Blurry Scroll Bar in Cover Flow. Help?

Well... i've had my new macbook for about 3 weeks. have about 100 songs in there so far. on itunes. today my friend sent me mp3 files and the moment i got them i put them in itunes. the problem is i discovered that after putting the songs on itunes, the scroll bar on the cover flow became blurry.
i quit itunes and started it again and the scroll bar was normal again. but then i went into the itunes store and came back to my music, in cover flow and the scroll bar was blurry again.
what does this mean? VIRUS?
obviously something is not steady here. any words? thanks.

This definitely isn't a show-stopper, but it is annoying (Don't fret -- its not a virus. Nor does it have anything to do with your Music collection.). I have the same glitch with Cover Flow. I've found its relatively easy to (temporarily) fix: all you need to do is resize the iTunes window (by just 1 pixel will do).
Hopefully this is more permanently fixed in a future version of iTunes.
For those who are wondering what I'm talking about, when I open iTunes in Cover Flow mode the horizontal scroll bar (slider) is nice and crisp. However, if I switch to another application, or simply click into another section of iTunes (like Movies, or the iTunes Store) and then click back to my Library of Music, the Cover Flow horizontal scroll bar often appears fuzzy, or blurry. Resizing the iTunes window temporarily fixes the glitch (at least, until I switch sections again).
Here's a screenshot comparing the crisp and blurry scrollbars:

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  • Blurry Scroll Bars on Cover Flow

    I know this has been posted last month, but no one answered it. Is there any fix to the blurry scroll bars in iTunes? It's a little embarrassing to have my cool Apple look gross in iTunes...

    Yay! iTunes 7.3 fixed the blurry bars!

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    This is what the program looks like. topPanel has newItemPanel on top of it. when you click continue newItemPanel becomes invisible and newItemDescriptionPanel becomes visible. When you click continue newItemDescriptionPanel becomes invisible and priceEnterPanel becomes visible.
    I want newItemDescriptionPanel and priceEnterPanel to have a scroll bar. but everything I have tried hasn't worked. I am new. You will see the code is ugly and there is an attempt to add a scrollbar.
    Please help
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.lang.System;
    public class MainPanel extends      JFrame implements     ActionListener
         private boolean      firstRun = true;
         private final int     ITEM_PLAIN     =     0;     // Item types
         private final int     ITEM_CHECK     =     1;
         private final int     ITEM_RADIO     =     2;
         private     JPanel          topPanel;
         private JPanel          newItemPanel;
         private JRadioButton onlineAuctionRadio;
         private JRadioButton fixedPriceRadio;
         private ButtonGroup bg;
         private JButton     continueButton;
         private JLabel      blankLabel;       //used to give space between things
         private JPanel           newItemDescriptionPanel;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanel;
         private JPanel          takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel;
         private JPanel          takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanel2;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanel3;
         private JPanel           takeAdditionalSpacePanel4;
         private JPanel           takeAdditionalSpacePanel5;
         JScrollPane displayScroller;
         JEditorPane itemDescriptionTextArea;
         GridBagLayout gridbag;
         GridBagConstraints gbc;
         private JCheckBox   secondCategoryCheckBox;
         private JLabel          itemTitleLabel;
         private JLabel          requiredLabel, requiredLabel2;
         private JLabel      requiredStarLabel;
         private JTextField  itemTitleTextField;
         private JLabel           subtitleLabel;
         private JTextField      subtitleTextField;
         private JLabel          itemDescriptionLabel;
         private JButton     itemDescriptionContinueButton;
         private JLabel          percentageLabel;
         //------- price enter page ----------------
         private JLabel          startingPriceLabel;
         private JLabel           dollarSignLabel;
         private JTextField     startingPriceTextField;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel1;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel2;
         private JLabel          buyItNowLabel;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel3;
         private JLabel          dollarSignLabel2;
         private JTextField     buyItNowTextField;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel4;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel5;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel6;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel7;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel8;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel9;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel10;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel11;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel12;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel13;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel14;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel15;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel16;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel17;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel18;
         private JLabel          donatePercentageLabel;
         private JTextField     donatePercentageTextField;
         private JPanel          fSp; // fill space panel
         private JPanel          fSp1;
         private JPanel          fSp2;
         private JPanel          fSp3;
         private JPanel          fSp4;
         private JPanel          fSp5;
         private JPanel          fSp6;
         private JPanel          fSp7;
         private JPanel          fSp8;
         private JPanel          fSp9;
         private JLabel           numberOfPicturesLabel;
         private JTextField     numberOfPicturesTextField;
         private JCheckBox     superSizePicturesCheckBox;
         private JLabel          superSizePicturesLabel;
         private JRadioButton standardPictureRadioButton;
         private JRadioButton picturePackRadioButton;
         private JCheckBox     listingDesignerCheckBox;
         private ButtonGroup bgPictures;
         private JCheckBox      valuePackCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     galleryPictureCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     subtitleCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     boldCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     borderCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     highlightCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     featuredPlusCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     galleryFeaturedCheckBox;
         private JLabel          homePageFeaturedLabel;
         private JComboBox     homePageFeaturedComboBox;
         private JCheckBox     giftCheckBox;
         JScrollPane priceEnterPanelScroll;
         private JButton          backToRadioButton;
         private JButton          backToItemDescriptionButton;
         private JPanel           priceEnterPanel;
         private final static String RADIOPANEL = "JPanel with radios";
         private final static String DESCRIPTIONPANEL = "JPanel with description";
         private final static String PRICEENTERPANEL = "JPanel with price entering";
         private JPanel           cards;
         private     JMenuBar     menuBar;
         private     JMenu          menuFile;
         private     JMenu          menuEdit;
         private     JMenu          menuProperty;
         private     JMenuItem     menuPropertySystem;
         private     JMenuItem     menuPropertyEditor;
         private     JMenuItem     menuPropertyDisplay;
         private     JMenu        menuFileNew;
         private JMenuItem   menuFileNewAccount;
         private JMenuItem   menuFileNewItem;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileOpen;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileSave;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileSaveAs;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileExit;
         private     JMenuItem     menuEditCopy;
         private     JMenuItem     menuEditCut;
         private     JMenuItem     menuEditPaste;
         public MainPanel()
              requiredLabel = new JLabel ("* Required");
              requiredLabel.setForeground (;
              requiredLabel2 = new JLabel ("* Required");
              requiredLabel2.setForeground (;
              requiredStarLabel = new JLabel ("*");
              requiredStarLabel.setForeground (;
              setTitle( "photo galleries" );
              setSize( 310, 130 );
              topPanel = new JPanel();
              topPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
              topPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("TopPanel"));
              //topPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension (300,300));
              getContentPane().add( topPanel );
              topPanel.setVisible (false);
              //     For New Item Panel
              ButtonListener ears = new ButtonListener();
              blankLabel = new JLabel ("  ");  // used to give space between radio buttons and continue button
              continueButton = new JButton ("Continue >");
              continueButton.addActionListener (ears);
              backToRadioButton = new JButton ("< back");
              backToRadioButton.addActionListener (ears);
              itemDescriptionContinueButton = new JButton ("Continue >");
              itemDescriptionContinueButton.addActionListener (ears);
              backToItemDescriptionButton = new JButton ("< back");
              backToItemDescriptionButton.addActionListener (ears);
              newItemPanel = new JPanel();
              newItemPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(newItemPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              //topPanel.add (newItemPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              newItemPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("NewItemPanel"));
              newItemPanel.setVisible (false);
              onlineAuctionRadio = new JRadioButton ("Sold item at online Auction"     );
              fixedPriceRadio = new JRadioButton ("Sold at a Fixed Price");
              bg = new ButtonGroup();
              onlineAuctionRadio.addActionListener (ears);
              fixedPriceRadio.addActionListener (ears);
              newItemPanel.add (onlineAuctionRadio);
              newItemPanel.add (fixedPriceRadio);
              newItemPanel.add (blankLabel);
              newItemPanel.add (continueButton);
              // ------ After continue pressed ---------
              newItemDescriptionPanel = new JPanel();
              newItemDescriptionPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(newItemDescriptionPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              newItemPanel.add (newItemDescriptionPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("newItemDescriptionPanel"));
              secondCategoryCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("The item was listed in a second category");
              newItemDescriptionPanel.setVisible (false);
              itemTitleLabel = new JLabel ("Item title");
              itemTitleTextField = new JTextField (30);
              subtitleLabel = new JLabel ("Subtitle ($0.50)");
              subtitleTextField = new JTextField (30);
              itemDescriptionLabel = new JLabel ("Item description");
              itemDescriptionTextArea = new JEditorPane();
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setContentType( "text/html" );
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setEditable( false );
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setPreferredSize(new Dimension (500,250));
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setFont(new Font( "Serif", Font.PLAIN, 12 ));
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setForeground( );
              gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
              gbc.gridx = 0;
              gbc.gridy = 4;
              displayScroller = new JScrollPane( itemDescriptionTextArea );
              gridbag = new GridBagLayout ();
              gridbag.setConstraints( displayScroller, gbc );
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setEditable( true );
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel3 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel4 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel5 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              //takeAdditionalSpacePanel2.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("Additonal 2"));
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox.add (secondCategoryCheckBox);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox);
              //newItemDescriptionPanel.add (blankLabel);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel.add (itemTitleLabel);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel.add (requiredLabel);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel);
              //newItemDescriptionPanel.add (itemTitleTextField);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel.add(itemTitleTextField);//<--add textfield to panel
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel);//<--add panel to boxlayout panel
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2.add (subtitleLabel);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel2.add (subtitleTextField);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel2);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel4.add (itemDescriptionLabel);
              //takeAdditionalSpacePanel4.add (requiredLabel2);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel4);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel3.add (displayScroller);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel3);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel5.add (backToRadioButton);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel5.add (itemDescriptionContinueButton);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel5);
              //newItemDescriptionPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(newItemDescriptionPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              //----------- Price Enter Page ----------------
              priceEnterPanel = new JPanel();
              priceEnterPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(priceEnterPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (priceEnterPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              priceEnterPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("Price enter Panel"));
              priceEnterPanel.setVisible (false);
              priceEnterPanelScroll = new JScrollPane (priceEnterPanel);
              topPanel.add (priceEnterPanelScroll);
              standardPictureRadioButton = new JRadioButton ("Standard");
              picturePackRadioButton = new JRadioButton ("Picture Pack ($1.00 for up to 6 pictures or $1.50 for 7 to 12 pictures)");
              bgPictures = new ButtonGroup();
              standardPictureRadioButton.addActionListener (ears);
              picturePackRadioButton.addActionListener (ears);
              superSizePicturesCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Supersize Pictures ($0.75)");
              listingDesignerCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Listing designer $0.10");
              valuePackCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Get the Essentials for less! Gallery, Subtitle, Listing Designer. $0.65 (save $0.30)");
              superSizePicturesCheckBox.setEnabled (false);
              superSizePicturesCheckBox.addActionListener (ears);
              listingDesignerCheckBox.addActionListener (ears);
              valuePackCheckBox.addActionListener (ears);
              startingPriceLabel = new JLabel ("Starting Price");
              dollarSignLabel = new JLabel ("$");
              startingPriceTextField = new JTextField (10);
              buyItNowLabel = new JLabel ("Buy It Now");
              dollarSignLabel2 = new JLabel ("$");
              buyItNowTextField = new JTextField (10);
              donatePercentageLabel = new JLabel ("Donate percentage of sale");
              donatePercentageTextField = new JTextField (2);
              donatePercentageTextField.setText ("0");
              percentageLabel = new JLabel ("%");
              // Right-justify the text
              numberOfPicturesLabel = new JLabel ("Number of pictures used");
              numberOfPicturesTextField = new JTextField (1);
              numberOfPicturesTextField.setText ("0");
              galleryPictureCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Gallery ($0.35) [Requires a picture]");
              subtitleCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Subtitle ($0.50)");
              boldCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Bold ($1.00)");
              borderCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Border ($3.00)");
              highlightCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Highlight ($5.00)");
              featuredPlusCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Featured Plus! ($19.95)");
              galleryFeaturedCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Gallery Featured ($19.95) [Requires a picture]");
              homePageFeaturedLabel = new JLabel ("Home Page Featured ($39.95 for 1 item, $79.95 for 2 or more items)");
              homePageFeaturedComboBox = new JComboBox ();
              homePageFeaturedComboBox.addItem (("None..."));
              homePageFeaturedComboBox.addItem (("1 item"));
              homePageFeaturedComboBox.addItem (("2 or more items"));
              giftCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Show as a gift ($0.25)");
              fillUpSpacePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel1 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel3 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel4 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel5 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel6 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel7 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel8 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel9 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel10 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel11 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel12 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel13 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel14 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel15 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel16 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel17 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel18 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp1     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp2     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp3     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp4     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp5     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp6     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp7     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp8     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp9     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel.add (startingPriceLabel);
              fillUpSpacePanel.add (requiredLabel2);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel);
              fillUpSpacePanel2.add (dollarSignLabel);
              fillUpSpacePanel2.add (startingPriceTextField);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel2);     
         //     fillUpSpacePanel1.add (backToItemDescriptionButton);
         //     priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel1);
              fillUpSpacePanel3.add (buyItNowLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel3);
              fillUpSpacePanel4.add (dollarSignLabel2);
              fillUpSpacePanel4.add (buyItNowTextField);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel4);
              fillUpSpacePanel1.add (donatePercentageLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel1);
              fillUpSpacePanel5.add (donatePercentageTextField);
              fillUpSpacePanel5.add (percentageLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel5);
              fillUpSpacePanel6.add (numberOfPicturesLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel6);
              fillUpSpacePanel7.add (numberOfPicturesTextField);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel7);
              fillUpSpacePanel8.add (standardPictureRadioButton);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel8);
              fillUpSpacePanel10.add (blankLabel);
              fillUpSpacePanel10.add (superSizePicturesCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel10);
              fillUpSpacePanel9.add (picturePackRadioButton);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel10);
              fillUpSpacePanel11.add (picturePackRadioButton);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel11);
              fillUpSpacePanel12.add (listingDesignerCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel12);
              fillUpSpacePanel13.add (valuePackCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel13);
              fSp.add (galleryPictureCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp);
              fSp1.add (subtitleCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp1);
              fSp2.add (boldCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp2);
              fSp3.add (borderCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp3);
              fSp4.add (highlightCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp4);
              fSp5.add (featuredPlusCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp5);
              fSp6.add (galleryFeaturedCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp6);
              fSp7.add (homePageFeaturedLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp7);
              fSp8.add (homePageFeaturedComboBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp8);
              fSp9.add (giftCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp9);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (priceEnterPanelScroll);
              //Create the panel that contains the "cards".
              cards = new JPanel(new CardLayout());
              cards.add(newItemPanel, RADIOPANEL);
              cards.add(newItemDescriptionPanel, DESCRIPTIONPANEL);
              cards.add(priceEnterPanel, PRICEENTERPANEL);
              topPanel.add(cards, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              // Create the menu bar
              menuBar = new JMenuBar();
              // Set this instance as the application's menu bar
              setJMenuBar( menuBar );
              // Build the property sub-menu
              menuProperty = new JMenu( "Properties" );
              menuProperty.setMnemonic( 'P' );
              // Create property items
              menuPropertySystem = CreateMenuItem( menuProperty, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "System...", null, 'S', null );
              menuPropertyEditor = CreateMenuItem( menuProperty, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Editor...", null, 'E', null );
              menuPropertyDisplay = CreateMenuItem( menuProperty, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Display...", null, 'D', null );
              //Build the File-New sub-menu
              menuFileNew = new JMenu ("New");
              menuFileNew.setMnemonic ('N');
              //Create File-New items
              menuFileNewItem = CreateMenuItem( menuFileNew, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Item", null, 'A', null );
              menuFileNewAccount = CreateMenuItem( menuFileNew, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Account", null, 'A', null );
              // Create the file menu
              menuFile = new JMenu( "File" );
              menuFile.setMnemonic( 'F' );
              menuBar.add( menuFile );
              //Add the File-New menu
              menuFile.add( menuFileNew );
              // Create the file menu
              // Build a file menu items
              menuFileOpen = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN, "Open...",
                                            new ImageIcon( "open.gif" ), 'O',
                                            "Open a new file" );
              menuFileSave = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN, "Save",
                                            new ImageIcon( "save.gif" ), 'S',
                                            " Save this file" );
              menuFileSaveAs = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Save As...", null, 'A',
                                            "Save this data to a new file" );
              // Add the property menu     
              menuFile.add( menuProperty );
              menuFileExit = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Exit", null, 'X',
                                            "Exit the program" );
              // Create the file menu
              menuEdit = new JMenu( "Edit" );
              menuEdit.setMnemonic( 'E' );
              menuBar.add( menuEdit );
              // Create edit menu options
              menuEditCut = CreateMenuItem( menuEdit, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Cut", null, 'T',
                                            "Cut data to the clipboard" );
              menuEditCopy = CreateMenuItem( menuEdit, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Copy", null, 'C',
                                            "Copy data to the clipboard" );
              menuEditPaste = CreateMenuItem( menuEdit, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Paste", null, 'P',
                                            "Paste data from the clipboard" );
         public JMenuItem CreateMenuItem( JMenu menu, int iType, String sText,
                                            ImageIcon image, int acceleratorKey,
                                            String sToolTip )
              // Create the item
              JMenuItem menuItem;
              switch( iType )
                   case ITEM_RADIO:
                        menuItem = new JRadioButtonMenuItem();
                   case ITEM_CHECK:
                        menuItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem();
                        menuItem = new JMenuItem();
              // Add the item test
              menuItem.setText( sText );
              // Add the optional icon
              if( image != null )
                   menuItem.setIcon( image );
              // Add the accelerator key
              if( acceleratorKey > 0 )
                   menuItem.setMnemonic( acceleratorKey );
              // Add the optional tool tip text
              if( sToolTip != null )
                   menuItem.setToolTipText( sToolTip );
              // Add an action handler to this menu item
              menuItem.addActionListener( this );
              menu.add( menuItem );
              return menuItem;
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
              CardLayout cl = (CardLayout)(cards.getLayout());
              if (event.getSource() == menuFileExit)
              if (event.getSource() == menuFileNewAccount)
                   System.out.println ("hlkadflkajfalkdjfalksfj");
              if (event.getSource() == menuFileNewItem){
                   if (firstRun){
                        newItemPanel.setVisible (true);
                        topPanel.setVisible (true);
                   firstRun = false;
              //System.out.println( event );
         private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   CardLayout cl = (CardLayout)(cards.getLayout());
             //, (String)evt.getItem());
                   if (event.getSource() == continueButton){
                        if (!(onlineAuctionRadio.isSelected()) && !(fixedPriceRadio.isSelected()))
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must select at least one.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                             if (onlineAuctionRadio.isSelected()){
                         (cards, DESCRIPTIONPANEL);
                                  //newItemPanel.setVisible (false);
                                  //newItemDescriptionPanel.setVisible (true);
                   if (event.getSource() == itemDescriptionContinueButton){
                       if (itemTitleTextField.getText().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(""))
                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must enter a title.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                    (cards, PRICEENTERPANEL);
                   if (event.getSource() == backToRadioButton){
               (cards, RADIOPANEL);
                   if (event.getSource() == backToItemDescriptionButton){
              , DESCRIPTIONPANEL);
                   if (standardPictureRadioButton.isSelected()){
                        superSizePicturesCheckBox.setEnabled (true);
                   if (picturePackRadioButton.isSelected()){
                        superSizePicturesCheckBox.setEnabled (false);
              } //end of action performed

    Mostly I see there is about 100 times as much code as I care to look at.
    So you don't know how to get a panel in a scroll pane, and then get that scroll pane into your GUI? Then try doing that by itself, not encumbered with 10000 lines of irrelevant code. Once you have it working, plug it into the big lump of code. Or if you can't get it working, ask about the small problem here.

  • Cover Flow Help, please!

    I'm having trouble with "cover flow" on my new macbook air (and had the same problem with my old macbook).  I view my old photos in "cover flow" format in finder, but it has stopped working properly.  The photos are all pixely and don't reflect rotations I've saved.  It worked properly on my old macbook for years, then stopped, and I don't think it's ever worked properly on my new one.  Here's an example:
    Please help if you have any ideas!  Thanks.

    Got it - just sync adding/removing music and cover flow now works. And wait 2 secs when you hit Albums before tilting for Cover Flow.

  • Cover Flow help

    Cover Flow when on the Music tab is squished at the top of the screen. On the Movies and TV Show tabs it is fine. I need help figuring out why.

    Try unchecking "display album artwork" in the music preferences section when your iPod is connected and click "apply". Then sync your iPod.
    Then check "display album artwork" in the music preferences section when your iPod is connected and click "apply". Then sync your iPod again.
    This should resync the album artwork to the iPod.
    If this does not work, you might need to restore the iPod and reload the songs in order to correct this error.
    See: How to restore the iPod to factory settings.

  • Scroll speed in Cover Flow???

    I love the cover flow view in finder and iTunes but I have a the new magic mouse and the scroll speed is just too fast...
    I have a hard time landing on the object I want, I just go back and forth back and forth over it...
    Is there a way to adjust scroll speed in that specific view?

    Open System Preferences/Mouse and check your Tracking setting.
    In that specific view? No.. unfortunately not.

  • Scroll bar not me.

    i have a form with vertical scroll bar on browsing to some other records using the mouse it does not sroll up or down, yet if I use the down key or up-key (keyboard) it works. What is the possible way to make the vertical scroll bar works. your immediate response will be highly appreciated.

    In Forms 6.0 using Frames the toolbar properties is in the frame properties.
    In Forms 4.5 or 6.0 without frames the toolbar's properties is in the data blocks properties.
    The scroll bar canvas must be in the same canvas that the data block.
    Martin Medina

  • IPOD TOUCH - podcasts=crash- Cover art mixed up- Cover Flow   HElp

    I have a 2nd Gen Ipod Touch - Best thing ever =)
    but I have a couple of problems that may have been adressed before
    but -
    1. When I play NOVA VODCAST| PBS podcasts ( only certain ones) like Brain Trauma or Stem cell Or SAVING HUBBLE The ipod shows -- random white dots then it crashes and takes quite a bit of time to reboot -Are you guys getting the same thing?
    2.Why can't I delete songs?
    3. I have a video on my ipod but the cover art for it is from some other TV shoe I got from itunes but then deleted. Only for 1 video , odd
    4. When I go to Cover flow - certian albums just dissapear when they're at the center however they appear. Also in cover songs are listed under the album but cerrtian songs when played dont display the album
    5. The time changes whenever I sync- Its annoying _ anything other than opening itunes beforehand ?
    and how would you guys recomend invisible shield?
    and does any of this warrant a exchange/replacement

    It's because iTunes is a piece of crap! Corrupt album art for cover flow has been a big problem for the longest time....and Apple WON'T fix it! In a earlier version of iTunes (ver 8 I think), there was a setting that people found out would fix the artwork if it got mixed up (I think it was the "sync artwork" checkbox but I am not sure). With version 9 however, Apple, in all it's infinite wisdom, decided to remove this option and now the only way to fix this issue is to RESTORE!! And that is completely B.S!! I am getting so sick and tired of this crap! I added a album (WOW....10 whole songs), and now every one of my 105 albums are showing the wrong artwork! Apple needs to remove this "database" bullsh** and go back to reading the info DIRECTLY from the tags.

  • Fuzzy iTunes cover art scroll bar

    Just recently got my Black Macbook Core 2 Duo with 2 Gig Ram and a 160 Gig HD. After I installed my music library into iTunes, the left-right scroll bar in cover art display has become quite fuzzy. A quit and restart solves it temporarily, but it also returns after some play time. Never happens with our Core Duo MacBook Pro. I see some others posted a similar question under iTunes without response. Is this fuzziness the product of the integrated video card in the MacBook? I sure hope not - I would have hoped better for its capabilities than that!

    I also have noticed the fuzzy Coverflow bar on my 1.83 cd macbook. It occurs intermittently in both my library and the itunes store. Also, the column headers (Artist, Genre, Song) sometimes refresh incorrectly so I am left with big black unreadable blobs. This is corrected if I switch back and forth from Coverflow. None of my other macs have either of these issues. Itunes is the only program I've used that displays these graphical anomolies. My initial guess is that it had to do with the gma950, although why it would only happen with itunes, I do not know.

  • Fuzzy cover art scroll bar

    Just recently got my Black Macbook Core 2 Duo with 2 Gig Ram and a 160 Gig HD. After I installed my music library into iTunes, the left-right scroll bar in cover art display has become quite fuzzy. A quit and restart solves it temporarily, but it also returns after some play time. Never happens with our Core Duo MacBook Pro. I see some others posted a similar question without response. Is this fuzziness the product of the integrated video card in the MacBook? I sure hope not - I would have hoped better for its capabilities than that!

    I'm also on a Core 2 Duo MacBook and have this same problem. I'm running 10.4.8 on my MacBook and my older, G5-powered iMac. I don't have the problem on the iMac.
    I also sometimes see the categories atop each column (song, artist, rating, etc.) run together and become unreadable. A simple quit and restart of iTunes always fixes the problem, but it does always return.
    Could this be an Intel systems only problem?

  • Horizontal Scroll bar Is not working iN REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST

    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to create a reprot by using REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_APPEND, REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_DISPLAY.  I have 20 fields to display there, but here last two fields are coming in next row. But I need it it in one line with scroll bar. Cna anybody help me for that.
    Either I should use any other FM to display blocks ( 2 tables) or there is any OOps based FM for this with USER_COMMAND.
    Your help will be beneficial for me.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Edited by: Moni Bindal on Feb 10, 2009 7:32 AM

    Hello Moni,
    For increasing the length of columns
    try the below code while building the fieldcat,
    F_FIELDCAT-KEY = ''.
    if you are generating the field catalog using FM "REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE" then,
    read the field catalog table using the field names and modify the fieldlength
    read table F_FIELDCAT with key FIELDNAME = 'MAKTX'.
    modify F_FIELDCAT index sy-tabix.
    as I suggested earlier, you can shift the block with highest width to top, so all other blocks will also be displayed properly without wrapping to next line.

  • Horizontal scroll bar in OAF

    HI All,
    I have a requirement to display the table columns through horizontal scroll bar in OAF. please help me on this

    Check this
    hope this will help you.
    With Regards,

  • Removing Scroll Bar from JPanel..emergency

    Can any one tell me please, that i wan that
    when i hav 6 or greater than 6 components in my panel then there appear Scoll bar
    else if i hav less than 6 componets then there is no need of Scroll bar..
    Any help will be Appreciated..

    Scroll bars appear when the space required to display the components is greater the space available to display the components. It has nothing to do with the number of components. So yes you could count the number of components a display a scroll bar, but it would do nothing, so your requirement doesn't make any sense. You need to clarify your question.

  • Removing Scroll bar from Applet

    My webpage is having different applets. One of my applet is
    in a <TD> tag <APPLET CODEBASE .............
    this applet shows a tree view. When I click a folder in tree
    view it applies scroll bar instead of expanding.
    I want to remove this scroll bar and want the space to expand
    (instead of Scroll bars). Can anyone help me in that.

    Hi Yomesh ,
    If you want to enable the expand/collapse icon , then you can set the property named Show Tray of the page to yes and then test . By default the property meant for showing the expand/collapse icon is set to yes . You only need to enable the tray and check .
    I did not get the requirement that you have with respect to scrollbar . Where is that scrollbar appearing that you want to remove?

  • Repeatable Crash - Cover Flow

    The iPod app consistently crashes when I scroll around in cover flow. The crash is repeatable, speed is not a factor. It will crash if I go slow or fast. After reboot, it will still crash but I can scroll a bit longer before it crashes again.
    I have NEVER been able to get from A to Z without a crash.
    Am I alone in this?
    973 Songs
    2.0 (5A347)

    I can't say that you're alone, but I certainly don't have that issue. 996 songs (also 2.0, 5A347), can scroll end to end and back with no trouble, slow or fast.
    Does it crash in a specific place? Could be a problem with some of your cover art...

Maybe you are looking for

  • E-Recruiting BSP iView errors in the Enterprise Portal.

    I am trying to get my e-Recruiting BSP applications to work correctly in the Portal. But unfortunatley I consistently get this error message. The following error text was processed in the system: BSP Exception: Das Objekt in der

  • ITunes is deleting my album cover art + songs -- please help!

    Hello: I am running Windows 7 and iTunes v. Just recently, from Grid view, iTunes seems to be deleting cover art as well as songs. It seems to be chance when it happens, but when it does happen, it is always this way: - From Grid view (albu

  • Connector program

    Hi all, I'm trying to register a .NET program in SAP gateway. But when it gets registered it is registered wwith the below attributes TP Name: aspnet_w Syst type: NORMAL_CLIENT Status: Connection pending But I connected with the follwing parameters -

  • Erroneous "insufficient disk space" error with WaveStudio 7

    This has been bugging me for over 2 years. I get the "Insufficient disk space" error with Vista x32 and x64 and now with Windows 7 x64 when I've edited a wav file and then try to save it. I have plenty of disk space. I've searched till I'm blue in th

  • [SOLVED] Broadcom wireless card behaving very strangely

    My wireless card has become unusable in an obscure fashion after a reboot. It may have been due to the recent kernel update, but I rebooted once after that update and the card was fine, so I'm not sure. Wireless was working without a hitch for months