Broken pipe error in Sync Send JDBC Receiver:   Extremely Serious issue

Hi forum,
I have a serious error in a JDBC->XI--> JDBC scenario,
Step1: I use a sender JDBC channel to select some distinct values from  a table say X, and update the same rows,
Query SQL Statement: select distinct Branch from dbo.X where status = 0
Update SQL statement: update dbo.X set Status = 2 where Status = 0
Step 2: enter BPM
Step 3: enter a loop
Step 4:make a synchronous call to the same table X, to fetch some records,
SQL query: select * from X where status = 0 and Branch = i; Update X set status = 9 where Branch = i
Step 5: close loop,  this loop iterates for 5 or 6 times depending on i, which is no. of branches selected by the sender JDBC channel
so all the calls are to the same table, same databsse(SQL Server)
the problem is when this sync calls happens in the loop, it some times gives following error, which i se in RWB:
<b>Error Unable to execute statement for table or stored procedure. 'X' (Structure 'STATEMENT_X') due to An exception occurred during the DBComms.transmit operation. Exception:Broken pipe (errno:32). Context:(2217)</b>
i have no way to trace the cause of the error, the database is perfect and the error logs in the SQL server shows no trace of any error,
Note: It works sometimes
i dont know whom to approach, pls help
the issue is very very serious as its in production system,

Hi Sudeep,
SAP Note 846079 - XI 3.0 JDBC Receiver: # of Retries on SQL Error w/o Effect
Please check the following SAP note also - 831162
Some info which i found there and can be relevant in to your scenario.....
Q: I am using a JDBC Receiver Adapter in conjunction with the  Lotus Domino Driver for JDBC perform an INSERT or UPDATE operation on a database. When sending a message to the receiver, the Adapter Monitoring shows the following error message:
"java.sql.SQLException: [Lotus][Domino Driver for JDBC]Invalid cursor state"
Is there a fix for this issue?
A: To work around this JDBC driver problem, activate the Advanced Mode for the respective JDBC Receiver channel and configure the setting "Number of Retries of Database Transaction on SQL Error" to a value > 0. Additionally, make sure that the setting "Database Auto-Commit Enabled" is also active as the Lotus Domino Driver for JDBC does not support transactions.
Apply note 846079 before configuring this scenario.
Q: The TCP/IP connection to my database host is running over an unreliable network connection, i.e. the connection is sometimes interrupted. Consequently, I sporadically receive an SQLException regarding a closed connection in the system trace or audit log or the connection as well as the JDBC Adapter channel are hanging.
How can I work around this connectivity issue?
A: Enable the "Advanced Mode" for the respective JDBC Adapter channel and select the option "Disconnect from Database After Processing each Message".
Note that this might put additional load on your DBMS due to the creation of a new database connection for each message.
I dont have access to a database right now, so i am not able to check this.
Also check the JDBC driver compatability as mentioned in the above note.

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    Hello All,
    Any help will be much appreciated.
    Currently we have a webserver and weblogic servers(two) in the same box. The webserver
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    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 INFO: sysSend 1247
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 INFO: sysSend 139
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 ========= errno [32] msg [Broken pipe]
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 POST timed out to the server
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 *******Exception type [POST_TIMEOUT] (POST timed out
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    ) raised at line 731 of proxy.cpp
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 failure on sendRequest() w/ recycled connection to,
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 Marking as bad
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 Marking [0] as bad WLS:
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 got exception in sendRequest phase: POST_TIMEOUT: [os
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    at line 1051
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 Failing over after sendRequest exception
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 attempt #1 out of a max of 5
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 Server details are'/8101/65535
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 Server was mark bad, going to next server
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 Server details are ''/0/0
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 Server was mark bad, going to next server
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    at line 1338 for '/callWebApp/application?pageid=NewCall&portletid=CompleteCall&portletns=CompleteCall&wfevent=CompleteCall.showContactAction'
    Thu May 13 09:35:25 2004 INFO: New NON-SSL URL
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    Many thanks

    Hi Sudeep,
    SAP Note 846079 - XI 3.0 JDBC Receiver: # of Retries on SQL Error w/o Effect
    Please check the following SAP note also - 831162
    Some info which i found there and can be relevant in to your scenario.....
    Q: I am using a JDBC Receiver Adapter in conjunction with the  Lotus Domino Driver for JDBC perform an INSERT or UPDATE operation on a database. When sending a message to the receiver, the Adapter Monitoring shows the following error message:
    "java.sql.SQLException: [Lotus][Domino Driver for JDBC]Invalid cursor state"
    Is there a fix for this issue?
    A: To work around this JDBC driver problem, activate the Advanced Mode for the respective JDBC Receiver channel and configure the setting "Number of Retries of Database Transaction on SQL Error" to a value > 0. Additionally, make sure that the setting "Database Auto-Commit Enabled" is also active as the Lotus Domino Driver for JDBC does not support transactions.
    Apply note 846079 before configuring this scenario.
    Q: The TCP/IP connection to my database host is running over an unreliable network connection, i.e. the connection is sometimes interrupted. Consequently, I sporadically receive an SQLException regarding a closed connection in the system trace or audit log or the connection as well as the JDBC Adapter channel are hanging.
    How can I work around this connectivity issue?
    A: Enable the "Advanced Mode" for the respective JDBC Adapter channel and select the option "Disconnect from Database After Processing each Message".
    Note that this might put additional load on your DBMS due to the creation of a new database connection for each message.
    I dont have access to a database right now, so i am not able to check this.
    Also check the JDBC driver compatability as mentioned in the above note.

  • Broken Pipe Error-unable to write to socket for second attempt

    I am opening socket connection wuth C-server program.
    I am able to write and read from socket for first time but when tried to write second time in the same sequence gives broken pipe error.
    As seen in the code initialize() methods works perfectly fine,
    Pipe broken error is encountered for processRequest() method for writeBytes(begnmsg+"\n") method.
    Please suggest solution asap.
    Following is the code
    public class PowerModelClient {
         Socket kkSocket = null;
    BufferedReader in = null;
         PrintWriter out = null;
         DataOutputStream os = null;
              char m_eomChar = '\n';
    public PowerModelClient(){
    //Opens socket connection with C-server program,
    System.out.println("connected to server");
    //Sends data base information to C-server program and receives acknowledgement from it.
    String recv = initialize();
    System.out.println("Initialize successful"+recv);
    // Sleep for a short period of time
         Thread.sleep ( 10000 );
    catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
         System.out.println("Initialize successfu 22l");
    //Sends data base information to C-server program and receives acknowledgement from it.
    //Closes socket connection
         System.out.println("Comesout to do QUIT ");
    catch(Exception e){
         System.out.println("Error in main::"+e.toString());
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
                             new PowerModelClient();
    Opens socket connection with C-server program,
    public void openConnection() throws IOException{
    try {
                        kkSocket = new Socket("server",port);               os = new DataOutputStream(kkSocket.getOutputStream());
         //out = new PrintWriter(kkSocket.getOutputStream(),true);
    in = new BufferedReader((( InputStreamReader(kkSocket.getInputStream()))));
         } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
              System.err.println("Don't know about host: server.");
                   } catch (IOException e) {
                        System.out.println("Couldn't get I/O for the connection to: server."+e.getMessage());
         Sends data base information to C-server program and receives acknowledgement from it.
         This makes the C program to connect with Database.
         The data send to socket should be tagged between @BEGMSG@\nand @ENDMSG@\n
         Similary data obtained from socket will be tagged between @BEGMSG@\n and @ENDMSG@\n
    public String initialize() throws IOException{
                   int ibyteread = 0;
              String fromServer = "";
              String beginmsg=padString("@BEGMSG@");
              String endmsg = padString("@ENDMSG@");
              String recv = "";
              if (kkSocket != null ) {
    try {
                        // Set the socket timeout for ten seconds
                   //     kkSocket.setSoTimeout(10000);
                                       //String data = padString("INIT\tabcd\tisderssddsdg\tdrtrs1\twetewte");                              os.writeBytes(beginmsg+m_eomChar);
         recv = readResponse(in);
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
    System.err.println("Trying to connect to unknown host: " + e);
                                                 // Exception thrown when network timeout occurs
                             catch (InterruptedIOException iioe)
                             System.err.println ("Remote host timed out during read operation");
                             catch (IOException e) {
                             System.err.println("IOException: " + e);
                             catch (Exception e) {
                   System.err.println("Exception: " + e);
              return recv;
    Sends data after database connection is established to socket for entitlement processing
    and will receive acknowledgement from server.
    public void processRequest() throws IOException{
                   int ibyteread = 0;
                   String beginmsg=padString("@BEGMSG@");
                   String endmsg = padString("@ENDMSG@");
                   String fromServer = "";
              if (kkSocket != null ) {
    try {
                             kkSocket.setSoTimeout (10000);
         int i =;
         System.out.println("Data read is :"+i);
    System.out.println("Data read is :"+i);
    System.out.println("Data read is :"+ibyteread);
    ibyteread =;
    System.out.println("-----end Processing:--------");
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
    System.err.println("Trying to connect to unknown host: " + e);
    // Exception thrown when network timeout occurs
    catch (InterruptedIOException iioe)
    System.err.println ("Remote host timed out during read operation");
    catch (Exception e) {
    System.err.println("Exception: " + e);
    The socket requires data to be of length 1024 character, so the renaining length is padded with empty string"\0"
    public String padString(String value){
              StringBuffer strBuff = new StringBuffer(value);
                   while(strBuff.toString().length() != 1023){
              //System.out.println("the length is "+ strBuff.toString().length());
              return strBuff.toString();
    Close socket
    public void closeConnection() throws IOException{
    public String readResponse(BufferedReader in) {
    boolean flag = false;
              java.lang.StringBuffer stringbuffer = new      StringBuffer(1024);
    try {
    // for(char ac[] = new char[1];, 0, 1) != -1;) {
    char ac[] = new char[1024];
    if (, 0, 1) != -1) {
    for(;, 0, 1) != -1 && ac[0] != m_eomChar; stringbuffer.append(ac[0]));
    if(ac[0] == m_eomChar) {
    System.out.println("received '" + stringbuffer.toString() + "'");
    } else {
    System.out.println("Message received by client was not properly terminated and was ignored."+stringbuffer.toString());
    } else {
    System.out.println("WARN: no response?");
    } catch( ioexception) {
    System.out.println("Error in client " + ioexception + "Killing client.");
              return stringbuffer.toString();

    if I were you I would put the lines
    kkSocket.setSoTimeout (10000);
    before connecting to the server, not after the initial message was sent.

  • Broken Pipe error  when connecting to database

    I have installed ODI and Oracle 10g database on my machine.
    But getting a Broken Pipe error while creating an entity in Oracle Data Profiling and Quality tool
    Or I can say while connecting database.
    It’s a runtime error.
    Server terminated the application in an unusual way.
    Any inputs are much appreciated.

    Hello KSK.
    Did you receive or did you find any answer about this question?
    Please, let me know if yes or no. I have a workmate with the same problem and we didn't find any clue about the problem.
    Best regards.

  • What exactly is a broken pipe error is

    we get often the exception
    " Broken pipe" " Broken pipe" and a few like these in our logfile. Not sure why it throws. Can anyone help me out in getting some idea about it.

    The "* Broken pipe*" error comes due to following reasons:
    1- If the client disconnects before it has completely received the response.
    2- If the user hits the Stop button, or clicks another link while the previously clicked operation is in process.
    Don't worry. This error is not dangerous.
    The "* Broken pipe*" error occurs due to following reasons.
    1- If you invoke a connection when the other end has already terminated it.
    2- If you have a poorly implemented application protocol.
    3- If the database server closes the connection after a predefined interval if nothing has happened.
    This is in fact an error due to your poor implementation.
    Edited by: 866328 on Jun 16, 2011 5:19 PM

  • Broken Pipes Error

              We are using Weblogic 5.1.0 SP 9 and we are getting broken pipe ioexception errors in production. Each time this occurs, which is pretty much every day, we have to restart the server. This is causing bad problems in production.
              Does anyone have any advice on troubleshooting this problem, resolving this problem, or any ideas regarding this. I heard that using WL5.10SP9 fixes this problem but we are currently using this.
              Would turning on JDBC tracing help, or any other kind of tracing help on this? Thanks,
              Rajan Roland

    Siew Chun wrote:
    I always encounter IO Exception broken pipe error when the application runs more than an hour.
    I had a firewall inbetween the DB and Weblogic application servers that do connection shut down if the line has been idled for more than an hour. I had also verified that all my program codes had done proper closing of connection after the database is updated but the problem still persist.
    Any advise anyone? By the way, I am using Weblogic 5.1 SP12. Is there a limitation in this "old" version? Could that be a limitation in terms of proxy? (by path or by extension which is better?)
    Any help anyone?Hi. set up the pool to test connections on reserve. This will also make the pool periodically test idle
    connections. This keeps them busy.

  • Broken Pipe Error when using database link

    We are using WebLogic 6.1 sp2 / oracle database 8.1.6. / thin drivers.
    The connection works fine, unit I try to access a view that has a union and db links
    in it.
    We have used one or the other (view or a dblink) and it works, but when used together,
    we get broken pipe error.
    I haven't proven that this is the cause, I will try to setup a test, but I was wondering
    if this is a known issue or what ??

    You need to create the catalog views that support distributed SQL in your remote database (the database you connect to via db_link).
    To create these views, connect "/ as sysdba" and run:
    which will in turn call several other scripts including: $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catrpc.sql (which creates your missing view)
    It is best to run the whole catproc.sql script (and not just the catrpc script).
    You can run and rerun catproc.sql several times quite safely.

  • Bouncing Oracle Database Creating Broken Pipe Error On Oracle 9iAS 9.0.3

    We published and deployed PL/SQL web services using JDeveloper 9.0.3 wizard on Oracle 9iAS 9.0.3. We bounced the database nightly, in turn, closes the application server connection between 9iAS and the database. This causes the broken pipe error. Bouncing the 9iAS is not an option for us.
    Is this an Oracle 9iAS bug? Is there a workaround to this problem without bouncing the application server?
    Please help.

    I have discovered a strange thing. I created a new OC4J instance which I called it: Intelap
    When I deploy to the recently created instance Intelap, jdeveloper success. But when I set OC4J_home in the optional instance field, I got the previous error.

  • Broken pipe error in R12 oacore log

    Very frequently my R12 login page is going to blank screen at the same time oacore application log has below,
    20:02:27.606 html: Servlet error Broken pipe
    at Method)
    at java.nio.channels.Channels.write(
    at java.nio.channels.Channels.access$000(
    at java.nio.channels.Channels$1.write(
    at com.evermind.server.http.AJPOutputStream.endRequest(
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Application - 12.1.3
    DB -
    OS - AIX 6.1
    Has anyone faced this before ? Any note-id/suggestions pls ?

    Very frequently my R12 login page is going to blank screen at the same time oacore application log has below,
    20:02:27.606 html: Servlet error Broken pipe
    at Method)Please review:
         How to resolve Broken Pipe errors in E-Business Suite R12 ? [ID 1480156.1]

  • VLC Broken Pipe Error

    I want to install VLC on my MacBook Pro. I took it off because it was acting funny, always closing unexpectedly. Either way, I download the DMG and everything goes well, but when I run the DMG I get a "Broken Pipe Error" What can I do to get around this and actually install VLC?
    Really appreciate everyone's help so far. These forums are great.
    MacBookPro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Can't re-install VLC Media Player

    If you really wants to solve this issue, donate 25 duke stars, somebody will help you for sure.
    Message was edited by:

  • Sender JDBC Adapter Select/Update Issue

    Dear All,
    We have configured a Sender JDBC Adapter to Poll data from the DB2 tables. It is working fine and both the select and the update queries written are also getting properly executed and are changing the status of the flag from Y to N once read from database.
    In the communication channel ->
    select * from <table> where flag = 'N'.
    update <table> set flag = 'Y' where flag = 'N'.
    But I have one doubt after executing the select query some new data comes into the table of status flag 'N"., then will this unselected data will also be updated to 'Y' .
    The question is while we do a select and update from XI on the DB table and at the same time there is an insert happening into the table from the other end how will the adpater behave in this case.Will it result in missing of some records during next select/update transaction from XI..
    Your inputs will be appreciated.

    Did you ever get a solution to your question ?
       Sender JDBC Adapter Select/Update Issue  
    Posted: Apr 24, 2008 2:29 PM           Reply 
    Dear All,
    We have configured a Sender JDBC Adapter to Poll data from the DB2 tables. It is working fine and both the select and the update queries written are also getting properly executed and are changing the status of the flag from Y to N once read from database.
    In the communication channel ->
    select * from <table> where flag = 'N'.
    update <table> set flag = 'Y' where flag = 'N'.
    But I have one doubt after executing the select query some new data comes into the table of status flag 'N"., then will this unselected data will also be updated to 'Y' .
    The question is while we do a select and update from XI on the DB table and at the same time there is an insert happening into the table from the other end how will the adpater behave in this case.Will it result in missing of some records during next select/update transaction from XI..
    Your inputs will be appreciated.

  • Proxy Sender & JDBC Receiver

    Dear Friends,
    We are using PI 7.1.
    The complete flow of control in the scenario i am right now working is as follows..
    I have to send a single field from R/3 table to the clients Legacy System that is running on Oracle 10.2. Based on that field, data has to be fetched from 2 tables from the Oracle System and sent back as response.
    Then some process happens at R/3 side using the fetched data. Based on the process certain flags in R/3 table are updated.
    Again this (flag) has to be updated back in the one of the Oracle tables.
    Right now i have decided to use Synchronous Proxy Sender and Asyn JDBC receiver.
    Again for the last interface i have planned to use Asyn Proxy Sender & Async JDBC Receiver.
    Please suggest me whether this is correct. Is there any other good way of realizing the above scenario.

    XI JDBC Adapter using stored procedures
    Re: problem in receiver JDBC adapter
    Error With JDBC receiver adapter
    JDBC Adapter (Receiver)
    JDBC Adapter
    go through these links..
    Hope these helps..

  • Error in XI Sender JDBC adapter for AS/400 DB2

    We are trying to connect to AS/400 DB2 from XI's Sender JDBC Adapter. we got the driver from DataDirect (connectjdbc.jar) and configured it within XI .The configuration according to the manual for this jar file is
    // Register the driver with the driver manager
    // Establish the Connection
    String url = "jdbc:datadirect:db2://corpserver1:50000;LocationName=ACCTNG";
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "test04", "test04");
    In XI we configured this as:
    Driver = com.ddtek.jdbc.db2.DB2Driver
    Connection = jdbc:datadirect:db2://servername;LocationName=NBHAGWAT
    and specified the user id and password
    <b>Note</b>: The Port Number is optional
    When this was done in XI, we got the below error in the Adapter Monitoring:
    Sender Adapter v2108 for Party '', Service 'JDBCtoFile':
    Configured at 2006-12-19 15:45:31 MST
    - 2006-12-19 15:45:31 MST: Retry interval started. Length: 10.000 s
    - 2006-12-19 15:45:31 MST: Error: Accessing database connection 'jdbc:datadirect:db2://AS400a;LocationName=NBHAGWAT' failed: DriverManagerException: Cannot establish connection to URL 'jdbc:datadirect:db2://AS400a;LocationName=NBHAGWAT': SAPClassNotFoundException: com.ddtek.jdbc.db2.DB2Driver
    - 2006-12-19 15:45:31 MST: Processing started
    Is this because there is something wrong because the way the connection string is specified.
    Anybody who has configured XI Sender JDBC adapter for AS/400 DB2, please send us some information on this.
    Thank you,

    > SAPClassNotFoundException:
    > com.ddtek.jdbc.db2.DB2Driver
    It looks like your JDBC driver is not found. Have you deployed the driver to XI?
    <a href=""></a>

  • Messages (-1) error - can't send or receive messages

    Haven't been able to send or receive messages since last night. Error shown in link below. Really strange. Don't remember doing anything in particular that might have caused it.

    Dankton, pls ignore the No Sim thing. Its the same error with the sim also, I've taken out the sim and put it into my old 3GS that lets me send/receive msgs. The error is the same with or without the sim.
    Can't even access all my old messages.

  • Error 388 while sending or receiving fax, HP Officejet 6260

    My unit is always giving this error while sending or receiving a fax. I have tried searching and found out its a line noise problem but when I connected a telephone set to that line it was all clear. No noise during calls. 

    Hi sixline,
    HP has a page on faxing with VoIP services - it has instructions on how to reduce the transmissions speed
    Three other things to check:
    1) Is the phone line plugged into "line 1" or the "ext" port on the OfficeJet? I've mixed the two up before. It should be plugged into "line 1"
    2) Do you have internet service through DSL or Cable internet? If it's through DSL, you may need a filter on the line. If you get your phone through a Cable provider, then what looks like a regular phone line may actually be a VoIP phone. See page 56 on this document for information on the DSL filter.
    3) Are you using the fax on some sort of corporate PBX system? If so, see page 57 on the document from #2.
    I do NOT work for HP
    I do NOT work for HP

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