BPC Design Documentation

Hi all
Are there any Design Documentation about implementing BPC available

You can try at this site
Hope it helps.

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    This is is really a software architecture question rather than a Java programming question. Sun does use Javadocs, but only to document code/API level stuff. What you're looking for is a few up levels higher up. Try [url http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=RUP]Google for some ideas & examples.

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    I´m quite new to BPC 7.0 SP01.
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    Now, the next (and last menu) on the left hand in the AdminConsol is "Security". Unfortunately, I can't find any documentation about this.
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    2) Teams
    3) Task Profiles
    4) Member Access Profiles
    I think, 1) and 2) are self-explanatory. But what about 3) and 4)??? My problem is, that we only con login with bpcadmin to our AppSets, but not with our user-specific users? Is there any access which need to be granted in each AppSet to all users? And what are 3) and 4)?
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    Thanks a lot!

    I could send you the doc about security if i have your email...
    However, I will explain quickly how to set it up:
    Basically you have Tasks, Users, Teams and MemberAcess profile. (MAP)
    Task answers to the question : WHAT. What does the user/team is allowed to do...
    MAP: answers to the question : WHERE. In wich Cube for which entity, which category...
    User/Teams answers to the question : WHO. The best is to give your rights to the teams. Never to users. Then you drop the users in the teams you want.
    You create a MAP for the cubes you want the users to work on...
    Lets say I create a MAP for Japan and in Entity i would select only Japanese entity..
    Then you create a MAP for CATEGORYREADANDWRITE and you select category and all categories if you want it only to write on all categories.
    Note that categories and Entities are 2 seperate MAP.
    Then you create a Task by selecting the task you need: You will find some information about the tasks in http://SERVERNAM/OSOFT/OSOFT/Help/Admin/Task_profile_descriptions.htm
    Personnaly I create a task for SUBMIT DATA,  a task for FILEACCESS and a task for DATAMANAGER...
    Then I create a Team called SUBMITDATA and I give it the task Submitdata. Not any MAP.
    Then I create a Team called Japan lets say with no task but with JAPAN in MAP.
    THe users is gonna be in the team JAPAN, SUBMITDATA and CATEGORYREADANDWRITE
    Hope this helps

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    I am searching for the same but with no luck.
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    You should definitely check out some online tutorials on design in FB4.5, such as Lee Brimelow's tutorials on "blitting" and skins/styles in Flex ("Intro to Flex: Part 3"):
    Also, the "Change the appearance of your application" videos on the Flash Builder "Test Drive" site:
    Good luck!

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    Hi Jonathan,
    Thanks for bringing to our attention that the link is broken.  Will work to get that fixed.  
    CCNA  Discovery is a four course curriculum  offered within the Cisco Networking Academy Program.  Students who participate in Networking Academy, have access to a discount voucher upon completing the final assessment with a specific score or higher.
    If you are currently a Networking Academy student, your instructor should be able to activate the exam and then you can try to qualify.  If you are not a NetAcad student, you are not eligible for a voucher.
    Does that help?

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    Kind regards

    hi Erik,
    hope this helps.

  • Designer documentation

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    Thank you in advance.

    jflack wrote:
    Certainly it is possible to generate surrogate keys that are not populated from a Sequence. And you don't have to fool with the column's data type either. Go to the key column in the Design Editor or the RON and view the property palette. Under "Definition", you will see the property "Sequence". If this was to be populated from a Sequence, this property would name the Sequence to be used. But since you aren't using a Sequence, you clear this property. Instead, I assume that you have a different way of generating the key. The normal way would be with a PL/SQL function. Change the property named "Server Derived" to "Yes", "Derivation Expression Type" from blank to "Function Call". You could also use a SQL Expression, but that isn't very common. Then write the function name and any parameters to the function in the "Derivation Expression". The only caveat is that you may only use columns from the same table, or pseudo-columns like SYSDATE and USER as parameters to the function.I think that this at a stage 'too late' for me? In my case, I'm using the DDT to convert my entities to table definitions. Those entities that have not had a primary UID defined for them will have an 'ID' column generated on the table definition and, by default, a sequence will also be generated with references between the 'ID' and the sequence.
    I think that what you are suggesting is that I modify the 'ID' columns once transformation is complete, whilst I'd prefer to find a way to prevent the creation of sequences during the DDT.
    If all else fails, I can always 'force delete' the sequences on completion of the DDT.
    Thanks for our help,

  • Design Documentation

    Dear Friends,
      We have a few consultants who are working on portal content development on our project. We would like to capture the design that has been done accurately so that any new employee who may start work on the system would be able to understand the design. Can any of you email me a design document template that can be used to capture all the design? Please email any templates you have to [email protected] Appreciate your help!

    One approach some customers use is to use the same logical structure that OPA uses to define the rules in a visual tree form. This is not a decision tree (where the decsions are at the leaves), rather it is the same top-down "this decision is reached if..." structure, where for each node the children are connected with either "and"s or "or"s. These forms then translate easily into the actual rule documents, and it has the advantage of "poking holes" just as effectively as it would if you were actually modeling the rules in OPA.
    Another approach that works well is to co-develop the rules in a more agile fashion with the policy expert and rule author working side-by-side. Then there is no intermediate step.
    In this case, it's also easier to capture test cases with expected results as you go.

  • Template for Design Documentation

    where can I find a design doc for a conversation for an upgrade
    from 6.5.XX to
    Please advise

         Project.Overview .…………………………………………………………….
              Project.Details ……………………………………………………………
    OLD Infrastructure. Details ………….………………………….………………..
    New Infrastructure. Details…………………………………….………………..
         Application.Overview ……….………….…………….….……..……………….
         Dimensions ………………………….……………………………..…………….
              Dimension.Summary …………………….………………………..……………………
              Dimension.Table ………………………………………………….………..…………….
         Alias.Table ………………………………………………………………………………..…………..
              Alias.Table.Summary …………………………………………………………………..
         Source.Data.Summary ……………………………………………………………
         Application.Build.Summary ………………………………………..……………
         DataLoad.Process ……………………………………………..…………………
         Calculation.Summary …………………………………………….………………
         Automated.Processes ……………………………………..…….……………..
         Other.Processes ………………………………………………..……………..
    Please advise

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    take a look at the top of your MP, you should see a reference block that looks something like this:
    <Reference Alias="CustomSystem_WorkItem_Library">
    if the Alias property was "WorkItem", then your second reference would be valid.

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