Birthdays calendar showing SPECIFIC birthday

In the iCal calendar, I'm now seeing that it is "John Doe's 6th birthday," even when John Doe is a work colleague of mine who is probably in his mid-30s. This shows up only in the birthdays calendar, not in the Exchange calendar where the Birthdays were first entered.
I know I can turn the birthdays calendar off and just have the Exchange calendar show, but I kind of like the birthdays calendar, especially because I can focus on it for the weeks ahead and know specifically who has birthdays coming up among all my other calendar entries.
Of course this is happening because I entered John Doe's birthday when I first found out what day it was, and that was about 6 years ago.
But he is NOT 6.
On the other hand, I do know some people's birthday's exactly (like my 12-year-old goddaughter or my 82-year-old mother).
Is there a way to tell iCal which people's birth years are correct and which are unknown?
This is on an Intel Mac running Lion and iCal with all the latest updates.
Thanks in advance for any solutions.

Just remove the "year" in your Address Book entries for them.  As of OS X Lion, the year value for the "Birthday" date - which has previously always been required - is now optional.  See: oked

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    When I click on the day it says "No Events".
    I have people's birthday's that occur every year if that's what you mean by reoccurring, but who doesn't have that in their calendar?
    I can take the date back to 1997 to way before I started entering appointments and it still shows the "dots".
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    When I click on the day it says "No Events".
    I have people's birthday's that occur every year if that's what you mean by reoccurring, but who doesn't have that in their calendar?
    I can take the date back to 1997 to way before I started entering appointments and it still shows the "dots".
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    I appreciate the help so far. Solving this would be a great improvement for my calendar!
    Thank you for your time.

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    From your description, my understanding is that you want to expand all items if a Day’s schedule has more than 3 items.
    You could accomplish your requirement with jQuery to auto expand all items when you load month view, please refer to this article:
    Auto Expand Month View on SharePoint 2013 Calendar
    If I misunderstand your requirement, please provide more detailed information.
    Best Regards,
    Vincent Han
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    This is because the query is excluding the current site you are trying to modify since it is actually in the report.
    You can include in your query:
    or site_id = :Pxx_SITE_ID
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    - 6.5.2008   00:00 -  6.5.2008 23:59   Task 1 (1 day duration)  in UTC
    - 7.5.2008   00:00 -  8.5.2008 23:59   Task 2 (2 day duration)  in UTC
    - 5.5.2008   00:00 -  9.5.2008 23:59   Task 3 (5 day duration)  in UTC
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    Here is the code part - I've debugged already. Everywhere is set UTC, but the Calendar always shows in userTime.
    private void fillCalendar(String zeitstring) //
            // check which mode is selected
            if (zeitstring == "Facility")
                // default should be UTC
                zeitzone = TimeZone.getDefault();
                zeitzone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(zeitzone.getID());
                // calenderinstanz in UTC
                Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance().getInstance(zeitzone);
                CctDate firstVisibleDate = new CctDate(new java.sql.Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis()));
                Time myTime = Time.valueOf("00:00:00");
                CctTime firstVisibleTime = new CctTime(myTime);
                // determine the startdate and starttime for the calendar
                TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
                IECCalendarInterface calendarInterface = new ExampleCalendarEntrySupplier();
                List calendarEntries = calendarInterface.getCalendarEntries();
                int i = 0;
                zeitzone = TimeZone.getDefault();
                for (Iterator iterator = calendarEntries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
                    ECCalendarEntry entry = (ECCalendarEntry);
                    CctCode timeZoneCode = new CctCode(tz.getDisplayName(), null, null, null, null, null);
                    CctDateTime startDate = new CctDateTime(entry.getMStartDate(), timeZoneCode, new Boolean("false"));
                    CctDateTime endDate = new CctDateTime(entry.getMEndDate(), timeZoneCode, new Boolean("false"));
                    zeitzone = TimeZone.getDefault();
                    createEntry(startDate, endDate, entry.getMTitle(), entry.getMDescription(), WDTableCellDesign.valueOf(i));
            else if (zeitstring == "My TimeZone")
                ISessionContext context = SessionContextFactory.create();
                zeitzone = context.getCurrentUser().getTimeZone();
                Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance().getInstance(zeitzone);
                CctDate firstVisibleDate = new CctDate(new java.sql.Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis()));
                Time myTime = Time.valueOf("00:00:00");
                CctTime firstVisibleTime = new CctTime(myTime);
                // determine the startdate and starttime for the calendar
                TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
                IECCalendarInterface calendarInterface = new ExampleCalendarEntrySupplier();
                List calendarEntries = calendarInterface.getCalendarEntries();
                int i = 0;
                for (Iterator iterator = calendarEntries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
                    ECCalendarEntry entry = (ECCalendarEntry);
                    CctCode timeZoneCode1 = new CctCode(tz.getDisplayName(), null, null, null, null, null);
                    CctDateTime startDate = new CctDateTime(entry.getMStartDate(), timeZoneCode1, new Boolean("false"));
                    CctDateTime endDate = new CctDateTime(entry.getMEndDate(), timeZoneCode1, new Boolean("false"));
                    createEntry(startDate, endDate, entry.getMTitle(), entry.getMDescription(), WDTableCellDesign.valueOf(i));
    Thank you,
    I've tried to fix the problem nearly the whole day.
    I've debugged the fillCalendar()-Method while inserting the first Task:
    - Default Timezone is "UTC"!
    - zeitzone.ID and tz.ID are always set on "UTC"
    - timeZoneCode is "Koordinierte Universalzeit null null null null null" (koordinierte Universalzeit is German for UTC )
    - startDate : "06.05.2008 00:00:00 Koordinierte Universalzeit false"
    - endDate: "06.05.2008 23:59:00 Koordinierte Universalzeit false"
    - is set to "UTC"
    ---> The Calendar shows the task from 06.05.2008  02:00 to 07.05.2008  01.59
    Somewhere must stand my timezone and the calendar refuses to display the view in UTC!!! But where?
    Edited by: Daniel Mler on May 8, 2008 3:31 PM

    Hi Frank,
    Thanks for your reply.
    You can now look only at the code in the first IF-Condition: (Facility)
    I've just tried to replace "UTC" with "CST"... in debugger he calculates me the new times:
    startDate: 13.05.2008 05:00:00 Zentrale Normalzeit false
    endDate: 14.05.2008 04:59:00 Zentrale Normalzeit false  It works...
    The problem is only that the calendar contextelement doesn't set this new time now. It creates the task from 7:00 to 6:59 .... 2 hours later.
    These 2 hours are the difference from myTimeZone (the user i logged in: Europe/Berlin = UTC+2h) to UTC.
    So I want that the default timezone of the calender is UTC and not the timezone from the logged in user.
    But I can't logon without user (then it works!) because I need the User for another functionality (myTimeZone)

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    Thanks in advance for any insight,
    ps: all events in question are "All Day" events, FWIW.
    Message was edited by: Patrick Cheatham

    Hi Patrick - did you ever resolve this issue? I'm encountering the same thing.

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    If you're referring to setting the time zone, after following the steps in the article Linc posted, look in the top right hand corner of the Calendar window, by the search box.

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    I am using sam.m.DatePicker control. By default date picker show current month-year when user open date picker. I want to show specific month of specific year when date picker is open.
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    you can also give a default date of the first date of that month.
    Why you are not using that?
    var datePicker = new sap.m.DatePicker({
                                            valueFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd",
                                            displayFormat: "long",
                                                   value: "2014-03-26"

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    Hi Gus,
    In that case, you need to create a record for each individual date covered by the period. Obviously, for space/maintenance reasons, you wouldn't want to do this on actual tables, but there are techniques that you can use to construct the required virtual records - some are discussed here: vacation calendar- time consuming query ??

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    How I resolve this problem.

    I suggest close your issue here as answered than move your issue Forum Home » Application Development in PL/SQL » Forms which you can get more quick response

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    I would appreciate if you can let me know if there is any legal requirements for showing specific screens in local language? I would also like to know which countries and what SAP ESS screens.
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    Good luck with that. I have never seen any "list of all countries" before like you are wanting. This will typically be part of your requirements gathering and blueprinting tasks.
    Just one question....what is your "global template" for implementation and what is your scope for localization? That will dictate much of your work.

Maybe you are looking for