I have recently purchased the BT Infinity package the one with 76mb/s one and everthing runs smooth and great until I launch uTorrent and I want to download something through torrent I get 2 or 1 Seeder and 60 KB/S? Can anyone please help me how to speed up the number of seeders or anything?

Ratty2012 wrote:
Asegagi wrote:
I have recently purchased the BT Infinity package the one with 76mb/s one and everthing runs smooth and great until I launch uTorrent and I want to download something through torrent I get 2 or 1 Seeder and 60 KB/S? Can anyone please help me how to speed up the number of seeders or anything?
The amount of seeders are the number of people that have the complete download and are uploading it for you to download. The only way to get more seeders is to get more people to download it in the first place.
It also is dependant on the connection speed of the uploader (seed). I've had torrents max out my connection with only 1 seed. Of course the size of the swarm helps as well

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    Hi, Thanks for your reply. At present I have my laptop done over wireless using a b/g/n/ adapter. To be honest I have yet to try and connect my laptop directly to the router as this kinda defeats the point? I'm assuming you're thinking along the lines of I should get faster download speeds over a wired connection, which i agree with. But, surely 300kb is still low on a 40mb connection?
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    Do so at your own peril.  Torrent sites are well known to host malware.

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    so far, it appears o.k., mind you i only download .iso's for testing & i'm getting approx 2-3mb/s just really depends on the seeding servers really
    free your computer, use opensource
    i'm a linux user & very happy about it

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    OK, let's try this again. There is no "difference" between BitTorrent and P2P. It's like you're asking what the difference is between a Corvette and a car. The former is an example of the latter. BitTorrent is P2P; it's one of many P2P networks. And you access them via an appropriate P2P client, one that accesses that particular network, be it BitTorrent, Kazaa, Gnutella, Limewire, etc.
    If you're asking how BitTorrent, Limewire, Kazaa et al differ, that's really not an appropriate subject for this forum which is for questions about iTunes, and would take a major article to really get into.
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    All such P2P systems are just file sharing networks; those files may be software, pictures, music, videos, text documents, or other types of files. So the network has nothing directly to do with iTunes, QuickTime or any other application, per se, though the content you download may open in such an application.
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    I hope this clears things up.

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    Hi ge1971,
    Welcome to the forums I'm sorry to hear of the problems you're having. I've posted an update on this issue here, so if you could keep an eye on that thread hopefully I'll have more info soon.
    BTCare Community Mod
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    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Infinity and online gaming

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    all this said then why do i seem to be suffering when using xbox live??

    Hi Cameron
    No I have been trying it with the wireless disabled, although on our old connection this wasnt an issues, myself and my son could both use our xboxs together on the one connection and still it was better than at presen
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    Apple Discussions does not condone the use of torrent downloading, usually for pirated software. Therefore, you will not get any help on this forum.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Kiraly wrote: Leopard won't work for the The OP. He has a G3; Tiger is the end of the line for him.
    Maybe I wasn't clear. I wasn't suggesting he install Leopard, I was simply making the case that since Leopard is available from Apple Phone Sales, Tiger might still be, as well. But he needs to try Apple Phone Sales UK (assuming that exists.) But thanks for pointing that out, in case it led him to believe he could install Leopard.
    Templeton Peck wrote: Way to go buddy! Advertise yourself as a software pirate on Apple's own forums!!!
    I'd be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and think that perhaps he wasn't considering, or even aware of, the legal implications. I think a lot of people simply don't realize what this means and his post was possibly completely innocent. (It sounded that way to me.)
    Message was edited by: WZZZ

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    Please click on pink star to the left and say thanks if I have helped you at all!. Thank you. Home Hub Page- http://bthomehub.home/
    BT Speed test-
    Net Connect test-

    It only got relased the other day, I picked my copy up from PC World on Saturday, how come June???. Anyway have you any tips for me I'm a little lost.
    Please click on pink star to the left and say thanks if I have helped you at all!. Thank you. Home Hub Page- http://bthomehub.home/
    BT Speed test-
    Net Connect test-

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    I would prefer not to use ktorrent at all, although even when I tried testing it out, I couldn't find its RSS capabilities.

    carzzz215 wrote:Can I have a cron job run every 5 minutes?
    Yes, you can. The Arch Wiki doesn't have a guide on cron, but the Ubuntu Wiki has a guide here that should help you.
    If this is a machine with low specs, you could get by with rtorrent. The only reason I don't use rtorrent day-to-day is because I'm not smart enough to figure out how to limit connections. You could use rtorrent + rssdler and be just fine.

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    Basically, something where you could enter a "keyword" or "artist", for example, and have it automatically add whatever new torrents come up in whatever specific parameters you set (so you could basically set a music artist's name, for example, and specify music only, so that it's not downloading every video, image, or whatever that also contains that "keyword")..
    Does something like this exist for Mac/OS X Yosemite? Would really love a recommendations! Thank you!

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    try and adjust the MTU on the router ....start at 1492 and if necessary go to 1200...
    have you forwarded the ports required by torrents on the router ?

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