BPEL Compilation Error - Take 2 - JoJo

I am looking for is trying to figure out what am I doing wrong for this compile time error message to appear when I try to deploy the BPEL service. The BPEL diagram indicates no errors.
[Error ORABPEL-10902]: compilation failed
[Description]: in "bpel.xml", XML parsing failed because "undefined WSDL message.
Message "{http://tempuri.org/}AddSoapOut" is not defined in WSDL at "file:/C:/BPELTest/AddInts/bpel/AddInts.wsdl".
Please make sure the spelling of the message name is correct and the WSDL import is complete.
[Potential fix]: n/a.
BPEL Scenario
The scenario is very, very simple.
I have a web service running on my local laptop (front-ended by the IIS app server). It adds two integer numbers and returns the value synchronously, and its WSDL is AdderSvc.wsdl (the same one listed in the error message). The BPEL process is merely kicked off by the "initiate" operation when using the BPEL Control as the client. "Initiate" takes two integer values to be added as inputs, and these two have the message types that map to the same message type that the AdderSvc is using. The BPEL process invokes the AdderSvc, and then invokes the callback to the client (BPEL Control). Very, Very simple stuff.
I am using a local copy of the AdderSvc.wsdl created by cutting and copying from the auto generated WSDL by IIS app server. I did this so that I could manually insert the "partnerLink" definitions into the AdderSvc WSDL as the auto generated WSDL does not describe this. The version of JDeveloper I am using is "Studio Edition Version".
All my variables, seem in order, but I continue to get the above error message when I try to compile and deploy. Attached are the .bpel and .wsdl files.
Any suggestions will be geratly appreciated
AddInts.bpel file
<process name="AddInts" targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/AddInts"
List of services participating in this BPEL process
The 'client' role represents the requester of this service. It is
used for callback. The location and correlation information associated
with the client role are automatically set using WS-Addressing.
<partnerLink name="client" partnerLinkType="client:AddInts"
myRole="AddIntsProvider" partnerRole="AddIntsRequester"/>
<partnerLink name="AdderSvc" partnerRole="AddProvider"
List of messages and XML documents used within this BPEL process
<!-- -->
<!-- Reference to the message passed as input during initiation -->
<variable name="Invoke_1_Add_InputVariable"
<variable name="Invoke_1_Add_OutputVariable"
Set of activities coordinating the flow of messages across the
services integrated within this business process
<sequence name="main">
<!-- Receive input from requestor. (Note: This maps to operation defined in AddInts.wsdl) -->
<receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="client"
portType="client:AddInts" operation="initiate"
variable="Invoke_1_Add_InputVariable" createInstance="yes"/>
Asynchronous callback to the requester. (Note: the callback location and correlation id is transparently handled using WS-addressing.)
<invoke name="Invoke_1" partnerLink="AdderSvc" portType="ns1:CalcWSSoap"
operation="Add" inputVariable="Invoke_1_Add_InputVariable"
<invoke name="callbackClient" partnerLink="client"
portType="client:AddIntsCallback" operation="onResult"
AddInts.wsdl file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions name="AddInts"
     <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     TYPE DEFINITION - List of services participating in this BPEL process
     The default output of the BPEL designer uses strings as input and
     output to the BPEL Process. But you can define or import any XML
     Schema type and use them as part of the message types.
     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
          <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
               <import namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/AddInts" schemaLocation="AddInts.xsd" />
<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
               <import namespace="http://tempuri.org/" schemaLocation="AdderSvc.xsd" />
     <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     MESSAGE TYPE DEFINITION - Definition of the message types used as
     part of the port type defintions
     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
     <message name="AddIntsRequestMessage">
          <part name="payload" element="client:AddIntsProcessRequest"/>
     <message name="AddIntsResponseMessage">
          <part name="payload" element="client:AddIntsProcessResponse"/>
     <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     PORT TYPE DEFINITION - A port type groups a set of operations into
     a logical service unit.
     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
     <!-- portType implemented by the AddInts BPEL process -->
     <portType name="AddInts">
          <operation name="initiate">
               <!-- <input message="client:AddIntsRequestMessage"/> -->
               <input message="nsl:AddSoapIn"/>
     <!-- portType implemented by the requester of AddInts BPEL process
     for asynchronous callback purposes
     <portType name="AddIntsCallback">
          <operation name="onResult">
               <!-- <input message="client:AddIntsResponseMessage"/> -->
               <input message="nsl:AddSoapOut"/>
     <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     the AddInts partnerLinkType binds the provider and
     requester portType into an asynchronous conversation.
     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
     <plnk:partnerLinkType name="AddInts">
          <plnk:role name="AddIntsProvider">
               <plnk:portType name="client:AddInts"/>
          <plnk:role name="AddIntsRequester">
               <plnk:portType name="client:AddIntsCallback"/>
AdderSvc.wsdl file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:http="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/"
<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://tempuri.org/">
<s:element name="Add">
<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="x" type="s:int" />
<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="y" type="s:int" />
<s:element name="AddResponse">
<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="AddResult" type="s:int" />
<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<import namespace="http://tempuri.org/" schemaLocation="AdderSvc.xsd" />
<wsdl:message name="AddSoapIn">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:Add"/>
<wsdl:message name="AddSoapOut">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:AddResponse"/>
<wsdl:portType name="CalcWSSoap">
<wsdl:operation name="Add">
<wsdl:input message="tns:AddSoapIn"/>
<wsdl:output message="tns:AddSoapOut"/>
<wsdl:binding name="CalcWSSoap" type="tns:CalcWSSoap">
<soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document" />
<wsdl:operation name="Add">
<soap:operation soapAction="http://tempuri.org/Add" style="document" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<wsdl:service name="CalcWS">
<documentation xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" />
<wsdl:port name="CalcWSSoap" binding="tns:CalcWSSoap">
<soap:address location="http://localhost/CalcWS/CalcWSnew.asmx" />
<plnk:partnerLinkType name="Add">
<plnk:role name="AddProvider">
<plnk:portType name="tns:CalcWSSoap"/>

This problem has been resolved. The primary problem was due to the fact that I was trying to pass variables to the service provider without doing an appropriate assign function. Once the assignment was done the compilation and deployment were successful.
For more information on how to make synchronous BPEL calls to external Web Services, refer to the sample titled 104.SyncQuoteConsumer and read the document in the BPEL help section titled "Invoking Synchronuos Web Service".

Similar Messages

  • BPEL Compilation Error: Load of wsdl "with Message part element undefined..

    Hi Friends,
    I am getting following error while compiling my BPEL process:
    Error: Load of wsdl "FTPWrite.wsdl with Message part element undefined in wsdl [file:/D:/MyData/_MyProjects/052_Amazon_MetadataInterface/001_SVN/002_Intl/trunc/MetadataInterfaceIntl_2013Apr15_WorkingCode/MetadataInterface_Intl/MetadataInterface_Intl.wsdl] part name = reply     type = {http://com.fox.metadata/MetadataInterfaceIntl/MetadataInterface_Intl/types}processResponse" failed
    However the reply message is already defined in the MetadataInterface_Intl.wsdlas shown below:
    Code for MetadataInterface_Intl.wsdl::::
    "<?xml version= '1.0' encoding= 'UTF-8' ?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xsd:import namespace="http://com.fox.metadata/MetadataInterfaceIntl/MetadataInterface_Intl/types" schemaLocation="xsd/Metadata_Interface.xsd"/>
    <wsdl:message name="requestMessage">
    <wsdl:part name="request" element="inp1:process"/>
    *<wsdl:message name="replyMessage">*
    *<wsdl:part name="reply" element="inp1:processResponse"/>*
    <wsdl:portType name="execute_ptt">
    <wsdl:operation name="execute">
    <wsdl:input message="tns:requestMessage"/>
    <wsdl:output message="tns:replyMessage"/>
    Surprisingly, this same code was compiling file last week and now I have no clue why I am getting this error. Can someone please shade some light on this issue?

    I have had the same problem in Oracle BPM and solved it using the following steps:
    1- In your application navigator window, expand the project that contains the business rule.
    2- In the SOA Content, double click on your wsdl file.
    3- When the file opens, select the schema view from the bottom of the page.
    4- In the schema view, expand all the schema nodes and check if you see any values in red. If you see one, that value has probably caused the error and you should correct it using the property inspector window.
    In my case, the schema location value was set to a wrong path, so I changed it and the error resolved.
    Also, some error that appear as warning in the rule editor will show as compile error later, such as input types not being used and such, so those must be resolved before compiling.
    Hope that was helpful
    good luck

  • BPEL Compiler Error

    I am trying to create synchronus BPEL Process .I am getting the input from a routing BPEL and then after transforming the incoming xml i am giving it back to the routing BPEL .
    But i am getting a compiler error saying that the variable defined with a particular xsd is not defined.
    Error :-
    Project: D:\oraclBPM\integration\jdev\jdev\mywork\testing\RRToOAG\RRToOAG.jpr
    Error(30): [Error ORABPEL-10010]: unresolved element [Description]: in line 30 of "D:\oraclBPM\integration\jdev\jdev\mywork\testing\RRToOAG\RRToOAG.bpel", XML element "{http://www.openapplications.org/oagis/9}ProcessReceiveDelivery" of variable "Transform_Output" is not defined. [Potential fix]: Make sure the XML element "{http://www.openapplications.org/oagis/9}ProcessReceiveDelivery" is defined in one of WSDLs that are referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    I am not understanding this.
    This is my BPEL file :
    // Oracle JDeveloper BPEL Designer
    // Created: Mon Nov 05 13:58:09 IST 2007
    // Author: m1004429
    // Purpose: Synchronous BPEL Process
    <process name="RRToOAG"
    xmlns:ns4="http://clickcommerce.com/RoutingBpel" xmlns:ns1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:ldap="http://schemas.oracle.com/xpath/extension/ldap" xmlns:ns3="http://www.openapplications.org/oagis/9" xmlns:ns2="http://clickcommerce.com/rrXML" xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension" xmlns:client="http://xmlns.oracle.com/RRToOAG" xmlns:ora="http://schemas.oracle.com/xpath/extension" xmlns:orcl="http://www.oracle.com/XSL/Transform/java/oracle.tip.pc.services.functions.ExtFunc"><!-- ================================================================= --><!-- PARTNERLINKS --><!-- List of services participating in this BPEL process --><!-- ================================================================= -->
    The 'client' role represents the requester of this service. It is
    used for callback. The location and correlation information associated
    with the client role are automatically set using WS-Addressing.
    <partnerLink name="routingBPEL" partnerLinkType="ns4:RoutingBpel" myRole="RoutingBpelRequester" partnerRole="RoutingBpelProvider"/>
    </partnerLinks><!-- ================================================================= --><!-- VARIABLES --><!-- List of messages and XML documents used within this BPEL process --><!-- ================================================================= -->
    <variables><!-- Reference to the message passed as input during initiation --><!--
    Reference to the message that will be returned to the requester
    <variable name="SimpleVariable" type="ns1:string"/>
    <variable name="Transform_Input" element="ns2:rrXML"/>
    <variable name="Transform_Output" element="ns3:ProcessReceiveDelivery"/>
    <variable name="receiveInput_onResult_InputVariable" messageType="ns4:RoutingBpelRequestMessage"/>
    <variable name="replyOutput_onResult_OutputVariable" messageType="ns4:RoutingBpelResponseMessage"/>
    </variables><!-- ================================================================= --><!-- ORCHESTRATION LOGIC --><!-- Set of activities coordinating the flow of messages across the --><!-- services integrated within this business process --><!-- ================================================================= -->
    <sequence name="main"><!-- Receive input from requestor.
    Note: This maps to operation defined in RRToOAG.wsdl
    <receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="routingBPEL" portType="ns4:RoutingBpelCallback" operation="onResult" variable="receiveInput_onResult_InputVariable" createInstance="yes"/><!-- Generate reply to synchronous request -->
    <assign name="Assign_Input">
    <from variable="receiveInput_onResult_InputVariable" part="payload"/>
    <to variable="SimpleVariable"/>
    <from expression="bpws:getVariableData('SimpleVariable')"/>
    <to variable="SimpleVariable"/>
    <from expression="ora:parseEscapedXML(bpws:getVariableData('Transform_Input'))"/>
    <to variable="Transform_Input"/>
    <assign name="Strip_Empty_Elements">
    <from expression="ccf:strip(bpws:getVariableData('Transform_Input'))"/>
    <to variable="Transform_Input"/>
    <assign name="TransformRRToOAG">
    <from expression="ora:processXSLT('Transformation_1.xsl',bpws:getVariableData('Transform_Input'))"/>
    <to variable="Transform_Output"/>
    <assign name="AssignOutput">
    <from expression="ora:getContentAsString(bpws:getVariableData('Transform_Output','/ns3:ProcessReceiveDelivery'))"/>
    <to variable="replyOutput_onResult_OutputVariable" part="payload"/>
    <reply name="replyOutput" partnerLink="routingBPEL" portType="ns4:RoutingBpelCallback" operation="onResult" variable="replyOutput_onResult_OutputVariable"/>
    And this is my WSDL file :
    <schema attributeFormDefault="qualified"
    elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/RRToOAG"
    <element name="RRToOAGProcessRequest">
    <element name="input" type="string"/>
    <element name="RRToOAGProcessResponse">
    <element name="result" type="string"/>
    <xsd:import namespace="http://clickcommerce.com/rrXML"
    <xsd:import namespace="http://www.openapplications.org/oagis/9"
    <message name="RRToOAGResponseMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="client:RRToOAGProcessResponse"/>
    <message name="RRToOAGRequestMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="client:RRToOAGProcessRequest"/>
    <portType name="RRToOAG">
    <operation name="process">
    <input message="client:RRToOAGRequestMessage"/>
    <output message="client:RRToOAGResponseMessage"/>
    <plnk:partnerLinkType name="RRToOAG">
    <plnk:role name="RRToOAGProvider">
    <plnk:portType name="client:RRToOAG"/>
    Has anyone of you encountered this error before ? If so, kindly let me know what solution you deployed to get rid of this error ?

    I guess you have the openApplication XSD in a seperate XSD?
    If so you have to include the XSD in your WSDL of the process. You can only use schemas you included in the WSDL of your process.

  • BPEL Compilation Error - JoJo

    I am looking for is trying to figure out what am I doing wrong for this compile time error message to appear when I try to deploy the BPEL service. The BPEL diagram indicates no errors.
    [Error ORABPEL-10902]: compilation failed
    [Description]: in "bpel.xml", XML parsing failed because "undefined part element.
    In WSDL at "file:/C:/BPELTest/AddInts/bpel/AdderSvc.wsdl", message part element "{http://tempuri.org/}AddResponse" is not defined in any of the schemas.
    Please make sure the spelling of the element QName is correct and the WSDL import is complete.
    [Potential fix]: n/a.
    BPEL Scenario
    The scenario is very, very simple.
    I have a web service running on my local laptop (front-ended by the IIS app server). It adds two integer numbers and returns the value synchronously, and its WSDL is AdderSvc.wsdl (the same one listed in the error message). The BPEL process is merely kicked off by the "initiate" operation when using the BPEL Control as the client. "Initiate" takes two integer values to be added as inputs, and these two have the message types that map to the same message type that the AdderSvc is using. The BPEL process invokes the AdderSvc, and then invokes the callback to the client (BPEL Control). Very, Very simple stuff.
    All my variables, seem in order, but I continue to get the above error message when I try to compile and deploy.
    I am using a local copy of the AdderSvc.wsdl created by cutting and copying from the auto generated WSDL by IIS app server. I did this so that I could manually insert the "partnerLink" definitions into the AdderSvc WSDL as the auto generated WSDL does not describe this. The version of JDeveloper I am using is "Studio Edition Version".
    The contents of AdderSvc.WSDL file that the compiler is complaining about is below:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <wsdl:definitions xmlns:http="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/"
    <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://tempuri.org/">
    <s:element name="Add">
    <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="x" type="s:int" />
    <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="y" type="s:int" />
    <s:element name="AddResponse">
    <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="AddResult" type="s:int" />
    <wsdl:message name="AddSoapIn">
    <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:Add"/>
    <wsdl:message name="AddSoapOut">
    <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:AddResponse"/>
    <wsdl:portType name="CalcWSSoap">
    <wsdl:operation name="Add">
    <wsdl:input message="tns:AddSoapIn"/>
    <wsdl:output message="tns:AddSoapOut"/>
    <wsdl:binding name="CalcWSSoap" type="tns:CalcWSSoap">
    <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document" />
    <wsdl:operation name="Add">
    <soap:operation soapAction="http://tempuri.org/Add" style="document" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    <wsdl:service name="CalcWS">
    <documentation xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" />
    <wsdl:port name="CalcWSSoap" binding="tns:CalcWSSoap">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost/CalcWS/CalcWSnew.asmx" />
    <plnk:partnerLinkType name="Add">
    <plnk:role name="AddProvider">
    <plnk:portType name="tns:CalcWSSoap"/>

    Please ignore this problem as the data presented is not accurate.

  • Simple Sync BPEL Compilation Error

    I have been able to build and compile some simple sync and async bpel processes. Now I am running into the following error, which I have no idea where it is coming from. I doublechecked all my bpel and wsdl code and there is nothing out of the ordinary. Search on this error resulted in nothing.
    Error: Exception not handled by the Collaxa Cube system.
    An unhandled exception has been thrown in the Collaxa Cube system. The exception reported is:
    "Unable to write to stream: Could not find prefix for namespace: java.io.IOException: Could not find prefix for namespace
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.extensions.ParseUtils.getAttValFromQName(ParseUtils.java:77)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeaderSerializer.marshall(SOAPHeaderSerializer.java:46)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.extensions.ParseUtils.writeExtensibilityElements(ParseUtils.java:128)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriterImpl.writeBindingOperation(WSDLWriterImpl.java:373)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriterImpl.writeBinding(WSDLWriterImpl.java:323)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriterImpl.writeDefinition(WSDLWriterImpl.java:197)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriterImpl.writeWSDL(WSDLWriterImpl.java:93)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.template.WSDLGenerator.writeWSDL(WSDLGenerator.java:285)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.template.WSDLGenerator.generate(WSDLGenerator.java:311)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeProcessor.generateOutput(CubeProcessor.java:814)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeProcessor.transformClientSide(CubeProcessor.java:563)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeProcessor.transformClientSide(CubeProcessor.java:457)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeParserHelper.compileClientSide(CubeParserHelper.java:83)
         at oracle.tip.tools.ide.pm.util.CollaxaCompiler.compile(CollaxaCompiler.java:164)
         at oracle.tip.tools.ide.pm.util.BPELCompiler$2.run(BPELCompiler.java:529)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeaderSerializer.marshall(SOAPHeaderSerializer.java:65)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.extensions.ParseUtils.writeExtensibilityElements(ParseUtils.java:128)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriterImpl.writeBindingOperation(WSDLWriterImpl.java:373)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriterImpl.writeBinding(WSDLWriterImpl.java:323)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriterImpl.writeDefinition(WSDLWriterImpl.java:197)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriterImpl.writeWSDL(WSDLWriterImpl.java:93)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.template.WSDLGenerator.writeWSDL(WSDLGenerator.java:285)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.template.WSDLGenerator.generate(WSDLGenerator.java:311)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeProcessor.generateOutput(CubeProcessor.java:814)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeProcessor.transformClientSide(CubeProcessor.java:563)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeProcessor.transformClientSide(CubeProcessor.java:457)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeParserHelper.compileClientSide(CubeParserHelper.java:83)
         at oracle.tip.tools.ide.pm.util.CollaxaCompiler.compile(CollaxaCompiler.java:164)
         at oracle.tip.tools.ide.pm.util.BPELCompiler$2.run(BPELCompiler.java:529)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    Exception: Unable to write to stream: Could not find prefix for namespace: java.io.IOException: Could not find prefix for namespace
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.extensions.ParseUtils.getAttValFromQName(ParseUtils.java:77)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeaderSerializer.marshall(SOAPHeaderSerializer.java:46)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.extensions.ParseUtils.writeExtensibilityElements(ParseUtils.java:128)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriterImpl.writeBindingOperation(WSDLWriterImpl.java:373)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriterImpl.writeBinding(WSDLWriterImpl.java:323)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriterImpl.writeDefinition(WSDLWriterImpl.java:197)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriterImpl.writeWSDL(WSDLWriterImpl.java:93)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.template.WSDLGenerator.writeWSDL(WSDLGenerator.java:285)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.template.WSDLGenerator.generate(WSDLGenerator.java:311)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeProcessor.generateOutput(CubeProcessor.java:814)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeProcessor.transformClientSide(CubeProcessor.java:563)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeProcessor.transformClientSide(CubeProcessor.java:457)
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeParserHelper.compileClientSide(CubeParserHelper.java:83)
         at oracle.tip.tools.ide.pm.util.CollaxaCompiler.compile(CollaxaCompiler.java:164)
         at oracle.tip.tools.ide.pm.util.BPELCompiler$2.run(BPELCompiler.java:529)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    Handled As: com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeCException

    Ughh!! Problem solved. Damn namespaces!

  • Getting Internal compilation error In BPEL

    We have createa a bpel process using flow.
    WHile compiling we are facing the below error. Can any one help on this.
    Error: Internal compiler error.
    An internal error has occurred while attempting to process the BPEL process file "<BPELProj>\bpel\SendMailSHEReqABCSImpl.bpel"; the exception is: java.lang.NullPointerException

    In the log Messages i could see the validation succesfully done. but the compilation is getting failed.
    Log message:-
    Loading Process:file:/C:/AIA BGC/DevWorkspace/SendMailSHEReqABCSImpl/bpel/SendMailSHEReqABCSImpl.bpel...
    Validating Process...
    Done validating.

  • JDeveloper Compiler Error during BPEL flow deployment

    Has anyone encountered the following during BPEL deployment? I am using JDeveloper I was able to deploy last week without any problems.
    Compiling D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\bpel\Cancelador.bpel
    [BPEL Compiler] Initializing compiler for first time use...
    BPEL suitcase generated in: D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\output\bpel_Cancelador_2.6.6.jar
    D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\bin\java.exe -jar D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdev\lib\ojc.jar -source 1.5 -target 1.5 -noquiet -warn -nowarn:320 -nowarn:486 -nowarn:487 -deprecation:self -nowarn:560 -nowarn:704 -nowarn:489 -nowarn:415 -nowarn:909 -nowarn:412 -nowarn:414 -nowarn:561 -nowarn:376 -nowarn:371 -nowarn:558 -nowarn:375 -nowarn:413 -nowarn:377 -nowarn:372 -nowarn:557 -nowarn:556 -nowarn:559 -encoding Cp1252 -g -d D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\output -make D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\output\Cancelador.cdi -classpath D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\i18n.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\jsse.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\jce.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\charsets.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\classes;D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\output;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\toplink\jlib\toplink.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\toplink\jlib\toplink-oc4j.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\toplink\jlib\antlr.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\lib\xml.jar -sourcepath D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\src.zip;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\toplink\jlib\toplink-src.zip D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\ConsultaInstanciasCS\Customerservicecrmkpn.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\CustomerServices\Customerservicesconstantes.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBCONSTANTES\Constantes.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBCONSULTAHISTORICO\Historico.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBERRORESSISTEMA\Erroressistemasacciones.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBETAPAS\EtapasCompletadas.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBINSERTARINCIDENCIA\Incidencias.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBINSERTETAPASCOMPLETADAS\EtapasCompletadas.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBINSERTHISTORICO\Historico.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBINSERTORDERPROGRESS\Ordersprogress.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBNOTIFICACIONESASINCRONAS\NotifRedAsincronas.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBORDENESCRM\OrdenesCrm.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBORDENESMNP\OrdenesMnp.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBORDENESRED\OrdenesRed.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBPEDIDO\EtapasCompletadas.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBPEDIDO\Historico.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBPEDIDO\Pedidos.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBUPDATEETAPAADDONS\EtapasCompletadas.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBUPDATEETAPAS\EtapasCompletadas.java D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\src\DBUPDATEETAPAS\Historico.java
    Error: compiler internal error
    *** OJC internal error log written to file C:\DOCUME~1\anipatel\CONFIG~1\Temp\ojcInternalError.log
    [10:45:12] Compilation complete: 1 errors, 156 warnings.
    The log file mentioned contains the following:
    OJC internal error log:
    Compiler version: 10.1.3
    Build number: 4270
    Source files:
         source: 150
         target: 150
         classpath: D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\ext\sunjce_provider.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\ext\sunpkcs11.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\ext\localedata.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\ext\dnsns.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\i18n.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\jsse.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\jce.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\lib\charsets.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\jre\classes;D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\output;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\toplink\jlib\toplink.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\toplink\jlib\toplink-oc4j.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\toplink\jlib\antlr.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;D:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\lib\xml.jar
         sourcepath: D:\Datos\Jazztel\Cancelador\srcD:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\jdk\src.zipD:\Datos\jdevstudio10134\toplink\jlib\toplink-src.zip
         encoding: Cp1252
         excluded cls:
         rebuild: false
         noCodeGen: false
         lineNumbers: true
         sourceFile: true
         localVars: true
         codecoach: true
         omitAsserts: false
         errorFound: false
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 110
         at oracle.ojc.compiler.DepInfo.readInt(DepInfo.java:521)
         at oracle.ojc.compiler.DepInfo.readName(DepInfo.java:541)
         at oracle.ojc.compiler.DepInfo.read(DepInfo.java:578)
         at oracle.ojc.compiler.DepInfo.analyzeSources(DepInfo.java:279)
         at oracle.ojc.compiler.Compiler.main_internal(Compiler.java:1088)
         at oracle.ojc.compiler.Compiler.main_throws_exceptions(Compiler.java:816)
         at oracle.ojc.compiler.Compiler.main(Compiler.java:836)
         at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.Ojc.translate(Ojc.java:1541)
         at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem$CompileThread.buildGraph(UnifiedBuildSystem.java:300)
         at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem$CompileThread.buildProjectFiles(UnifiedBuildSystem.java:516)
         at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem$CompileThread.buildProject(UnifiedBuildSystem.java:609)
         at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem$CompileThread.buildAll(UnifiedBuildSystem.java:666)
         at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem$CompileThread.run(UnifiedBuildSystem.java:894)

    Just an update to this...
    I copied the BPEL flow project to our Linux server, where I was successfully able to compile and deploy the flow using devprompt and Ant. So, the problem is with JDev on my PC, but I'm not sure why though.
    I have rebooted my PC, shutdown any unnecessary apps, and the problem continues. Will see if the problem exists with other flows.

  • Compiler error - Error:null

    I am attempting to create a process that invokes an external web service. Nothing fancy, just take input to the process assign it, transform it to the format the web service needs, invoke the web service, assign the response, and reply to the calling process.
    When I attempt to compile the process I get a compiler error of "Error:null" If I double click the error it shows me the bpel source and highlights the firs line (comment automatically added by JDeveloper).
    Any direction or information would be greatly appreciated.

    Okay, here is the output (at least the end of it):
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadAllSchemas> loading all schemas for def file:/C
    [bpelc] <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema [bpe
    lc] java.lang.StackOverflowError
    <WSDLSchemaUtil::loadLocalSchemas> Created schema xsd:schema
    C:\ORABPE~1\INTEGR~1\JDEV\JDEV\MYWORK\OMSINT~1\OMSCRE~2\build.xml:25: java.lang.
    Total time: 4 seconds

  • C# compiling error: 'System.Array' does not contain a definition for 'Select' and no extension method 'Select' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Array' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    Hello experts,
    I'm totally new to C#. I'm trying to modify existing code to automatically rename a file if exists. I found a solution online as follows:
    string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath).Select(filename => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)).ToArray();
            string tempFileName = fileName;
            int count = 1;
            while (allFiles.Contains(tempFileName ))
                tempFileName = String.Format("{0} ({1})", fileName, count++); 
            output = Path.Combine(folderPath, tempFileName );
            string fullPath=output + ".xml";
    However, it gives the following compilation errors
    for the Select and Contain methods respectively.:
    'System.Array' does not contain a definition for 'Select' and no extension method 'Select' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Array' could be found
    (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    'System.Array' does not contain a definition for 'Contains' and no extension method 'Contains' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Array' could be
    found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    I googled on these errors, and people suggested to add using System.Linq;
    I did, but the errors persist. 
    Any help and information is greatly appreciated.
    P. S. Here are the using clauses I have:
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Linq;

    Besides your issue with System.Core, you also have a problem with the logic of our code, particularly your variables. It is confusing what your variables represent. You have an infinite loop, so the last section of code is never reached. Take a look 
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.IO;
    namespace consAppFileManipulation
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    string fullPath = @"c:\temp\trace.log";
    string folderPath = @"c:\temp\";
    string fileName = "trace.log";
    string output = "";
    string fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullPath);
    string extension = Path.GetExtension(fullPath);
    string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath);
    string newFullPath = fullPath;
    string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath).Select(filename => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)).ToArray();
    string tempFileName = fileName;
    int count = 1;
    while (allFiles.Contains(fileNameOnly))
    tempFileName = String.Format("{0} ({1})", fileName, count++);
    output = Path.Combine(folderPath, tempFileName);
    fullPath = output + ".xml";
    //string fullPath = output + ".xml";
    UML, then code

  • Xilinx Compilation Error: HDLCompiler:432 Formal eiosignal has no actual or default value

    I have compiled several programs for sbRIOs previously but have not run into compilation errors before. I can't seem to find any support to see what is actually going poorly. Any help with this would be appreciated!
    The Compilation Status summary is as follows: 
    LabVIEW FPGA: The compilation failed due to a xilinx error.
    ERROR:HDLCompiler:432 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000031_SequenceFrame.vhd" Line 87: Formal <eiosignal> has no actual or default value.
    INFO:TclTasksC:1850 - process run : Synthesize - XST is done.
    INFO:HDLCompiler:1408 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000032_CustomNode.vhd" Line 18. eiosignal is declared here
    ERROR:HDLCompiler:432 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000031_SequenceFrame.vhd" Line 106: Formal <eiosignal> has no actual or default value.
    INFO:HDLCompiler:1408 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000033_CustomNode.vhd" Line 18. eiosignal is declared here
    ERROR:HDLCompiler:432 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000031_SequenceFrame.vhd" Line 125: Formal <eiosignal> has no actual or default value.
    INFO:HDLCompiler:1408 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000034_CustomNode.vhd" Line 18. eiosignal is declared here
    ERROR:HDLCompiler:432 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000031_SequenceFrame.vhd" Line 144: Formal <eiosignal> has no actual or default value.
    INFO:HDLCompiler:1408 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000035_CustomNode.vhd" Line 18. eiosignal is declared here
    ERROR:HDLCompiler:432 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000031_SequenceFrame.vhd" Line 163: Formal <eiosignal> has no actual or default value.
    INFO:HDLCompiler:1408 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000036_CustomNode.vhd" Line 18. eiosignal is declared here
    ERROR:HDLCompiler:432 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000031_SequenceFrame.vhd" Line 182: Formal <eiosignal> has no actual or default value.
    INFO:HDLCompiler:1408 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000037_CustomNode.vhd" Line 18. eiosignal is declared here
    ERROR:HDLCompiler:432 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000031_SequenceFrame.vhd" Line 201: Formal <eiosignal> has no actual or default value.
    INFO:HDLCompiler:1408 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000038_CustomNode.vhd" Line 18. eiosignal is declared here
    ERROR:HDLCompiler:432 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000031_SequenceFrame.vhd" Line 220: Formal <eiosignal> has no actual or default value.
    INFO:HDLCompiler:1408 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000039_CustomNode.vhd" Line 18. eiosignal is declared here
    ERROR:HDLCompiler:854 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000031_SequenceFrame.vhd" Line 50: Unit <vhdl_labview> ignored due to previous errors.
    VHDL file C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000031_SequenceFrame.vhd ignored due to errors
    Total memory usage is 189944 kilobytes
    Number of errors : 9 ( 0 filtered)
    Number of warnings : 4 ( 0 filtered)
    Number of infos : 0 ( 0 filtered)
    Process "Synthesize - XST" failed
    Go to Solution.

    Hi DiracDeltaForce,
    As a first pass, I would recommend disabling or deleting a section of code that you suspect may cause the compile error and see if you can get through synthesis.  Once you get through a compile, you have at least isolated the trouble spot.
    Something I would look for in your code is attempts to access the same IO node in multiple clock domains, ie inside and outside of SCTL (single-cycle timed loops), timed sequence structures, or in muliple timed structures with different clock rates.  Attempting this would force LabVIEW to create arbitraion and hand-shaking logic to safely pass data between clock domains.  This type of logic doesn't work in a timed structure because the hand-shaking operation takes multiple clock cycles.
    If you are only using traditional sequence structures (rather than the timed sequence structures) I wouldn't suspect this type of issue.
    National Instruments
    To the pessimist, the glass is half empty; to the optimist, the glass is half full; to the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be...

  • No. of Vowels in an user input sentence - Compilation Error

    I tried the following program to find the number of vowels in a given sentence :
    //Number of vowels in a given line
    import java.util.Scanner;
    class vowels
    public static void main(String args[])
        int a,b,y=0;
        String x;
        Scanner inpt = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Enter a line of text to find out the number of vowels in it");
        x = inpt.nextLine();
        char[] c = x.toCharArray();
        b = c.length;
        System.out.println("The numbner of vowels in the given line of text is :" + y);
    }But when I run the program, I get the following output :
    Enter a line of text to find out the number of vowels in it
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 8
    at vowels.main(vowels.java:16)
    Java Result: 1
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 18 seconds)
    I use Netbeans IDE 6.5.1. Plz help me

    It's not a compilation error; it's a runtime error.
    The error message is telling you exactly what's wrong.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 8
    at vowels.main(vowels.java:16)At line 16 of vowels.java, you're trying to access the 9th element (index 8) of an array that has at most 8 elements (at indices 0..7).
    Go take another look at a java array tutorial.

  • Compile errors

    Hi, I am learning Java using a few courses from text books. Everything has been going well so far. I do most of my devleopment on Linux but recently installed the JDK on my Windows partition. The course I am using from the book comes with a library that you are to use in all the programming exercises. Anyway, this is the code from the program that I am getting a compile error on.
    import ccj.*;
    public class Fastype
    {     public static void main(String[] args);
      {          String totype = ("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");
                double wpm;
              double sec;
              System.out.print("This program tests your typing skills. When you are ready to start press 'y'(and enter) and a sentence will appear. Type it as fast as you can without error(don't forget to press the enter key when done.) Ready?");
              String z = Console.in.readChar(); // just a statement that waits until the user is ready
              Time start = new Time();
              String user = Console.in.readWord();
              Time end = new Time();
              sec = (end.getSeconds()-start.getSeconds());
              wpm = 9 * 60 / sec;
              System.out.print("Time: " + sec + "\nYou can type " + wpm + " words per minute.");
              if (user.equals(totype)) System.out.print("Good.");
              if( user.compareTo(totype) != 0)
              System.out.println("  But speed is irrelevant when you type with errors.");
    }When I compile I get:
    Fastype.java:6: missing method body, or declare abstract
    {       public static void main(String[] args);
                               ^All the programs I've written so far use :
    { public static void main(String[] args)So I can't really tell whats going on here. I'm sure this is probably really stupid but I'm new to this.

    All the programs I've written so far use :
    { public static void main(String[] args)
    semicolon son,semicolon in the main method..
    tips: when the compiler gives an error ,try to take a closer look and check for the syntax of the corresponding line..
    don't worry happens to newbies...

  • Compiler error, unexpected conversion in my cRIO program

    When I open, or try to run a vi I get this message about 8-9 times,
    Compiler error. Report this problem to National Instruments Tech Support. 
    Unexpected conversion. src type=112, dst type=7
    This program is meant to be used on a cRIO system in Real time.
    I am using Windows 7, Labview 2011. 
    This is a rather complex vi, and not yet finished, but here it is along with an image of the error message. 
    I think that the destination type is an unsigned long integer, while I am not sure about the source type. I have tried to find the instances that tries to convert a data type to an unsigned long integer. I may have missed a few, or I may be chasing my tail.
    Thank you!
    Control Front end.vi ‏519 KB
    error_20120114.PNG ‏27 KB

    Hello Joe,
    I get this message right when I open the vi, or whenever I compile this vi. This vi calls a vi on the FPGA which is onboard the chassis.
    The hardware that I am using is:
      cRIO-9022 (cRIO)
      cRIO-9114 (chassis)
      NI 9401 (DIO module)
      NI 9205 (Analog Module)
    The arrow is broken, but only says that the vi failed to compile. This does not point me to anything.
    I have gone through each part of the code to try to find the culprit. It seems that in my FPGA call (read/write control) I select which channel on the modules to either ouput or read with my FPGA. If I take this portion out of my code, then the error stops and I can run my vi. I've since modified the FPGA code to handle this differently, but I feel like this is not the correct solution, just ignoring the problem. 
    So my question is: Is it possible to select a FPGA I/O channel from the cRIO vi? If I try, I get an error indicating that I have incompatible type wired up. Although I have copy and pasted directly the channels from my FPGA vi to my vi on the cRIO.
    Thank you!

  • Compilation error with (amp) restriction specifier in C++ AMP

    [double post from :
    original post ]
    I'm using C++ AMP (I'm not that experienced with C++ and I'm new to AMP, so I have to stumble through this stuff) But I thought I had this code working, but now I'm getting the following error:
    Error    1    error C3930: 'WRC_Raytracer::RaytracerRTC::RenderSceneWithAMP::<lambda_c13eb21eb34534d03d408733745bcf16>::operator ()' : no overloaded function has restriction specifiers that are compatible with the ambient
    context 'Concurrency::_Parallel_for_impl'
    Here is my parallel loop (cut down slightly to focus on the issue):
        parallel_for(0, 720 * 576, 1, [w, cBuffer, pixelDataView](int i) restrict(amp)
                    // compute x and y for the given index
                    float x = (float)(i % w);
                    float y = (float)(i / w);
                    // convert color from {0,1}f to {0,255}b
                    int bInt, gInt, rInt;
                    bInt = (int) (min(x/719.f, 1) * 255);
                    gInt = (int) (min(y/575.f, 1) * 255);
                    rInt = (int) (min(0, 1) * 255);
                    // represent color data as (int)argb
                    int pixelAsInt = (255 << 24) + (rInt << 16) + (gInt << 8) + bInt;
                    // update pixelData element
                    pixelDataView[i] = pixelAsInt;
    Can anyone see what's wrong here ? As I said, I'm sure this was working yesterday, and I did something just before shutting down, and now it's not working.
    Edit : I tried the parallel_for_each loop that I had started with. And that actually does work ...
    parallel_for_each(pixelDataView.extent,[=](index<1> idx) restrict(amp)

    Hello Gavin, thank you for your question.
    Note that parallel_for_each (more precisely, the overloads that accept extent arguments and take a restrict(amp) functional parameter) is the unique entry-point for C++ AMP execution. Other functions in the concurrency namespace, such as parallel_for,
    are unrelated, and stem from a different technology (PPL). Since restrict(amp) is specific to C++ AMP, trying to use a restrict(amp) functional object in any context but that of C++ AMP execution, is not possible - hence the compiler error
    you were seeing. Hopefully this turns out helpful for you. Also, congratulations for picking up C++ AMP, I hope you like it! Cheers!

  • UnKnown File Compiler Error?

    I keep receiving the same error from my 1.4.2 java sdk, could anyone explain this compiler error?
    WavFiles.java:17: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method list (java.io.FileFilter)
    location: class java.io.File
    wavList = dir.list(filter);
    1 error
    import java.io.*;
    import java.io.FileFilter;
    public class WavFiles{
    String[] wavList = null;
    File dir = new File(".");
    FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter(){
    public boolean accept(File file, String name){
    return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".wav");
    wavList = dir.list(filter);

    the file class doesn�t have a method called list that akes a filefilter as a parameter.
    instead there are a list method that takes a filenamefilter and a listfiles method that accepts a filefilter.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • My Points are not Increasing

    Hi All, I have known that when i post a thread and give points to members who have answered i will get points for that. I got 25 on 05-10-2011. It is not updating my points from that date? It is showing on Last Contribution date as 05-10-2011 but i e