Building a website

Hi, i am going to build a wesite for my parents company. I don't really know anything about building websites but i am open to learn. I am quite good with mac's and semi self taught myself how to use programs such as Final Cut Pro and Logic.
So would iWeb be appropriate, or should i be looking at using a more complex program.
The website will be fairly simple, just text, images and maybe video, possibly a forum.
Thanks very much

iWeb would be appropriate to use and will give you a very professional looking site indeed.
I came to using iWeb from FrontPage. I have built my website for the work that I do and am impressed with the overall professional look compared to the FrontPage version.
Go with iWeb.

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    HilaryRusso wrote:
    1. After watching the iWeb tutorials it looks as if you have to publish it on
    Hilary ~ Did you not watch till the end of this iWeb tutorial?...
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    See this article:
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    Yes, you can search — but let me Google that for you; click here.

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    You already have other people addressing the DB issues - so I will bring up the other... You are just saving a copy as a new page and then copy and pasting the changed content into  it?
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    Yes you can build Web sites with Java - and using JDeveloper and ADF will probably make it simpler for you.
    One thing you'll need is a server that will host a Java application.
    For a sample and a tutorial see the ADF Developer Guide and the SRDemo applicaiton.

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    Hi there,
    Could you tell me the technologies used to build a
    are these technologies enough?
    Javascript,HTML,Tomcat, DataBase Connectivity?
    It depends on what you want.
    If you want to have some static page and free web host, you only need HTML.
    If you need to have dynamic pages, have database, and many features and probabyl hosting on your local machine, you need lots of different technologies.

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    Hi Danielle,
    A great way to learn about Macs and creating web sites is to attend a Mac User Group meeting. I Googled for a group in your area:
    There are probably more groups in your area, just go to the Apple site and do a search. You can meet other Mac users, get discounts on software and learn a lot!
    An option for creating a site my advice would be a .mac account. Here is info on that: Purchase iLife software, approximately $79.00 for either PPC or Intel based, here's info on that:
    iWeb is very cool and easy to use. You can create sites, blogs, and you can do this in minutes!
    Make sure and read the system requirements for iLife 08:
    Hope this gets you going!

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. First visit the Apple site and view the iWeb tutorial videos. That will give you a good start on iWeb. Then visit Roddy's iWeb for Musicians site. He's doing the same think you want to and has many how-to pages that will help you.

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    You can certainly use Muse for hosting on other hosts as well. You do lose some of the functionality of Business Catalyst such as In Browser Editing. I just saw that you did your current one in Wordpress ... so I assume there is a blog?
    If so, keep in mind that Muse alone does not have a blog feature. You can integrate a Business Catalyst Blog into it with a bit of knowledge on how BC works.
    A couple videos you will want to check out are:
    and especially;

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    Again, thanks to the support staff for the help.

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