BMM Design

Hi Experts,
I have one requirement and tell me how to design rpd in bmm layer.
I have three Dimensions table and Two Fact table ( D1,D2,D3) (F1 ,F2).
Physical layer mapping like this.
D1-- F1
D3 dim joined only f1 pact how to design in Bmm layer the above scenario.

My suggestion would be bring both the facts to the same logical table sources and have a single fact table in the BMM layer joined with multiple dimensions.
Build a dimension hierarchy for the dimensions and then in the content logical layer mapping, map the dimensions to the fact tables with detailed level/Total
Refer the below link-
Hope this helped/ answered.

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    2. Hierachies and fact dimenstion table design?
    i have gone thru the pdf but i am not clear...i want an explanation of above things clearly. Please help me.
    chandra kanth.

    Chandra kanth wrote:
    Please explain in detail of design of BMM layer which includes the following
    1. What are the things the we perform in BMM layer?
    2. Hierachies and fact dimenstion table design?
    i have gone thru the pdf but i am not clear...i want an explanation of above things clearly. Please help me.
    chandra kanth.Hi Chandra Kanth,
    Please refer to the following links that provides you the entire details on building BMM Layer in a repository:

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    you are correct. We can use tables from different subject area to create a report. However, my question was related to rpd design. Sorry, I was not very clear about the queries earlier.
    Here is the whole scenario in the physical layer of the rpd
    Table name      Databse name      Connection pool name      Schema name
    AV          AV_PXRPAM     AVAILABILITY          CRMODDEV
    COMPANY          PXRPAM          PXRPAM_POOL          CRMODDEV
    AV and OUTAGE have the joins already. I want to make a join between COMPANY with OUTAGE. And then I want to include a column from each of above tables to the logical fact table in the BMM layer. then I want to do a star schema with the logical fact table to the above 3 tables in the BMM layer.

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    Need suggestion designing the bmm layer Star schema structure in the above scenario.
    Edited by: user3130064 on Jun 28, 2011 10:46 AM

    Thanks JV for the quick response.
    This is what I did yesterday before seeing your response, let me know if this is correct.
    I created single logical fact table (Log Fact 1) in the BMM layer and moved all the columns from the three physical fact tables (Fact 1, Fact 2, Fact 3) into the BMM logical fact table. We removed the relationship b/w Dim1 and Dim2 in the data model. Dim 2 is connected to Fact 2 only in the physical layer now.
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    Tool did not complain with any errors or warnings, but I'm not sure if this is correct way of doing it.
    Awaiting for your thoughts/inputs.

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    Any tips/suggestions will be appreciated.

    Hi Tom,
    I too do not see any other options here other than manually modifying the individual logical columns. When there is a new logical column, we have to map it manually to the physical column explicitly because the Admin tool will not know which physical column to pick up.
    Hope this helps.
    Thank you,

  • Please Help in Joins and content tab (BMM Layer).

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    Edited by: LavaRider on Jul 12, 2010 6:12 AM

    Hi Kart,
    I didn't do it the other way, I did it the the way you suggested me..
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    I want to ask you Do we have to set the content in the LTS as well as in the Level (tab) of the measures?
    Thanks for giving your precious time for me, I really appreciate that

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    AC_MANTN_ASTS           - Assets transaction table
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    AC_AST_BAL_DETLS_V      - View
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    Please suggest best approach to design Repository
    Edited by: hai_shailesh on Jan 25, 2012 11:36 PM
    Edited by: hai_shailesh on Jan 25, 2012 11:38 PM
    Edited by: hai_shailesh on Jan 25, 2012 11:39 PM

    Hi Saichand,
    Thanks for the response.
    Already i referred that doc and completed practically. now i have to work on Finance data . as a starting point working with Fixed Assets module. already i designed centralised fact with dimensions as below
    in physical&BMM layer defined relationship as below()
    AC_UNIT_MASTR_D                  --> AC_AST_BAL_DETLS_F
    AC_AST_GRP_MASTR_D            --> AC_AST_BAL_DETLS_F
    When iam trying to create a dimension for Periods(AC_ACNT_PERD_MASTR) , Periods dimesnion created with two tables
    Please advice..

  • 2 facts and 1 dimension design in RPD

    Hi All,
    Approach 1:
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    But when I am dragging column all the 3 tables I am getting no results. Individually I am getting data.
    Approach 2:
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    Approach 3:
    This is 3 approach I made. Like instead of creating join in the physical layer between same 2 aliases of the same table I have duplicated in the BMM layer and made a join there but still I get no results with all the 3 tables.
    Any help will be appreciated on this issue. As early as possible.
    Edited by: Subhash1111 on Jun 3, 2010 4:31 AM

    See the below design guide for the WAAS:-

  • Snowflake design in OBIEE

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    DimB --> Fact A
    Dim C --> Fact A
    Dim D -->Dim B
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    Can anybody help me resolve this pls.
    Thanks in advance...

    I have similar requirement.
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    DimC --> Fact A
    Dim D --> Fact B
    Dim E -->Dim C
    Dim E -->Dim D
    Dim E is not join to any fact in physical layer. Dim E is joining always through DimC or DimD to fact tables. I have created 2 aliases for DimE to join to 2 different dimensions in physical layer.
    How to design the BMM for Dim E
    I have separate logical tables for DimC and DimD
    Thanks in advance

  • Dimension Design - Single Dimension with Multiple Hierarchies

    the purpose of this discussion is to understand how we should design a specific dimension with 3 levels and multiple hierarchies for optimal performance.
    We have an institution dimension with the following characteristics:
    Dimension: Institution
    1. Total Bank (TB) Level
    2. Peer Group (PG) Level
    3. Institution Level
    1. Some of the hierarchies have 3 levels and others have only 2 levels (Skip Level)
    2. ALL the hierarchies have a TB level and an Institution level
    3. None of the hierarchies have the same leafs
    4. Some of the hierarchies leafs can overlap
    We are considering two approaches for the institution dimension levels:
    Hierarchy 1 TB Level
    Hierarchy 1 PG Level
    Hierarchy 1 Inst Level
    Hierarchy 2 TB Level
    Hierarchy 2 Inst Level
    Hierarchy 3 TB Level
    Hierarchy 3 Inst Level
    This approach is working and the resulting dimension and cubes are used by OBIEE, but some of the OBIEE analysis takes a long time (more than a minute) to return the results.
    At this point, we are not sure whether this approach will result in an optimal design from a performance perspective and are looking at restructuring the dimension to represent only the three conceptual levels as indicated below.
    1. Total Bank (TB) Level
    2. Peer Group (PG) Level
    3. Institution Level
    The rest of the dimension i.e. hierarchies, attributes and mappings are defined in the same way.
    The cube associated with this dimension have approximately 80 million records.
    Please advise on any best practices or design considerations that we need to take into account.

    No, it is not possible to have multiple hiearchies in a PC logical dimension.
    The concept of the Parent-Child (PC) hierarchy is completely different from the level-based hierarchy. Specifically the PC hierarchy expects a predefined / architected table with corresponding PC column/value structuring with or without attributes.
    Short story even shorter it is not possible.
    In the RPD the BMM actually prevents you from adding a new logical level, child level, or parent level when you have selected that the logical dimension be a parent child logical dimension with Parent-Child hierarchy.
    On another note...
    Have you tried architecting/building your PC source table so that it represents the roll-up and bottom child-levels like you are seeking? That is, that same member in the child column more than once having a separate parent value. That should be doable.
    That was a great question, please award points if this answered your question or it was helpful.

  • How you we design and create a star schema in Oracle BI?

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    What is the purpose of the DAC??

    You can handle the star schema design in the BMM layer. No separate tool for that.
    Data Warehouse Application Console (DAC) works together with Informatica to acomplish the ETL for pre-packaged BI application.
    - DAC publish the changes from OLTP
    - Informatica extracts the changes from the change log published by DAC as well as from the base table
    - Informatica load the data to the stage tables and the target tables in the data warehouse
    - DAC manage the performance by dropping indexes, truncating stage tables, rebuilding the indexes, and analyzing the tables during the process
    If you do not use DAC, you have to write your own custom change capture process and need to redesign from scratch an ETL method that allow the restart of the ETL process from point of failure at record level. The biggest saving is that DAC can survive during the upgrade , while your custom processes cannot.
    Hope this helped/ answered.
    Edited by: MuRam on Jun 25, 2012 2:37 AM

  • Regarding BMM layer

    HI All,
    I am working on designing BMM layer. I have many facts and dimensions, few of the dimensions are confirmed.
    1. could you please let me know how the BMM layer. Can i create Fact and related dim joins for each fact or can i create one logical fact table with all facts as LTS and join with all dimensions.
    2. Do I really need to create Hierarchies for all Dims or necessary one.
    Hope your reply soon.

    create each LTS for each fact. If they are agg Facts they have to be in same logical table.( for optimised query path)
    Physically join facts with required dimensions.
    If there are facts which have some dimensions not conformed, better to have them as new logical Fact table.
    It is a best practice to have dimension hierarchy. If you dont have detailed hierarchy just keep it total->detail -> key.
    do also mentions number of elements in dimension that also optimizes the query path.

  • Bmm Model

    Hi ,
    I have a requirement like below.
    I have three DIM and two fact.
    Ex: D1,D2,D3 - F1,F2
    Mapping like below.
    How to design bmm layer plz suggest me.

    Please see the following rough sketch:-
    The coloured circles represent suggested subject areas for the presentation layer.
    Please mark if helpful / correct,

  • RPD Design Question

    HI All,
    i have a RPD design question on a requirement i am trying to do:
    i have a single oracle table loaded via a excel sheet ( different connection pool) called Emp Details (.
    I have another subject area which has Emp dims/Hierarchies/facts etc.
    i am joining the Emp Details (single table) to an alias table of Worker Details(Different Subject Area) by Employee ID Key. This alias of worker details is joined to different Facts and those facts are joined to different dims like manager hierarchy/Time Dim etc.
    Then in BMM layer, i added the Worker Detail Alias as an LTS under the Worker DIM which is connected to all facts. When i try to create the report in answers, the data is not being quantified by the Time Dim (Fiscal Qtr..etc). It repeats the same numbers for each fiscal qtr.
    Not sure where my design is failing.  what i am trying to do is do a using the alias table as a bridge to connect the external signle table to the other tables in the Emp Subject Area and then treating that Join as a dim. Please guide me on how i can make this work.

    Join the Emp Details to the fact.
    in BMM 2 options:
    1) You may go woth separate logical table for Emp Details
    2) As LTS to existing Worker Detail logical table by column mapping, it might need hierarchy changes and take care of consistency
    If helps mark

  • Diffence between physical layer and BMM layer

    Hi all,
    Please let me know the difference between Physical layer design and BMM layer design. Please write your views in your reply instead of links.
    chandra kanth.

    chandra kanth.,
    Use in the layers
    The physical layer is the layer of the Logical Business Model where you define the physical data model of your data source. It contains information about the physical data sources.
    The most common way to create the schema in the Physical layer is by importing metadata (table, view, …) from databases and other data sources. If you import metadata, many of the properties are configured automatically based on the information gathered during the import process. You can also define other attributes of the physical data source, such as join relationships, that might not exist in the data source metadata.
    In the Business Model
    In the business model, OBI recommends using complex logical joins instead of foreign key logical joins.
    When Complex joins are used in the business layer then they are really acting as placeholders. They allow the OBI Server to decide on which are the best joins define in the Physical Layer to satisfy the request.
    In a Dimension, you may have multiple Logical Table sources that all join to one fact table. The OBI Server will then decide the best joins to use to meet the requirements.

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