Blackberry Desktop Software 4.7

My laptop messed up pretty badly and had to have a new harddrive. Of course, that means I need to reinstall the desktop manager. Unfortunately, I've misplaced it. Dummy me. So I was going to download it from the blackberry site. But it says without media manager. I need the media manager, don't I?
Go to Solution.

Yeah, I know, a little strange to answer oneself but there ya go. I thought of one more place I hadn't look and found the software. Yay!

Similar Messages

  • Blackberry Desktop Software has encountered a problem and needs to close

    When I try to open Blackberry Desktop the message I get is that Blackberry Desktop Software has encountered a problem and needs to close.  I have a Blackberry Bold 9700 and as a result I cannot sync.  Does this mean I need to uninstall and reinstall?  If I reinstall will I lose the update that I have on my phone that has changed the interface?  Will I have to reinstall that as well?
    Thanks for any help or advice you can give me.

    I suggest this thread:
    It starts with a process for cleanly starting over, and there is some discussion, and there is also a post (15) with links to older Desktop Software versions, if those are needed. Note that this is not, by any means, guaranteed to work...but it has worked for many to resolve issues they are having.
    Also, for XP users, please be sure you are on SP3...that is the current minimum level required with the latest Desktop Software.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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  • Blackberry Desktop Software will not Sync with Outlook

    I recently installed Blackberry Desktop Manager 7.1 for Windows on a PC and it will not allow me to sync with outlook calendar, memos and contacts.  It will however sync windows Contacts, if I try to select the option to sync with calendar or memos it gives me an error that now compatible software can be found and to visit  I am running Outlook 2010 32bit in Windows 7 with the latest Blackberry desktop software.  I am not to familiar with Blackberry so any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Well I believe I have figured out the answer to my own question, I ended up having to do a repair installation for Office 2010 and I was able to sync from outlook to the Blackberry.

  • Blackberry Desktop Software has stopped working. A problem has caused the program to stop...

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    Hi somewhatstock
    How far did you get with them? Did they have any ideas what might be causing the problem? Trying to work on it myself, so trying to eliminate what others might have tried. Curious why it works on my Desktop however. Losing tethering really causes problems as I rely on tethering with my laptop quite a lot.  
    Any information most welcome,

  • BlackBerry Desktop Software Is their a download for Mac desktop Os 10.5.8

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    Vintage Tec head 8088

    This subject has been discussed on the forum already.
    No earlier versions of the MAC desktop software for reasons unknown to us.
    Indeed PC versions can be retrieved somewhere, I guess, but not for the Mac.
    Only a possible reader of this forum could offer you his file if still an older version in his archive folders or something similar.
    Fingers crossed
    Please don't forget to mark as "solved" if your question is replied and to "like" a useful reply to your post ;-)

  • Blackberry desktop software 7 is a waste of time - disappoint​ing!!!

    I wish I had not accepted the option to update my desptop software from v6 to v7. I have since been unable to synchronize and have been through the re-installation process several times without success. The software kept looking for 'Blackberry desktop software.msi' under c:\Windows\installer\ folder. I am now fed up!! What a waste of time, this is not good for business.
    Can any tell me where I can get the most up-to-date version 6 from a BB site? I would like to revert back to a working software.

    Refer to the following post:​tware-for-PC/Good-News/m-p/1572695

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    OK I FIND SOLUTION FROM FIRST TIME. I was in January already registered under nick name HONGKONG
    and here is solution what work first time. But now after DMupdate again DONT WORK.
    I had all the same problems as everyone else on this thread, but it was just as simple as renaming Rim.Desktop.Services.PolicyManager.dll to Rim.Desktop.Services.PolicyManager.dll.old and then back to Rim.Desktop.Services.PolicyManager.dll it worked.
    The file is located in:
    C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Desktop\Modules\
    I can only say RIM, I never buy again BB units. Bye [keep it courteous please].

  • Unable to load Blackberry Desktop software windows 7 64-bit

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    Any ideas why it doesnt appear to be loading correctly?

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    I suggest this thread:
    It starts with a process for cleanly starting over, and there is some discussion, and there is also a post (15) with links to older Desktop Software versions, if those are needed. Note that this is not, by any means, guaranteed to work...but it has worked for many to resolve issues they are having.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • During an update of the applications on the BlackBerry smartphone an error message may be displayed "BlackBerry Desktop Software failed to validate your BlackBerry device update - Aborting install due to validation failure. Some packages contained unsatis

    I have reset both my torch and playbook back to original only thing that I kept was my contact. And still problems I am a few min away from leave my loved blackberry and going android !! Or heaven help us Phone
    Issues 1) playbook wont connect to desktop manager anymore 
    2) Play book has 2 calendar icons with two different settings on them ??? I have one that is currently working with my yahoo email and calendar account. 
    3) my Phone when connected to desk top software shows the calendar as read only
    4) Unable to update my phone says During an update of the applications on the BlackBerry® smartphone an error message may be displayed "BlackBerry Desktop Software failed to validate your BlackBerry device update - Aborting install due to validation failure. Some packages contained unsatisfactory dependencies." 
    I just want my email and Calendars to work I am tried of spending nights trying to get these deices working !!! 
    someone please help me. !! 
    I know you are going to ask I have updated everything last time and it is all as update as it can get. 
    As for now as I wait I am going to wipe my phone again and just set everything up again !! If I have to even my contacts AHHHH Help I am starting to think crazy thoughts 

    Did you try to eboot the your PC or laptop where your device is connected ?
    I experienced this with my windows laptop, after a failed to do an update, I restart the laptop and my Torch, then retried, and it's worked

  • Windows XP gives message "BlackBerry Desktop Software has encountered a problem and needs to close." when trying to start Desktop Manager

    I apologize if this issue has already been handled in others' posts; I just can't locate my specific issue, and I'm a newbie with this.
    I first encountered the Windows crash shown in subject yesterday when trying to sync my Blackberry. Message is displayed after the program churns for awhile, but hasn't even detected a remote device or shown that it is doing any work.
    I vaguely recall agreeing to an update a few days back.  Perhaps Windows has updated recently as well? 
    I have uninstalled and installed most recent Desktop version several times, rebooting in between.  I have tried installing original version as well - Desktop at least starts then, but bombs before syncing anything.  I also have rolled back my Windows system to before last Windows update.
    Here is the error message that I believe is associated with this problem:
    Sunday, December 26, 2010
    .NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting
    EventType clr20r3, P1 rim.desktop.exe, P2, P3 4cfdab9c, P4 microsoft.practices.composite, P5, P6 4c58abaf, P7 12b, P8 50, P9 sclhiaanmqhkf4zdfpvvwejkphn1z uj, P10 NIL.
    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    Bold 9650 running on Windows XP
    I finally solved my problem with blackberry desktop manager 6.0.1 by going bck to 6.0 version and here is how I did it, since the 6.0 version is not available on blackberry's website or on a disk and I have spent over 30 hours with BB tech support all to no avail in fixing 6.0.1 and enabling it to open.
    1) Removed any Blackberry desktop software from my computer via the  add/remove program in the control panel.  No need to deal with a clean uninstall in terms of registry cleaner, etc.
    2) Installed 6.0 which i was lucky enough to have backed up the intallation files from several months ago when I backed up my entire system to an external drive. 
    3) Opened BB desktop mananager and connected my device and configured my sysn with outlook and all worked out. 
    If anyone needs BB Desktop Manager 6.0 to go back to a version that once worked for you, please let me know and I will email it to you via since it is a 95mb file.

  • Is there a Blackberry Desktop Software for MAC OS 10.4.11? Or something equivalent? Help Please!

    Hello All,
    Is there a Blackberry Desktop Software for MAC OS 10.4.11?  Or something equivalent?
    I recently switched from a palm treo to blackberry but didn't anticipate syncing issues with my mac until now.  The current BB desktop software seems only compatible with MAC OS 10.5, so I'm in a difficult position.
    Please any suggestions are deeply welcomed!!
    Thank you.

    No, sorry, there is not.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
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  • Blackberry Desktop Software - Request Option to Disable Software from Loading During Start-Up

    After Blackberry Desktop Software automatic updates. Software become part of Start-Up option or menu. I do not want Blackberry Desktop Software to automatically load during Start-Up. The Desktop Software does not have a user friendly option to disable the desktop software from loading during start-up. Am writing you to add this feature to your desktop software. I've just completed loading v5.0.1 and again I need to hunt and peck a way through windows to delete this software from loading during start-up. This software needs to have a user friendly option to disable the desktop software from loading during start-up. When I loaded v4.x.x when I bought my blackberry your set-up wizard had this disable option, but all your subsequent software upgrades change my windows start-up to load blackberry desktop manager software. Please add this feature to your software.

    Hello and Welcome to the Forums!
    In regards to your hope that RIM will see your message -- these forums are a user-to-user support channel, not a user-to-RIM conduit. As such, it is unlikely that they will see what you have written. However, if you have specific and constructive ideas for them, I have heard that they accept such via email to [email protected]
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Help! Blackberry Desktop Software has encountered a problem and needs to close

    I cannot get my Blackberry Desktop to open.  An immediate message is displayed" Blackberry Desktop Software has encountered a problem and needs to close." I have done the following:
    1.  Rebooted
    2. Uninstalled and reinstalled from the website
    3,  Uninstalled, gone in to the program files and removed everything I cou;ld find from Research in Motion and then reinstalled from the website and rebooted
    Nothing has worked.  My Blackberry Bold 9700 phone is still working just fine but I cannot back it up/
    I am not the most technilogically savvy but I'm not bad...Someone please help!.

    I suggest this thread:
    It starts with a process for cleanly starting over, and there is some discussion, and there is also a post (15) with links to older Desktop Software versions, if those are needed. Note that this is not, by any means, guaranteed to work...but it has worked for many to resolve issues they are having.
    Also, for XP users, please be sure you are on SP3...that is the current minimum level required with the latest Desktop Software.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Blackberry Desktop Software crashes on startup

    I am running Windows XP on an Intel-based Mac through Boot Camp.  I have only recently had this issue and cannot resolve it.  I have Blackberry Desktop Software installed on my Mac as well and it runs fine, but I also need it for the Windows side because my company runs Lotus Notes and they subscribe to Blackberry Enterprise Server, so I need to routinely sync my phone with my Lotus Notes Contacts and calendar.
    Here is what I receive:
    "Blackberry Desktop Software has encountered a problem and needs to close."
    Error signature
    Event type: clr20r3
    P1: rim.desktop.exe
    P3: 4cfdab9c
    P4: microsoft.practices.composite
    P6: 4cfdaa3a
    P7: 12b
    P8: 50 
    P9: sclhiaanmqhkf4zdfpvvwekjphnm1zuj
    The actually "error report contents" are very long.  The strange thin g is that under "error report contants" it shows the "system info" as Windows NT build 5.1, very strange

    Same situation, same problem. ?? I only tried to use my Parallels windows instal becaue my mac version desktop software refused to delete applications or update. What is up with Blackberry and macs?

  • Blackberry desktop software

    i downloaded the latest version of blackberry desktop software.   as far as i know everything went ok,
    however i clicked on the icon on my desktop because i wanted to update my bb,  and i couldnt go any further because the blackberry desktop software sign came up then i got the following message;
     Blackberry desktop software has encountered a problem and needs to close.
    ive installed the latest version twice   first time was because i got notified,  second time was because i uninstalled the program and downloaded it again.
    i am very upset because i want to see my bb  needs any updates

    Try doing a clean uninstall of the BlackBerry Desktop Software as shown here: Then reinstall. Make sure you are installing it in a Windows User Account with admin privileges. 
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • BlackBerry Desktop Software giving Error (not opening)

    I have purchased BlackBerry Curve 3G 9300 but,It's more than 4 times that I am getting error on BlackBerry Desktop Software. After installing it open the BlackBerry Desktop Software window with logo and then Error window popup saying that BlackBerry Desktop Software has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.
      After Click on the What data does this error report contain? It shows Error window
    Error Signature---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    EventType : clr20r3   P1 : rim.desktop.exe  P2 :    P3: 4db5e0d4
    P4 : microsoft.practices.composite  P5 :  P6 : 4db5def0
    P7 : 12b   P8:50  P9:sclhiaanmqhkf4zdfpvvwejkphnm1zui
    Reoprting details------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    This error report includes: information regarding the condition of BlackBerry Desktop Software when the problem occurred;the operating system version and computer hardware in use; your Didital Product ID, which could be used to identify your license; and the Internet Protocol(IP)  address of your computer.
               kindly guide me.

    I am having the same problem I have reinstalled the software more times than I can count and now I cannot open the Icon on my desktop at all. This is beginning to be really frustrating can someone please help. I want to download my pictures from my phone to my computer unable to do that as well.

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