Bluetooth cutting out

Bluetooth keeps cutting out if a text comes in.  This just started with the IOS 7.0.3.  I used to be able to respond but now if I text, or check apps, the music cuts out.  I can't do anything with the phone if it is connected to bluetooth.  Very choppy songs. Any suggestions?

We are now on IOS 7.0.4
Remove any BT devices on your Phone - Reboot
Then Delete iPhone from the vehicles BT memory..Restart the vehicle..
Then go thro' the Add BT device to your vehicle..Code is usually 0000...

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    It sounds like the Bluetooth headset is not compatible with the device. To be sure check this list:
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    There are no dumb questions.....answers, yes, but not questions. 
    SMC=system management controller.
    Reset like this:

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    I'm also having this issue with an iPhone 5S (iOS 8 but iOS7 did the same thing).  I am unable to get through a single song without it skipping, and it's driving me nuts.  I find it happens less if I keep it in my outer jacket pocket (but that's not really a resolution, it still happens several times per song).

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    Try booting into the Safe Mode using your normal account.  Disconnect all peripherals except those needed for the test. Shut down the computer and then power it back up after waiting 10 seconds. Immediately after hearing the startup chime, hold down the shift key and continue to hold it until the gray Apple icon and a progress bar appear, and then again as you log in. The boot up is significantly slower than normal. This will reset some caches, forces a directory check, and disables all startup and login items, among other things. When you reboot normally, the initial reboot may be slower than normal. If the system operates normally, there may be 3rd party applications which are causing a problem. Try deleting/disabling the third party applications after a restart by using the application un-installer. For each disable/delete, you will need to restart if you don't do them all at once.
    Safe Mode - Mavericks
    Safe Mode - About

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    May start my own thread, but I'm having similar issues.
    I've been using an old iMac (running 10.7.5) and Apple TV for years with no issues. Last week I bought a new Macbook Pro running Yosemite and have had audio issues multiple times. The weird thing is that sometimes it works flawlessly, other times (like now) I spend half an hour just trying to get a song to play.
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    When it does finally pull up a song, the playhead sits at the beginning of the song for a good 3-5 seconds before actually playing. Then, when it starts playing, it's all downhill. It will play a few seconds, drop out, play a few more seconds, drop out, and then ultimately the playhead will keep moving across the song as if it's playing, but there's no audio.
    Again, this is a new phenomenon never experienced by me. I've tried everything I could think of, some of them all at once:
    • restart Apple TV
    • restart Macbook Pro
    • quite iTunes/open
    • turn off Home Sharing on iTunes then reconnect it
    • unplugging and cycling both my modem and router
    None of these have alleviated the problem.
    The odd thing is, like this morning, the audio started up perfectly and never gave me any issues. It wasn't until later in the day that it started. Perhaps after the macbook pro had been put to sleep? Not sure.
    Regardless, this is an annoying trait, one that's new to me and my system (as stated, worked flawlessly until my new purchase), and is 100% limited to either a) the macbook pro b) Yosemite or c) both of them.

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    Thanks for your help.

    you don't press the power off button when you're listening to music
    just don't click on the screen
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    I think that the manufacturer is your best source. Perhaps there is some incompatibility.....

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    Something is interfering with the signal. Try turning any devices with WiFi that are with you off.

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    My gf was having the same issues and also with a big echo every time I called her either from my 4S or even fron a land line as per other comments here. They told he to take it into the Apple store and they reset the software and now it's working far.
    Now today my bluetooth earpiece has decided to stop working for some unknown reason and then the last person that called me said my phone keep cutting out. I don't know whether that was because I had to turn off my bluetooth to answer the phone or what.
    I suspect Apple will be sending out an update to fix some of these reported issues but in the meantime the local Apple store seems to be the only option. Just hoping I don't have to take that option as that would require a huge inconvenience for me as neither of the two stores in the Vanvouver area are remotely close to me.
    Good luck.

  • Macbook pro running 6.8 has wifi cutting out and extremely slow

    My macbook Pro recently started having issues where the Airport says the wifi signal is full, yet is extremely slow(.5mbps compared to 30 that i normally get.)
    It also cuts out but says it is still connected, but chrome, safari, itunes all cannot connect even to google.
    So far I have tried,
    Deleteing the playlist items in system configuration
    restarting the router manually and from the router control panel
    shutting off my airport card and turning it back on
    set a new location in network preferences
    setting DNS to Google DNS and openDNS
    setting IPv4 settings to manual
    checking the router channel
    restarting my computer
    setting the network utility to constantly ping
    checked the preferences on the netgear router site
    turning bluetooth on and off
    setting and unsetting a firewall
    using network diagnostics
    the only thing that works is to turn airport off, then on again and reconnect. even then, I can only get a few page views, sometimes only one, before it stops loading anything. my wifi connection used to be amazing, then one day it just started doing this. I get very slow speeds when I can connect, and downloads are extremely slow.

    I also finger McAffee as the culprit, it's not necessary on Mac's as of 10.6.8+ Apple installed their own anti-OS X malware detector and it checks for updates like every 26 hours or so.
    If you need to clean the Windows malware off their files, the free ClamXav does the job nicely and doesn't bugger up the machine as it's run as you need it.
    For your other slowdown issues, I suggest you look through these tips of mine, my Snow Leopard is incredibly fast.
    Why is my computer slow?
    Diagnosing network issues
    Tune up your Mac here
    For Snow Leopard Speed Freaks

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