Building indexes on top of BDB

I have a need to index multiple entries based on the same key. Potentially for the same key I can have millions of duplicate values. One of the problems I have seen if once this scales the concurrency for inserts searching for a non existent entry can perform poorly.
What advice does the community have in terms of solving problems in this space?

Do you mean create multiple indexes and query by join cursor? You could set DB_DUPSORT in secondary index to achieve better performance on query. For more details, you could refer to DB->set_flags().

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    rac100g wrote:
    When checking the data found one particular column has total less than 50 distinct values which likely to be a good candidate for building index against. Not true.
    rac100g wrote:
    Another column on the same table is composed of [fixed_character_string]_[random_value], e.g. BLABLABLA_000000001, BLABLABLA_000000002, Sounds like you should have 2 columns and not one.
    In general, we're not going to be able to help you much with the level of detail you have given us.
    If you want to share DDL's for the tables, data volumes / distributions as well as the types of queries your application is going to be issuing then we may be able to get somewhere. You may also want to look at using enterprise manager / tuning pack (if your licensed for it), check the documentation for your version (which you should always mention when posting a question).

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    Please check:
    1) Values of in engineDir and deployShare in LaunchingService component
    2) Search environment name
    3) To create a full index, the indexing engine requires a clean partition, a file from which all indexes are created: /atg/search/routing/RoutingSystemService
    You need to identify the location of the clean partition by creating a /localconfig/atg/search/routing/ file. Use the cleanPhysicalPartitionPath property
    to identify the full path to the clean partition. There is a copy of the clean partition located at <Searchdir>/SearchEngine/operatingsystem/data/initial.index. To resolve the path
    correctly, use a relative path to identify the clean partition location as a local copy. For example: cleanPhysicalPartitionPath =../data/initial.index
    Thanks and regards,

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    Building index from multiple tables for text search
    I am able to create the index using above link,but problem accured , when i search for one master data column value then it is returning many rows with same master data for each child row.
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    WHERE b.report_dtls_id = a.report_id
    AND CONTAINS (a.dummy, 'PAY') > 0
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    PAY Master A
    PAY Master B
    PAY Master C
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    please let me what shall i do for this issue.
    Message was edited by:

    There are various ways to concatenate the values. One nice generic solution is to use Tom Kyte's stragg function:
    If p_consolidation_set_id is a variable name, not a value, then do not put quotes around it.
    Message was edited by:
    Barbara Boehmer

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    Hi Adil,
    Index Database is usually called Crawl Database.
    I found a series of articles which goes through what these components are, how they work together, and how to provision them:
    SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise Search Evaluation Guide:
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

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    SEVERE: Exception while building index for C:\JDeveloper\Easy\EasyPilot\Trunk\EPILOTV2\ViewController\public_html
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -2
    *     at oracle.ideimpl.index.IndexRoot.mergeData(*
    *     at oracle.ideimpl.index.IndexRoot.saveIndex(*
    *     at*
    *     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$*
    *     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(*
    *     at*
    *     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(*
    *     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$*
    *     at*
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    String ssn;
    Map<String, String> attributes;
    where the map takes key value pairs for the person attributes like { ("name","Jane"), ("age", "25") }. Is there a way to build a secondary index on the name attribute, meaning that the index is on attributes.get("name")?

    Using the DPL, the only way to do this (that I know of) is to create a many-many secondary index. Each key in the index could be a two part (name, value) key object. For example:
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        String ssn;
        Set<Atrribute> attributes;
    static class Attribute {
        String name;
        String value;
    }You can use the SecondaryIndex<Attribute, String, Person> to query Person by Attribute.
    You previously said that you're using the collections API with a TupleSerialBinding, so I'm a little confused. I guess you're exploring multiple APIs?

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    My question is:
    Is it possible to create that index table from several tables?
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    So far, all the examples I read were about 1 table only.

    The following is an extension of the original example. It uses ctx_ddl.sync_index to synchronize the index and shows the changes in one of the index tables and shows that the query finds the newly synchronized data. It also shows how this only happens when the column that the index is on is updated. In this example, the index is on the dummy column. The first update does not update the dummy column, so the ctx_ddl.sync_index command does not synchronize the new data. The second update does update the related dummy column, so ctx_ddl.sync_index does synchronize the new data. Lastly, I showed what happens to one of the index tables when you rebuild the index. Notice the reduction in rows in the index table after the rebuild process. You could also rebuild online or drop and recreate the index.
    SCOTT@10gXE> DROP TABLE addresses
      2  /
    Table dropped.
    SCOTT@10gXE> DROP TABLE customers
      2  /
    Table dropped.
    SCOTT@10gXE> CREATE TABLE customers
      2    (customer_id NUMBER,
      3       first_name  VARCHAR2(15),
      4       last_name   VARCHAR2(15),
      5       dummy         VARCHAR2(1),
      6    CONSTRAINT   customers_pk PRIMARY KEY (customer_id))
      7  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@10gXE> CREATE TABLE addresses
      2    (customer_id NUMBER,
      3       street         VARCHAR2(15),
      4       city         VARCHAR2(15),
      5       state         VARCHAR2(2),
      6    CONSTRAINT   addresses_fk FOREIGN KEY (customer_id)
      7                REFERENCES customers (customer_id))
      8  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@10gXE> GRANT SELECT ON customers TO ctxsys
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.
    SCOTT@10gXE> GRANT SELECT ON addresses TO ctxsys
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.
    SCOTT@10gXE> CONNECT CTXSYS/ctxsys_password
      2    (p_rowid IN     ROWID,
      3       p_clob     IN OUT CLOB)
      4  AS
      5    v_clob            CLOB;
      6  BEGIN
      7    FOR c1 IN
      8        (SELECT customer_id, first_name || ' ' || last_name AS data
      9         FROM      scott.customers
    10         WHERE  ROWID = p_rowid)
    11    LOOP
    12        v_clob := v_clob ||;
    13        FOR c2 IN
    14          (SELECT ' ' || street || ' ' || city || ' ' || state AS data
    15           FROM   scott.addresses a
    16           WHERE  a.customer_id = c1.customer_id)
    17        LOOP
    18          v_clob := v_clob ||;
    19        END LOOP;
    20    END LOOP;
    21    p_clob := v_clob;
    22  END concat_cols;
    23  /
    Procedure created.
    No errors.
    CTXSYS@10gXE> GRANT EXECUTE ON concat_cols TO scott
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.
    CTXSYS@10gXE> CONNECT scott/tiger
    SCOTT@10gXE> EXEC CTX_DDL.DROP_PREFERENCE ('concat_cols_datastore')
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
      2    CTX_DDL.CREATE_PREFERENCE ('concat_cols_datastore', 'USER_DATASTORE');
      3    CTX_DDL.SET_ATTRIBUTE ('concat_cols_datastore', 'PROCEDURE', 'ctxsys.concat_cols');
      4  END;
      5  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SCOTT@10gXE> CREATE INDEX customer_text_idx ON customers (dummy)
      3  PARAMETERS ('datastore concat_cols_datastore')
      4  /
    Index created.
    SCOTT@10gXE> INSERT INTO customers VALUES (1, 'Bob', 'Smith', NULL)
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SCOTT@10gXE> INSERT INTO addresses VALUES (1, 'Noplace', 'Nowhere', 'CA')
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SCOTT@10gXE> INSERT INTO customers VALUES (2, 'Bob', 'Jones', NULL)
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SCOTT@10gXE> INSERT INTO addresses VALUES (2, 'Smith St.', 'Somewhere', 'CA')
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SCOTT@10gXE> EXEC CTX_DDL.SYNC_INDEX ('customer_text_idx')
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SCOTT@10gXE> COLUMN   token_text FORMAT A30
    SCOTT@10gXE> SELECT   token_text, token_type, token_first, token_last, token_count
      2  FROM     dr$customer_text_idx$i
      3  /
    BOB                                     0           1          2           2
    CA                                      0           1          2           2
    JONES                                   0           2          2           1
    NOPLACE                                 0           1          1           1
    NOWHERE                                 0           1          1           1
    SMITH                                   0           1          2           2
    SOMEWHERE                               0           2          2           1
    ST                                      0           2          2           1
    8 rows selected.
    SCOTT@10gXE> SELECT   c.first_name, c.last_name, a.street,
      2  FROM     customers c, addresses a
      3  WHERE    c.customer_id = a.customer_id
      4  AND      CONTAINS (C.dummy, 'Smith') > 0
      5  /
    FIRST_NAME      LAST_NAME       STREET          CITY
    Bob             Smith           Noplace         Nowhere
    Bob             Jones           Smith St.       Somewhere
    SCOTT@10gXE> -- dummy is not updated, so the index is not synchronized:
    SCOTT@10gXE> UPDATE   addresses
      2  SET      city = 'Anywhere'
      3  WHERE    city = 'Somewhere'
      4  /
    1 row updated.
    SCOTT@10gXE> EXEC CTX_DDL.SYNC_INDEX ('customer_text_idx')
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SCOTT@10gXE> SELECT   token_text, token_type, token_first, token_last, token_count
      2  FROM     dr$customer_text_idx$i
      3  /
    BOB                                     0           1          2           2
    CA                                      0           1          2           2
    JONES                                   0           2          2           1
    NOPLACE                                 0           1          1           1
    NOWHERE                                 0           1          1           1
    SMITH                                   0           1          2           2
    SOMEWHERE                               0           2          2           1
    ST                                      0           2          2           1
    8 rows selected.
    SCOTT@10gXE> SELECT   c.first_name, c.last_name, a.street,
      2  FROM     customers c, addresses a
      3  WHERE    c.customer_id = a.customer_id
      4  AND      CONTAINS (C.dummy, 'Anywhere') > 0
      5  /
    no rows selected
    SCOTT@10gXE> -- once dummy is updated, the index is synchronized:
    SCOTT@10gXE> UPDATE   customers
      2  SET      dummy = NULL
      3  WHERE    customer_id = 2
      4  /
    1 row updated.
    SCOTT@10gXE> EXEC CTX_DDL.SYNC_INDEX ('customer_text_idx')
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SCOTT@10gXE> SELECT   token_text, token_type, token_first, token_last, token_count
      2  FROM     dr$customer_text_idx$i
      3  /
    BOB                                     0           1          2           2
    CA                                      0           1          2           2
    JONES                                   0           2          2           1
    NOPLACE                                 0           1          1           1
    NOWHERE                                 0           1          1           1
    SMITH                                   0           1          2           2
    SOMEWHERE                               0           2          2           1
    ST                                      0           2          2           1
    ANYWHERE                                0           3          3           1
    BOB                                     0           3          3           1
    CA                                      0           3          3           1
    JONES                                   0           3          3           1
    SMITH                                   0           3          3           1
    ST                                      0           3          3           1
    14 rows selected.
    SCOTT@10gXE> SELECT   c.first_name, c.last_name, a.street,
      2  FROM     customers c, addresses a
      3  WHERE    c.customer_id = a.customer_id
      4  AND      CONTAINS (C.dummy, 'Anywhere') > 0
      5  /
    FIRST_NAME      LAST_NAME       STREET          CITY
    Bob             Jones           Smith St.       Anywhere
    SCOTT@10gXE> -- notice the changes if the index is rebuilt or dropped and recreated,
    SCOTT@10gXE> ALTER INDEX customer_text_idx REBUILD
      2  /
    Index altered.
    SCOTT@10gXE> SELECT   token_text, token_type, token_first, token_last, token_count
      2  FROM     dr$customer_text_idx$i
      3  /
    ANYWHERE                                0           2          2           1
    BOB                                     0           1          2           2
    CA                                      0           1          2           2
    JONES                                   0           2          2           1
    NOPLACE                                 0           1          1           1
    NOWHERE                                 0           1          1           1
    SMITH                                   0           1          2           2
    ST                                      0           2          2           1
    8 rows selected.
    SCOTT@10gXE> SELECT   c.first_name, c.last_name, a.street,
      2  FROM     customers c, addresses a
      3  WHERE    c.customer_id = a.customer_id
      4  AND      CONTAINS (C.dummy, 'Anywhere') > 0
      5  /
    FIRST_NAME      LAST_NAME       STREET          CITY
    Bob             Jones           Smith St.       Anywhere

  • Build index for texts in SAP

    I would like to build a searchable text index for text linked to employees (PD and PA). How can I use any standard SAP technology to do this? I reward any helpful answer.

    Please check:
    1) Values of in engineDir and deployShare in LaunchingService component
    2) Search environment name
    3) To create a full index, the indexing engine requires a clean partition, a file from which all indexes are created: /atg/search/routing/RoutingSystemService
    You need to identify the location of the clean partition by creating a /localconfig/atg/search/routing/ file. Use the cleanPhysicalPartitionPath property
    to identify the full path to the clean partition. There is a copy of the clean partition located at <Searchdir>/SearchEngine/operatingsystem/data/initial.index. To resolve the path
    correctly, use a relative path to identify the clean partition location as a local copy. For example: cleanPhysicalPartitionPath =../data/initial.index
    Thanks and regards,

  • Why index at top MX.

    In MX, my index page is at top, never seen that before, why
    is it there now? is this strange? It's actually cool, cause now its
    easier to find.

    You mean in the Site Panel? Could be that you have the files
    arranged by
    Last Modified. When you expand the Site Panel you can sort
    your sites files
    by clicking on the categories at the top..
    You can sort by:
    Local Files
    Could be what happened there.
    Best Regards,
    ..Trent Pastrana
    "KevinC." <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:er9t41$bgu$[email protected]..
    > In MX, my index page is at top, never seen that before,
    why is it there
    > now? is this strange? It's actually cool, cause now its
    easier to find.

  • Trying to build this mid/top range PC for PrePro & AE

    Upfront thanks for your comments and tips for my coming machine.
    I spend a lot of hours on this forum and came up with this conf.
    Fractal design Define R3 (bigtower case)
    Ocz zx 850 gold
    Asus P8Z68 deluxe mobo (easy overclocking, i think.. is  4,.8 to 5.2 easy possible?)
    Intel 2600k cpu
    Scythe mugen 2 rev.B cpu cooler
    LG BH10ls30 BR burner
    4x Hitachi Dekstar7K3000 , 3Tb hd's (footage) in raid 10, less demanding on cpu compare to raid 3 or 5? or not with the Z68 chip?
    2x WD Velocirapter 150GB (1 for OS, 1 for pagefile, scratch)
    (output/back up via Esata to external disks)
    MS 7 professional
    Kinston 16GB DDr3 1600Hz kit
    Zotac Geforce GTX 480 1500 mb memory
    What would you change?
    Thanks again for your time and knowledge!
    Luc van Vliet

    Your build looks well thought out, so just a few minor thoughts...
    - Suggest substituting 2 1TB 7200 drives in a RAID 0 configuration in place of the single VR 150GB you were planning (much faster for video purposes, not much more cost)
    - Stick w/ RAID 10 for your 4x3TB RAID; RAID 3 is not supported by Intel Z68 solution and RAID 5 is not advised unless you get a good hardware controller (for speed and robustness reasons)
    - GTX 480 is a good solution, but choose one with dual or tripple fans; those designs tend to cool better and run quieter than the "reference" design; Zotac makes both reference and dual-fan GTX 480 cards
    - I can't comment on the Fractal Designs case, as I'm not familar with them at all

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    Let's see if I understand this...   You're asking for advice on building a desktop computer, in the Apple developer's forum?  Why not just buy a Mac?

Maybe you are looking for