changes were made to it. Every other Scenario is working except these 2 interfaces housing the same logic.
    I have checked for errors in cache but none were there.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Amith
    Check this link and find out where you have done mistake

  • Lease help me, I'd need to create XForms binding-exception with XHTML page

    is anyone here who could help me?
    I've spent plenty of hours by searching the correct and suitable way for creating a binding exception in XForms, but I did not succeed...
    My situation is: I've got an XHTML page with XForms and XML (input) file, which describes this page. Whenewer I change the input data in the XML file (for example if there are tags <person> and ....</person> if I change it to <peson1> and ...</person1>) after saving the changes and refreshing the page, the XForms are changed (for example some text fields are missing or they've got white background instead red one, which there was before et cetera). {I hope it is clear till now.....}
    My task is: to create a xforms-binding-expression event, which will display an error message (for example: FILE HAVE BEEN CHANGED, CAN NOT DISPLAY THE PAGE PROPERLY) to the user.
    i've found some stuff, how to create such message, but i need to know the exact order of commands to make it work, where to insert them, the structure etc, so I can comprehend your advices...
    The XHTML file contains of several blocks - bind, model, submission, instance etc - and I do not actually know, where to insert such lines (with message)...I think I should make some bindings with the page loading, but I've got no idea how to get it done, however there are very few sites with such stuff on the internet. I hope this task is no big deal for you gyus, THANK YOU A LOT IN ADVANCE

    Thank you very much. I am new to this, and but am not exactly sure how to run a script. Can it be run as a one-off using the editor or console like AppleScript and hitting the green arrow, or do I need to put this into a file and save it to the scripts folder first?
    Also, a related question: some of my scans are full page Letter already and I need to reduce them (scale them) so that they print with a margin because the pages need to be hole punched.
    Can you help me incorporate into this code something that says, if the trim box  > 8 x 10 then scale the page by x percent or by whatever allowable means Acrobat will do it? This way, those pages will be permanently scaled smaller. I cannot just print them scaled smaller, because then all the scans will be printed smaller, and I only need the largest ones reduced in size.
    Thanks so much.

  • Please help me, I'd need to create XForms binding-exception with XHTML page

    is anyone here who could help me?
    I've spent plenty of hours by searching the correct and suitable way for creating a binding exception in XForms, but I did not succeed...
    My situation is: I've got an XHTML page with XForms and XML (input) file, which describes this page. Whenewer I change the input data in the XML file (for example if there are tags <person> and ....</person> if I change it to <peson1> and ...</person1>) after saving the changes and refreshing the page, the XForms are changed (for example some text fields are missing or they've got white background instead red one, which there was before et cetera). {I hope it is clear till now.....}
    My task is: to create a xforms-binding-expression event, which will display an error message (for example: FILE HAVE BEEN CHANGED, CAN NOT DISPLAY THE PAGE PROPERLY) to the user.
    i've found some stuff, how to create such message, but i need to know the exact order of commands to make it work, where to insert them, the structure etc, so I can comprehend your advices...
    The XHTML file contains of several blocks - bind, model, submission, instance etc - and I do not actually know, where to insert such lines (with message)...I think I should make some bindings with the page loading, but I've got no idea how to get it done, however there are very few sites with such stuff on the internet. I hope this task is no big deal for you gyus, THANK YOU A LOT IN ADVANCE

    Thanks a lot.
    Yes. It works well now.
    In it's documentation it says put orcl for SID but never thought to try default xe.
    You're the man.

  • Bulk in Bind exception

    Hello there,
    I wanted to ask is there a limitation for use of FORALL with PL SQL table.COUNT
    i'm getting error Bulk in Bind exception by the following codesnippet:
    FORALL i in 1 .. cst.COUNT
    INSERT ........
    Database is 10g

    I encountered a similar Bulk Bind problem some days back while using forall and Table collections. May be it is similar to yours.
    Well I tried to reference different fields inside the Table Collection within a single forall insert. This problem can be avoided if you break your single Table collection into multiple single column collections. Please see below for example:
    SQL> CREATE TABLE test_bulk_forall
      2  (
      3  name1 VARCHAR2(100),
      4  name2 VARCHAR2(100))
      5  ;
    Table created.Problem code:
      2      TYPE v_Rec_Bulk_Forall IS RECORD ( vName1 test_bulk_forall.name1%TYPE
      3                                       , vName2 test_bulk_forall.name2%TYPE);
      4      TYPE v_Typ_Bulk_Forall Is TABLE OF v_Rec_Bulk_Forall;
      5      v_Tab_Bulk_Forall v_Typ_Bulk_Forall;
      6  BEGIN
      7      v_Tab_Bulk_Forall(1).vName1 := 'FirstName1';
      8      v_Tab_Bulk_Forall(1).vName2 := 'LastName1';
      9      v_Tab_Bulk_Forall(2).vName1 := 'FirstName2';
    10      v_Tab_Bulk_Forall(2).vName2 := 'LastName2';
    11      FORALL Loop_Tab_Bulk_Forall IN 1..v_Tab_Bulk_Forall.COUNT
    12          INSERT INTO test_bulk_forall
    13              (Name1,
    14               Name2)
    15             VALUES
    16                 (v_Tab_Bulk_Forall(Loop_Tab_Bulk_Forall).vName1
    17                 ,v_Tab_Bulk_Forall(Loop_Tab_Bulk_Forall).vName2);
    18     COMMIT;
    19  END;
    20  /
    ERROR at line 16:
    ORA-06550: line 16, column 8:
    PLS-00436: implementation restriction: cannot reference fields of BULK In-BIND
    table of records
    ORA-06550: line 16, column 8:
    PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
    ORA-06550: line 17, column 5:
    PLS-00436: implementation restriction: cannot reference fields of BULK In-BIND
    table of records
    ORA-06550: line 17, column 5:
    PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
    ORA-06550: line 16, column 8:
    PL/SQL: ORA-22806: not an object or REF
    ORA-06550: line 12, column 9:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignoredCorrected Code:
      2      TYPE v_Typ_Bulk_Forall Is TABLE OF VARCHAR2(20) INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
      3      v_Tab_Bulk_Forall_Name1 v_Typ_Bulk_Forall;
      4      v_Tab_Bulk_Forall_Name2 v_Typ_Bulk_Forall;
      5  BEGIN
      6      v_Tab_Bulk_Forall_Name1(1) := 'FirstName1';
      7      v_Tab_Bulk_Forall_Name2(1) := 'LastName1';
      8      v_Tab_Bulk_Forall_Name1(2) := 'FirstName2';
      9      v_Tab_Bulk_Forall_Name2(2) := 'LastName2';
    10      FORALL Loop_Tab_Bulk_Forall IN 1..v_Tab_Bulk_Forall_Name1.COUNT
    11          INSERT INTO test_bulk_forall
    12              (Name1,
    13               Name2)
    14             VALUES
    15                 (v_Tab_Bulk_Forall_Name1(Loop_Tab_Bulk_Forall)
    16                 ,v_Tab_Bulk_Forall_Name2(Loop_Tab_Bulk_Forall));
    17     COMMIT;
    18  END;
    19  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from test_bulk_forall;
    NAME1         NAME2
    FirstName1   LastName1
    FirstName2   LastName2Hope this helps.

  • Propery Binding exception when bound to data received from the web socket

    I am getting the following exception when I try to bind my properties to the data received from the MessageWebSocket. Works fine when the data is received from the normal StreamSocket.
    A first chance exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in System.dll
       at System.StubHelpers.EventArgsMarshaler.CreateNativePCEventArgsInstance(String name)
       at System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.PropertyChangedEventArgsMarshaler.ConvertToNative(PropertyChangedEventArgs managedArgs)
       at System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
       at WinStoreApp.Common.BindableBase.OnPropertyChanged(String propertyName)
       at WinStoreApp.Common.BindableBase.SetProperty[T](T& storage, T value, String propertyName)
       at WinStoreApp.DataModel.Model.StockItem.set_BidVol(String value)
       at WinStoreApp.Core.FIDValueMapper.PopulateFIDValue(Int32 fid, String value, StockItem stockItem)
       at WinStoreApp.Core.StockFeedReceiver.<ProcessData>d__20.MoveNext()
    Code snippet of message received:
     static async void _websocket_MessageReceived(MessageWebSocket sender, MessageWebSocketMessageReceivedEventArgs args)
                    using (var reader = args.GetDataReader())
                        reader.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8;
                        string message = reader.ReadString(reader.UnconsumedBufferLength);
                        await myObj.Message = message; // Exception here
                catch (Exception ex)
    Please let me know what may the problem.

    According to your description, I think you can received message from server by using
    MessageWebSocket class, but the data you received may not be right. I see the document in the link below:
    In the document above indicates:
    StreamSocket class is a stream socket to use for incoming or outgoing network communication over TCP
    MessageWebSocket is a message-based WebSocket.
    If the server send the data based on stream format, the
    MessageWebSocket class may not received the right data.
    You can use StreamWebSocket
    to see whether the problem occur. And you should give us more information and upload a test project to OneDrive so that we can test it.
    Best Wishes!
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. <br/> Click <a
    href=""> HERE</a> to participate the survey.

  • DB Adapter 902 binding exception while passing parameters for simple string

    I have an PlSQL API with two input paramters of string type... But this is only started after XML validation TRUE on the BPM server.
    The error is
    <bindingFault xmlns=""><part name="code"><code>902</code>
    </part><part name="detail"><detail>
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00902: invalid datatype
    Error Code: 902</detail>
    </part><part name="summary"><summary>file:/oracle/product/10.1.3/soa/bpel/domains/Website/tmp/.bpel_BPELProcess1_1.0_c64929dfd2dacf95db3c9da081c1797d.tmp/callingAPI.wsdl [ callingAPI_ptt::callingAPI(InputParameters,OutputParameters) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'callingAPI' failed due to: Error while trying to prepare and execute an API.
    An error occurred while preparing and executing the XXRBA.XXRBA_WEB_ADAPTER.FETCH_CUSTOMERS API. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00902: invalid datatype
    [Caused by: ORA-00902: invalid datatype
    ; nested exception is:
    Error while trying to prepare and execute an API.
    An error occurred while preparing and executing the XXRBA.XXRBA_WEB_ADAPTER.FETCH_CUSTOMERS API. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00902: invalid datatype
    [Caused by: ORA-00902: invalid datatype
    Check to ensure that the API is defined in the database and that the parameters match the signature of the API. Contact oracle support if error is not fixable.
    The input XSD parameters in BPEL input
    <element name="input" type="string"/>
    The input XSD parameters in ADAPTER
    <element name="P_WEB_ACCOUNT" type="string" db:index="1" db:type="VARCHAR2" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="P_SOLICITED_ONLY" type="string" db:index="2" db:type="VARCHAR2" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"/>
    The assignment I am doing in the .bple file is
    <assign name="Assign_1">
    <from expression="bpws:getVariableData('inputVariable','payload','/client:BPELProcess1ProcessRequest/client:input')"/>
    <to variable="Invoke_1_callingAPI_InputVariable" part="InputParameters"
    <from expression="string('o')"/>
    <to variable="Invoke_1_callingAPI_InputVariable" part="InputParameters"

    You have an attribute type in an object service that is supposed to be numeric, but when reading form the database it seems that is retrieving a non-numeric content...

  • Xml gateway binding exception

    I need some assistance regarding xml Gateway. I have created a PartnerLink to OracleApps using xml gateway interface. The process is compiling and deploying. When I am posting the XML Message in BPEL Console I am getting the following error during runtime.
    Could you please find out what I have missed.
    <bindingFault xmlns="">
    <part name="summary">
    <summary>oracle.tip.adapter.fw.wsif.jca.WSIFOperation_JCA@1a4835ahttp://SEKHARANB:9700/orabpel/default/eBizToXMLGatewayBPELProcess/eBizToXMLGatewayService.wsdl[Dequeue_ptt::Dequeue()] : Could not invoke 'Dequeue' due to: java.util.MissingResourceException java.util.MissingResourceException java.util.MissingResourceException ; nested exception is: ORABPEL-00001 java.util.MissingResourceException java.util.MissingResourceException java.util.MissingResourceException</summary>
    Thanking You,

    Hi Ramesh,
    Which exact release/version are you working on top of ? The below error message indicates that it the wsif layer is failing to create an NLS version of the error message and as a result you cannot see the real error here.
    Could you turn on "debug" level logging and see if you have any more information in your domain.log ? Maybe there is a stack trace which could help us till we have the MissingResourceException problem resolved.

  • JNDI Bind Exception in Weblogic

    I am trying to utilize Spring's JndiTemplate to bind my own objects to JNDI. I am able to get flat names like:
    But when I try a compound name like:
    It fails with the following message:
    Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup 'rtm.cacheManager' didn't find subcontext 'rtm'. Resolved ''; remaining name 'rtm/cacheManager'
    How can I create a subcontext within weblogic?

    I figured it out, I need to create the subcontext prior to executing the bind.

  • Portlet Binding Exception

    this is Anup.....I tried to run a portlet(that embeds jsp page)in OC4J standalone server using oracle JDeveloper.but its giving me the following error with potlet unavailable in browser.I need help
    oracle.adf.model.portlet.binding.PortletBindingException: Unable to get portlet response (Internal Error) for portlet binding DataTablePortlet1_2
         at oracle.adf.model.portlet.binding.PortletBinding.getPortletRendition(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.html.portlet.PortletRenderer.preRender(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.html.customizable.ShowDetailFrameRenderer.encodeBegin(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeBegin(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.RenderUtils.encodeRecursive(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.CoreRenderer.encodeChild(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.CoreRenderer.encodeAllChildren(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.xhtml.PanelPartialRootRenderer.renderContent(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.xhtml.BodyRenderer.renderContent(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.xhtml.PanelPartialRootRenderer.encodeAll(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.xhtml.BodyRenderer.encodeAll(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.CoreRenderer.encodeEnd(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeEnd(
         at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.encodeEnd(
         at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.doEndTag(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.webapp.UIXComponentTag.doEndTag(
         at mdssys.viewcontroller._public__html._portletPage_jspx._jspService(
         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.compileAndServe(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.mds.jsp.MDSJSPFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.unprivileged_forward(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.access$100(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher$2.oc4jRun(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forward(
         at com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl.dispatch(
         at com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.renderView(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.renderView(
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase.execute(
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.phase(
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.render(
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterImpl._invokeDoFilter(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilterImpl.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.view.faces.webapp.AdfFacesFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Caused by: oracle.portlet.client.container.PortletRemoteException: oracle.portlet.server.container.OperationFailedException: oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.OperationFailedException: oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.soap.OperationFailed
         at oracle.portlet.client.techimpl.wsrp.WSRPBaseTerminalPipe.processException(
         at oracle.portlet.client.techimpl.wsrp.WSRPGetMarkupPipe.execute(
         at oracle.portlet.client.techimpl.wsrp.WSRPGetMarkupPipe.pre(
         at oracle.portlet.client.service.pipeline.PipeContext.internalExecute2(
         at oracle.portlet.client.service.pipeline.PipeContext.internalExecute(
         at oracle.portlet.client.service.pipeline.ModifiedThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
         at oracle.portlet.client.service.pipeline.ModifiedThreadPoolExecutor$
         ... 1 more
    Caused by: oracle.portlet.server.container.OperationFailedException: oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.OperationFailedException: oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.soap.OperationFailed
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.ServerToWSRPv2.getMarkup(
         at oracle.portlet.client.connection.wsrp.ActivityServerWrapper.getMarkup(
         at oracle.portlet.client.techimpl.wsrp.WSRPGetMarkupPipe.execute(
         ... 9 more
    Caused by: oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.OperationFailedException: oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.soap.OperationFailed
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.WSRP_v2_Markup_PortTypeJaxbToSoap.getMarkup(
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.ServerToWSRPv2.getMarkup(
         ... 11 more
    Caused by: oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.soap.OperationFailed
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.soap.runtime.WSRP_v2_Markup_PortType_getMarkup_Fault_SOAPSerializer.deserializeDetail(
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.soap.runtime.WSRP_v2_Markup_Binding_SOAP_Stub._readBodyFaultElement(
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.soap.runtime.WSRP_v2_Markup_Binding_SOAP_Stub.getMarkup(
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v2.WSRP_v2_Markup_PortTypeJaxbToSoap.getMarkup(
         ... 12 more

    I've done these 2 things and the error goes away, not sure which worked.
    Deleted mds folder within my WebCenterApp under JDeveloper
    Deleted Runtime customizations stored under a similar directory below

  • Bind Exception must be thrown but not throwed

    opening a seversocket for a second time in the same program must throw bindException or IOException but either of them is not thrown .
    Its very Strange i need to know why this is not happening?

    Untrue. A BindException is only thrown if you specify a non-zero port number which is already in use by a listening socket anywhere in the same host. It has nothing to do with 'the second time' or 'in the same program'.

  • How to create xforms binding-excaption of xml file in the xhtml source?

    is anyone here who could help me?
    I've spent plenty of hours by searching the correct and suitable way for creating a binding exception in XForms, but I did not succeed...
    My situation is: I've got an XHTML page with XForms and XML (input) file, which describes this page. Whenewer I change the input data in the XML file (for example there are tags <person> and ....</person> if I change it to <peson1> and ...</person1>) after saving the changes and refreshing the page, the XForms will be changed (for example some text fields are missing or they've got white background instead red one, which there was before et cetera). {I hope it is clear till now.....}
    My task is: to create a xforms-binding-expression event, which will display an error message (for example: FILE HAVE BEEN CHANGED, CAN NOT DISPLAY THE PAGE PROPERLY) to the user.
    i've found some stuff, how to create such message, but i need to know the exact order of commands to make it work, where to insert them, the structure etc, so I can comprehend your advices...
    The XHTML file contains of several blocks - bind, model, submission, instance etc - and I do not actually know, where to insert such lines (with message)...I think I should make some bindings with the page loading, but I've got no idea how to get it done, however there are very few sites with such stuff on the internet. I hope this task is no big deal for you gyus, THANK YOU A LOT IN ADVANCE

    is anyone here who could help me?
    I've spent plenty of hours by searching the correct and suitable way for creating a binding exception in XForms, but I did not succeed...
    My situation is: I've got an XHTML page with XForms and XML (input) file, which describes this page. Whenewer I change the input data in the XML file (for example there are tags <person> and ....</person> if I change it to <peson1> and ...</person1>) after saving the changes and refreshing the page, the XForms will be changed (for example some text fields are missing or they've got white background instead red one, which there was before et cetera). {I hope it is clear till now.....}
    My task is: to create a xforms-binding-expression event, which will display an error message (for example: FILE HAVE BEEN CHANGED, CAN NOT DISPLAY THE PAGE PROPERLY) to the user.
    i've found some stuff, how to create such message, but i need to know the exact order of commands to make it work, where to insert them, the structure etc, so I can comprehend your advices...
    The XHTML file contains of several blocks - bind, model, submission, instance etc - and I do not actually know, where to insert such lines (with message)...I think I should make some bindings with the page loading, but I've got no idea how to get it done, however there are very few sites with such stuff on the internet. I hope this task is no big deal for you gyus, THANK YOU A LOT IN ADVANCE

  • Exception while loading process

    Hi all,
    I just installed BPEL 2.0.10 (PM and Designer) and as I completed my first BPEL process (a simple invocation of a synchronous WS) I got the following problem
    <2004-09-09 19:05:47,036> <DEBUG> <default.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment> <Cube
    ProcessHolder::bind> Exception while loading process
    Error while creating process.
    An error has occurred while attempting to instantiate the class "bpel.FirstBPEL.
    FirstBPEL__BPEL4WS_BIN" for the process "FirstBPEL" (revision "1.0"). The excep
    tion reported was: bpel.FirstBPEL.FirstBPEL__BPEL4WS_BIN
    Please try recompiling your BPEL process again. The current BPEL process archiv
    e "FirstBPEL" may have been compiled with an older version of "bpelc".
    Obviously I have no older version of 'bpelc'. The stack trace reported
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.CubeProcessFactory.create(CubeProc
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.CubeProcessLoader.create(CubeProce
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.CubeProcessLoader.load(CubeProcess
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.CubeProcessHolder.loadAndBind(Cube
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.CubeProcessHolder.getProcess(CubeP
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.CubeProcessHolder.getStatus(CubePr
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.lookupProcessStatus(CubeEngine.jav
    at com.collaxa.cube.beans.BPELProcessManagerBean.getErrors(BPELProcessMa
    at com.collaxa.cube.beans.ProcessManagerBean_1eyxw1_EOImpl.getErrors(Pro
    at jsp_servlet.__ngprocessloaderror._jspService(__ngprocessloaderror.jav
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubIm
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubIm
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.include(RequestDispat
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.include(RequestDispat
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.PageContextImpl.include(
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    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    Can somebody help me?
    BTW I'm using WLS 8.1 sp2

    I tried both solutions but with no benefit. If it helps here are the FirstBPEL.bpel content and the FirstBPEL.wsdl
    BEGIN FirstBPEL.bpel -----------------------------
    <process name="FirstBPEL" targetNamespace="" suppressJoinFailure="yes" xmlns:tns="" xmlns="" xmlns:bpelx="" xmlns:ora="" xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ns1="urn:MSGSenderService">
              <partnerLink name="client" partnerLinkType="tns:FirstBPEL" myRole="FirstBPELProvider" partnerRole="FirstBPELRequester"/>
              <partnerLink name="msgWs" partnerRole="MSGSenderServiceProvider" partnerLinkType="ns1:MSGSenderServiceLink"/>
              <variable name="input" messageType="tns:FirstBPELRequestMessage"/>
              <variable name="output" messageType="tns:FirstBPELResponseMessage"/>
              <variable name="msgInput" messageType="ns1:MSGSenderService_sendMsg"/>
              <variable name="msgOutput" messageType="ns1:MSGSenderService_sendMsgResponse"/>
              <receive createInstance="yes" name="request" partnerLink="client" portType="tns:FirstBPEL" operation="initiate" variable="input"/>
              <assign name="assignInput">
                        <from variable="input" part="payload" query="/tns:FirstBPELRequest/tns:from">
                        <to variable="msgInput" part="String_1"/>
                        <from variable="input" part="payload" query="/tns:FirstBPELRequest/tns:to">
                        <to variable="msgInput" part="String_2"/>
                        <from variable="input" part="payload" query="/tns:FirstBPELRequest/tns:body">
                        <to variable="msgInput" part="String_3"/>
                        <from variable="input" part="payload" query="/tns:FirstBPELRequest/tns:la">
                        <to variable="msgInput" part="String_4"/>
              <invoke name="forward" partnerLink="msgWs" portType="ns1:MSGSenderService" operation="sendMsg" inputVariable="msgInput" outputVariable="msgOutput"/>
              <sequence name="main">
                   <assign name="assignOutput">
                             <from variable="msgOutput" part="result">
                             <to variable="output" part="payload" query="/tns:FirstBPELResponse/tns:msgId"/>
                   <invoke name="callback" partnerLink="client" portType="tns:FirstBPELCallback" operation="onResult" inputVariable="output"/>
    END FirstBPEL.bpel -------------------------------
    BEGIN FirstBPEL.wsdl -----------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <definitions name="FirstBPEL"
    <schema attributeFormDefault="qualified"
    <element name="FirstBPELRequest">
    <element name="from" type="string" />
    <element name="to" type="string" />
    <element name="body" type="string" />
    <element name="la" type="string" />
    <element name="FirstBPELResponse">
    <element name="msgId" type="string"/>
    <message name="FirstBPELRequestMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="tns:FirstBPELRequest"/>
    <message name="FirstBPELResponseMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="tns:FirstBPELResponse"/>
    <portType name="FirstBPEL">
    <operation name="initiate">
    <input message="tns:FirstBPELRequestMessage"/>
    <portType name="FirstBPELCallback">
    <operation name="onResult">
    <input message="tns:FirstBPELResponseMessage"/>
    <plnk:partnerLinkType name="FirstBPEL">
    <plnk:role name="FirstBPELProvider">
    <plnk:portType name="tns:FirstBPEL"/>
    <plnk:role name="FirstBPELRequester">
    <plnk:portType name="tns:FirstBPELCallback"/>
    END FirstBPEL.wsdl -------------------------------

  • Error handling for Direct binding

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    try with a non blocking invoke. That will cause a new invoke message to be generated, and a commit of the currently active transaction. So, while the new invoking transaction will be rolled back, a catchable fault will be thrown, and the running tx will commit.
    However, if you are not intending to use a transactional system integration, you could go the soap route as well.
    your call, my 2cents.

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    If I set "setSocketOptionReuseAddress" to false. second instance won't start an throws 'Address in user : bind exception".
    setSocketOptionReuseAddress is supposed to help only in socket "TIME_WAIT" situation, why is bind getting effected by this?

    I assume the original poster is on Windows in which case the SO_REUSEADDR socket option has different semantics for streams socket compared to other platforms. As the poster says, it allows multiple servers to bind to the same socket. Assuming this is a ServerSocket then the simplest solution would be not use setReuseAddress -- ie: leave it as its default value and everything should be fine. On Windows you can re-bind when a previous connection is in TIME_WAIT. On other platforms (Solaris/Linux anyway), the SO_REUSEADDR option is enabled by default for ServerSockets so the server can be restarted even if there is a connection in TIME_WAIT.

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