BSP - Look and Feel / Theme

Good Morning All,
disclaimer: I checked the blogs, I checked the discussions, I checked the examples, I checked the doco - and couldn't find the answer to my question.
I've already seen it, but can't remember where it is, does anyone know the name of the BSP Sample/Example which comes with the WAS which has the EP6 look and feel ?
I saw it a few weeks ago and I can't find it now and I want to study the code from it to make my app have a nicer look and feel.
Note: I read Thomas's blog on - 'A developer's Journal Part VI
and although that example discussed what I am interested in I couldn't see examples in the code of creating the header bar etc, maybe it's just me, but at the moment that's what I would like to achieve and to do it by example.
So to conclude if anyone knows / can remember the name of the BSP example which has an EP6 look and feel please let me know so that I can study it for inspiration.
Thanks very much,

Hallo Milan,
I think that you are doing good. It is always the best to follow a small mix of documentation reading and practical work. So let me tell you the minimum to get a first version working. Thereafter to can continue reading!
Problem: we want to implement a simple link tag (in 15 minutes!) that works like this:
<%@page language="abap"%>
<%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>
<%@extension name="bcm06" prefix="bcm06"%>
<htmlb:content design="design2003">
      <b><bcm06:simpleLink href="">
          SAP Home Page!
In SE80 we defined a new BSP library bcm06. We define a new element simpleLink. Typical handler class name will be CL_BCM06_SIMPLELINK (just the convention we use).  As body this tag can contain other HTML and also over BSP elements (we want to just render a link around all of body). We don't worry about the rest of the checkboxes. They will become interesting later on.
We activate the library. The workbench will detect that no handler class exists, and will generate all of the stuff we need. Now already the tag is full functional, and can be used on any BSP page. It just will not do anything.
What was generated? The class inheritance diagram is as follow: CL_BCM06_SIMPLELINK --> CL<b>G</b>_BCM06_SIMPLELINK --> CL_BSP_ELEMENT.
The class CL_BSP_ELEMENT is the base class, and it contains a lot of interesting functionality. None of which we worry about now. Never try to change it!
The class CL<b>G</b>_BCM06_SIMPLELINK (note that CLG<b></b>_!) is generated new each and everytime that you touch the definition of the tag. Effectively all the defined attributes are generated onto this class, so that they are already of the correct type, and that this information is always in sync. This means that all your tag defined attributes are directly attributes on your class. In our case, the defined "href" attribute (type string) is now an attribute on the CLG class.
The last class CL_BCM06_SIMPLELINK will only be generated once if it does not exist. This is the class where you work. In this class there are two methods that are interesting to you at this moment. Later you will learn about the rest.
DO_AT_BEGINNING: This method is called effectively in response to the <lib:tag> sequence. This is the code that executes before the body. This is the place where we would like to render out "<a href=...>" sequence.
DO_AT_END: This method is called effectively at the end of the tag, when the </lib:tag> is seen. The body has now already been processed and sent onto the output stream. So we only need to render "</a>".
Note that these methods are implemented empty. You <b><u>*MUST*</u></b> overwrite them, and implement them in your class. See instructions from Thomas. Source code:
<b>METHOD if_bsp_element~do_at_beginning.</b>
  DATA: html TYPE string.
  CONCATENATE `<a href="` me->href `">` INTO html.
  me->print_string( html ).
  rc = co_element_continue.
<b>METHOD if_bsp_element~do_at_end.</b>
  me->print_string( `</a>` ).
  rc = co_page_continue.
Notice that you DO NOT need that super call. The base method will always be empty (from definition, will never change). You also have a direct PRINT_STRING method in newer SPs. The return code you must set. (To tell the truth, the constants for RC have been picked so perfectly that if you forget them, it should not hurt in 85% of the cases.)
That is it. Test page. Mine worked!
Of course, we can start looking at more exotic things, like empty tags, at tags that skip their bodies if not required, processing the body, validation, etc.
But this overview was just to give you that first success feeling, and also to give you a better framework for understanding more of the documentation as you continue to read.
Recommended: read <a href="/people/brian.mckellar/blog/2004/06/11/bsp-trouble-shooting-getting-help">Getting Help</a> to see how you can quickly navigate between BSP page and a tag's definition, from where you also quickly get to the implementation class of the tag.
bye, brian
PS: Now if this is not already the first page of your weblog done

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    Dear All,
    JFileChooser not opening when we applied custom Look and Feel & Theme.
    The following is the source code
    import java.awt.Color;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource;
    import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel;
    import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.*;
    public class CustomTheme {
    public static void main(String[] args)throws UnsupportedLookAndFeelException{
    UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new MyLookAndFeel());
    MyLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new CustomLaF());
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Metal Theme");
    JFileChooser jf = new JFileChooser();
    System.out.println("UI - > "+jf.getUI());
    static class CustomLaF extends PlasticTheme {
    protected ColorUIResource getPrimary1() {
    return new ColorUIResource(232,132,11);
    public ColorUIResource getPrimary2() {
              return (new ColorUIResource(Color.white));
         public ColorUIResource getPrimary3() {
              return (new ColorUIResource(232,132,11));
    public ColorUIResource getPrimaryControl() {
    return new ColorUIResource(Color.GREEN);
    protected ColorUIResource getSecondary1() {
    return new ColorUIResource(Color.CYAN);
    protected ColorUIResource getSecondary2() {
              return (new ColorUIResource(Color.gray));
         protected ColorUIResource getSecondary3() {
              return (new ColorUIResource(235,235,235));
         protected ColorUIResource getBlack() {
              return BLACK;
         protected ColorUIResource getWhite() {
              return WHITE;
    static class MyLookAndFeel extends Plastic3DLookAndFeel {
              protected void initClassDefaults(UIDefaults table) {
              protected void initComponentDefaults(UIDefaults table) {
                   Object[] defaults = {
                             "MenuItem.foreground",new ColorUIResource(Color.white),
                             "MenuItem.background",new ColorUIResource(Color.gray),
                             "MenuItem.selectionForeground",new ColorUIResource(Color.gray),
                             "MenuItem.selectionBackground",new ColorUIResource(Color.white),
                             "Menu.selectionForeground", new ColorUIResource(Color.white),
                             "Menu.selectionBackground", new ColorUIResource(Color.gray),
                             "MenuBar.background", new ColorUIResource(235,235,235),
                             "Menu.background", new ColorUIResource(235,235,235),
                             "Desktop.background",new ColorUIResource(235,235,235),
                             "",new ColorUIResource(232,132,11),
                             "Button.focus",new ColorUIResource(232,132,11),
                             "TableHeader.background", new ColorUIResource(232,132,11),
                             "TableHeader.foreground", new ColorUIResource(Color.white),
                             "ScrollBar.background", new ColorUIResource(235,235,235),
                             "ToolTip.foreground", new ColorUIResource(232,132,11),
                             "ToolTip.background", new ColorUIResource(Color.white),
                             "OptionPane.questionDialog.border.background", new ColorUIResource(Color.gray),
                             "OptionPane.errorDialog.titlePane.foreground", new ColorUIResource(Color.white),
                             "OptionPane.questionDialog.titlePane.background", new ColorUIResource(232,132,11),
                             "Table.selectionBackground", new ColorUIResource(232,132,11)
    When i run this program the following error is coming:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$IndentIcon.getIconWidth(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabelImpl(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI.layoutCL(Unknown Source)
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    at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI.updateLayoutState(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI.maybeUpdateLayoutState(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI$ListSelectionHandler.valueChanged(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel.fireValueChanged(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel.fireValueChanged(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel.fireValueChanged(Unknown Source)
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    at javax.swing.JList.setSelectedIndex(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup.setListSelection(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup.access$000(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup$ItemHandler.itemStateChanged(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.JComboBox.fireItemStateChanged(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.JComboBox.selectedItemChanged(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.JComboBox.contentsChanged(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.AbstractListModel.fireContentsChanged(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$DirectoryComboBoxModel.setSelectedItem(Unknow
    at javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$DirectoryComboBoxModel.addItem(Unknown Source
    at javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$DirectoryComboBoxModel.access$2300(Unknown So
    at javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI.doDirectoryChanged(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI.access$2600(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$12.propertyChange(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.event.SwingPropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Unknown Source)
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    at javax.swing.JFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.JFileChooser.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.JFileChooser.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at CustomTheme.main(
    I am extending the JGoodies Look And Feel & Theme.
    Thanks in advance
    Krishna Mohan.

    Dear cupofjoe,
    Thank you for your response.
    I am using the Latest JGoodies Look & Feel which is downloaded from
    i am writing our own custom Look & Feel By Overridding Jgoodies Look & Feel.
    In that case i am getting that error.
    The following is the source code:
    import java.awt.Color;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource;
    import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel;
    import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.*;
    public class CustomTheme {
    public static void main(String[] args)throws UnsupportedLookAndFeelException{
    UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new MyLookAndFeel());
    MyLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new CustomLaF());
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Metal Theme");
    JFileChooser jf = new JFileChooser();
    //System.out.println("UI - > "+jf.getUI());
    static class CustomLaF extends PlasticTheme {
    protected ColorUIResource getPrimary1() {
    return new ColorUIResource(232,132,11);
    public ColorUIResource getPrimary2() {
              return (new ColorUIResource(Color.white));
         public ColorUIResource getPrimary3() {
              return (new ColorUIResource(232,132,11));
    public ColorUIResource getPrimaryControl() {
    return new ColorUIResource(Color.GREEN);
    protected ColorUIResource getSecondary1() {
    return new ColorUIResource(Color.CYAN);
    protected ColorUIResource getSecondary2() {
              return (new ColorUIResource(Color.gray));
         protected ColorUIResource getSecondary3() {
              return (new ColorUIResource(235,235,235));
         protected ColorUIResource getBlack() {
              return BLACK;
         protected ColorUIResource getWhite() {
              return WHITE;
    static class MyLookAndFeel extends Plastic3DLookAndFeel {
              protected void initClassDefaults(UIDefaults table) {
              protected void initComponentDefaults(UIDefaults table) {
                   Object[] defaults = {
                             "MenuItem.foreground",new ColorUIResource(Color.white),
                             "MenuItem.background",new ColorUIResource(Color.gray),
                             "MenuItem.selectionForeground",new ColorUIResource(Color.gray),
                             "MenuItem.selectionBackground",new ColorUIResource(Color.white),
                             "Menu.selectionForeground", new ColorUIResource(Color.white),
                             "Menu.selectionBackground", new ColorUIResource(Color.gray),
                             "MenuBar.background", new ColorUIResource(235,235,235),
                             "Menu.background", new ColorUIResource(235,235,235),
                             "Desktop.background",new ColorUIResource(235,235,235),
                             "",new ColorUIResource(232,132,11),
                             "Button.focus",new ColorUIResource(232,132,11),
                             "TableHeader.background", new ColorUIResource(232,132,11),
                             "TableHeader.foreground", new ColorUIResource(Color.white),
                             "ScrollBar.background", new ColorUIResource(235,235,235),
                             "ToolTip.foreground", new ColorUIResource(232,132,11),
                             "ToolTip.background", new ColorUIResource(Color.white),
                             "OptionPane.questionDialog.border.background", new ColorUIResource(Color.gray),
                             "OptionPane.errorDialog.titlePane.foreground", new ColorUIResource(Color.white),
                             "OptionPane.questionDialog.titlePane.background", new ColorUIResource(232,132,11),
                             "Table.selectionBackground", new ColorUIResource(232,132,11)
    pls suggest me the how to solve this problem.
    thanks in advance
    Krishna MOhan

  • IC_BASE look and feel (Default theme)  very urgent !!!

    Hi Gurus,
    Somehow the theme of my BSP application ic_base has been changed, entire look and feel of the application has been changed. Is the link between ic_base.css file with the ic_base bsp application has been changed?
    How can I restore my look and feel of my application?
    Very urgent!!!!

    avoid duplicate threads. continue the discussion in your old thread at
    BSP portal display problem (Urgent!!!)

  • How to give BSP Iview look and feel of portal??

    Hi All,
    I've created a BSP application that I use to create an Iview for portal.
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    Any help, would be most welcome,

    Hi Liz,
    on the properties tab for the BSP application try selecting the "Supports Portal Integration" checkbox.
    Graham Robbo

  • Look And Feel: Metal Themes

    I have two basic questions I can't find the answer to. I hope someone can help.
    From my understanding of Java 1.5 you now have 2 basic themes to them metal look and feel, they are "Ocean" (the default) and "Steel". Is this understanding correct?
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    How to Set the Lood and Feel:
    laf.htmlThat actually doesn't tell you how to do what he's asking.. at least not from what I saw.
    Here's how to set the metal theme in 1.5:
    import javax.swing.plaf.metal.*;
    public static final String STEEL_THEME_CLASS = "javax.swing.plaf.metal.DefaultMetalTheme";
    public static final String OCEAN_THEME_CLASS = "javax.swing.plaf.metal.OceanTheme";
    public void changeMetalTheme(String themeName) {
       try {
          MetalTheme theme = (MetalTheme)Class.forName(themeName).newInstance();
       catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
    }Note that if you do this after you've created your GUI, you'll have to call SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI() on all top-level windows.

  • SAP Portal Custom Themes to change ESS/MSS UI Look and feel , possible ?

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    I know XSS homepage framework is for the customisation of Areas, Sub Areas. What I am more interested is only the look and feel UI of ESS/MSS applications.
    If I change the standard theme of portal using Theme Editor and create a new custom theme with different back ground colors, fonts, sizes for all the UI controls,.Will the customised Theme apply on the standard ESS /  MSS screens ? Also my doubt is we are using EHP3 and I am not sure how many are Webdynpro java based or webdynpro Abap based.
    Will the theme apply to both WDA and WDJ application UI controls?
    Any inputs in this regard will be of great help. thanks in advance.

    Check :
    [Overview on changing the Portal look and feel.|]
    FYI :- Search for wiki on : Stylesheet for WDA without integrating in SAP Portal

  • Changing the look and feel of the logon screen and portal themes.

    Dear all,
    we got some  requirements  in the portal  where i have implement the following things..
    1) when we give the portal url in the browser along with logon screen i have to display the some content related to the organaisation ,,, there i want to do logon screen customization also.
    2)once login to the portal i need display the some company related information along with  different ESS services .i want to remove the masthead area and in the  role area want to display different services.
    please guide me   to achive this.
    the client is not at all happy with  present look and feel,
    so what we can do t achieve ths?
    Thank you in advance.

    Hi Swapna,
    Portalapp.xml is the configuration file of portal application holding comonents and services. Where as authschemes.xml file is used to determin and tell portal which of the user authentication schemes is to be used. It also tells portal about which logon PAR file should be used. It is defined inside following tags.
    <frontendtarget>Logon PAR File Name</frontendtarget>.
    Take a scenario for example. You have created a custom logon PAR file and made some changes. You cannot see the changes before deploying it. You have to deploy it first. Now, you want that whenever somone logon to portal, your logon PAR should be referred and executed. Authschemes.xml does this work. It maintains a reference to the PAR file that should be used for logon.
    Now, still have to create a custom authschemes.xml file and upload it. (Follow this link for the authschemes file location
    Refer this link for details on authschemes.xml file:
    Let us see in brief what are the steps executed:
    1) You request a portal login
    2) Portal, after receiving a request, looks for a reference to which Authschemes file to be used. It finds it in Visual Admin
    3) Once portal have the name of authschemes file, it parse this file and determin what are the authentication schemes to be used and which logon PAR should be executed.
    4) Only after these steps, it renders logon page to you
    Once you do all these steps, you can see the result on logon page itself. You do not have to look for deployed PAR file.

  • HTMLB or html - when we need full control of look and feel and events

    Hi Experts,
          In my requirement i  need to change the look and feel of the BSP UI as per customer standards and i need to have most of my processing on client side, Please advise me whether to go for HTMLB or normal HTML. mainly i fount most of the client side events are not available in HTMLB....
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Karthik,
    The look and feel of the BSP Tags can be applied via Portal. If you are seeing your BSP application through a protal system, then you can develop a theme inside the portal and apply it to your BSP application. The portal theme will be automatically supported by the HTMLB tags. For more infomation on this you can search in the portal forum section, you will find a lot of post for this topic.
    But if you need a complex customization of the UI controls inside the BSP application, as suggested in the previous post you should go for HTML + Javascript library.
    Hope it is helpful!

  • Discussion of Weblog:  ABAP Look and Feel Service

    <a href="/people/brian.mckellar/blog/2005/06/12/bsp-in-depth-abap-look-and-feel-service In-Depth: ABAP Look and Feel Service</a>
    <i>The three minutes routine to change any SAP-blue theme to the new theme that is required for you next demo!</i>
    If there should be any questions, comments, etc on this weblog, please post it here, so that it is easier to handle the traffic. We are also interested to see if anyone does actually use the tool.

    I saw this blog posted a while back and have only now had a chance to use it - very cool work there Brian and Steffan!
    The only thing is I'm having what looks like the same problem as Maximilian!
    We're on 620 sp45.
    Everything installed fine, I tweaked the mime version code for 620 (me->ifur_d2_system~css_version) and the left hand side of the screen, the editor itself, looks and works fine - but the preview screen doesn't work, the BSP is displayed with no theme at all.
    I opened the BSP in a new page with default theme and set the theme manually with paramters and this doesn't work either.
    But if I try with an SAP standard theme everything works fine and the new theme is picked up correctly
    I've checked the URL encoding (using program BSP_DECODE_URL) and with the alfs theme this looks fine.
    In the source code the stylesheets are referenced using the correct themeRoot i.e.
    <link id="urstyle" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/sap/public/bc/ur/design2002/themes/alfs1000202FFE4C43B2D1B7D674EDAA520565656/ur/ur_ie6.css">
    When I set a break point in the ALFS HTTP handler this is not picked up.
    BUT the one really puzzling thing about all this is that whilst I've been trying to fix this and work out what is going wrong I've made small changes to the ALFS class, i.e. to change the default BSP application used in the editor, and sometimes after generating the class code, refereshing both browser and system caches, everything worked fine - even the debugging of the HTTP handler - for some generated themes - and then stopped working again!
    Now I know how this reads - and I've worked with enough users in my time to know you must be thinking - well she must have changed something! But I really can't work out what it could have been.
    I've been round and round trying to reproduce what ever it was to get this working.
    I've tried all the following in various combinations:
    - restarting ICM
    - removing ALFS HTTP handler from ICF service
    - starting with a completely new copy of the class
    - adding alert statements to the ALFS editor page to track themeRoot values
    - changing the code relating to me->ifur_d2_systemcss_version and me->ifur_d2_systemur_version so that there is a version number (tried 'urversion=DAT<date>' and plain 'DAT<date>'), changed the code so there is no version number used at all.
    - even (don't laugh!) put the ALFS HTTP handler on node SAP/BS/BSP just to make sure the external debugger was still working (it was). At this point I could see each time it was called, and since each call did not have the alfs string in it, all the internal class processing was correctly skipped.
    All of the above in combination with cache refreshing on both server and brower side and logging on/off.... and still feel no closer to resolving this.
    From what I understand, the ALFS HTTP handler is called everytime a MIME or theme object is requested from the theme root - as this is the only time that a request would pass via SAP/PUBLIC/BC/UR. And I understand that if the requested object is already cached, there will be no request passing via this node, so the ALFS HTTP handler won't be called - but think that there must be some important point relating to caching that I must have missed ...
    So that's my first question... help!
    Also, Brian, what you have mentioned before, this patch you have to take a theme, patch it with ALFS then import it into the theme editor - this sounds like exactly what we need to do ... I couldn't see any weblogs relating to this - so could you point me in the right direction??
    We have no portal so I'll be trying the standalong theme editor plug in for Eclipse.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Notification center look and feel

    The new notification center look and feel seems quite unlike the rest of the iPhone.
    Most of the iPhone has a light colored, rounded, kind of comfortable look. But the new notification center has a much more dark, angular look. (To me, it looks more like an Android app than an iOS component.)
    Any chance it can be rebranded? Or failing that, any chance of a settings option to customise the background image, so I can at least change from the dark "linen" texture to a wallpaper of my choice? (e.g. it might look much nicer (to me!) if I could change it to use the default iPhone water drops background). The slide down button itself (the bit of the notification center graphics which appears on screen, even in full-screen mode, if you make the 'wrong' move) could be much more rounded, as well.

    iOs 5 in general looks and feels awkward to me.  It feels cheap and not at all as polished as Apple's products have been in the past.  The alarms have new colors for no apparent reason, the text messages have colors for no apparent reason, the notification center has a distracting texture, again, for no reason... Yet none of these colors or textures are configurable or removable.  What was the point exactly?
    This theme shift is quite discouraging in the grand scheme of things.  It doesn't bother me much, but I definitely prefered the way my phone looked when I bought it.

  • Change of Layout/Look and Feel in BI 7 Reports.

    This is Prem from NetWeaver Portals.
    Currently we have a couple of BI 7.0 reports integrated into portal.
    We have also used Portal Themes to alter the Look and Feel of the BI reports with respect to Heading colors, alternate row colors etc. But the scope of changing the Look and feel of BI reports from the Portal theme is very limited.
    Is there a way to modify it further from BI's CSS?
    Where is this functionality provided in SAP BI 7.0?
    We are also interested in changing the Layout of the reports in BI. i.e. unlike the standard BI format of reports as generated from the Web Application designer, we would like to change the layout as well.
    How is this layout change carried out? Web Templates?
    Kindly spell out a solution for me as I'm not aware of BI
    Thanks and Regards,

    Could yo please explain little detial. how do you changed the look and feel of reports through the portal themes. We are trying to change the colors of the execptions and text box and some more.  we have created a custom theme  in which we changed the  complex formatted table  crictal, bad, good colors. when we assigned this theme through personalization to the user, custom theme colors are not seen in the BW report. 
    Please let us know
    thanks and regards
    venkata bandi

  • WebDynPro ABAP iViews not picking the portal look and feel

    In our case , WebDynPro ABAP iViews not picking the portal look and feel.
    Is there any way to provide the custom developed portal theme link or css file to the WebDynPro application.
    Can it be done programmatically in the WD ABAP application.
    Best Regards

    Look at the below link, it will answer your question:
    Re: EP 7 Portal stylesheet with WD ABAP
    Raja T

  • Themed look and feel broken in sub-site

    We have several site collections in a farm using SP2013 + SP1 under a common web application that use a custom theme for the look and feel. After upgrading to SP2013 December 2014 CU, one of the site collections' custom theme is broken. Furthermore,
    the same site collection cannot use most of the OOTB themes. I have only successfully gotten the theme "Office" to work correctly. (I have not tested all the OOTB theme choices)
    Immediately after the CU was applied the CSS and JS on this site collection was not working. After changing the theme to "Office" I was able to test out other troubleshooting options. If I select another theme choice, the "try it out"
    page returns with an error "A cobalt error was thrown." This is not a helpful error for me and I could not find much on the internet regarding it. Another error I have received was "file not found", or yet another error "The
    '_catalogs/theme/Themed/4F147962/likefull.11x11x32-F47391E9.themedpng' is
    invalid.  It may refer to a nonexistent file or folder, or refer to a valid file
    or folder that is not in the current Web." I have not been able to fix the issue.
    I have found that under 'Site Settings' -> 'Web Designer Galleries' -> 'Themes' -> 'Themed' is a library of folders. My thought is that these folders are created dynamically when a new theme is applied. I have several folders, but all are empty
    except one. I am now trying to determine why these folders are empty.
    Any ideas?

    Please try to update the latest CU for SharePoint 2013(April 2015 CU for SharePoint 2013), then check whether the issue still exists or not.
    In my test environment, the 'Themed' all folders are not empty.
    Best Regards
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • JFileChooser & XP look and feel

    I'm changing an exiting applet to have a local look & feel by simply doing this:
    UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); When the JFileChooser shows with the "metal" (java default) Look&Feel all is good but when it shows with
    XP (or windows) L&F it has added a "panel" on the left side with icons for "My Recent Document" , "Desktop" , "My Documents", "My Computer" and " My Network places".
    I really don't want them showing since it looks weird on the HTML page.
    Does somebody know if and how I can get rid of that "panel" and still have the rest of the L&F intact?
    Regards Calle

    Check out skin look and feel. They have all sorts of look and feels including windows XP.

  • Good looking �Look and feel� icons ?

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    Where could be found icons , professional looking, like in �Java TM Look and Feel Graphics Repository� site, for use in JtoolBar For various functions in java application program ?

    (I truely hope I won't start a flame war, but:) I absolutely can't agree with the statement "professional looking, like in �Java TM Look and Feel Graphics Repository� site". If there's one association that comes to my mind when I hear the words "ugly" and "swing" then it's exactly those icons.
    Nevertheless here's something that might help you better:
    I think (but I'm not too sure) that you can use all icons that ship with eclipse (They should be under the CPL and thus you should be allowed to use them). And I beliebe it might be hard to find somebody who perfers the aforementioned icons ;-)
    Another source is Note that the icons have with different licences.

Maybe you are looking for

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