Bullets, Lists, and Hanging Indents

As far as I can tell, the capability I would like does not exist in Pages, but I'll throw it out anyway.
Instead of spending so much time on "automatic" lists, I prefer inserting a number manually (or a bullet) and using manual indentation. Word uses command (or control) -T and the old Word Perfect used F4 (PC). If one is an accomplished typist, I would submit that this is easier and places more control with the author.
Hanging indents are especially difficult. One can indent with the toolbar, but then it takes forever to anchor to the tiny line and then drag it backwards.
It would be helpful to be able to define a shortcut for a bullet or any other custom character, so that one could command-b or something like that.
I've tried command-], but it does not seem to help with hanging indents.
Any suggestions?

keyboard shortcuts to assign styles have been discussed some time in this forum. Unfortunately, there's no way to define them in Pages.
Hopefully such an option will be available in Pages 3. Anyway, you could give feedback to Apple.
PowerBook G4 17", 1GB   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   iMac G5 20"; iPod 3G, iPod Shuffle, iSight

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    This just looks so terrible! http://pcmcu.avastonetest.com/virtual_branch.html
    I did choose to indent the bullet more than normal, but even by default they never indent, do they?

    Actually, default lists line up correctly. Remove text-indent and use the following CSS code (in bold).
    .bulletsNorm li {
        font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
        font-size: 12px;
        list-style-image: url(images/bullet.png);
        color: #000000;
        line-height: 20px;
        list-style-position: outside;
        margin-left: 45px;
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

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    Has anyone else run into a problem like this?  I am not sure if this is a bug restricted to my custom template I use for work.

    Format > Text > Decrease Indent, or command [

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    Is there a way to set default values for the “Number” bullet list in the tab value, such that I do not have these indents and tabs whenever I start a new bullet list?

    Thanks much. I've been reading on styles, and it does exactly what I need.
    Mucho gracias!

  • Slight misalignment in IE10 bullet list

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    list-style-position: inside;
    list-style-type: disc;
    text-indent: -1em;
    This works great in Chrome and Firefox, but IE 10 wants to shift the second line after to the left a tad. I've tried using different units (px. pt)  but no dice. The list is within a <dd> tag, but I've also tried different combinations: <dd><ul><li>..., or just <dd><li>.., and also skip the <dd> altogether and just <ul> <li>... which raises a secondary question about what exactly is the proper syntax here... does <li> have to reside within a <ul>?  The bullet list is technically an item list within a description list.
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    Bullets are most often used in unordered lists.
    <li>List item</li>
    <li>List item</li>
    <li>List item</li>
    <li>List item</li>
    ul li {
         list-style-type: disc;
    Nancy O.

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    Here is the URL http://www.williambellomy.com/Amenities.html

    That's your table structure for the list at the bottom, which will explain the different spacing. The first list is all in one cell.
    I see you've got list items in separate cells on other pages too - it's not the most reliable way to do it. Keep your list together and use the margin attribute in your style sheets.

  • Bulleted List Question

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    The problem you're running into is likely because of a "quirk" in the way FM handles font changes within paragraphs.
    To start with, are you creating a bulleted paragraph style, or are you just putting the bullet symbol in front of the text in the paragraph?
    If you're just inserting the bullet after copying from the Character map, the better approach is to
    1. create a new character style, e.g. "Wing3", that is set to be the Wingdings3 symbols.
    2. create a new paragraph style, e.g. "NewBullet" with the Frutiger font for the paragraph, and in the autonumber properties of this paragraph tag specify the special character and that it should use Wing3 as the character format.
    This is where it gets a bit tricky, though, because it may be difficult to find the correct character to put into the Autonumber Format dialog box, because FM sometimes "rearranges" the character mapping for some fonts. So, if you have a problem getting the correct character to be displayed for the bullet, don't give up -- post back here and let us know.

  • Links in bulleted lists

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    Is anyone else seeing this? Is there a known workaround? I have searched this discussion group but didn't find anyone with a similar problem.

    I guess I see it. I mean the underline of the
    hyperlink does not extend to the bullet, but I guess
    it close. Is there a specific downside to this
    besides cosmetic? If you want a workaround, you
    could always overlay a 1% opacity shape over the
    intended text and attach the hyperlink to the shape
    instead of the text.
    In Safari, the bullet itself is underlined. The space between the bullet and the text is not underlined.
    In addition to being a cosmetic bug, it's also a functional one: In iWeb I did not specify that the bullet itself should be underlined.
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    A pdf is attached showing the differences in appearance of bulleted lists and the checkmark in both IE and Firefox. Any input welcomed.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi William,
    I'm not sure how to reply to you...  I went to the forum and couldn't figure it out.  This email is a direct response to the email sent to me from you through the forums page.  Please let me know if you do receive this.  In any case, thank you for your info.  Very helpful!
    Two Questions:
    1) If I insert the &#10004; code into the html, will it be viewable as a checkmark in any version of any browser?
    2) Many of the bulleted paragraphs (but not all) that are having that unusual presentation problem were created under the Normal style, manually highlight, and made "bulleted" by clicking the bullet button.  For some of these, I've tried just creating a BULLETS paragraph style, and applying this style to the problematic text, and it seems to solve the problem.  Will this solve the problem when viewed through any version of any browser?
    Thank you so much!
    Judy Chen
    Technical Writer
    Message was edited by: Peter Grainge to remove contact details at poster's request.

  • My bulleted list displays correctly in IE 8 and Firefox, but not in IE 7

    I have a simple bulleted list in a right floated sidebar for a website. If views fine in IE 8 and Firefox, but not in IE 7 (and perhaps earlier, though I only have access to machines with IE 7 and 8.
    Because the default indent for the bulleted list moves it too far to the right, I set a negative margin for that area of text in order to move it to the left a little. While it looks great in IE 8 and Firefox, it appears this margin setting is causing the bulleted list to shift too far to the left in at least IE 7. The rest of the copy in the sidebar div lookes fine including the title and paragraph copy.
    Can anyone suggest a fix?
    Also, I noticed the spacing above the main content div is smaller in IE 7 than with the IE 8 and Firefox. This div has a h1 heading followed by paragraphs. (This site was developed using a pre-existing CSS style sheet from Dreamweaver by the way.)

    Strangely when I replied via e-mail my message got garbled when I looked at it here.
    I was able to move over the bullet items to the left using your suggestion, however it now shows this line of copy above the page at the top of the window in the IE browser (both IE 7 and IE 8):
    <!--[if lte 7]>
    I'm including the code where you had indicated I should place it - in the <head> section after the link to the main stylesheet. I included it just after the other conditional comments. Perhaps I've included it in the wrong place - hence the line appearing above the pages (just above the banner)?
    I did not change any other parameter. (This is a template page as all pages in the site are based on it.) The list feature does appear on a number of pages.
    Also I should note the bullets have mysteriously disappeared and it's actually an unbulleted list in IE 7, which I could live with if I have to.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>Home Page</title>
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    <link href="../css/twoColFixRtHdr.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><!--[if IE 5]>
    <style type="text/css">
    /* place css box model fixes for all versions of IE in this conditional comment */
    .twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { width: 190px; }
    <![endif]--><!--[if IE]>
    <style type="text/css">
    /* place css fixes for all versions of IE in this conditional comment */
    .twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 10px; }
    .twoColFixRtHdr #mainContent { zoom: 1; }
    /* the above proprietary zoom property gives IE the hasLayout it needs to avoid several bugs */
    <!--[if lte 7]>
    .twoColFixRtHdr #container #sidebar1 ul {
    margin-left: 25px
    <! [endif]-->
    <style type="text/css">

  • Bulleted list indentations

    I am creating a list with several bulleted items and sub-items. In Pages, I know how to indent a Level 2 or 3 or 4 item, but the actual "bullet" itself stays lined up along the left edge; it doesn't indent along with the text that follows it. How do I get the actual bullet to indent, along with the text?
    Message was edited by: Teacher617

    For my first line - In the Inspector, under Text>List ... I click on the drop down that allows me to choose which type of bullet I want, then I type the text. This gives me a Level 1 indentation, with a bullet.
    If I want a Level 2 indentation on the next line, I hit return (from line 1), then click the arrow in the Inspector to give me a Level 2 indentation. I choose what I want that bullet to look like. My text is indented, but not the bullet.
    Should I be doing something in a different order? Thanks for your assistance!

  • Formatting Mail: How do I indent or make a bulleted list?

    I have been using Mail for several years now (more or less happily), but I cannot figure out how to do what I accomplished easily in the years of using Eudora, namely make an indented paragraph or a bulleted list in an outgoing message. Any hints?
    Michel Chaouli

    Same issue: I cannot figure out how to do a list when composing in Mail. More generally, I cannot figure out how to create and save a style that contains list and paragraph attributes.

  • The bullet list, numbered list and the normal text is not converting when I am converting from RH 9 to MS Word 2010

    Hi all,
    Greetings for the day
    I am created a new CSS in Robohelp 9. I have also created a new template in Word 2010. The style sets for different information elements like (Heading, bullets, body text, ) are more or less same between the CSS and the new templates. I am also able to map the .css styles to Word template when I am converting from RH to Word as I am getting the necessary option in the drop-down list.
    However, when the output is generated, the bullet, the numbered list and the body text is not converting at all. The body text works sometimes. However, the numbered list and bullet list is coming out as images.
    If anybody knows the solution, I can share the .css and Word template.
    Thanks in advance.
    Parag Deb

    Create a new project with two or three topics containing lists of both types. Generate a printed output that shows the problem. Then zip it up and send it to me. See the Contact page on my site for instructions.
    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • RH8 conversion (bullet images and numbered lists are different)

    Conversion of 1200 htm files.
    Has anyone experience bullet images in their custom styles changing from RH7 to RH8 and numbers in numbered lists resized?
    I noticed that all my bullet images have changed. They are OK in Design view, but change when the topics are previewed and generated.
    For example, if the style used a small square bullet image, it was changed to the bullet used at the beginning of this sentence.
    If I attempt to create a new bullet list in the existing topic using the Normal style (Arial 12)  and Formatting Toolbar (Bullets), the bullet and text are changed to (Arial 10) and the style name changes to (none) in Design view. Preview and generated is also Arial 10 for both.
    Numbered Lists
    Most of the existing converted topics used the Normal style and Formatting Toolbar (Numbers) for numbered lists. There is spacing between each numbered line. The numbers and text are in (Arial 12) in Design view, but the numbers are (Arial 10) when the topics are previewed and generated and the text remains (Arial 12).
    If I select the numbered list, click the numbered list icon to turn off numbering, and then click to turn on numbering, the numbers and text are (Arial 10) and the style is changed to (none). Output and preview are (Arial 10). The spacing between the numbered items is deleted.
    I have to then highlight that list and change the style back to Normal for (Arial 12) text.
    If I attempt to create a new numbered list in the existing topic using the Normal style (Arial 12)  and Formatting Toolbar (Bullets), the bullet and text are changed to (Arial 10) and the style name changes to (none) in Design view. Preview and generated is also Arial 10 for both.
    This has taken up a lot of my time. Any clues?

    I went to the link you provided.I am still confused as to the step by step procedure to fix my custom bullet style that is used throughout my project. Can you globally fix this issue? It would be too time consuming to figure out where in 1200 topics this style is used. I guess I don't understand list styles.
    Custom Style = BulletList
    My custom (BulletList) style -  Design mode:
    Preview mode (incorrect)
    Another topic using ths sam (BulletList) style - Preview mode (incorrect should be square bullets)
    I select Format > Styles in design mode. Right-click on BulletList, select Edit.
    If I ceate a bulleted list, the square bullet is selected.

  • How to make an editable bulleted list with multiple lines and custom bullets?

    How do I create an editable bulleted list in Acrobat Pro? I've figured out how to add text fields with multiple lines, and how to add a list box, but I don't see the check box for multiple lines in the list box or how to add bullet points. Can someone please give me step by step instructions? Also is it possible to use custom bullet points?

    Is it a text field or a list box field? The two are not the same...
    The bullets are something that the user will have to enter manually (into a text field, they can only select values in a list-box).
    They can use any unicode character, or special characters if the font used for that field allows for it. You can't use images for the bullets, if that's what you mean.

Maybe you are looking for