Birthday Cake Contest: 10 Dukes

today is my birthday so i figured i'd give away 10 dukes for ascii art of a birthday cake.
to keep this legit you should post your code.


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    I see this problem has been posted before , but no advice has been added , please help if possible .
    My iPad recently started to act up. I was using Google to find some information on birthday cakes and recipes. I selected 'images' but instead of the little thumbnails I got computer code. Lines and lines of the stuff. This only happened yesterday. The iPad was working perfectly up to then. I am having no other problems. Google images work fine on my iPhone and my Mac Book. I would be very grateful if somebody could help.

    The problem is absolutely not Reader. The problem is that FireFox has stepped in front of Reader and handles all the PDF stuff - wrongly in your case. FireFox is DESIGNED to take over PDF files. But it is not capable of doing IRS forms!
    To start with go back to IE for these forms. When you save them to disk DO NOT DOUBLE CLICK ON THEM until this is fixed. Just open the in the normal way - start Adobe Reader and use Open from the File menu.

  • Pong contest (7 dukes)

    Easy as 1, 2, 3.
    1- Write and compile a pong game (Multiplayer Pong, Pong3D, etc.)
    2- Post your game (either source code or a link to your game)
    3- I will reward 7 Duke Dollars to the author of the best Pong game.

    "qonjure wrote a nice pong-game for the 4K-contest. You can find it here:"
    Hehe I would not call it nice but thanks ;)
    Anyway I guess that�s my entry then. Or can I enter since I wrote it before the contest? I updated it last week and I am planning to release the source next week after cleaning it up some if anyone is interested. Here is a direct link but do check the link Storgaard gave and be amazed by all the other 4k games.

  • Happy 2nd Birthday to the community!

    Hi Everyone
    Happy 2nd Birthday!  We can’t believe that we’ve reached our 2nd birthday already – doesn’t seem like 12 months since we had out last birthday celebrations!
    We’ve a few things planned for our birthday celebrations this year, including:
    1. Updated homepage formatting
    -  based on your feedback we have reduced the amount of info at the top of the homepage so the boards appear higher up the page.  We’ve also changed the order so the most popular categories are at the top.  We hope you like it!
    2. Prize draw to WIN a Kindle or £50 Amazon Vouchers!
    Enter our prize draw in the Lounge and you could win a Kindle or £50 Amazon vouchers!  Just post your answer to our birthday related question and you’re in with a chance of winning.  You’ve got to be in it to win it!
    3. Mod Avatars
    - Now that they know you a little better the mods are feeling less shy about having their pics as their avatars – you will see that they now have an image of themselves as their profile - now you know what they look like!  Why not let us see what you look like by updating your own avatar by adding an image to your gallery and updating your settings.
    4. Who’s sharing the 2nd birthday with us?
    - We’ve been taking a look at which members registered in the first week and are still active – why not check if your name is on the list?
    5. Vote on which birthday cake you’d have!
    - We’re running a poll to find out what kind of virtual cake we would make for the community to celebrate our birthday!  Vote to tell us what your choice would be!
    And finally I want to say thanks to everyone who is part of this community – whether you’ve been here from the beginning, or are a recent member, we wouldn’t have a community without you!  We know that many of you have landed here with a problem or issue and after getting help from members, you have stuck around and helped someone else – a great example of a peer to peer support community.  Thanks for all your contributions over the last 2 years, you’ve made this community what it is. 
    Happy Birthday Everyone!
    Kerry & the BTCare Community Team
    Retired BTCare Community Manager - StephanieG and SeanD are your new Community Managers
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

    Hi Everyone
    Happy 2nd Birthday!  We can’t believe that we’ve reached our 2nd birthday already – doesn’t seem like 12 months since we had out last birthday celebrations!
    We’ve a few things planned for our birthday celebrations this year, including:
    1. Updated homepage formatting
    -  based on your feedback we have reduced the amount of info at the top of the homepage so the boards appear higher up the page.  We’ve also changed the order so the most popular categories are at the top.  We hope you like it!
    2. Prize draw to WIN a Kindle or £50 Amazon Vouchers!
    Enter our prize draw in the Lounge and you could win a Kindle or £50 Amazon vouchers!  Just post your answer to our birthday related question and you’re in with a chance of winning.  You’ve got to be in it to win it!
    3. Mod Avatars
    - Now that they know you a little better the mods are feeling less shy about having their pics as their avatars – you will see that they now have an image of themselves as their profile - now you know what they look like!  Why not let us see what you look like by updating your own avatar by adding an image to your gallery and updating your settings.
    4. Who’s sharing the 2nd birthday with us?
    - We’ve been taking a look at which members registered in the first week and are still active – why not check if your name is on the list?
    5. Vote on which birthday cake you’d have!
    - We’re running a poll to find out what kind of virtual cake we would make for the community to celebrate our birthday!  Vote to tell us what your choice would be!
    And finally I want to say thanks to everyone who is part of this community – whether you’ve been here from the beginning, or are a recent member, we wouldn’t have a community without you!  We know that many of you have landed here with a problem or issue and after getting help from members, you have stuck around and helped someone else – a great example of a peer to peer support community.  Thanks for all your contributions over the last 2 years, you’ve made this community what it is. 
    Happy Birthday Everyone!
    Kerry & the BTCare Community Team
    Retired BTCare Community Manager - StephanieG and SeanD are your new Community Managers
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • I Want To Duplicate The Songs In a Playlist Then Edit Them (But Keep The Originals Intact)

    I've done this before I can't remember how ...
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    Is there an easier way?

    Thanks Limnos.
    I know I'm close but I'm still missing something.  At least you agree there is a "duplicate" function out there.
    Now ... what am I doing wrong?
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    And when I click on the Advanced tab I see:
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  • How to Replicate Fonts in PSE 8

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    The software isn't going to replicate the fonts used.
    If the name has the same letters as in Happy Birthday, you could select each letter needed on a separate layer and "write" the name. You'd probably also have to soften the letter's edges to make them blend in with the cake.
    If you can find a similar font, you could use the text tool and write out the name. There are lots of freeware font sites that have oodles of fonts. You might get lucky and find a similar one.
    You might be better off simply finding a cake without lettering on it. Use the text tool to add all of the lettering yourself. You can add a style to the letters like maybe one of the icing styles on the Adobe exchange.
    This link below will take you to the correct page with icing inserted into the field. They say for Photoshop but they'll work in Elements. Depending on your images resolution, you might have to adjust the style's scale to taste. h_category=-1&search_license=&search_rating=&search_platform=0&search_pubdate=&num=25&star tnum=1&event=search&sticky=true&sort=0&rnav_dummy_tmpfield=&Submit=

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    Move your mouse over my reply and click

  • We are SEVEN!

    (Illustration credit: supermod Erik - who also came up with most of the Communities' graphics and our 5th year anniversary logo.)
    Slightly more than three years ago I was approached about a role within the Lenovo Forums Community, and being a non-techie, was fascinated by the folks I saw active here.
    There was just so much being shared, and people weren't selfish at all about helping others; in fact, there were (and still are) community users who spend most of their time here,   just wanting to help - with no strings attached or expectations whatsoever.
    I was amazed then, and am still amazed now - and salute you.
    As we enter our seventh year of operations, and grow even bigger, on a personal note I am really looking forward to meeting new people and making new friends from around the world. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being on the journey with us. I am truly blessed to be working with the group of moderators and gurus (and the community at large), and have really learned a lot the past few years here.
    And I am not the only one. Here's a few thoughts from some of the very special people who have grown with us along the way:
    “It’s not easy to be where we are today which was from zero to 400k+ registered users, and we grew from initially 18,000 topics first year to now 32,000 topics, and this sheer volume is growing still.
    It’s like watching a baby growing into a young adult.  There is now more attention given to Lenovo Forums by online users, and I am so proud to tell others that I’m part of the forum team. More and more great volunteers have joined our squad and become forum advocates and I am so happy to work with them.
    With anything there will of course be growing challenges and  there is no finish line so we have to keep moving forward. There are 4 language communities at the moment and we are looking at expanding even more.
    Can't wait. Hang in there Lenovo Forums.  Happy 7th birthday.”
    - English Community Lead, Cleo_Lenovo
    "Like most of my work, the idea came to me late at night during a bout of insomnia.  A lack of sleep can be quite inspirational—even if unintentional.  The original graphics from the early forum days surrounded a birthday cake concept.  As the forum matured I felt a more grown-up design was appropriate.  Maybe we'll see another TrackPoint cake next year.  It's good to mix things up.
    I can only hope that my contributions—both graphical and technical—have improved users' experience in visiting the forum.  Much of my design work is outdated at this point so it's probably time to put pen to paper and draw up something new.
    Having been with the forum from pre-launch to today, it's reassuring to see close to half a million user IDs registered.  While numbers aren't everything, it shows that forums still provide an important, interactive and relevant experience different from other social media channels.  The other channels might be more urgent and immediate in nature but forums remain the granular, technical repository for archival-quality material.  I see forums as a long-term solution for technical content where blog-style content such as Facebook and Twitter are better geared for marketing purposes.  None, however, are mutually exclusive and each has their place in a product owner's opportunities to interact with a brand and its user base."
    -supermod erik
    "This big community is great and unique! It can offer so much help and enable so much contact and feedback between users like no one else. The vast amount of knowledge from their members can help from the easiest set up question up to serious hardware modding. 
    I haven't done much "moderator work" but mostly helping users with tech problems and informing them about how to keep the notebooks working cool. I'm mainly active in the Spanish and English communities (with some visits to the German community as well) and it's very interesting to see that many times the questions and problems users have are the same, despite language, cultural differences and geographical location.
    I like helping users, specially when I see they can really profit from my tips and/or answers. That said, one of my main grunts with the forum software is the limited capability to upload pictures, I see some room for improvement there, like allowing external links from Picasa or other photo hosting companies. Also the Avatars could be bigger.
    - moderator Tasurinchi
    "The challenge of answering the questions to help other users, since February 2009 - that was my intention to join this community. I was then made a guru, then moderator, and helped out with the Knowledge Base creation in both the English and later, German communities.
    I found that this structure, a peer-to-peer support community is an advantage as everyone is participating. What’s more, I am happy being a member of this quickly expanding  world-wide community! So keep going on!We willl together do a big THINK and in the future!"
    - moderator KalvinKlein
    "Congratulations to the  Community, which is made up of a very professional team.  I didnt read the forum before 2010 as havn't seen the needs for that - I used another branded PCs and laptops, including "self made". At the end of the 2010th....beginning of 2011 I looked for a new laptop for my personal usage and daily mobile work. As I had several mandatory requirements for laptop I've came to the Lenovo forum for solution, examples - my friends on our Russian forum, of course, mentioned about Lenovo forum. I've registered here one week later the laptop was bought. The reason was an error 1802 (yes, whitelist) I've faced with after BIOS upgrade. To be honest, my first post here seems a bit exacting but Bill (billbolton) and Aryeh (goretsky) were very friendly. That won me over.
    I think nothing has been changed for me since I've became a guru. I can't say "responsibility has risen" or "I have access to a secret knowledge now". Probably my relation to any work I'm doing is clear in my forum profile signature.
    I'm closer to the Community team now, gurus, mods, Lenovo staff. I see their attitude and trust. It's invaluable.  "
    - moderator, x220forme
    Thanks again, one and all for your conversations and help these seven years. Here's to more!
     - Serene Siew, Lenovo Community Advocate Program Manager

    Seven years is a milestone!   I'm looking forward to a 10th Anniversary and hope by then we are in more languages, and continue to build our global family and collaboration.
    When I called upon Jane, I had a vague notion of what we wanted to do and in hindsight, only understood community in a very superficial way.   If we did one thing right, it was to enlist the help of those who were already running successful communities related to Lenovo products.   I am very glad that so many have decided to join us on this ongoing journey.
    I am especially greatful to all the members of the community who have contributed so much time and effort to the benefit of others - it is there continued dedication and energy that makes this place great.

  • Ical and Clip Art

    Help please... is there a way to look at a Ical month calendar and see a clipart in a day view pane? EXAMPLE: For May 20th, my sister's birthday... can I put a "Birthday Cake" clip art in that date so it shows while looking at the month calendar?

    do you mean an event? double click on the event, go to the note field and paste what you would like to paste there.
    hop this helps

  • Can I make a still pic from a movie in iPhoto?

    Hi Guys,
    I've got a movie of my daughter blowing out her fifth birthday cake candles. Can I extract a still from this to put on her thank you cards?

    Use iMovie or QuickTime Pro (if you have it.)

  • Adding graphics or symbols to iCal

    As a new user of iCal I am trying to add a symbol such as a birthday cake or candle or modify the color of the event bars in iCal. Is there any way to do this?

    Get a copy of your photo out of JPG as soon as you can -- open the original JPG in PSE and immediately save it as a PSD file (PSE's native file format).  Then you can re-size, modify, and add graphics/logos as you wish to the PSD image without affecting the original JPG as it came from your camera.  When you're finished, use File...Save for Web to export the final image as a PNG-24 file.  You can keep the original image size in the PSD file for best quality and ease of working, then when using Save for Web, re-size it to your final size.
    That gives you the most flexibility -- your original photo is untouched, your PSD file is available (with layers, etc.) for later tweaking, and you can always export a PNG with the updated results.

  • I'm unable to sync special characters in ical with iCloud

    when i add an event into my ical with a special character like a birthday cake for instance. it will show up on my mac and in icloud but icloud will not send that character to the phone, and vice versa.

    This is a font issue, a unicode problem and compatibility. If you use a char prsent on your mac, but absent on your iPhone, it is clear to me that they cannot be synced. I do not know exactly what chars are included in iPhone font(s), but some special chars are for sure absent.
    such issues are common even in cross-platform transfer and even on mac-to-mac transfer if you use a font present in one mac/pc, but absent in the other.
    What specific char did you use, to be more specific? Paste it here, it should work.

  • Customizing a Slide Show Template

    While uploading a slide show to share with friends on the Photoshop website I picked the birthday template from the occasions list.  As this was a 1st birthday I changed the candle count to just 1.  Now that I have customized the template I don't know how to save it.  When I look at it online it still has the default 10 candles.  Can anyone tell me how to save the template after I customize it?

    I changed the default birthday cake to one candle and clicked on done.  It still comes up online with ten candles.

  • Lose audio when clip in timeline

    New problem. CS3.
    I set the in and out points of the video in the source monitor. When I drag it to the timeline, the audio is not there. I assume I inadvertantly changed the output button. I currently have it set to composite video automatic quality. I have tried the other settings and am sitll not getting the audio into the timeline. I do have the audio in the source monitor.

    Aha, I have tripped upon the answer. The problem was not the output button, but rather I had inadvertantly hit the "take video and audio" button. Switched that and magically, all is well. (I also got my husband's birthday cake decorated-this must be my lucky day)!
    ....I never knew that button was there....

  • WIN a kindle or £50 Amazon Vouchers in our Birthda...

    Hi Everyone
    It’s time for our birthday prize draw and as it’s our 2nd birthday there’s 2 prizes!   Enter the draw and you could win a Kindle or £50 of Amazon Vouchers.
    Birthdays are a time for celebration and we want to hear your stories of your favourite birthday!
    How to enter
    To enter, simply post a reply to this thread answering the question ‘What’s the best birthday or birthday celebration you’ve ever had and why?  And that’s it!  There will be 1 winner who will get £50 worth of Amazon Vouchers and 1 winner who will get a Kindle. 
    The winner will be the first valid entry chosen at random after 7th February 2012.
    Read full terms and conditions for the Prize Draw here
    Looking forward to reading your birthday stories.  Good Luck!
    Retired BTCare Community Manager - StephanieG and SeanD are your new Community Managers
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

    My best birthday was my last one when I turned 60 an age due to ill health I never expected to reach. Every member of my family came and my daughters had turned the living room and dining room in to a Chinese paradise with hanging lanterns and dragons and many more items. Home made Chinese food was fabulous and I was able to sit in my chair and enjoy them all enjoying themselves especially my adorable grandchildren. It felt like life was complete. They had all made such a fabulous effort two days after Christmas and two days before my youngest daughter (29) was due to get married. I was able to watch the wedding via a video link.
    A superb birthday filled with love.
    My wife had even unearthed the birthday cake recipe my mother had used during my childhood and made that for me which topped everything off!
    Life | 1967 Plus Radio | 1000 Classical Hits | Kafka's World
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