Block's Scrollbar Not Scrolling

I have a multi-record block that has a scrollbar and contain some fields that I disable or enable according to some business rules.
It seems that this enabling/disabling is causing the scrollbar not to scroll up and down through records in the block for some reason; what I mean is that if the cursor was in another block, and I tried to scroll up/down in the original block using the scrollbar, the scrollbar "position" seems to change but the records in the list don't scroll up/down! the scrollbar works only if the cursor was in the block before using the scrollbar.
I hope the problem description was clear and that I hear from you soon.

Whenever u enable any of the item in the multirecord block then this happens try to have it as a display item

Similar Messages

  • Reporting Services - Horizontal Scrollbar not scrolling sometimes fields exceed page width

    We have a landscape report with lots of fields, causing report to span in width, more than page width. We don't print the report, just view it. Problem is that sometimes when previewing the report, the horizontal scroll bar opens to a size of the whole report
    window and there's no actual scrolling functionality to have the report show what's to the right of the data shown.
    We checked this with IE8, IE9, and as it seems there are entries on the internet about such problem, but we haven't encounted an entry with solution / bypass to this problem, when relating to preview within report builder / VS / Reporting Services in
    IE (they relate there only to reportviewer control if at all).
    We did find that in this event, manually zooming the IE window where the report result is shown, helps the horizontal scroll bar go back to what it should be, and work, e.g. zooming down to 75% and returning in zoom up to 100%....
    Can you please advise ? Thank u

    Hi moital,
    Just as you said, I still think the issue is caused by Internet Explorer. We can try to
    run IE in
    compatibility mode or
    disable third party add-ons
    of Internet Explorer (IE) to check the issue again. If this issue
    is still existed, I suggestion you post the question in the following forum:
    It is appropriate and more experts will assist you. 
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Vertical scrollbar not showing all the records when I scroll down.

    Vertical scrollbar not showing all the records when I scroll down.
    Using Oracle forms 10g , operating system windows
    I have two fields with number of items dispayed = 15.
    I have a vertical scroll bar with them. There are 34 records in the table but the scrollbar only shows 15 records.
    Here are the properties for block / scrollbar.
    - Subclass Information                           
    - Comments                                       
    * Navigation Style                                Same Record
    - Previous Navigation Data Block                 
    - Next Navigation Data Block                     
    - Current Record Visual Attribute Group          
    - Query Array Size                                0
    - Number of Records Buffered                      0
    * Number of Records Displayed                     60
    * Query All Records                               No
    - Record Orientation                              Vertical
    * Single Record                                   No
    - Database Data Block                             Yes
    - Enforce Primary Key                             No
    - Query Allowed                                   Yes
    - Query Data Source Type                          Table
    * Query Data Source Name                          WORK_CATEGORY
    * Query Data Source Columns                      
    * Column Name                                   JOB_TYPE
    * Column Type                                   VARCHAR2
    - Column Type Name                             
    - Parent Column                                
    * Length                                        30
    * Precision                                     0
    * Scale                                         0
    * Mandatory                                     Yes
    * Column Name                                   WORK_CATEGORY
    * Column Type                                   VARCHAR2
    - Column Type Name                             
    - Parent Column                                
    * Length                                        30
    * Precision                                     0
    * Scale                                         0
    * Mandatory                                     Yes
    - Query Data Source Arguments                    
    - Alias                                          
    - Include REF Item                                No
    * WHERE Clause                                   
    * ORDER BY Clause                                 job_type
    - Optimizer Hint                                 
    - Insert Allowed                                  Yes
    - Update Allowed                                  Yes
    - Locking Mode                                    Automatic
    - Delete Allowed                                  Yes
    - Key Mode                                        Automatic
    - Update Changed Columns Only                     No
    - Enforce Column Security                         No
    - Maximum Query Time                              0
    * Maximum Records Fetched                         0
    - DML Data Target Type                            Table
    - DML Data Target Name                           
    - Insert Procedure Name                          
    - Insert Procedure Result Set Columns            
    - Insert Procedure Arguments                     
    - Update Procedure Name                          
    - Update Procedure Result Set Columns            
    - Update Procedure Arguments                     
       Don't know where am I going wrong. I'll really appreciate if you can help me in this.
    Edited by: 831050 on Sep 14, 2011 8:05 AM

    One of the items is a list item.. here are it's properties:
    * Name                                          JOB_TYPE
    * Item Type                                     List Item
    - Subclass Information                         
    - Comments                                     
    - Help Book Topic                              
    - Enabled                                       Yes
    * Elements in List                             
    * Label                                      
    * List Item Value                             LIST20
    * List Style                                    Combo Box
    - Mapping of Other Values                      
    - Implementation Class                         
    - Case Restriction                              Mixed
    - Popup Menu                                   
    - Keyboard Navigable                            Yes
    - Mouse Navigate                                Yes
    - Previous Navigation Item                     
    - Next Navigation Item                         
    - Data Type                                     Char
    - Data Length Semantics                         Null
    - Maximum Length                                30
    - Initial Value                                
    * Required                                      Yes
    * Copy Value from Item                         
    - Synchronize with Item                        
    - Calculation Mode                              None
    - Formula                                      
    - Summary Function                              None
    - Summarized Block                             
    - Summarized Item                              
    - Current Record Visual Attribute Group        
    - Distance Between Records                      0
    * Number of Items Displayed                     15
    - Database Item                                 Yes
    * Column Name                                   JOB_TYPE
    - Primary Key                                   No
    - Query Only                                    No
    - Query Allowed                                 Yes
    - Insert Allowed                                Yes
    - Update Allowed                                Yes
    - Update Only if NULL                           No
    - Visible                                       Yes
    * Canvas                                        CANVAS2
    - Tab Page                                     
    * X Position                                    47
    * Y Position                                    137
    * Width                                         187
    * Height                                        18
    - Visual Attribute Group                        DEFAULT
    - Prompt Visual Attribute Group                 DEFAULT
    - Foreground Color                             
    * Background Color                              white
    - Fill Pattern                                 
    - Font                                         
    * Font Name                                     Tahoma
    * Font Size                                     10
    * Font Weight                                   Demilight
    * Font Style                                    Plain
    * Font Spacing                                  Normal
    * Prompt                                        Job Type
    - Prompt Display Style                          First Record
    * Prompt Justification                          Start
    * Prompt Attachment Edge                        Top
    - Prompt Alignment                              Start
    * Prompt Attachment Offset                      10
    * Prompt Alignment Offset                       0
    - Prompt Reading Order                          Default
    - Prompt Foreground Color                      
    - Prompt Font                                  
    * Prompt Font Name                              Tahoma
    * Prompt Font Size                              10
    * Prompt Font Weight                            Bold
    * Prompt Font Style                             Plain
    * Prompt Font Spacing                           Normal
    - Hint                                         
    - Display Hint Automatically                    No
    - Tooltip                                      
    - Tooltip Visual Attribute Group               
    - Direction                                     Default
    - Initial Keyboard State                        Default
    - Keyboard State                                Any

  • Scrollbar not working in a JScrollPane

    In the JDialog there is a JScrollPane. JTextPane is in a the scroll pane. For some reason the scrollbars are not working.
    Any suggestions on this why the scrollbars not working?

    using the setText() method the text is set to the text pane from some other package. the Dialog displays the text too with the vertical scroll bar that doesn't work.
    public MyDialog(JFrame frame) {
    private void initialize() {
    this.setSize(400, 300);
    private javax.swing.JScrollPane getScrl() {
    if (scrl == null) {
    scrl = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
    return scrl;
    private javax.swing.JTextPane getTxt() {
    if (txt == null) {
    txt = new javax.swing.JTextPane();
    return txt;
    public void setText(String text) {
    if (txt.getEditorKit() == null) {
    txtToolTip.setEditorKit(new StyledEditorKit());

  • TreeTableView Scrollbar Not Responsive Once Node is Collapsed

    I've created a TreeTableView using a folder/file structure, I start all of the tree nodes to be expanded.  The vertical scrollbar does respond at that point as expected by scrolling the treatable content.  However, if I collapse one of the parent nodes the vertical scrollbar does not scroll the content consistently.  Sometimes it works and sometimes the content does not scroll at all, when I re-expand the node it still does not reset the vertical scrollbar.
    I'm using Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-ea-b114) on Mac OSx Mavericks.

    package treetablescrollingbug;
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.util.Comparator;
    import java.util.Date;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
    import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeItem;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableCell;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableColumn;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView;
    import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.util.Callback;
    public class TreeTableScrollingBug extends Application {
        private final static NumberFormat NumberFormater = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
        private final static DateFormat DateFormater = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
        private TreeTableView<File> treeTblFolderStructure;
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
            this.treeTblFolderStructure = new TreeTableView<>();
            AnchorPane root = new AnchorPane();
            AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(this.treeTblFolderStructure, 10.0);
            AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(this.treeTblFolderStructure, 10.0);
            AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(this.treeTblFolderStructure, 10.0);
            AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(this.treeTblFolderStructure, 10.0);
            Scene scene = new Scene(root, 640, 480);
            primaryStage.setTitle("TreeTableView Vertical ScrollBar BUG");
        private void buildFileBrowserTreeTableView() {
        TreeItem<File> root = createNode(new File("/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0.jdk"));
        // --- name column
        TreeTableColumn<File, String> nameColumn = new TreeTableColumn<File, String>("Name");
                new Callback<TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<File, String>, ObservableValue<String>>() {
            public ObservableValue<String> call(TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<File, String> p) {
                File f = p.getValue().getValue();
                String text = f.getParentFile() == null ? "/" : f.getName();
                return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<String>(text);
        // --- size column
        TreeTableColumn<File, File> sizeColumn = new TreeTableColumn<File, File>("Size");
        sizeColumn.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<File, File>, ObservableValue<File>>() {
            @Override public ObservableValue<File> call(TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<File, File> p) {
                return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<File>(p.getValue().getValue());
        sizeColumn.setCellFactory(new Callback<TreeTableColumn<File, File>, TreeTableCell<File, File>>() {
            @Override public TreeTableCell<File, File> call(final TreeTableColumn<File, File> p) {
                return new TreeTableCell<File, File>() {
                    @Override protected void updateItem(File item, boolean empty) {
                        super.updateItem(item, empty);
                        TreeTableView treeTable = p.getTreeTableView();
                        // if the File is a directory, it has no size...
    //                    if (getIndex() >= treeTable.impl_getTreeItemCount())
    //                        setText(null);
    //                    else
                            TreeItem<File> treeItem = treeTable.getTreeItem(getIndex());
                            if (item == null || empty || treeItem == null ||
                                    treeItem.getValue() == null || treeItem.getValue().isDirectory()) {
                            } else {
                                setText(NumberFormater.format(item.length()) + " KB");
        sizeColumn.setComparator(new Comparator<File>() {
            @Override public int compare(File f1, File f2) {
                long s1 = f1.isDirectory() ? 0 : f1.length();
                long s2 = f2.isDirectory() ? 0 : f2.length();
                long result = s1 - s2;
                if (result < 0) {
                    return -1;
                } else if (result == 0) {
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    return 1;
        // --- modified column
        TreeTableColumn<File, Date> lastModifiedColumn = new TreeTableColumn<File, Date>("Last Modified");
        lastModifiedColumn.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<File, Date>, ObservableValue<Date>>() {
            @Override public ObservableValue<Date> call(TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<File, Date> p) {
                return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<Date>(new Date(p.getValue().getValue().lastModified()));
        lastModifiedColumn.setCellFactory(new Callback<TreeTableColumn<File, Date>, TreeTableCell<File, Date>>() {
            @Override public TreeTableCell<File, Date> call(TreeTableColumn<File, Date> p) {
                return new TreeTableCell<File, Date>() {
                    @Override protected void updateItem(Date item, boolean empty) {
                        super.updateItem(item, empty);
                        if (item == null || empty) {
                        } else {
        this.treeTblFolderStructure.getColumns().setAll(nameColumn, sizeColumn, lastModifiedColumn);
    private TreeItem<File> createNode(final File f) {
        final TreeItem<File> node = new TreeItem<File>(f) {
            private boolean isLeaf;
            private boolean isFirstTimeChildren = true;
            private boolean isFirstTimeLeaf = true;
            @Override public ObservableList<TreeItem<File>> getChildren() {
                if (isFirstTimeChildren) {
                    isFirstTimeChildren = false;
                return super.getChildren();
            @Override public boolean isLeaf() {
                if (isFirstTimeLeaf) {
                    isFirstTimeLeaf = false;
                    File f = (File) getValue();
                    isLeaf = f.isFile();
                return isLeaf;
        return node;
    private ObservableList<TreeItem<File>> buildChildren(TreeItem<File> TreeItem) {
        File f = (File) TreeItem.getValue();
        if (f != null && f.isDirectory()) {
            File[] files = f.listFiles();
            if (files != null) {
                ObservableList<TreeItem<File>> children = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
                for (File childFile : files) {
                return children;
        return FXCollections.emptyObservableList();
        public static void main(String[] args) {

  • Iframe not scrolling to content below set height in IE9

    Because iframe height of 100% didn't render correctly (in any browsers) I chose a set height (600px) in which to display my clients' property listings within one of their site pages.
    All works reasonably all tested browsers (double scroll bars in Chrome and Safari -- div and iframe -- despite that the div isn't set to have such, but I can likely fix that); IE9, though, is nonfunctional:  In IE9 I get a Y scrollbar, as defined, however it does not scroll past content that fits into 600 pixel iframe height.  That is, is does not scroll to show the rest of the iframe page.
    I have tried separately defining x and y scrollers as well as simply calling for scrolling in general; no luck.
    I have been searching for hours for a fix, and have tried every combination of style coding to the iframe itself as well as the overall style sheet (to the div).  I also read the soure for the page rendered in IE9, and the style coding was as I'd written it.
    It has to be a simple fix, or others would be having this IE9 issue, too, right?
    Have even added <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"> to the header; didn't change anything.
    Anyone know what is going on -- and how to fix it?
    I apologize for how jumbled both the CSS and source code is for this site.  If I were recreating the site today, I could do a much cleaner job.
    Here are a few tries:
    This version (more info in the CSS, less inline) gets rid of the double scrollers in Safari and Chrome (while still working in FF) but still the same doesn't-scroll-beyond-the-600px-iframe-pane-height issue in IE9.  Tried moving the meta directive toward IE8 to immediately above the body tag as well as first meta tag on the page; neither resulted in any IE9 rendering change:
    Happy to simply paste the inline + CSS coding alone in this window, if that's easier for anyone.

    Because iframe height of 100% didn't render correctly (in any browsers) I chose a set height (600px) in which to display my clients' property listings within one of their site pages.
    All works reasonably all tested browsers (double scroll bars in Chrome and Safari -- div and iframe -- despite that the div isn't set to have such, but I can likely fix that); IE9, though, is nonfunctional:  In IE9 I get a Y scrollbar, as defined, however it does not scroll past content that fits into 600 pixel iframe height.  That is, is does not scroll to show the rest of the iframe page.
    I have tried separately defining x and y scrollers as well as simply calling for scrolling in general; no luck.
    I have been searching for hours for a fix, and have tried every combination of style coding to the iframe itself as well as the overall style sheet (to the div).  I also read the soure for the page rendered in IE9, and the style coding was as I'd written it.
    It has to be a simple fix, or others would be having this IE9 issue, too, right?
    Have even added <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"> to the header; didn't change anything.
    Anyone know what is going on -- and how to fix it?
    I apologize for how jumbled both the CSS and source code is for this site.  If I were recreating the site today, I could do a much cleaner job.
    Here are a few tries:
    This version (more info in the CSS, less inline) gets rid of the double scrollers in Safari and Chrome (while still working in FF) but still the same doesn't-scroll-beyond-the-600px-iframe-pane-height issue in IE9.  Tried moving the meta directive toward IE8 to immediately above the body tag as well as first meta tag on the page; neither resulted in any IE9 rendering change:
    Happy to simply paste the inline + CSS coding alone in this window, if that's easier for anyone.

  • My timebase does not scroll (in my voltage measurements)

    I have a 5v DC pot connected to my 6008 USB  DAQ. In labVIEW when I run it I get my voltage output as expected but the timebase does not scroll it remains fixed. When I change the axes scales the output voltage still only varies over the first second only. Does anyone know what is wrong ?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi thanks again for your reply. That seems to define the starting reference point. You have suggested that as Im using dynamic data I'm pretty much bound to the timestamp which is why I cant have an x-axis (time) that starts at a 0.0 and iterates relative to this. I guess I'll just have to accept that.
    My input to my DAQ is a linear rod potentiometer ( with 200mm full scale defelection). So it will dynamically output a voltage 0 - 5v for 0 - 200mm of displacement of the rod potentiometer. To put this in context the pot swill be connected to (for example) the column/elevator on an aircraft. So it will output a voltage linearly proportional to the displacement of the column/surface. Is there any other way of doing this without "dynamic data" ? As you say you have never used dynamic data and being far more experienced than me in using LabVIEW was wondering if  there was an alternative for the type of configuratiom I'm using ?
    I've attached my data scalar constants in my block diagram to convert the output voltage from potentiometer (that is input into AI0 of the DAQ) into a potentiometer displacement (0 - 200mm) or wheel angle (-180 deg to 180deg), for example, as illustrated in my front panel. I dont know of any other way of doing this - Since the pot is linear (1v per 40mm of displacement) I just scaled the voltage to provide a representation of pot displacment. Is this a sensible thing to do ? The use of the scalars doesn't diminish my need for a high sample rate. I think I still need as high a sample rate as possible (1000hz the max for 6008 DAQ ?) as inceptor input could be quite rapid and I need to ensure I get as many samples as possible to measure the relative gearing between inceptor and surface.

  • ScrollPane can not scroll to the bottom

    Help wanted:
    I am using a scrollPane to display difference colored text which I used canvas to paint the text each time new text appended to it.
    The problem is the scrollbar can never scoll to the bottom of the ScrollPane's viewport even though I set the scroll position to the bottom of text height.
    I used:
    Adjustable v = scrollpane.getVAdjustable();
    System.out.println("get value:"+ v.getValue() );
    The value I got is not the value I set, If I set the scrollpostion y to 300, the value I get will be 285, always, 15 difference(the font I use is 11). the maximum and minimum are always same. So the vertical scrolbar is not scroll all the way to the bottom end, actully a little apart from the bottom end. so the last line of text is not showing.
    I tried everything, no use, I can not change ScrollPane....
    Any solutions here??? or anyone write their own ScrollPane, I 'd appreciated for anything....
    Thanks ahead!

    I have the same problem. I'm able to work around it if I select another message and then go back to the one that's not loading properly. So far, it always loads properly the second time. It's frustrating that I have to do that, but it works for me.

  • SQL Tab in Object Browser does not scroll when using a mouse.

    In the Navigator tree on the left pane, when I expand the Table node under my connection and click on a table name, the object details tabs appear on the right. This is really neat and I like it.
    One thing I noticed is that when I click on the SQL tab to retrieve the table creation script, the CREATE TABLE script appears in the read-only editor. When I try to use the mouse to select the text (hold down the left mouse button and drag down), that editor does not scroll, so that I can reach the end of the script.

    Thanks I missed this. The issue is the double scrollbars. I checked in a fix but it will not in the new update later today but the next one.

  • My ipod touch will  not scroll down in the voice mode so i can turn it off and go back to just touching it

    my Ipod touch will not scroll down in the touch voice mode to cut it off

    See this article for information on how to disable VoiceOver.

  • Adobe Creative Cloud (Desktop) does not work properly. The application is blocked : it could not be launch neither stopped. I'm on MAC Yosemite OS, does anyone know how to remove it properly or to force its stop. It does not appear in the launched applica

    Adobe Creative Cloud (Desktop) does not work properly. The application is blocked : it could not be launch neither stopped. I'm on MAC Yosemite OS, does anyone know how to remove it properly or to force its stop. It does not appear in the launched applications.

    I received no error message. The application was just trying to find applications unsuccessfully.
    I am using MAC OS 10.10.1
    I tried to uninstall the application  but it seems that a kind of deamon is still installed thus providing me to reinstall properly. Do you know where are the elements to remove in order to get my machine just like before ?
    Otherwise I would have to reinstall everything and this would be a pain.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Mail does not scroll while in full screen!

    When on full screen mail just ignores the fact that there's more stuff (text, pics...) in the email and does not scroll down. No bar on the side, no scrolling with arrows, touchpad or space bar is working. When I bring it back to a smaller size or just open the email in a sparate screen it works OK.
    Not a huge issue, but an irritating one, wonder if this is happening to anyone else? and if anyone has a good fix to it?

    the release notes say it has issues in non-interactive mode,
    I'm using doing :
    stage.displayState =
    Is there maybe something else I need to set to full screen
    interactive? I know I saw somewhere that the person was setting the
    htmlLoader's stage to full screen interactive. I tried that but it
    did nothing.
    I have the window style set to "system chrome". I tried
    transparent and no flash sites worked(full or normal screen) and
    opaque worked the same as system chrome.

  • I had a translator app.i presses the voice buuton now it wont switch of and is saying everything. The scree will not scroll now. I have deleted this app on my lap top via iTurnes. I have synced my phone. I have taken the sim out I have turned it off and o

    anyone help please my phone woint stop telling me everything sice pressing a button for voice on a translator app. the screen will not scroll. I have sync the phone deleted the app on the lap top but it wont let me delete it on the screen because its frozen. I have taken out the sim card.. I have turned it off now Im stuck.. Im in a small village in Spain and cannot get to an Appke store to get it fixed yet. Any ideas?

    Plug your phone into the wall charger for at least 30 minutes...make sure you have a sim card in the phone...then:
    Leave the USB cable connected to your computer, but NOT your phone, iTunes running, press & hold the home button while connecting the USB cable to your dock connector, continue holding the home button until you see “Connect to iTunes” on the screen. You may now release the home button. iTunes should now display that it has detected your phone in recovery mode, if not quit and reopen iTunes. If you still don’t see the recovery message repeat these steps again. iTunes will give you the option to restore from a backup or set up as new.
    Make sure you have no anti-virus software running or any firewalls...turn all of that stuff off.

  • Hi i have a ipod touch 4 generation 64gb and my camera is blocked and dose not work i cant update the ipod either

    hi i have a ipod touch 4 generation 64gb and my camera is blocked and dose not work i cant update the ipod either

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost       
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                                
    iOS: How to back up                                                                                     
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.             
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • I can not scroll on my dell studio touchpad and I am running Windows 7 and Firefox 8.0.1.

    I just noticed that I can no longer use my touchpad to scroll on webpages in Firefox 8.0.1. I don't think I had this problem a few days ago, definitely not last week. I see the scroll icon but it does not scroll when I am on any webpage. At times it starts on one page until i refresh the page or click a link on the page but then it will stop scrolling.
    I am able to scroll using my touchpad in Word 2010 and on the rest of my computer.
    I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and have a Dell Studio 1558 that is a year old.
    I updated the touchpad driver from and it still did not work. Then tried the one directly from Synaptics and still not working.
    I also updated Firefox 8 to 8.0.1 and it still does not work.
    Please fix this as it is rather annoying.

    My scroll also doesn't work in Firefox -- but does in Excel and Word. This has been intermittent for months now. Usually, if I reboot the scroll would begin working again until for no apparent reason it quits again. Now even the reboot doesn't fix the no-scroll problem. I have Windows Vista. I even did a Firefox Update to 9.0.1.
    I don't have that file on my about:config page so this solution won't work for me.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

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  • Mavericks Finder Coverflow Gets Lost

    I have upgraded to Mavericks, and I am having trouble with Coverflow in the Finder. When I delete files it gets lost, showing previews of files that are not the ones that are highlighted. The spacebar preview seems to work, showing me the actual cont

  • How to uninstall XL Reporter in 8.8 Pl13

    Hi all, I have upgrade client workstation from B1 2005B PL26 to B1 8.8 PL13. However i am having nightmares with XL Reporter. Question How can i uninstall XL Reporter from SAP B1 8.8 PL13? How can i reinstall XL Reporter to the workstation again? Ple

  • Is Disk Utility in OS X 10.8.2 the version of Disk utilit that controls the Fusion Drive on new Imacs?

    is Disk Utility in OS X 10.8.2 the version of Disk utilit that controls the Fusion Drive on new Imacs?