Bleeding data

Now, well into my first month as a Verizon customer, I have seen my data usage double in the first 2 weeks of service. I have a 1 GB plan and a new IPhone 5 and have used well over 2GB of data.
This is compared to my AT&T IPhone 4 account where I never used my 2 GB of data in 2 years.
I have been forced to shut off my cellular browsing and install a data compression application (Onavo) to conserve data.
This is a learning experience I really didn`t need to experience.
I`ve been in touch with Verizon without any resolution to this problem.
What`s next?? I don`t know but I was wondering who else might have any solutions or maybe just rath to vent??

Happened to me also. I was on a 2gb a month for my computer. It worked fine for about 4 months, then in November I used the computer for a few days and got a warning of over usage. From the 17th (my reset date to about the 21st I had already used my entire allotment. I only use my computer at work as we are not allowed to use company computers for personal finance or any non business use. I couldnt figure out what was going on. Called tech support and asked how my usage could go up so drastically as I had not changed my usage habits. After Thanksgiving holiday I used my computer at my desk while working and my account was registered another  2 gigs inone 4 hour session. Happened two more times. I finally called and cancelled my account. I will cancel my phone lines as soon as plan expires.
First tech said Verizon was having a problem and it would be worked out. I asked for a confirm # & was told my phone call would be on record. One tech tried to tell me that since I had Yahoo running straight for 4 hours that I was down loading all the pop-up commercials. Beyond stupid. Next tech was so rude that I cancelled my account on the spot. He tried to tell me that there would be an early cancellation fee of 300$ or something dumb. I was not on a contract so they could not charge me that. All in all a very bad experience with Verizon. I will have to pay the 50 $ overage charge of have my credit report ruined. They hold all the markers. If I had Verizon stock I would sell that to.

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    With help from a Verizon representative, we turned off location services, closed all background apps and stopped automatic updates and refreshes, shut off icloud, email, and anything else that could possibly be running in the background or consuming data.  The changes didn't do anything to slow the usage, and the Verizon reps suggested that my daughter was secretly using her phone in the middle of the night to play games and watch movies. At Verizon's recommendation, we signed up for parental controls, and set them to prevent the phone from being used during the school day, and at night.  However, the phone and Verizon continue to show data use in tiny increments 24 hours per day.  These post in the Verizon data usage logs about every 10 minutes, and are typically 10-20KB. 
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    Although it is frequently suggested that the "fix" for this problem is to turn off cellular, that hardly addresses the problem.  It would also mean we have purchased a very expensive iPod.
    Is there anyone who can help us address this issue?  Verizon has been no help, and does not acknowledge this as an ongoing problem, despite the fact that there are countless articles, blogs, and videos online about the very same issue.  We have tried a number of the "fix" recommendations we've found online, but thus far have had no success.

    There's something wrong. Have you tried the 4 Rs basic troubleshooting steps?
    1. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the red "slide to power off" slider appears, and then slide the slider.
    2. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.
    Reset: Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Note: You will not lose any data
    Restore from backup
    Restore as new
    This article is about battery life, there are a few tips about data usage as well.
    Data settings & usage
    If all failed, make an appointment with the Apple genius at your local Apple Store and have them evaluate.

  • Failed to open pdf error on every document

    Today I came and started placing pdf documents in Indesign CS3 like I always do, and suddenly I start getting "failed to open pdf" errors on every pdf file I try and place. I have tried all the suggested tactics of selecting show import options, changing the crop to bounding box, etc. Nothing working.
    I also tried to open the pdf in acrobat and export into a different format or optimize it using the pdf optimizer, but when I do that I get gobbly **** text on the pdf. See screenshots
    The only workaround that works is to save as a raster image. But this is incredibly time consuming. I also tried importing these same files into Indesign cs 4 and I get the same errors. I am wondering if this is a system wide issue. Any ideas or suggestions?
    I noticed all these pdf were created using cs4 and above. Not sure if this helps.

    Hold the Shift key as you click Place or turn on Show Import Options in the Place dialogue.
    I get this from time to time. Here’s what I think happens: You placed a PDF with Import Options showing so you could select a different crop method, like bleed. This becomes the new default import option for PDF files. But if you import a file with no bleed data InDesign gives an error message instead of either jumping to import options or telling you the default crop options are unavailable for this file. I would call it a bug. I have encountered it from at least version 4 (aka CS2).

  • Terrible data bleed on iphone 5/ATT the last two months

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    ITUNES (also not using/disabled on all settings)
    I have everything disabled on this phone to the point of it pretty much being a "dumb phone" now.  I use wifi almost all day and have cellular data shut down.
    I spent an hour on the phone with ATT the other night and they are "investigating".
    There is no reason my data usage should be doubling suddenly, when my habits and settings have not changed.
    Anyone else seeing this?  I am ready to dump this phone.

    Hello there dot2222,
    It sounds like you are seeing some extremely high data usage all of a sudden on your phone, even though you disable cellular and even Wi-Fi regularly when not in use. Excessive data usage can be hard to troubleshoot, but lets see what we can do. I would start with the basics, because since it popped up so suddenly. Quit all the running apps first:
    iOS: Force an app to close
    Double-click the Home button.
    Swipe left or right until you have located the app you wish to close.
    Swipe the app up to close it.
    When you have done that and restart the phone and test the issue again:
    iOS: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting
    If the issue persists, use the following article to troubleshoot the cellular data connection starting at step 3, working your way down from there.
    iPhone: Troubleshooting a cellular data connection
    This will lead you to a resolution if this is a software issue, which it seems to me to be.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

  • Changing the Color of Crop and Bleed Marks from Registration to Black

    Hello all,
    I have been searching the web and have tried numerous things but I can't seem to solve this problem.  In InDesign crop marks and bleed marks are printed in "Registration" color.  I understand why that is needed for plate printing.  However I am laser printing and I need those marks to be in "Black" color.  I have tried to edit the cropmark script by changing "Registration" to "Black" on the line with myRegColor.  I have tried changing the printer setting to "Pure Black".  However I can't get the crop and bleed marks to print in "Black".   I have been on various websites and while there are people asking the question I haven't found a answer that works.  I have searched this community as well but haven't found an answer that I understand.  Before I manually make crop marks I want to make sure I am not missing something completely obvious. 
    With laser printing there is a different charge for color and B&W.  The fact that the crop marks are coming in as color and not black means B&W pages are counted as color in the printing cost.  I have tested the same docuement (which was just one page full of sample black text) with and without crop/bleed marks.  When the document is printed without the marks the printer clicks as a B&W page.  When it is printed with the marks the printer click as a color page. 
    I am creating the doc in InDesign and exporting to Acrobat for printing.  I am using Creative Cloud so I think I have the most up to date version of InDesign.
    Any help would be much appreciated.  Thanks.

    With CS6 or later you can export to grayscale and in that case the crops will be black only. Like this:
    You should set your Appearance of Black to Rich black otherwise 100% black CMYK might export to something less than 100% grayscale. When you check the PDF in Acrobat set the simulation profile to the grayscale profile you export to.

  • Data Set Save As Action

    I'm working on learning how to use variables in AI so I can do variable pieces with fancier design layouts than I can do in InDesign.  I've gotten through creating XML files, learning how to run scripts, writing a script to convert an excel XML file to an Illustrator Data Set, and loading and reviewing the multiple sets.  One last problem.  When I create the Save As action, even though I select the Data Set name as the naming convention, it keeps saving each data set as the same file name I created the action with (causing me to have only one file output).  If I select the Override Action commands button, it does save with the proper names, but errors out if I've set it to save as PDF, and if I've got it set to save as EPS, the output files don't have an extension, so I would have to go through each one and add the extension before I can open or combine into a multi page pdf.
    Any ideas on where I'm going wrong?  I just created a new action, recorded going to Save As, and saved the file, which is sweet since it saves with all the proper settings (bleed etc.).  I've tried setting the action by using the Insert Menu Item command, but that just runs an action where I would have to name each file and select the Save As options.

    You can use "Save Copy" instead of "Save As", which will keep your extension, but you must take care not to rename the file in any way when it is saved using this method for the purpose of recording a saving action.

  • Price of Adobe lcds 3: ByBy Adobe LiveCycle Data Services 3 final

    Hi Adobe,
    first of all I would like to mention, that I worked since April 2009 with lcds 3 day and night. I was really excited about the product.
    We planned to set up a start up compay using lcds 3.
    When the final version came out, I was completey shocked about the pricing policy:
    The first CPU is no longer free, the 100 concurrent version is gone as well and the full licence at 18.500€ per CPU =(x1,5108=27.950 US $)!
    As the data within our is very confidential, we have to set up a seperate server for a group, with for example 50 users.
    That makes 27.950$/50=559$ per user. That is more then we planned to take for our complete product!
    A cheaper hosting solution would not help, as there are very strict regulations in Europe especially for financial data where the server has to be located and who has access to it.
    The whole situation remindes me at the 1980ties when Apple showed their first computers. What a wunderfull product! But the price in Europe was about 500-700% more expensive then a normal PC. With a bleeding heart I bought a PC with Microsoft on it. And guess what, about 12 computers and 25 years  later I am still using Windows!
    I think its not enough to have a very good product to win the crowd. You have to understand the situation of your customers what is possible and what not. Ok Adobe, go with a startup company to a bank and ask for a loan for a single server with 4CPU=74.000€ =111.900$. Only for a licence for one server for the backend! The server is not paid with it.
    The funny thing is, even if Adobe changes back the policy, I lost my confidence. I fear that Adobe would raise the price in the future.
    I will give Adobe not a second chance to hit me like that, to take me out of the market before I even started!
    ByBy Adobe LiveCyle Data Services!
    A former customer

    Wordware has the book in stock right now and orders placed
    before 3pm CST (we're in the Dallas, TX area) go out same day.
    Orders placed over the weekend will go out on Monday.
    Please let me know if you have any other questions.
    - Tim
    Wordware Publishing, Inc.

  • PDF without extensive data "Document Overhead"

    How do I create in Indd a PDF without additional data "Document Overhead"? These data are very comprehensive and greatly increase the file size (68 MB)
    I use the PDF sets to create the file:
        [Based on 'Adobe PDF 1.7 Arch 96 ppi'] [Based on '[PDF/X-4:2008]'] Use these settings to create Adobe PDF documents that are to be checked or must conform to PDF/X-4:2008, an ISO standard for graphic content exchange.  For more information on creating PDF/X-4 compliant PDF documents, please refer to the Acrobat User Guide.  Created PDF documents can be opened with Acrobat and Adobe Reader 5.0 and later.
    PDF Preset: Adobe PDF 1.7 Arch 96 ppi
    Compatibility: Acrobat 8/9 (PDF 1.7)
    Standards Compliance: None
        Pages: All
        Spreads: Off
        Generate Thumbnails: Off
        Optimise PDF: On
        Create Acrobat Layers: Off
        Export Layers: Visible and Printable Layers
        Include Bookmarks: On
        Include Hyperlinks: On
        Export Nonprinting Objects: Off
        Export Visible Guides and Baseline Grids: Off
        Create Tagged PDF: Off
        Interactive Elements: Do Not Include
        Colour Images
            Bicubic Downsample at: 96 ppi
            for images above: 96 ppi
            Compression: JPEG
            Tile Size: N/A
            Quality: High
        Greyscale Images
            Bicubic Downsample at: 96 ppi
            for images above: 96 ppi
            Compression: JPEG
            Tile Size: N/A
            Quality: High
        Monochrome Images
            Bicubic Downsample at: 600 ppi
            for images above: 600 ppi
            Compression: CCITT Group 4
        Compress Text and Line Art: On
        Crop Image Data to Frames: On
    Marks and Bleeds
        Crop Marks: Off
        Bleed Marks: Off
        Registration Marks: Off
        Colour Bars: Off
        Page Information: Off
        Page Mark Type: Default
        Weight: 0.25 pt
        Offset: 2.117 mm
        Use Document Bleed Settings: Off
        Bleed Top: 0 mm
        Bleed Bottom: 0 mm
        Bleed Inside: 0 mm
        Bleed Outside: 0 mm
        Include Slug Area: Off
        Colour Conversion: Convert to Destination
        Destination: eciRGB v2
        Profile Inclusion Policy: Don't Include Profiles
        Simulate Overprint: N/A
        Output Intent Profile Name: N/A
        Output Condition: N/A
        Output Condition Identifier: N/A
        Registry Name: N/A
        Subset Fonts Below: 100%
        Omit PDF: Off
        Omit EPS: Off
        Omit Bitmap Images: Off
        Transparency Flattener Preset: N/A
        Ignore Spread Overrides: N/A
    PDF 68 MB:
    In Adobe Acrobat Pro I can get rid of these data by optimization of the document and reduces the file to size 16 MB!?
    After optimize PDF in Acrobat PDF 16 MB!
    How to create a PDF straight from the indd? Which settings are responsible for these?

    Hi Cropas!
    As stated above my PDF export settings you can read that this option is set to OFF. <Create Tagged PDF: Off>.
    Indd can not cope with this option for embedded PDF document indd?

  • Data Merge (ID) then Split Documents with Filename

    Hey everyone,
    I'm using InDesign and Data Merge to create business cards for our printer, but we of course have the recepients proof them first.
    I was wondering if there was a way where after the Data Merge, I could separate every 2 pages into their own PDF (front and back of card).
    Even more awesome would be if the PDF filename could be "<<FirstName>><<LastName>>-BC-proof.pdf"

    Created this desription for someone looking to help, may clarify:
    So here’s my workflow and goal result for these files.
    I am creating special business cards for a handful of people in our company. And since our print vendor usually handles proofs and approvals per individual, I’ve got to try and replicate that process for this piece.
    I created an InDesign file with the fields I need to populate from a spreadsheet with all their contact information.
    Data Merge works like it should, and my merged document contains the front and back of each card for each individual in the handful of people. But now, I need to send out a copy of each for the recipient to approve.
    Another helper here has been manually splitting the documents and sending them out for approval, but I’d very much like to streamline the process (from merge, to proof, to approval, to printer). And the printer will likely be needing these in separate files for shipping reasons.
    So now that I have a merged document, my goal would be to export every 2 pages with a filename of the “<<LastName>><<FirstName>>-COE_BC_PROOF.pdf” so our helper can get them sent out for approval.
    A second step may be to re-do this process with bleed for the printers (or if that seems too much, the proofs will just include bleed and what not so we can forward them straight to the printer).
    So wadda ya think?

  • Contents of iPhoto 6 data files

    I'm trying to get a comprehensive understanding of the data structures of iPhoto 6. For the life of me I can't find any previous postings that explain all the files. In particular, I'd like to understand (high level) the contents of the following files:
    I know that the Thumb*.data files have thumbnails in them, but don't know what the difference is between the three files. I'm assuming the is a semaphore to lock out multiple accesses to these data files. And I have divined that AlbumData.xml contains the roll and album information for every photo, in addition to some other good stuff.
    What I understand the least are the three Library*.iPhoto files. In particular Library6.iPhoto is big (~100Mb for 6000 pics)--what's in there?!
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    So I want to know what they are so I can experiment with doing some of my photo management in iPhoto, and some directly through the file system. And I want to try to do things like delete Library6.iphoto but I don't want to spend an hour re-entering the dates for all of my rolls when iPhoto recreates the rolls with the weird dates that it grabs.<<<</div>
    That's what I had expected. Don't tamper with the iPhoto library unless you enjoy bleeding ulcers. The following is pasted from the iPhoto "Help" screens:
    IMPORTANT: If you move, delete, rename, or otherwise touch files or folders within this folder, you may be unable to see your pictures in the iPhoto application.
    What is it that you want to do that you're unable to do from INSIDE iPhoto?

  • Screen bleeding

    I haven't seen this problem mentioned yet.  My screen is bleeding color (red), and it seems that the resolution has dropped considerably. Looks like the difference between a 16bit screen, and the high resolution. 
    Has anyone else seen this problem? 
    I think that I may have to doctor it, though I want to save that as a last resort. 
    There has been no hard bangs to the screen, and it hasn't been dropped. Restarting will clear it up sometimes, but often the startup HP logo has a red halo around it. If it does start clean, after a few minutes it will revert to what I would call a lower resolution outlined in red.
    Any suggestions?
    Post relates to: Touchpad 32GB

    Hello Zippo and welcome to the forums...
    If a restart clears it up sometimes, it sounds like it could be OS related.  Or if the hardware warms up, it starts to discolor and go to low res.  Have you tried an erase apps and data from the device info application.  This may or may not help.  Your on the right track with the Web OS Doctor.  If you do this and still the problem persists, it must be hardware related and may be related to the device heating up.
    Is it warm to touch during this time?  Has the device been exposed to heat at all?
    You could try some of the tests in the Device info also.  After opening the Device Info application, tap on the top left Device Info> Diagnostics> Tests.  There may be a screen test you can try.  It will go through the colors on the screen and test the resolution.
    If all else fails, the device is covered under warranty for 1 year.

  • JDBC runtime error using data source (Oracle 9i server & Oracle 8i client)

    Wud someone help me with this? Why am I getting this run-time error?
    D:\shilpa\javaprogs>java -classpath %classpath%;.; CreateMovieTables
    javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environmen
    t or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource f
    ile: java.naming.factory.initial
    at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.getURLOrDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.jav
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
    at CreateMovieTables.initialize(
    at CreateMovieTables.main(
    This is how I have created the data source:
    public void initialize() throws SQLException, NamingException
              Context initialContext = new InitialContext();
              DataSource dataSource = null;
              dataSource = (DataSource) initialContext.lookup("jdbc/Oracle");
              connection = dataSource.getConnection();
    I have set the classpath to: C:\j2sdk1.4.2_08\jre\lib where the file exists.
    Here's the jndi file:
    What am I doing wrong? Cud someone help me with this? It's working fine when I don't use the data source. Maybe I am doing something wrong.

    After reading your posts, I noticed that my eyes were bleeding...
    Wud someone help me with this?
    Cud someone help me with this?
    Thanks. It worked. BUt, IF i wanna ...
    I don't[b] wanna...
    what shud i do then?
    Thought I should return the favor encapsulating the essence of this writing style:
    So, IF i cud, I wud, but If i don't wanna shud i anyway?
    Just funnin around... Good luck on your problem though.
    Darn it, my eyes are bleeding again!

  • Wireless Data Spikes

    I have looked at multiple posts from people experiencing the same issues we are experiencing here at our house.  We are seeing enormous spikes in data usage during times when we are not home and the computer is off.  We dropped our ATT DSL connection and signed on to Verizon in mid January.  We signed up for 6GB because we do not stream videos or music, have no kids and work far too much ... Our dog is extremely smart, but does not have opposable thumbs and her paws are too big, so her computer use is nil.  We immediately saw massive data consumption that forced us to up our data plan ... Three times.  And still went over the plan only to receive a $90 surcharge, most of which occurred on the last day of our billing cycle so we had no chance to adjust the plan.
    Finally after watching similar spikes occur again this month, we went to one of the local stores.  I was in line at the local store for about an hour until I finally spoke with a sales person who said that we need to call in and talk with Verizon Tech Support ... What fun that was!  After forcing my way through the automated system by pressing "0"multiple times, I got a customer service rep who finally connected me to nice young lady who tried to be helpful, but essentially talked in circles about something trying to contact Comcast through our modem, to the point of even asking if either my wife or I work for Comcast ... We do not work for or have any affiliation with Comcast, nor am I remotely aware of any possible connection to Comcast from our home.  During that call, I reset the modem and made sure all devices were disconnected ... We still saw a spike in data usage.
    I turned the modem off on Monday evening at 1030pm EST and that seemed to stop the bleeding.  I turned it back on yesterday afternoon just to see what would happen ... No huge spikes yet, but that hardly seems like a solution to me.  We want to be able to use our devices when we want to use them, not on/off/on/off every time.  Considering the other posts I have read, I feel that our best option is to drop this service, pay whatever penalty to break the contract and revert back to another ISP.  This system is not worth it.  Worst of all, it is actually slower than the old DSL we had before.
    Bottom line is that we are completely dissatisfied with this option through Verizon.

    I have done this and it shows which apps are using the cellular, however none of them are using near this much.  I think the one that had the most was 500meg.  Not even close.  Is this perhaps a provider issue?  Or a virus maybe?

  • Way of permanently removing bleed from a linked PDF?

    I'm working on a linked online catalog on a free hosting service.  I linked the entire PDF, then uploaded it.  The links themselves work fine.  Trouble is, the cropped PDF still has the bleed in the doc because it was exported for print instead of web, so the link coordinates are adjusted down and to the right to compensate for the "imaginary" bleed when uploaded.  The hosting company's response is to simply re-export from InDesign for web and link again.  I'd rather not do this, as this is a 140-page catalog with maybe 20 links on each page.
    Is there a way to crop out the bleed completely while keeping the links in Acrobat?  I was hoping there was some way of optimizing that would remove the extra bleed, but I haven't found the solution yet.
    Or does anyone know of a plugin that can shift link coordinates in a document?
    Thanks for reading!

    I am changing it from linked list to blocking queue however I do have a question about what I should use to poll the data? Instead of a remove should I use take which seemed to remove the first element and if there wasn't one wait until there was. I was trying to not have the threads blocked because I do need to stop them when a disconnect is sent from the main thread.

  • 2D decode vs. form data integration.export data performance

    We have 2D forms that we accept in printed format or via electronic submission.  When they are printed we use the Decode to extract the data before processing.  When we get them back electronically, instead of using the Decode we use the formDataIntegration.Export data call.  We have mapped a xsd to the form to facilitate this.  An advantage of using the export data call is that we dont have to deal with print issues such as smudged barcodes, bleeding ink, thin paper, etc..
    BUT im wondering performance wise is one better than the other?
    A scanned form is 40kb while our electronic form is 400 kb (mainly because we only scan the barcoded page).
    Is 1 more CPU intensive?  Does 1 require more RAM and other system resources than the other?
    Are the both multithreaded or single threaded?
    I ask because we currently have a 70/30 split of scans/electronic submissions but because we will be outsourcing this and our pilot is showing a 99/1 split (scans/electronic).

    We have 2D forms that we accept in printed format or via electronic submission.  When they are printed we use the Decode to extract the data before processing.  When we get them back electronically, instead of using the Decode we use the formDataIntegration.Export data call.  We have mapped a xsd to the form to facilitate this.  An advantage of using the export data call is that we dont have to deal with print issues such as smudged barcodes, bleeding ink, thin paper, etc..
    BUT im wondering performance wise is one better than the other?
    A scanned form is 40kb while our electronic form is 400 kb (mainly because we only scan the barcoded page).
    Is 1 more CPU intensive?  Does 1 require more RAM and other system resources than the other?
    Are the both multithreaded or single threaded?
    I ask because we currently have a 70/30 split of scans/electronic submissions but because we will be outsourcing this and our pilot is showing a 99/1 split (scans/electronic).

Maybe you are looking for