Booking App problems

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for how I can deliver a time booking application?
Very simply, I am designing an application to replace a paper based car pool booking system.
A single car can be booked from 08:00 to 18:00 in half hour intervals.
Here is an example of a potential row in my booking table:-
ID        CAR_ID        START        END
1001 CAR-A  08-JAN-08 09:00  08-JAN-08 15:30.
How can I display this....
08:00          available
08:30          available
09:00          booked
09:30          booked
15:00          booked
15:30          available
16:00          available
16:30          available
I have 2 major issues
1. All the 'available' times do not exist in the table because they have not been booked.
How can I do a select on rows that don't exist?
2. How can I use SQL to highlight that 15:30 is free even though it is recorded in the booking row?
To put it another way, 15:30 is held in the row but as it is the END of the booking, 15:30 onwards is still valid therefore available.
I want if possible to avoid populating a table of 'Time slots' holding 08:00 to 18:00 and then doing an outer join on it but I will if that's the best solution.
I also don't want to just populate the booking table with all the slots for every day, for every car, for the next however-long as again this seems like a poor solution.
I've studied various threads about calendar based applications but I haven't found anything useful (or understandable!) and I am using Apex v2 so the existing calendars I have at my disposal don't fulfil the requirements.
Any suggestions would be most welcome.
If anyone needs more clarification on the issue in order to study it please say so. I have tried to keep it simple.
Anyway, I shall go back to banging my head against the wall untill someone more qualified comes up with something!

That seems an interesting project. You can use this query to generate all the 30min slices you need, for a specific day (in this example, today):
select times.t
(select to_char(trunc(sysdate) + (9/24) + (level-1)*30/24/60, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') t
from dual
connect by level <= 18) timesYou can then easily join it to your booking table to identify what slices have been booked or not (it is just a case of meddling with the join clause to solve problem #2).
I hope this helps.

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