Bridge error in WLE5.1- LIBTUX_CAT:5026

We have a WLE5.1 RP058 run on Solaris 8, and a error just be repeated in ULOG:LIBTUX_CAT:5026: ERROR: Object key not recognized: ErrStatus 2But I check the BRIDGE, it's OK.Who have experience with this error?

Dear All
It seems that we found out the issue .
"A service was invoked by an user which is not owner of the service" but the Error code tuxedo returned was strage . LIBTUX_CAT:607 !!!

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    Edit > Preferences > Cache > Purge Cache

  • Windows 7 - Pci-to-Pci Bridge (Error: Code 10) - PCI Video Card

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    I'm running Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit edition, not the Beta or RC. I have 3 video cards in my possession (listed below).
    - (PCIe) Evga GTX260
    - (PCI) Evga 9400GT
    - (PCI) Evga Fx5500
    Out of those 3 cards I only use the GTX260 and the 9400GT. I had to 'retire' the Fx5500 because the latest WHQL (certified) drivers only provide support as far down as the "6 series" Nvidia cards. Unfortunately the Fx5500 is a "5 series" and falls below that line. I have already tried to use the GTX260 and Fx5500 in previous versions of Windows (XP and Vista), but there is no way to download and install two separate drivers for two of the same make of video card - you'll get nothing but errors. There is the option of going to a place like and downloading a custom supported driver that covers both the GTX260 and Fx5500, but the drivers are not certified and lack support. Therefore, I purchased and now use the 9400GT which is covered under the drivers for the GTX260 and eliminates the need for messing around with custom drivers. Also, the 9400GT has a better graphics processor and more memory than the Fx5500, so it was time to upgrade anyway.
    Now that you have some background info here is my issue Whenever I install the 9400GT I get a second 'pci-to-pci bridge' entry (the other entry has no errors) that shows up under 'System Devices' in the Device Manager. The second pci-to-pci bridge entry has a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark on it that refers to a problem. When you check the properties of this device it more or less says that Windows has detected a problem (Error Code 10). The GTX260 still works and even shows up under the 'Display Adapters' as a GTX260, but no entry for the 9400GT exists. I have tried the 9400GT in both PCI slots and each time it does the same thing. If I pull out the GTX260 and ONLY run the 9400GT, I still get the pci-to-pci bridge issue, BUT I do get a picture and can boot into Windows 7 without a hitch. When I do this there is still nothing listed under the 'Display Adapters' as a 9400GT or even a VGA compatible device.
    After messing around with this for 10 hours (yes, I said 10 hours) I decided to dig out my retired PCI video card (the Fx5500). When I installed this card I had no 2nd pci-to-pci bridge entry appear under 'System Devices', and the one that was listed had no yellow triangle or error codes. I then checked under 'Display Adapters' and Windows 7 had recognized it as a VGA compatible device and was asking for drivers.
    I have now concluded that there is definitely no issue with the motherboard or any of my hardware (including video cards). At first EVGA Support and I had suspected that the motherboard may be bad because of all of the pre-diagnostic steps I had taken during my 10 hour ordeal. I'm not going to list everything I did because it would literally take 3 hours to type it all in. Just believe me when I say that I have tried most things including but not limited to the latest bios updates (flashed 4 times and completely reset to ensure accuracy), custom IRQ management, entire OS re-installation X2, multiple/latest chipset drivers installed, multiple/latest video drivers installed, memtest testing, complete hardware teardown and re-build (adding one device at a time), and MUCH more. The only thing I did not try was installing a different OS other than Windows 7 64-bit to see if I could replicate the issue. This is a waste of time though because lets say that I install Windows XP Pro and the 9400GT doesn't have this issue... Well, that's great, but who gives a damn about XP Pro when I have been using it for the last 9 years and when I have a full version of Windows 7 that I want to use? I'm certainly not going to run XP Pro over Windows 7 just to use this PCI video card. Second, if I install XP Pro and it still gives me the same pci-to-pci bridge error then again, I've only wasted more time because if its not going to work in either OS then Im sure as hell not going to leave XP Pro installed when I can use Windows 7.

    Maybe stupid question now but has your posting anything to do with Toshiba and Toshiba notebooks?

  • Weblogic Apache Bridge Error - Urgent

    We have installed 11g weblogic and forms and reports successfully but while calling a form sometimes in concurrent sessions getting 'Failure of Server Apache Bridge Error'.
    Following are the system details:
    System: Windows 2008 64 bit
    Forms/reports [64 Bit] Version
    Weblogic server :10.3.5
    Apache Version:
    Oracle_FRHome1\ohs\bin>httpd -version
    Server version: Oracle-HTTP-Server/2.2.15 (Win32)
    Server built: Apr 2 2011 17:14:20
    Server label: APACHE_11.
    As suggested in most of the forums, we have disabled IPv6 and replaced hostname with IP Address of the system in mod_wl_ohs.conf, forms.conf and reports_ohs.conf like this:
    DynamicServerList Off
    <Location /console>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicPort 7001
    WebLogicPort 7001
    <Location /em>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicPort 7001
    <Location /forms>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicPort 9001
    <Location /reports>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicPort 9002
    And from weblogic console also we have changed the listen address to this static IP and restarted the ohs,form, report server.
    But still facing the same issue.
    Any suggestion?
    OHS Log:-
    [2012-03-05T20:17:19.4742+05:30] [OHS] [ERROR:32] [OHS-9999] [mod_weblogic.c] [host_id: MUPF102] [host_addr:] [pid: 5068] [tid: 2064] [user: SYSTEM] [VirtualHost: main] ap_proxy: trying GET /forms/frmservlet at backend host '; got exception 'NO_RESOURCES: [os error=0,  line 1915 of ../nsapi/URL.cpp]: apr_socket_connect call failed hostname: error [730049]'
    Any prompt help would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Thanks for the prompt reply.
    We can access the report with 2 or 3 concurrent connections properly but the moment there are more concurrent connections it gives 'Failure of Server Apache Bridge Error' in client browser for new connections and whoever is already logged in their application gets hang.
    So restarting also wont help as there can be more than 100 concurrent connections.
    We have changed few parameters like :
    StartServers 2
    MaxClients 2500
    MinSpareThreads 25
    MaxSpareThreads 2500
    ThreadsPerChild 25
    MaxRequestsPerChild 0
    KeepAliveTimeout 15
    Timeout 720
    Any other suggestions?

  • Cannot download Creative Cloud due to Adobe Bridge error

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    Thanks John for your reply. After I made this post yesterday, I went back and gave it another try and everything worked out fine. I do believe it was a combination of using the Adobe cleaning tool, task manager AND rebooting several times that finally got my programs downloaded. And by the way, I running Windows 7.

  • Mini Bridge "Waiting for Bridge" error Macintosh

    We'd been having this error on a couple of our computers and none of the steps in the KB article are working.
    We initally set up one computer to be used as our master image. Once we had things working the way we wanted on this computer we cloned the drive using Carbon Copy Cloner and distributed the master image to 3 other computers for testing. Mini Bridge was working fine on the master image. Once we cloned the master we changed the name of the default user account to our intended user's name following Apple's directions for changing user account names. Mini Bridge did not work on any of the user accounts on the cloned computers even those accounts whose names did not change. I even tried creating a new test account and it still does not work.
    I've been doing some experimenting removing various Adobe related files and then trying to use the Mini Bridge until I figured out what worked. What I found was I could go to Library/Application Support/Adobe, and using Get Info, make the default user the owner of the Adobe folder. (They already had read/write permissions.) After that they are able to use the Mini Bridge. However, none of my other user accounts can work with the Mini Bridge since they are not owners of the Adobe folder. It seems that Mini Bridge is only able to function if the current user is also the owner of the Adobe folder?
    I looked at the permissions on the master for the Adobe folder and it said it was owned by root and belonged to the admin group. On the cloned images it states that it is owned by the default user and belongs to the staff group. I tried using Terminal and changed the owner and group to root and admin as it was on the master, but that didn't make any difference. It will still only work if the default user is actually made the owner of the folder.
    We will be cloning several more computers this way and I'd like to figure out why this is not working and see if there is a way to make it work for all users of the computer. I am sure something is happening with permissions on the Adobe folder when the user account is renamed on the clone, however I also did a group of 4 laptops this same way and those cloned computers all work fine under all user accounts.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I finally got it working today.
    We've been using Bridge for quite a while but the Mini Bridge is new to us as we are just now updating to CS5. I did notice a bit of lag time with Mini Bridge and sometimes it didn't want to display the items on networked drives, but if I hit the backward and forward arrows it would work, so maybe just a screen redraw issue or something there, but other than that it seems to be working ok over our network for now.
    Your tip about having only one copy of Bridge open at a time was the key. We have been able to open the same program on multiple user accounts simultaneously before, but I can't say that we have with Bridge. I didn't notice it at first but when you choose Mini Bridge in InDesign it is actually opening the full Bridge in the background though it doesn't open the Bridge window, but looking at my Dock I see where it has been launched. When I would switch to another user account to test the Mini Bridge I wasn't closing out of Bridge in the first account, since I didn't realize it was open, so I'm assuming since it was still open there it could not launch it under the second user. Once I closed out of Bridge on the first account it worked fine on the second.
    So think we have it resolved now.
    Thanks so much for the tip! This has been driving me crazy for a day and a half. Now I can get on with my other computer set-ups.
    By the way, we are ok on the number of CS copies floating around, we have a volume license. :-)

  • After Effects and Bridge error message

    After Effects error: Can't import file….unsupported filetype or extension, (0 ::1) this happens when I double click on a text animator in Bridge.
    Started happening after I upgraded to After Effects 2014, anybody know how to fix this?

    This is fixed in the After Effects 2014.2 (13.2) update, which is now available.
    Details here:

  • CS4 Bridge Error Message-"The operation couldnot be completed. Not Enough MEMORY ERROR MESSAGES
    I originally posted this in Photoshop but employee thought expertise was lacking in that forum and that I should move my question to this one.
    Seems very few Adobe CSx users use Bridge....go figure!
    Anyway getting error messages that there is not enough memory in Bridge to continue and I must restart Bridge.
    Refer to the above link for original question and all pertinant computer data.
    Seems this is a very prevelant problem in both the PC and MAC environment but Adobe has felt not important enough to help(see employee comment or lack thereof).
    Any help would be appreciated.
    I am not real "computer" saavy so please speak so("Idiots Guide To Adobe Bridge ; >) )

    Apparently not.  I'm still seeing it in the Photoshop Windows forum - though it's anyone's guess WHAT you'll see with this Jive Turkey forum software.

  • CS4 Bridge Error Message-"The operation couldnot be completed. Not Enough Storage/Memory"??

    This subject was originally posted in the Adobe>Windows forum but Adobe employee thought it best that I repost here.
    I originally posted this in Photoshop but employee thought expertise was lacking in that forum and that I should move my question to this one.
    Seems very few Adobe CSx users use Bridge....go figure!
    Anyway getting error messages that there is not enough memory in Bridge to continue and I must restart Bridge.
    Refer to the above link for original question and all pertinant computer data.
    Seems this is a very prevelant problem in both the PC and MAC environment but Adobe has felt not important enough to help(see employee comment or lack thereof).
    Any help would be appreciated.
    I am not real "computer" saavy so please speak so("Idiots Guide To Adobe Bridge ; >) )

    Ok on ampersand meant
    just what you adivised...I will not use that character again.
    Time wise..10-15 minutes usually but this is an "ungageable" factor. I don't clockwatch to see when failures reoccur.
    User security=if you check the right suggestion/similiar thread pane on anyone post, Adobe links similiar threads that might help. A few have been relating the same problem to how user security is setup within Windows.
    Permissions for security for users for each disk is here and it was mentioned that some "permissions" were not checked(allow/deny).
    By allowing the permissions it could help sand it appears in my case under the "Group or User Name">Users that some categories were not checked that thread mentioned aboved, if changed to "Allow" granted more control.
    The path control, aka "My Book", is where the images were stored(External HD) and moved to the new computer. As I mention in my initial post, this is where the images are stored and the reason I am moving them to more accessable file names.
    "My Book" will be deleted when all files have been moved. Hence that path will no longer exist I believe.
    The file structure withing either "MY Book" or Windows is what is creating the where the files are stored. I did not customize that flow because I was unaware that this might incurr any problems.

  • Bridge Error

    Hi All,
    We are using a JMS bridge in our senario.The Flow is as follows. Message is been posted in a queue(JMS Queue)
    and the host Queue recevies thye message from there it is configured with a bridge where it is targeted to different weblogic server's Queue and whlie transfering the messege from one Queue to the romote queue we are getting error.
    The connection between the Queue through bridge is established but after some time we are getting the above error
    ####<Dec 3, 2008 1:31:48 PM GMT> <Debug> <MessagingBridge> <DSK-PNQ-900617> <RefCgServer> <ExecuteThread: '8' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<WLS Kernel>> <BEA-200006> <Messaging bridge debugging RUNTIME! Bridge MB.REF_TO_RG1 Successfully got connection to the source destination.>
    We are facing the following error:-
    at weblogic.jms.backend.BEXAResource.prepare(
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAServerResourceInfo.prepare(
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAServerResourceInfo.prepare(
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerSCInfo$1.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    Bridge "MB.REF_TO_RG1" encountered some problems in one of its adapters or underlying systems. It stopped transferring messages and will try to reconnect to the adapters shortly. (The exception caught was weblogic.transaction.RollbackException: Could not prepare resource 'JMS_cgJMSStore - with nested exception:
    Please help.

    Are the two queues that the bridge is working with in two different WebLogic domains?
    If so, please see the following JMS and JTA interop docs to make sure that your configuration is correct.
    If you have not done so, you may turn on the bridge debugging and see if you get more information about the error.

  • Bridge error on opening

    I have recently downloaded Photoshop which I presume includes Bridge.  Photoshop opens OK but Bridge come up with an error 'The operation could not be completed' Why is this happening?

    Hello, if you are on a Mac, update the creative cloud application:

  • SLD Bridge Errors

    Hello Gurus,
    I have configured SLD Bridge from my production system to Solution manager. I can now import all ABAP information into SOLMAN via RZ70 without problems.
    Now i want to send production J2EE information to my SOLMAN for this i goto Visual Admin and Under SLD Data Supplier i trigger the data transfer to SLD. Hope i am doing this right?
    The transfer completes successfully and information is reflected correctly on the local SLD but nothing comes up on SOLMAN. I checked the local SLD logs and i get the following error.
    #41 06/12/2009 15:58:36.350 [Thread-6063] ERROR Data supplier circular redirection. Check data supplier bridge targets. (Data will be ignored on this server) Redirect list: [ ]
    Do i have to maintain any SLD bridge details for J2ee apart from RZ70. Please let me know.
    Anil Verma B

    The AS ABAP (BI) system has to be registered in the SLD. If it is not registered in the SLD logon to the SLD: http ://:/sld. (Your configured SLD (central or local SLD))Please check in Home -> Technical Systems -> select type ABAP. This should have configuration of your ABAP (BI) system.If it is missing, logon to your ABAP (BI) system -> goto transaction RZ70. Fill in the SLD bridge: gateway info -> Activate -> Start data collection.If a error message like "ABAP backend doesn't exist in the SLD" pops up while running the template installer, there could be different possibilities for this error. Starting SP14 more detailed error sources will be popped up. For lower SPS the exact reason of the error can be found in the default trace file.Please look at this link

  • Bridge error sound

    When I'm using Bridge cs6 it will work fine for like 20 minutes and then when using the arrows to scroll through pictures I will get an error sound. Then I won't be able to scroll anymore and continue to get an error sound if I click anything in bridge.  This happens until I restart bridge and then it will work for about another 20 minutes before I get the same problem.  I just upgraded to CS6 in September from CS4 because CS4 couldn't read my new camera's RAW files without converting them to DNGs.

    The sound you get most likely is from an OS error or function that is being implemented.  Don't think Bridge has any error sounds, but could be wrong.
    When you  are scrolling is the cache fully indexed?  If not perhaps you are giving the processor too much work and its protests.
    I have noticed with CS6 Bridge the whole system locks up until the cache if finished.

  • Bridge error "there was an error writing metadata"

    If I want to add keywords to my RAW files in PS adobe Bridge I get regularly (usually) a message as follows "there was an error writing metadata nr img 1326 CR2". How can this be resolved ? iMac

    How can this be resolved ?
    It might have several reasons but my best first guess is that you want to much at the same time?
    When adding keywords Bridge is not capable on multitasking. When the activity bar starts to spin (bottom left in bridge window) you best wait until the first bunch has finished.
    My second guess is about XMP files, Bridge does not write metadata in the Raw file itself but to a separate XMP file with the same file name but different extension (.xmp). By default the XMP files are hidden in Bridge (you can see them in the Finder folder structure, the moment you make changes in ACR, add rating and or labeling as well as metadata and keywords the XMP files get's created) and using the menu view/ show hidden files/ they will show in the content window.
    It might be you have a locked file or not the correct permission. So also use your Apple Disk Utility to check and repair permissions.

  • Bridge error - libagluc28.dll

    I have re-installed Photoshop creative suite 2 premium and I receive the following error when i try to open bridge: *** this application has failed to start because libagluc28.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem *** I reinstalled photoshop - which was a solution i found on the adobe site - but nothing changed. It's probanly me, but I can't figure it out..Any help is appreciated.
    michael macnaughton
    [email protected]

    Edit > Preferences > Cache > Purge Cache

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