BLOB Size limitations

Is there a means to get passed the 4GB blob size limitation? Are there compression routines that interMedia offers?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

What version of Oracle are you working with? And how are you planning to store the data?
If you are using BFILE LOBs, then the media is stored outside the database and the size is limited to 4GB in 10.2. If you are using BLOB storage (inside the database) then the limit is up to 128 TB in size.
I assume that this is video data? interMedia will not be able to process any images that large, though I expect it will be able to extract properties from the header without any problem.

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    "To scan attachments, the content scanning engine extracts the attachment for the RSA Email DLP scanning engine to scan." 
    Can you identify what scanning engine is referenced by "content scanning engine" and what is the maximum attachment size it can process?  Also are those settings modifiable and some indcation of performance impact if they are increased to a maximum of 50 MB per attachment?
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    Hello David,
    The content scanning engine in reference is the same AsyncOS scanning engine responsible or Message and Content Filter scanning. The maximum size of attachment to scan for this scanning engine is controlled by your 'scanconfig' setttings, as configured in the IronPort CLI. The default 'maximum size of attachment to scan' is 5MB.>scanconfig
    There are currently 6 attachment type mappings configured to be SKIPPED.
    Choose the operation you want to perform:
    - NEW - Add a new entry.
    - DELETE - Remove an entry.
    - SETUP - Configure scanning behavior.
    - IMPORT - Load mappings from a file.
    - EXPORT - Save mappings to a file.
    - PRINT - Display the list.
    - CLEAR - Remove all entries.
    - SMIME - Configure S/MIME unpacking.
    []> setup
    1. Scan only attachments with MIME types or fingerprints in the list.
    2. Skip attachments with MIME types or fingerprints in the list.
    Choose one:
    Enter the maximum depth of attachment recursion to scan:
    Enter the maximum size of attachment to scan:
    Any message that is larger than this limit will be skipped by the scanning engine. This would mean that pertinent DLP policys and filters would not match that same message. Naturally, allowing larger messages to be scanned will result in performance risks, as more system resources would be required to complete the content scanning.

  • Exchange 2013 Mail Size Limits

    I am having an issue with setting the max send and receive size on Exchange 2013.  I keep getting the following error when I attempt to send a 20 meg file server to an internal exchange account OR if I attempt to send a 20 meg file from the exchange
    server to an external account: 
    #550 5.3.4
    ROUTING.SizeLimit; message size exceeds fixed maximum size for route ##
    I have checked the mail sizes and below is the report.  I currently have both send and receive set to 100MB.  Is there some other setting in 2013 that I am not aware of?
    AnonymousSenderToRecipientRatePerHour                       : 1800
    : True
    ConvertDisclaimerWrapperToEml                               : False
    : UseExchangeDSNs
    ExternalDelayDsnEnabled                                     : True
    ExternalDsnDefaultLanguage                                  :
    ExternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled                         : True
    ExternalDsnMaxMessageAttachSize                             : 100 MB (104,857,600 bytes)
    ExternalDsnReportingAuthority                               :
    : True
    ExternalPostmasterAddress                                   :
    GenerateCopyOfDSNFor                                        :
    : Standard
    InternalDelayDsnEnabled                                     : True
    InternalDsnDefaultLanguage                                  :
    InternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled                         : True
    InternalDsnMaxMessageAttachSize                             : 100 MB (104,857,600 bytes)
    InternalDsnReportingAuthority                               :
    : True
    JournalingReportNdrTo                                       : <>
    LegacyJournalingMigrationEnabled                            : False
    LegacyArchiveJournalingEnabled                              : False
    LegacyArchiveLiveJournalingEnabled                          : False
    RedirectUnprovisionedUserMessagesForLegacyArchiveJournaling : False
    RedirectDLMessagesForLegacyArchiveJournaling                : False
    MaxDumpsterSizePerDatabase                                  : 18 MB (18,874,368 bytes)
    : 7.00:00:00
    : 100 MB (104,857,600 bytes)
    MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit                                   : 500
    MaxRetriesForLocalSiteShadow                                : 2
    MaxRetriesForRemoteSiteShadow                               : 4
    : 100 MB (104,857,600 bytes)
    : False
    OpenDomainRoutingEnabled                                    : False
    RejectMessageOnShadowFailure                                : False
    Rfc2231EncodingEnabled                                      : False
    : 2.00:00:00
    ShadowHeartbeatFrequency                                    : 00:02:00
    ShadowMessageAutoDiscardInterval                            : 2.00:00:00
    ShadowMessagePreferenceSetting                              : PreferRemote
    ShadowRedundancyEnabled                                     : True
    ShadowResubmitTimeSpan                                      : 03:00:00
    : {Reject, Allow}
    TLSReceiveDomainSecureList                                  : {}
    TLSSendDomainSecureList                                     : {}
    VerifySecureSubmitEnabled                                   : False
    VoicemailJournalingEnabled                                  : True
    HeaderPromotionModeSetting                                  : NoCreate
    : True

    Hello Landfish,
    Good Day...
    The output gives the information that Size limit set for Receive and Send is 100 mb, but setting could have changed. So you can follow the below steps to resolve the issue. 
    There are basically three places where you can configure default message size limits on Exchange:
    Organization transport settings
    Send/receive connector settings
    User mailbox settings.
    To check your server’s current limit you can open Exchange Management Shell
    Try the below commands to check the Message quota size limit
    get-transportconfig | ft maxsendsize, maxreceivesize
    get-receiveconnector | ft name, maxmessagesize
    get-sendconnector | ft name, maxmessagesize
    get-mailbox Administrator |ft Name, Maxsendsize, maxreceivesize
    To change the above size limits based on your requirement.
    Set-TransportConfig -MaxSendSize 200MB -MaxReceiveSize 500MB (Size is based on your requirement)
    Attachment size limit
    To set up the rule you can use the below PowerShell cmdlet, as the method is quite simple
    New-TransportRule -Name LargeAttach -AttachmentSizeOver 20MB -RejectMessageReasonText "Message attachment size over 20MB - email rejected."
    For More info
    Remember to mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question.That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you Check out my latest blog posts @

  • How to Get Around the Memo Size Limitations in CR ?

    I am Using Crystal Reports 2008, SQL Database and ASP .Net Visual Studio 2010 for Team Foundation with Crystal Viewer embedded in a web page.  All current update and patches area installed.
    Database has Memo Fields up to 164000 characters in length. Viewer show fine, but with the reports that have been designed to print this information, only seeing part of the Memo field.
    This happens with both RTF, Text and HTML formatted data from within the database field.
    I have read that there is a limitation on the size of a Memo field that Crystal Reports will print (65,534).
    I actually received an Crystal Reports error box when i try to concatenate multiple substring fields as a formula.
    Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on a work-around ? 
    Due to legal considerations, this data has to be output as it was input, so it can't be hacked. It can be parsed and again merged  but I really donu2019t want to try and write SQL procedures to parse HTML code into readable multiple pieces based on variable length tags with large memo fields.
    Please offer any and every suggestion,
    Thanks to all  ! !
    Edited by: Ludek Uher on Oct 21, 2010 1:31 PM

    yes sir,
    already did but i didn't receive any answers. . .   Memo Field Size Limitations with Crystal Reports 2008 ?
    Thanks for your help.

  • How do I modify the size limitation on images in PSE 12?

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      A) Is that so?
       B)  What is the patch?
       C)  What are the (unintended) consequences?
      I use Win 7 Pro.  One machine is 32 bit; the primary production machine, 64 bit.  Thanks

    Everything you need to know about PSE maximum sizes is in
    The registry fix you are thinking of affects the Organizer only. The Editor has an absolute limit of 30,000 x 30,000 pixels. File size itself is not the constraining factor.
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
    If this post or another user's post resolves the original issue, please mark the posts as correct and/or helpful accordingly. This helps other users with similar trouble get answers to their questions quicker. Thanks.

  • Nio ByteBuffer and memory-mapped file size limitation

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    However, I need to now begin processing larger buffers of binary data from a new source. Initial testing with buffer sizes above 100MB result in IOExceptions (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Map failed).
    I am using 32bit Windows XP; 2GB of memory (typically 1.3 to 1.5GB free); Java version 1.6.0_03; with -Xmx set to 1280m. Decreasing the Java heap max size down 768m does result in the ability to memory map larger buffers to files, but never bigger than roughly 500MB. However, the application that uses this code contains other components that require the -xMx option to be set to 1280.
    The following simple code segment executed by itself will produce the IOException for me when executed using -Xmx1280m. If I use -Xmx768m, I can increase the buffer size up to around 300MB, but never to a size that I would think I could map.
    String mapFile = "C:/temp/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + ".tmp";
    FileChannel rwChan = new RandomAccessFile( mapFile, "rw").getChannel();
    ByteBuffer byteBuffer = FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE,
    0, 100000000 );
    catch( Exception e )
    I am hoping that someone can shed some light on the factors that affect the amount of data that may be memory mapped to/in a file at one time. I have investigated this for some time now and based on my understanding of how memory mapped files are supposed to work, I would think that I could map ByteBuffers to files larger than 500MB. I believe that address space plays a role, but I admittedly am no OS address space expert.
    Thanks in advance for any input.
    Regards- KJ

    See the workaround in

  • Is there a file size limitation to using this service?

    I am working on a large PDF file (26 mb) and I need to re-size the original and mess with the margins. I don't beleive there is an easy way to do this in Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Pro. It sounds like I have to convert the file back to a Word document, do the adjustments there and then produce a new PDF. I have two questions:
    Is there a file size limitation to using this service?
    Will a PDF to Word doc. conversion mantain the format of the orginal PDF?

    Good day Tim,
    There is a 100MB file size limitation for submitting files to the ExportPDF service.  As for the quality of the conversion, from our FAQ entitled Will Adobe ExportPDF convert both text and formatting information?:
    Adobe ExportPDF is capable of exporting high quality information, but the quality of your Word or Excel document depends on the quality of the PDF file you start with. For instance, if your PDF file was originally authored in Microsoft Word or Excel and converted to PDF using the PDFMaker functionality of Adobe Acrobat®, your PDF file contains a rich set of information that can be captured by Adobe ExportPDF. This includes relative positioning of tables, images, and even multi-column text, as well as page, paragraph, and font attributes.
    If your PDF file was originally authored using simpler PDF generation methods, such as “print to PDF” or “scan to PDF” options, Adobe ExportPDF will convert any recognizable text and then use sophisticated conversion intelligence to preserve as much of the page layout as possible.
    Please let us know if you have any other questions!
    Kind regards,

  • Input file size limition in File Reader Adapter

    We have a File Read Activity(using File Reader Adapter) which works on a Polling model. Whenever a input file is found in a designated directory it invokes our BPEL web service. During load testing we found out that if input file size exceeds 7 MB then we get "insufficient heap space" error. We found a reference to this size limitation in which has below lines..
    "Files that are 7MB or larger in size cannot be delivered. As an alternative, you can debatch large files (if they have multiple messages), and publish these files in messages of size less than 7 MB. This alternative is applicable only to structured files (comma-delimited or fixed position), which contain more than one message. It is not applicable to binary or XML files."
    Our customer will have the data in XML format and the size of the files will be pretty huge(running into 49, 69 MBs). Do we have any workaround here or we are left with no option but to ask the customer to split the files and load it? The later option is currently difficult one for the customer since when split there is a possibility of XML becoming invalid. Any pointers in this issue is appreciated.

    BPEL can not process more than 7 MB size xml structred file. but,debatching will work for xml files also provided if the file has repeated multiple structures (means multiple repeated root elements).

  • How to modify the blob size, or how to set the size?

    i want to know how to modify the blob size, or how to set the size?
    what's the default size of blob?
    Thanks in advance.

    Blob datatype can contain binary data with a maximum size of 4 GB.
    when you enter 10kb file, the database will only use 10kb to store the file (depending on block size etc)
    if you want to modify the blob size, you may do like this:
    SQL> create materialized view t_mv refresh fast on commit
    2 as select id, dbms_lob.getlength(x) len from t;
    Materialized view created.
    SQL> alter table t_mv add constraint t_mv_chk check (len < 100);
    Table altered.

  • Increasing Email Size Limits for some users

    Hi All,
    For some users (management) i needed to arrange that they are able to send bigger files then the default 10MB limit to each other.
    I used this procedure to do so,
    In a nutshell:
    Set Global Transport Org. Config to 200MB
    Set Transport Send and Receive connector to 200MB
    Created a Distribution group adding the MT members and me (for testing)
    Created a transport Rule for the 10MB limit for all users and exception for the distribution group
    (Believe me, i am not happy with the 200MB size limit)
    All seems to work but i have one issue that i cannot tackel or maybe it is by design.
    -Managemant can also send big files to all
    users who do not have this privelige, this is not someting i want, sending 100MB+ attachments to over 150 users.
    Is this by design or do i mis something?

    Hi RonGielgens,
    Attachment size in exchange has to be set on
    Global settings
    Connectors (send and receive connectors)
    The global settings will affect all the others. of course connectors will affect specific servers and mailbox one user. You have to set the global to the absolute max size you want to allow in your organization.
    after you do this you will need either to set the 10MB on each mailbox
    Get-Mailbox | Set-Mailbox -MaxSendSize 10MB -MaxReceiveSize 10MB
    Then change the limit on specific mailbox
    or another way is to create a transport rule that will reject the email if the attachment size it > 10MB unless the sender/recipient is the required user or group.
    so basically create 2 transport rules
    1. reject messages sent to anyone with attachment > 10mb unless the recipient is userX
    2. reject messages sent from anyone with attachment > 10mb unless the sender is userX
    Normal case it should not allow.
    Thanks, MAS
    Please mark as helpful if you find my comment helpful or as an answer if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.

  • PDF file size limited to graphics memory in Reader?

    I've created a form (in LiveCycleDS) that allows for an unlimited number of photos to be loaded into it. I put an image into a subform that is duplicated every time a user clicks a button thus creating an unlimited number of images that can hold photos. I then extended it with Reader Extensions.
    I'm running into a problem when I try to load a large number of photos into the form.  It gets to about 47MB of images when it locks-up Adobe reader.  I've been able to bring up other applications after the lock-up and when I switch back to Reader the artifacts of the other application are then displayed within Reader.
    What is the practical limit to the size of a file created with LiveCycle?  Is it tied to the amount of graphics memory a computer has?  My machine has 2GB of RAM while my video card has only 384MB.  I haven't been able to figure out if there is a file size limitation.

    It's entirely normal for file size to increase. PDFs are much more compressed than print streams. For some printers the print size is almost constant (a huge bitmap), for others, it's a collection of graphical items and the size varies enormously. Rarely anything you can do.

  • Is There a size limitation for sending e-mail photos

    I am using the latest version of MS Entourage and my mail account is with .MAC
    Yesterday I highlighted two pictures in iphoto and clicked the e-mail icon but was then unable to send the mail. I got an error message. I deleted one of the phtos and still got the error.
    I then discovered the size dialog box and clicked "small" and was able to send one photo.
    I can receive mail with up to 20 attached Jpg items, But can't forward the same e-mail message. Is there a size limitation in Entourage or in .mac.

    There is no such limit with Entourage or Apple's Mail application but email account providers have an overall message size limit for received and sent messages.
    .Mac has an overall message size limit of 10 MB for received and sent messages which is a typical limit but I have a few friends and business associates who have a smaller overall message size limit of 5 MB. Although I can send a message that is up to 10 MB in size with my .Mac account, the message will not be accepted by the incoming mail server for the friends and business associates with a 5 MB message size limit.
    All files attached to a message must be encoded before being sent and decoded when received. Most email clients such as Entourage and Mail use MIME for attachment encoding/decoding which is the internet standard. A problem with MIME is it isn't very efficient. The encoding process increases the size of the pre-encoded file by roughly 50% of so. A file that is 5 MB in size (pre-encoded) will be roughly 7.5 MB in size due to the encoding process.
    What was the exact error message provided?

  • Mailbox and Library Size Limits and Reporting

    I have seen quite a few postings on size limits.
    I have a system that has two Post Offices - one for mail and one for doc mgt. Users log into the e-mail PO and get redirected to the doc mgt PO when they need to access files in the libraries ( there are 6 libraries)
    I would like to find a utility other than GW Check - maybe a nice Windows GUI app that lists the amount of space each user is using in each PO (or total) that would include all e-mails, sent and received (with attachments) and documents in the libraries.
    I would also like to apply space limits to each user. "Client Options" sets it globally, but for each DOM or PO separately, and of course, you can be more granular on a per user basis. Setting the limit on a per user basis is daunting since it has to be done one at a time!
    Is there a utility that not only reports consumed space, but also allows you to set the limits?
    BTW, why are the disk space limits under the "Send" section of Client Options. Seems like it would be more of an "Environment" option.
    Using GW 7.02HP on NW 6.5.6
    Many thanks,
    Charlie Riale, B.E.E.,CNE6
    CARiale at
    www bnetinc com
    610-645-7616 (Work)
    610-645-7617 (Fax)

    I'm not sure of any utilities that do a "report and set" of the limits. The GWCheck Log File Parser that Dave Parkes wrote (Caledonia Network Consulting) works well for seeing how much space a user has in use. That said, you CANNOT set limits on users in the DMS - just isn't possible. It's a different system, and does not allow for size limits of documents, etc.
    As for why size limits is located under "sent" I guess it's because it really affects the sending of mail the most. I.e., when a user reaches the size limit, incoming mail is not bounced. The size limit only prevents users from sending new mail until additional space is cleaned up.

  •$_jms_text_message type queues message size limitations

    Are there any size limitations for enqueing text messages into a$_jms_text_message type queue using AQ?

    yes, i understand how to describe something...
    my question is how to get a list of properties.
    this data type has get functions that take the name of a property. now how do i know that property name to get it?

  • Define Block Blob size in GB

    Hi all,
    I have used the following code to define the block blob size in MB and then download this file. Its working fine.
    protected void btn_download_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Button btndownloadrow = (Button)sender;
        GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)btndownloadrow.NamingContainer;
        Label lblfilename = (Label)row.FindControl("lblGrid_filename");
        string downloadfile = lblfilename.Text.ToString();
        AccountFileTransfer = CloudStorageAccount.Parse("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=" + ACCOUNTNAME + ";AccountKey=" + ACCOUNTKEY);
        if (AccountFileTransfer != null)
            BlobClientFileTransfer = AccountFileTransfer.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            ContainerFileTransfer = BlobClientFileTransfer.GetContainerReference(CONTAINER);
        var blob = ContainerFileTransfer.GetBlockBlobReference(downloadfile);
        var sasUrl = blob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
        CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = new CloudBlockBlob(sasUrl);
       var blobSize = 551* 1024 * 1024; // Block blob size of 551 MB
       int blockSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1; //  chunk of size 1 MB
        Response.ContentType = "APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM";
        System.String disHeader = "Attachment; Filename=\"" + blockBlob.Name + "\"";
        Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", disHeader);
        for (long offset = 0; offset < blobSize; offset += blockSize)
            using (var blobStream = blockBlob.OpenRead())
                if ((offset + blockSize) > blobSize)
                    blockSize = (int)(blobSize - offset);
                byte[] buffer = new byte[blockSize];
                blobStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
    The problem which I am facing is that when I tried to define the block blob size in GB I am getting overflow error. I am trying to download a file of size around 3 gb. I am using this:-
      var blobSize = 3558 * 1024 * 1024; // trying to define the block blob size of around 3 GB here I am getting overflow error
    Could you please help me so that I can define the block blob size in GBs so that I can download the file from azure using block blob storage.

    Thanks for sharing the solution about how to avoid overflow error, it will be very beneficial for other community members who have similar questions. If you have any difficulty in future programming, we welcome you to post in forums again.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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