Black selected text background

Every selected text in the system looks like this.

Welcome to Apple Support Communities
Probably you selected black as highlight color. To change it, open System Preferences > General, and select a highlight color

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    Here example.
    The selected text in white is really not good visible selected.
    Why flash does not suppor that?
    How come there is nowhere to set anything to make this work properly. Like in html does this automatic?
    Adobe is this a bug or not help for this?

    its not work.bcz i want to highlight the selected text with color of my choice n if i select different text to highlight with different color then previous selected text should remain highlighted ...

  • How do I lighten a black and white background photo so I can print text on top of it?

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    Enhance menu>Adjust lighting>Brightness/Contrast

  • How to set selected text color in Spark TextInput

    I'm trying to make Spark TextInputs and MXFTETextInputs look like Halo/MX TextInputs as much as possible, since I have a mix of both Spark and MX TextInputs in my application. I know I can set the
    selection background color to black using focusedTextSelectionColor. How can I set the selected text color to white so it matches the MX white-on-black look?

    This works, if you set the enabled property directly on the s:TextInput:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
            <s:VerticalLayout horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" />
            <s:CheckBox id="ch" label="enabled" selected="true" />
            @namespace s "library://";
            @namespace mx "library://";
            s|TextInput:disabled {
                color: red;
            <s:TextInput id="ti" text="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" enabled="{ch.selected}" />
    It can get a bit trickier when you're setting the enabled property on a parent container, since (I believe) that the child control's enabled properties are still set to true and just the container is disabled. One possible workaround would be to bind the child TextInput control's enabled property to the container's enabled property. That way the s:TextInput should still go to it's disabled state and you can customize the disabled state's styles to have darker text, or whatever else you want.
    <s:Group id="gr" enabled="{ch.selected}">
        <s:TextInput id="ti" text="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" enabled="{gr.enabled}" />

  • Changed the color of the selected text

    I changed the color of the selected text in Photoshop CS6, from black (background) & white (text) to different colors. I want to know how I did it.

    Selecting tends to invert the text. Use Ctrl/Cmd h while in Text edit mode to hide the selection.

  • InDesign CC selected text color

    I've just started using INDD CC and am having a problem. When I select text in my document the background color is a dark blue (which is fine) BUT the text itself remains whatever color is assigned to it. So if the text is black and I select the text I get black text on dark blue and you can't see the seclected text (see screen capture below). In previous versions (and every other program in the world) the selected text would reverse out in white. Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a way of changing this? The way it is now the new INDD CC is unusable because of this "bug" (?). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I'm using INDD CC (64 bit) on a PC running Windows 7 Pro (64 bit). I've checked my graphics card driver and it's up to date.

    The problem lies with the Windows UI themes, particularly the Aero ones, but you can adjust the theme you're currently using to your liking.  Right click on the desktop > Personalize > WIndow Color (at the bottom of the Personalization window) > Window Color and Appearance - then click on Advanced appearance settings...
    And then I selected a lighter gray (in color 1).  Yeah, it's a few steps that I wish I didn't have to make - just because someone at Adobe thought, "that's not something that's gonna be a problem for anyone."

  • How do I print just a selected text instead of entire page?

    Hello. I have a question about printing selected text. In windows there is an option to highlight a specific text from a let's say a browser window or document. Then you can right click and hit print. When the print window comes up you can select "print selected". Is there a way to do that on Mac OS X?
    Black Macbook Core Duo 2 GHz 2GB ram Mac OS X (10.4.8)

    Try Print Selection
    Thanks for the reply but it took me a bit of time to figure out how to find that option!
    For those who didn't know either, it's under "Firefox" in the third section of the print window.

  • Can you change the color of selected text in word?

    I use Word 2010, and when I select text it is always blue, is there a way to change the color?

    I use Word 2010, and when I select text it is always blue, is there a way to change the color?
    My earlier posting was an error.
    I apologize.
    You seem to be saying that the default colour for text is blue.
    You need to change:-
     - to change the default colour of text.
    In order to change the default colour of text take the following steps (that were tested on Windows 7 and Office 2007 - the process should be
    similar, if not identical, for yourself):-
    1. Open a new blank document (this should
    have the default text as blue).
    Save that document with a new name for example:-
    2. In the above document:-
    Insert tab
    Text group
    Click on the drop down arrow to the lower right of:-
    Quick Parts
     - then click on:-
    Field . . .
     - window should open.
    3. In the:-
     - window in the field called:-
    Field names:
     - scroll down to:-
     - and click on that option so that it's highlighted in blue.
    Now, towards the top right hand corner of the same window, click in the box called:-
    Add path to file name
     - so that it has a tick (check mark) in that box.
    The file name of the template should now be inserted into your document.
    On my machine this was:-
    The above path might be different for you.
    4. I saved my document at this point.
    5. Now open the file called:-
    A document should open on your screen (still with blue text) and with:-
    - in the middle of the Title Bar at the top of the screen.
    Highlight all of the text in the document so that it's (for example) black.
    Save the file.
    6. Close all open documents in WORD and
    close WORD itself.
    7. Now open a new document and its default
    text should be set to the colour that you applied at step 5. above (I used black at that point).
    Does that resolve your problem?

  • Select text based on format (free form style text)

    As suggested by Apple, I'm trying to create my first ePub using Pages as opposed to inDesign.
    I only have a PDF as a source file and don't want to re-type all the text.
    When I copy the text from the PDF and paste to Pages, the text comes in with the 'free form' style applied no matter what options I select during copy and paste.
    In order to produce an ePub, I need to set styles for the text. This is quite tedious.
    Is there any way to select text based on the way it is formatted when styles are not applied to the text?

    Here is a script which may be useful if your problem surface again.
    --[SCRIPT words_attributes_to_Style]
    Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : words_attributes_to_Style.scpt
    déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Pages et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Ouvrir un document Pages contenant des mots soulignés
    Aller au menu Scripts , choisir Pages puis choisir “words_attributes_to_Style”
    Le script appliquera :
    le style "Souligné" aux mots soulignés
    le style "Accentuation" aux mots en gras
    le style "Italic" (si vous l'avez créé) aux mots en italique.
    L’aide du Finder explique:
    L’Utilitaire AppleScript permet d’activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l’Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus”.
    Sous 10.6.x,
    aller dans le panneau “Général” du dialogue Préférences de l’Éditeur Applescript
    puis cocher la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre des menus”.
    Save the script as a Script: words_attributes_to_Style.scpt
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Pages:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Pages and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    Select a Pages document embedding underlined words
    Go to the Scripts Menu, choose Pages, then choose “words_attributes_to_Style”
    The script will apply :
    the named style "Underlined" to the underlined words
    the named style "Emphasis" to bolded words
    the named style "Italic" (assuming that you defined it) to italicized words.
    The Finder’s Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the “Show Script Menu in menu bar” checkbox.
    Under 10.6.x,
    go to the General panel of AppleScript Editor’s Preferences dialog box
    and check the “Show Script menu in menu bar” option.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    2011/11/13 enhanced by Nigel Garvey in :
    on run
              set Underlined_loc to my getLocalizedStyleName("Pages", "Blank.template", "STYLE_Underline")
              set Emphasis_loc to my getLocalizedStyleName("Pages", "Blank.template", "STYLE_Emphasis")
              tell application "Pages" to tell document 1
                        set character style of words whose underline type is single underline or underline type is double underline to character style Underlined_loc
                        set character style of words whose bold is true to character style Emphasis_loc
    Assuming that you defined your own Italic style named "Italic", you may use : *)
                                  set character style of words whose italic is true to character style "Italic"
                        end try
              end tell
    end run
    set Heading8_loc to my getLocalizedStyleName("Pages", "STYLE_Heading 8")
    Requires :
    on getLocalizedStyleName(theApp, tName, x)
      activate application theApp
              tell application "System Events"
                        (application file of application process theApp as text) & "Contents:Resources:Templates:" & tName & ":Contents:Resources:"
                        return my getLocalizedName(theApp, x, result)
              end tell
    end getLocalizedStyleName
    on getLocalizedName(a, x, f)
              tell application a to return localized string x from table "Localizable" in bundle file f
    end getLocalizedName
    List of default styles embedded in the Blank template :
    "STYLE_Body" = "Corps";
    "STYLE_Body Bullet" = "Puce du corps de texte";
    "STYLE_Bullet" = "Puce";
    "STYLE_Caption" = "Légende";
    "STYLE_Emphasis" = "Accentuation";
    "STYLE_Footnote Text" = "Texte de note de bas de page";
    "STYLE_Free Form" = "Format libre";
    "STYLE_Harvard" = "Harvard";
    "STYLE_Header & Footer" = "En-tête et bas de page";
    "STYLE_Heading 1" = "Sous-section 1";
    "STYLE_Heading 2" = "Sous-section 2";
    "STYLE_Heading 3" = "Sous-section 3";
    "STYLE_Heading 4" = "Sous-section 4";
    "STYLE_Heading 5" = "Sous-section 5";
    "STYLE_Heading 6" = "Sous-section 6";
    "STYLE_Heading 7" = "Sous-section 7";
    "STYLE_Heading 8" = "Sous-section 8";
    "STYLE_Heading 9" = "Sous-section 9";
    "STYLE_Legal" = "Légal";
    "STYLE_None" = "Aucun";
    "STYLE_Normal" = "Normal";
    "STYLE_Normal 22" = "Normal 22";
    "STYLE_Normal 4" = "Normal 4";
    "STYLE_Normal 8" = "Normal 8";
    "STYLE_Numbered List" = "Liste numérotée";
    "STYLE_Series_0" = "Series_0";
    "STYLE_Series_1" = "Series_1";
    "STYLE_Series_2" = "Series_2";
    "STYLE_Series_3" = "Series_3";
    "STYLE_Series_4" = "Series_4";
    "STYLE_Series_5" = "Series_5";
    "STYLE_Strikethrough" = "Barré";
    "STYLE_TOC" = "Table des matières";
    "STYLE_TOC Heading 1" = "Sous-section 1 de table des matières";
    "STYLE_TOC Heading 2" = "Sous-section 2 de table des matières";
    "STYLE_TOC Heading 3" = "Sous-section 3 de table des matières";
    "STYLE_TOC Heading 4" = "Sous-section 4 de table des matières";
    "STYLE_Title" = "Titre";
    "STYLE_Underline" = "Souligné";
    "STYLE_[Null]" = "[Nul]";
    You may use more sophisticated custom styles embedding several properties:
    baseline shift (real) : Raise or lower the target text.
    bold (boolean) : Whether the font style is bold.
    capitalization type (all caps/normal capitalization/small caps) : Whether a capitalization style is applied.
    character background color (color) : The color of the character's background.
    color (color) : The color of the font.
    font name (text) : The name of the font.
    font size (real) : The size of the font.
    italic (boolean) : Whether the font style is italic.
    ligatures (all ligatures/default ligatures/none) : Remove ligatures from the target text if the document is set to use ligatures.
    name (text) : The name of the style.
    outline (boolean) : Whether the font style is outline.
    shadow (boolean) : Whether the text box content casts a shadow or not.
    shadow angle (real) : The directional angle, in degrees, that the shadow is cast.
    shadow blur (integer) : The relative amount of blur of images seen through the shadow.
    shadow color (color) : The color of the shadow.
    shadow offset (real) : The offset from the text box content that the shadow extends to.
    shadow opacity (real) : The amount of opacity for the shadow, in percent.
    strikethrough color (color) : The color of the strikethrough line(s).
    strikethrough type (double strikethrough/none/single strikethrough) : Whether one or more lines are drawn through the characters.
    subscript (boolean) : Decrease the font size and lower the baseline of the text.
    superscript (boolean) : Decrease the font size and raise the baseline of the text.
    tracking (real) : The space between text characters, in percent.
    underline color (color) : The color of the underline(s).
    underline type (double underline/none/single underline) : Whether the font style is underline.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 2 janvier 2012
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My iDisk is :
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
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  • Why is selected text in the Twitter search box not highlighted?

    Selected text in the Twitter search box is not highlighted. It should be highlighted. So far as I've noticed, this is the only place where my system doesn't highlight text properly. I can't find any references to this problem with the Twitter search text highlighting anywhere from anyone other than me.
    I'm using Firefox 12 on Windows XP Home with the XP classic theme.
    The word "This" in the above image should be highlighted.

    Such issues have been reported as caused by a PNG image with a white color for the background.
    A right-click on that search bar and opening the Inspector and disable the .global-nav .form-search .search-input { []background-color: transparent;} rule also makes this work.<br />
    This works only as long as the search bar has focus.<br />
    Not sure which rule is causing the selection not to work if the focus is removed.

  • Can't select text when export in HTML and Images

    I am entirely new to Fireworks and I can't find anyone to teach me Adobe Fireworks. I followed some youtube tutorials but most of them are vague. I am still figuring the way to export from Fireworks to Dreamweaver, without affecting its contents like bitmap images and the text. When I export in HTML and Images format and opened the htm file, I can't select the text I've inserted in Fireworks. Can anyone tell me what I should do?

    I cant scroll below or above viewable section of text in any of my Macbooks, iMac, Mac Mini. Never have been able to, never could, except by pressing the arrow keys whilst selecting, to move up or down.
    Its stupid
    I dont have flash installed (never will do since my first virus of video ad sound running in background from Cnet was downloaded and kept returning until i deinstalled flash).
    I believe that this is a universal issue because none of my Macs can scroll out of screen when selecting text, which as a webmaster and developer, is a pain in the butt
    My issue is not in word documents, its in everything

  • Having trouble selecting text in Illustrator CS5

    I've a little problem, when I select text by double click it do not show me the black selection...I don't know why?
    Any ideas?

    If you double-click on a text with the selection tool, the text tool should get selected and the text-cursor is set into the text.
    What do you want to do with the text object? Do you want to edit the text (then double clicking is OK) or do you want to push the text around the artboard, then don't double click.

  • Tab focus behavior when searching selected text

    In the previous versions of Firefox, when I selected some text on a webpage, right-clicked the text to get the context menu, and clicked the "Search" option (e.g. Search Google for "my text selection") the currently focused tab would stay focused and a new tab would be launched to handle the appropriate search in the background. Ever since I updated to Firefox 13, the new tab now receives focus when I do a search on selected text.
    How can I switch back to the old behavior? This change in functionality is driving me crazy. When reading a webpage, I often like to select words and phrases about which I want to learn more and launch searches to Google and/or Wikipedia via the context menu. I almost always like to finish reading the current page before going off to read the new tabs. Even if I did intend to stop reading the current page and go to the new tab, it often takes many seconds for the new tab to load and I would rather keep reading the current page and switch to the new tab manually than stare at a blank tab while I wait for it to load.
    In the "Tabs" tab of the options window, there is a checkbox for "When I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately." Is there anything like this for new tabs launched by a context menu search?

    hey bob, you can enter '''about:config''' into the location bar of firefox, confirm the info notification (in case it shows up), search for the preference named '''''' & toggle it to true by double-clicking it. that should bring back the old behaviour...

  • How do I get the bold, underline, italics editing option for Notes on iPhone 5 iOS 7.0.4? Option is not appearing when I select text.

    When I select text, I don't get an arrow with additional options. What is shown in the image are the only options I get. Is there something I need to do in Settings or something in order to be able to bold, underline and italicize text?

    I only have an iPod (but it does have the latest software) but I achieved bold text as follows:
    1) touch and hold word to embolden;
    2) touch Select;
    3) touch the arrow head at the right;
    4) touch BIU option section of the option bar;
    5) touch the Bold section of the option bar.
    Having selected the text, the selection can be narrowed or widened using the blue dot.  Also, the Bold, Italics and Underline option bar does not disappear once a section has been made, thus bold and underline can be chosen - touch elsewhere on the screen to remove the option bar.  When the selected option bar section background turns grey the software has accepted your request.  Note that a first go at achieving this might not work if the software has not correctly picked up your touch and may not present you with the correct options - it is intuitively trying to help you and sometimes misunderstands your touch.

  • Can't select text on a safari search results page

    Hi, I'm using an Ipad 3 I have safari sset to use the google search in settings
    but when I search for something and it shows the results page I can only select links holding my finger on the text below the link does nothing.
    sometimes the answer i'm looking for is in the text and I can just copy it instead of having to click the link to see it.

    I found out that you gotta do a double tap and hold the only problem is its cumbersome and it only works if safari is set to search google or yahoo if it's set to use bing it does not work at all..
    I've added the code below which will unlock the text select feature when selecting text on a search results page
    I  wrote this java script which allows you to just press and hold on the text to select it.. gets rid of having to double tap and hold and acts like select does on all the other apps. It will also work if your search engine is set to bing.
    to use you will need 2 book marks 1 book mark is for google & yahoo the other is for bing
    add any book mark then go into it and edit it, in the title type "Unlock Text Selection"
    just below the title paste this javascript in
    javascript:void(s = 'hdurj123');  s = '(' + s + ')';  x = new RegExp(s,  'gi');  rn = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);  rid = 'z' + rn;  b =  document.body.innerHTML;  b = b.replace(x, '<span name=' + rid + ' id=' + rid  + ' style=\'color:#000;background-color:white; font-weight:bold;\'>hdurj123</span>'); void(document.body.innerHTML =  b);
    then save it under the book marks bar
    create a second bookmark and edit it
    in the title type "Unlock Selection Bing" and below that past this java script in
    javascript:void(s = 'results');  s = '(' + s + ')';  x = new RegExp(s, 'gi');  rn = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);  rid = 'z' + rn; b = document.body.innerHTML;  b = b.replace(x, '<span name=' + rid + ' id=' + rid + ' style=\'background-color:white; font-weight:bold;\'>results</span>'); void(document.body.innerHTML = b);
    if your search engine is set to yahoo or google:
    fire up safari and do a search for something
    when the search results show click on the bookmark "Unlock Text Selection"
    now you will be able to just press and hold on the text to select it and if you move it around you can select individual words.
    if your search engine is set to bing
    fire up safari and do a search for something
    when the search results show, click on the bookmark "Unlock Selection Bing"
    now you will be able to select text with just a press and hold and even individual words
    this only works for search results pages I tried it on a page after I clicked the link and it caused safari to display the page source instead of the page.. I just use it for searches
    here's an example of setting up the bookmark:
    here's what it looks like on a bing search if your search engine is set to bing, in settings:
    you can see that I was able to select the individual words, *** if your in portrait you may have to zoom in a bit *** landscape works without having to zoom at all

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