Bold 9900 Dead

Hello, I just wanted to vent my frustration as my phone has just died. It froze and after doing a battery pull which usually solves the problem it has just died. It is totally unresponsive and having taken it to a repairer have been told the motherboard(???) is caput and nothing can be done. I'm not too impressed as the phone is only 18 months old and not worth the money paid at this stage. Has this happened to anyone else?

Hi, Tz1,
A BlackBerry Bold that is only 18 months old?  Really?  I thought these workhorses went out of manufacture/production years ago, so such a diagnosis would not surprise me.   Yes, I have had 9900's permanently quit without warning.
That said, on a few occasions when the device would not "wake up" fully but the red LED was still flashing (the flash pattern is an indicator of what the issue may be), I found several threads with contributions by the forum veterans and gurus recommending different combinations of plugging the device into a wall outlet and then pulling the battery ... research these topics and if these do not work. the device may indeed be permanently kaput (assuming the repair facility is trustworthy, of course, and knows BlackBerry devices).
Best regards,

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  • How can i transfer all my data on my iphone 4s to my blackberry bold 9900?

    I want to know the quickest and easiest way to transfer all my things from my iphone 4s to my blackberry bold 9900. i understand that most things wont be able to be transffered to the blackberry (apps) as they are not compatible. but things like contacts, photos, voice memos etc..

    Sync old iPhone 3G to iTunes on your computer. Then connect new iPhone 4S to computer and Restore from Back-Up of the 3G. This command can be found, on Windows you right mouse click on iPhone name in left column of iTunes, on Mac Option click on iPhone name in left column of iTunes.

  • Why I'm giving up my Q10 to go back to the Bold 9900

    I wanted to take this opportunity to detail my experiences and frustrations with the Q10 and why I have decided to return to the Bold 9900.  I'd like to stress that these opinions are my own.  I recognize that the industry has a whole has embraced the touch screen concept.  But I believe this change isn't right for everyone as I hope to demonstrate below.
    I am a very stanch supporter of the traditional Blackberry.  I work in IT for a nearly 2,000 user organization.  We have 36 IT people on staff and I am the only one still using a Blackberry.  I choose to remain with my Bold 9900 for the sole reason that it is the most efficient device I have ever used.  Every operation I'd ever want to perform with the device is only 2 or three physical clicks away and perhaps just as importantly, thanks to having physical buttons, those actions are performed in exactly the same way every time. It becomes muscle memory and can be performed regardless of the current state of the device.  When the Q10 was announced, you'd be hard pressed to find someone more excited then me.  I very much wanted this phone to succeed.  
    I have now been using the Q10 for a few days now and have encountered a number of what I personally consider show stopper functionality issues.  These are issues that I believe are not simply related to my lack of familiarity with touch screens but an issue innate to the touchscreen concept itself.  Some issues could be resolved through software updates while others simply cannot.
    I have detailed a few of the more pressing frustrations I have below.
    - First and foremost, I use an application on the 9900 called "ShortcutMe" by Fonware.  This application allows you to write custom macros and assign them to any key on the keyboard.  This provides a massively increased efficiency.  From any application I'm in, I can press the same 3 physical buttons to have the phone launch anything I want (End Key to get to the main menu, space bar to activate shortcut me, the letter that matches up to the macro).  For example, I have macros to quickly launch the flashlight as well as more complex macros to automatically toggle between enabling and disabling Caller ID.  I decided to swtich devices when I discovered that Shortcutme now exists for OS10.  Immediately after purchasing it however I received an email from Fonware stating that Blackberry currently doesn't allow access to any of the API's required for the macro functionality to work.  They apologized.  Because of these closed APIs, I can no longer map all of the functions I use the phone to physical keys which completely negates one of the biggest benefits there are to having an always present physical keyboard
    - In messages, if you want to select "mark prior read" you can't because due to the nature of a touch screen, there is no concept of highlighting an object. A compromise exists where you click and hold on the date and then select "mark as read" from a popup menu that appears. However, this only appears to work for the start of each day. If you want to select all messages before a message in the middle of the day, you cannot. Additionally, the compromise forces you to select messages one at a time by tapping on them. I often receive bursts of automated alert messages that could be 30 or more messages in a row. With a track pad, I was able to quickly select just those messages mark them as read. I see no way of completing the same task as quickly with a touch screen
    - A purely touchscreen interface demands restraint on behalf of the developers when building UI elements to provide a consistent experience. For example when you hold the phone in your hand, your thumb naturally rests on the keyboard and is within reach of all the keys, and where the trackpad and physical keys were. It would also be within reach of the bottom right of the screen where the back button often -- but not always -- is. For example, if you scroll through your messages and select one to read, the back button is at the bottom of the screen in easy reach. However, if you now try to reply to a message, the cancel button (which performs the same operation as back) is now at the physical top of the screen which requires you to completely shift how you're holding the phone to reach.
    - Like all touchscreens, if your finger is slightly touching some other portion of the screen and you try to select an option, the phone doesn't respond until shift the phone in your hand so that you're so that you're only touching the button you intended.  This results in unintended actions that simply cannot occur with a non-touch screen device.
    - You can no longer access internal memory as a USB mass storage device. I wanted to copy a traditional telephone ring tone to the phone (because one is no longer included) but could not simply copy the file to the device through Windows Explorer. I had to insert my microSD card before this was possible.
    - Blackberry is not allowing apps to run in the background which means my two must have apps (Shortcutme and Bebuzz) don't work as intended. In the case of Bebuzz, you're forced to leave an active frame opened with it to function.
    - The applications shortcuts functionality no longer exists. For example, I can no longer press L to get to the calendar or hold K to lock the device.  Instead it searches the device.  On OS7, I could get to the same functionality by first pressing s.  However, it was much more common that I wanted to jump between applications so why this is not a toggleable option is beyond me.  (Admittedly, I do know why.  OS10 is a completely different code base which means all of the subtle optimizations made to the legacy code base no longer exist and they are starting from scratch.)
    - Memopad was replaced by Remember.  Memopad was by design a simple application that served only one purpose -- quickly make notes about something quickly.  Memopad was instant.  Blackberry Remember admittedly has many more features but those features come at a cost of efficiency and usability.  If these features were desired, they could have been made available in a separate app.  There is a reason that notepad exists on Windows despite almost all systems also shipping with Word or similar.  Also, when you do finally use the Remember application to enter text, you only get a tiny portion of the middle of the screen to actually see your entry.  On the Bold 9900, you can see 12 lines of text. In remember, that is reduced to just 5.
    - It is possible to use every function of the Bold 9900 with one hand thanks to the trackpad.  This is far more difficult with the Q10.  For example, try selecting and copying text that exists at the top of the screen on the Q10 with one hand. 
    - Playing solitaire and other card games on the Bold 9900 is simple enough to do and can be done with one hand and with little physical motion.  Trying to play Solitaire on the Q10 is more cumbersome as it requires two hands in order to comfortably reach both sides of the screen.  You also end up blocking the card you are trying to select with your finger.  This may seem like a more esoteric example but its representative of the kinds of issues you have when trying to use a touch only interface
    I could go on but I think it's clear where my frustrations lie.  Blackberry has decided to abandon their most distinguishing competitive edge (the keyboard) and instead embrace the touch screen concept just like everyone else.  And that is a shame.  
    If anyone shares any of these frustrations, please reply to this message and share your experiences.  I'm curious if I am as unique in my opinions as it sometimes feels like.
    - Robert Vance

    Hi Robert,
    I have a similar background and thought process as yourself. I have been a die hard Blackberry guy. I have had
    (2) 8250's (with the side roller)
    (2) 8330 Curve
    8900 Torch
    (3) Playbook's
    My kids (2) 9360 Curve
    9900 Bold
    Tried the Z10 and now the Q10.
    I am normally very patient with technology. My rule is that I do not use the device until I have read the ENTIRE manual before I use it for the first time.
    After using the Z10 for 2 weeks and the Q10 for a week, I will be going to a Samsung Galaxy S4. I am incredbily frustrated and not even sure that the S4 is the right solution.
    Nothing can beat the track pad for efficency. My 9900 is simply bogging under the pressure of my use (over 5000 contacts and hundreds of pages of notes). I even deleted everything I can off the 9900 to make it last as long as I could.
    The Q10 simply lacks the refinement we were promised. At it's core, it is not effecient and I cannot see how they will make it better. Calendar additions used to be 2 clicks, now it is 5 and I have to wait for things to load. On top of that, my bridge does not work properly (no contacts, no email, no calendar, no notes).....what is the point?
    Here is what I cannot do well or at all
    Select specific text
    back out of certain areas without closing the app and going back in
    Easily tell what email address I am sending from (I have 5 address for various reasons)
    Shorcuts (that might just be me not doing enough research)
    Easy notes (although I did find an app, but it will not hook up with my Outlook)
    Google Maps
    Enter Calendar events quickly
    Mark multiple messages read or unread
    Turn my phone off and have the alarm go off in the morning (Bedside mode is the new "OFF")
    Entering Bedside mode is not easy (That I have found)
    While I am on the subject of the Playbook, it has become very slow and almost unusable. Even something as simple as bringing up the keyboard or turning down the volume has a huge delay.
    I have even developed and built a company on using the Playbook, but am now thinking of abandoning the entire platform....I live near Waterloo (the home of Blackberry).
    I am VERY frustrated and do not know what to do. I feel like I cannot go back to the 9900 due to the slow downs and lock ups that I was experiencing. I WILL NOT go to iPhone (my kids have had several iDevices), my only choice seems to be the S4......

  • BBM version - my bbm contacts cant see my Dp when i change it (Bold 9900 )

    I just bought my blackberry a few days go and I can’t see the display image of BBM contacts and they also cant see mine.
     The only time I could see their display image is when they change it.
     I tried changing my and they still can’t see it.
     I have tried the following
    1.       Updated OS to version 7.0.0 bundle 2406
    2.       Updated BBM to v6.1.0.49
    3.       Registered by BBM via the HRT
    Go to Options
    Select the Advance Options
    Select Host Routing Table
    Choose the “BOLD” point
    Press your BB menu
    Select Register Now
    Then it would be showing some message, “Your Handheld registered with the wireless network..”
    Restart your BlackBerry devices.
     4.       Rebooted & Restarted after each update
    5.       Removed the battery and restarted
    6.  Used Desktop manager to delete and reinstall BBM
    7. Downgraded BBM version from to 6.0.032 to
    8. Downgraded OS system from Version 7 latest to the version 7 before it
    9. Deleted and reinstalled app world
    10. in fact i have done everything i can possibly think of and still have the same problem and result
    At first I thought this would be ok after adding several BBM contacts, but I have added up to 10 contacts today and still cant see their display image and they too cant see mine.
     I would really appreciate assistance on this.
     Kind regards
     BB PIN: 28E6846A
    Location: United Kingdom
    Network provider: Orange

    i also have the same problem with my bold 9900, my contacts can't see my display picture. anyone with an idea of what to do? help desperately needed.

  • Personal email AND Enterprise email on Bold 9900?

    I have my own personal blackberry Bold 9900 that I am using for work as well. I wiped it and did the Enterpise emails now coming in.
    But now I can't add my personal emails...
    So the question is, if I wipe it again, and add my personal emails (gmail, BEFORE I do the enterprise activation...will I still be ableto send receive from my personal accounts as well as have my work email?

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    The first thing to do is ask your BES admins if they restrict, via IT Policy, the use of personal email on BES-activated BBs. If they do, then you have your choice to only, or personal only. If you choose personal only, then you will need to conduct a specific WIPE:
    KB31291 How to reset a BlackBerry smartphone to factory settings using BlackBerry Desktop Software
    If they don't restrict personal email, then I suggest the following steps, in order, even if they seem redundant to what you have already tried (steps 1 and 2 each should result in a message coming to your BB...please wait for that before proceeding to the next step):
    1) Register HRT
    KB00510 How to register a BlackBerry smartphone with the wireless network
    Please wait for one "registration" message to arrive to your Messages app
    2) Delete and Resend Service Books
    KB05000Delete the service book for the BlackBerry Internet Service email account from the BlackBerry smartphone
    If you have no CMIME entry, then skip the deletion
    KB02830 Send the service books for the BlackBerry Internet Service
    Please wait for "Activation" Messages, one per already configured email account, to arrive in your Messages. If you have no already configured email accounts, please wait 1 hour.
    3) Batt Pull Reboot
    With power ON, remove the back cover and pull out the battery. Wait about a minute then replace the battery and cover. Power up and wait patiently through the long reboot -- ~5 minutes. See if things have returned to good operation. Like all computing devices, BB's suffer from memory leaks and such...with a hard reboot being the best cure.
    If you never de-integrated your personal email accounts from the BB, then they actually should return to it now without you having to do anything further.
    I actually recommend getting BES going first, and then adding personal email accounts after it's working well.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Desktop Mgr 5.1 will not synch Outlook 2007 addresses/contacts now that rogers email added to my Bold 9900

    I have a BB bold 9900, use Outlook 2007 on my desktop pc, and use BB Desktop Manager v. 5.1. I used to be able to synch my BB 9900 for calendar, contacts, and memopad, until I added a data pack to my Rogers account and set up the BB 9900 to receive copies of my **** emails. Then all of a sudden when I went to synch the BB, everything else synched ok, except the Address Book (contacts). I got a message saying "the default service for your device's "Address Book" is no longer available. The new service is *****" [ie. my email address]. It went on to say that if I wanted to try to use my original default service (which I do, I want it to synch addresses between the blackberry and my outlook 2007 contacts, which has always worked before), I should go to "advanced options" and "default services" on the BB9900, and try to reset it. I did this, but the only "option" the blackberry allows me to have for synching addresses is "[my email]". I am reluctant to choose this "new" system, because I suspect it means it will synch my blackberry contacts with the online address book, which I have never used. Is that a correct assumption by the way? I have over 2000 contacts, and I've been very busy the past few weeks so have not had a chance to solve this problem (i've simply just been synching everything other than my contacts/addresses, but in the meantime, i've made several changes to them on both the blackberry and outlook, so it's important that I be able to synch those two databases in order to update them.) I would prefer not to update my Desktop Manager from 5.1 because that version has always worked flawlessly for me, and I have heard of people having major synching problems with later versions. Rogers wouldn't help me with the problem, but "hinted" that it might be a setting in the DM 5.1 that needs to be adjusted. Any advice from anyone on how to rectify this? thanks in advance

    how many calendars do you have on your device?
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Blackberry Bold 9900 OS software update from version 7.0.0 to version 7.1.0

    Helo Everyone
    I tried to upgrade my Blackberry Bold 9900 device software from version 7.0.0 to version 7.1.0 but having difficulties. I tried using the Blackberry Desktop Manager but there was no version 7.1.0 listed among the available updates. Even when I tried to do it directly via the Blackberry official website, Version 7.1.0 was also not listed. Finally I tried to do the update with my phone directly by accessing: Options>Device>Software Updates.
    It displayed my Current Version of 7.0.0 Bundle 2406 and an available version 7.1.0 Bundle 1149. But when I Clicked Perform Update to download the new version it showed preparing to download but then displayed an error message such as "The download cannot continue because your device cannot connect to the update server using any of the following methods:Wi-Fi".
    Meanwhile, I did not perform the upgrade with Wi-Fi because I have an active blackberry data subscrip of 2GB from my mobile network provider.
    Please I need help on how to perform the upgrade from version 7.0.0 to version 7.1.0 with the latest Bundle.
    Thank you all as i await your kind solution.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    The simplest way is to, on a PC (you cannot do this on MAC):
    1) Make sure you have a current and complete backup of your can find complete instructions via the link in my auto-sig below.
    2) Uninstall, from your PC, any BB OS packages
    3) Make sure you have the BB Desktop Software already installed
    4) Download and install, to your PC, the BB OS package you desire:​d_sites.jsp
    It is sorted first by carrier -- so if all you want are the OS levels your carrier supports, your search will be quick. However, some carriers are much slower than others to release updates. To truly seek out the most up-to-date OS package for your BB, you must dig through and find all carriers that support your specific model BB, and then compare the OS levels that they support.
    5) Delete, on your PC, all copies of VENDOR.XML...there will be at least one, and perhaps 2, and they will be located in or similarly to (it changes based on your Windows version) these folders:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
    C:\Users\(your Windows UserName)\AppData\Roaming\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\Loader XML
    6a) For changing your installed BB OS level (upgrade or downgrade), you can launch the Desktop Software and connect your BB...the software should offer you the OS package you installed to your PC.
    6b) Or, for reloading your currently installed BB OS level as well as for changing it, bypass the Desktop Software and use LOADER.EXE directly, by proceeding to step 2 in this process:​Device-Software/How-To-Reload-Your-Operating-Syste​...
    Note that while written for "reload" and the Storm, it can be used to upgrade, downgrade, or reload any BB device model -- it all depends on the OS package you download and install to your PC.
    If, during the processes of 6a or 6b, your BB presents a "507" error, simply unplug the USB cord from the BB and re-insert it...don't do anything else...this should allow the install to continue.
    If you are on MAC, you are limited to only your carriers sanctioned OS packages...but can still use any levels that they currently sanction. See this procedure:
    KB19915How to perform a clean reload of BlackBerry smartphone application software using BlackBerry Desktop Software
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Blackberry Bold 9900 would not sync with Desktop Software for MAC

    When connecting my Bold 9900 to my MAC the Desktop Software opens correctly, phone is recognised and connected but the SYNC option is not available. I cannot click the Green sync button nor click the relevant sync button under the device tab.
    All answers would be much appreciated

    Hi dimitrisuk,
    Welcome to the support community!
    Can you please verify that your synchronization settings have already been configured? This article should provide more information. "Unable to configure sync or click the sync icon due to the icons being greyed out in BlackBerry Desktop Software for Mac" KB26367
    This link to the user guide provides the steps to verify that your synchronization settings have been configured.
    Let me know if that helps.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!


    i bought a new computer with Windows 8 OS. I downloaded the BB desktop manager to be able to sync the PC with the BB Bold 9900. It gives me an error 1723 with the following message. "DLL required could not be run. Action: Repair rim Usb Driver. NT.07D232B6_7904_4970_8B22_8FA..."
    The Microsoft community suggested I unregister and re register Windows installer. I did that but still when I connect the phone to the PX via the USB it is not recognized. 
    I contacted HP support and after 30 minutes  of questions the guy suggested I contact BB support. I don't see a direct link to BB support only this link. Can anyone help?

    diezdeonate wrote:
    OK. Thanks, but how do I repair the rim us drive?
    Are you on Win8 or Win8.1, as the other poster who reported an identical issue? In either case, I don't find any useful KBs on the might have better luck searching:
    But, if you are on Win8.1, then I'm starting to suspect a compatibility issue...AFAIK, the Desktop Software is compatible up to Win8, but perhaps not with Win8.1. Refer:
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • BlackBerry Bold 9900 - Volume Up button jamed

    Goodday to all
    my blackberrry 9900 bold is having a problem with it's music volume keys. when i want to increase the the volume of a song, the phone's louderspeaker volume continues to go louder automatically, and  a while later after i already turnt up the volume. it sometimes also skips a song with me pressing the key.
    how do i stop this ? please it is so irritating.
    thank you.

    bkirby02 wrote:
    I recently purchased a new Bold 9900 for ATT.  I contacted ATT today to confirm I had Blackerry Internet Service enabled so I could receive RIM push notification for email (yahoo email).
    I have confirmed in my device that Blackberry Internet Service is connected via Mobile Network.
    When I go to the setup, Email Accounts, I cannot get into Internet Mail Account.  I can only get into the Enterprise Account.  
    I have unplugged the battery and re-inserted but this doesn't do anything.  
    I have tried to log on to and have looked for communication > email but I do not see the communication option listed.   Please help as I need this feature desperately!
    Hi @bkirby02! Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums!
    Since you purchase it new I don't think there is an IT policy that's stopping you to setup your email.
    IT's more likelty that ATT has not correctly provisioned your BlackBerry for BlackBerry data services.
    Contact them again and make sure they resend your service books and reprovision your data.
    Goodluck and let us know!
    Click if you want to Thank someone. If Problem is resolved, so that others can make use of it.

  • BB Bold 9900 Won't Backup, pls advise!

    I just got a new MacBook Air -- I guess it's running Mountain Lion (10.8.4) - and I'm having problems backing up my Berry (didn't have any recent issues w my old computer).   Is there a flaw w the Mountain Lion software?   BB Desktop Software said I needed an update -- I tried three times and apparently it didn't take.  Help! 

    Hey Silverlakerr,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Thanks for the question.
    I suggest uninstalling BlackBerry Desktop Software and then download the latest version from then restart the Mac.  
    Then plug in the BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone and attempt to create a backup and let me know if you receive any errors.
    I look forward to your reply.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Click  Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • BB Bold 9900 APP ERROR 200.....HELP!!!

    I have a BB Bold 9900 and has the white screen with App Error 200 Reset screen, I have tried taking the battery out and plugging it into computer to reset it but comes up with the update screen and then says repair and then says No BB device updates available...what do I do now as just have an exspensive brick????? thanks

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Here is a KB that discusses that error:
    KB30100 "JVM 200" appears on the BlackBerry smartphone
    Hopefully it contains something useful! There also are multiple existing threads on this site that discuss that exact error...your review of those might prove useful, and a search of this site, using the error message, error code, or symptom, should reveal all applicable existing threads to you.
    You also might want to do an OS reload. The simplest way is to, on a PC (you cannot do this on MAC):
    1) Make sure you have a current and complete backup of your can find complete instructions via the link in my auto-sig below.
    2) Uninstall, from your PC, any BB OS packages
    3) Make sure you have the BB Desktop Software already installed
    4) Download and install, to your PC, the BB OS package you desire:
    It is sorted first by carrier -- so if all you want are the OS levels your carrier supports, your search will be quick. However, some carriers are much slower than others to release updates. To truly seek out the most up-to-date OS package for your BB, you must dig through and find all carriers that support your specific model BB, and then compare the OS levels that they support.
    5) Delete, on your PC, all copies of VENDOR.XML...there will be at least one, and perhaps 2, and they will be located in or similarly to (it changes based on your Windows version) these folders:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
    C:\Users\(your Windows UserName)\AppData\Roaming\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\Loader XML
    6a) For changing your installed BB OS level (upgrade or downgrade), you can launch the Desktop Software and connect your BB...the software should offer you the OS package you installed to your PC.
    6b) Or, for reloading your currently installed BB OS level as well as for changing it, bypass the Desktop Software and use LOADER.EXE directly, by proceeding to step 2 in this process:
    Note that while written for "reload" and the Storm, it can be used to upgrade, downgrade, or reload any BB device model -- it all depends on the OS package you download and install to your PC.
    If, during the processes of 6a or 6b, your BB presents a "507" error, simply unplug the USB cord from the BB and re-insert it...don't do anything else...this should allow the install to continue.
    You may also want to investigate the use of BBSAK ( to perform the wipe it is capable of.
    You may also want to try the "Bare Bones OS Reload Procedure" to attempt to narrow down the precise causal item:
    Load your OS "bare bones"...if anything is optional, do not install it.
    If the behavior presents immediately, then try a different OS with step 1
    If the behavior does not immediately present, then run for as long as it takes for you to be sure that the behavior will not present.
    Add one thing -- no matter how tempting, just one.
    If the behavior does not present immediately, then again run for long enough to be sure it will not have the same problem
    Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all things are loaded or the behavior presents
    When the behavior presents, you know the culprit...the last thing you loaded.
    If the behavior does not re-present, then you know that either step 1 or 2 cured it.
    If the behavior presents no matter what, then you likely have a hardware level issue for which no amount of OS or software can cure.
    You may also need the use of these tricks:
    KB10144 How to force the detection of the BlackBerry smartphone using Application Loader
    KB27956 How to recover a BlackBerry smartphone from any state
    If you are on MAC, you are limited to only your carriers sanctioned OS packages...but can still use any levels that they currently sanction. See this procedure:
    KB19915How to perform a clean reload of BlackBerry smartphone application software using BlackBerry Desktop Software
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • How do I lock my screen on Blackberry Bold 9900

    I just got Blackberry Bold 9900 from Rogers can someone tell me how to lock touchscreen.
    Thanks Steve Day

    I'm just confirming that what Escon-eu said about not being able to turn off the touchscreen function is correct.  The 9900's touchscreen is part of the essence of the phone and therefore has its touchscreen functions built in to the OS.
    - If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

  • Blackberry Bold 9900 / Enterprise Activation

    Thank you in advance for your help with this matter.
    I have purchased the Blackberry bold 9900 smart phone couple of days ago.
    Not an expert myself but expected better from our own IT Dept…seems that they need help themselves.
    Not certain how to find enterprise activation icon on blackberry 9900 bold.  Usually this is what I do:
    Options>>device>>advanced System Setting>>Enterprise setting.
    For some odd reason…enterprise setting is not there.  It is not also under set up…just the web based emails setting.
    I have tried the wipe out but nothing changed.
    Would be grateful if someone could be kind please to tell me what to do.
    Thanks so much for your time.

    You can dowload the Enterprise activation App from the below link, but make sure that the your number has the proper data plan, and the device registered  with your carrier.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.

  • Urgent HELP needed: Problems transfer from Bold 9900 to Z10

    Dear helpdesk,
    I've just received my new Z10 and want to transfer all data from my old 9900.
    Using Link software seems to work fine.... until the copying from the 9900 is almost finished. Then I get the message "Data could not be copied from your device due to the following errors: There could have been a problem with the device or communication during the backup. Verify that the device is tuned on and connected".
    Surely that IS the case.... I've already removed the old BB Desktop SW and reinstalled the Link SW.
    Without success unfortunately.
    What do I do wrong/do I need to do to get my files copied to the Z10?
    I am also wondering what would happen to the memos which I made using the 9900's MemoPad?
    Thanks for your swift help!
    Marnix Kerkhoff

    Hello MarnixKerkhoff,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Forums.
    Reinstall BlackBerry Desktop Software and try to backup the data from your BlackBerry® Bold™ 9900 smartphone. Does the data backup successfully? 
    The BlackBerry MemoPad data will be transferred to the Remember application on the BlackBerry® Z10 smartphone.
    Please let us know how you make out.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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