Burning nightmare!!!!

I am having a big burning problem. I have made several imovie projects some with pictures and video etc. and each time I try to burn them I get the same error message. It says there were errors during burning, then I click ok and it says there was an error during multiplexing. This happens on all my projects. It is very frustrating, because some projects go on for 4 hours and at the end I get this message. What can I do? I share the project from imovie to iDVD.

Hi Doug,
Further to Beverley's post. A multiplexing error can occur from a corrupted system cache. It can also be caused by burning at too higher speed for the temporary memory to cope. Another point is the amount of free space on your hard drive - 10GB minimum, 20GB great!
First try installing a cache cleaner and running it. I've attached a link to Onyx. A free HD maintenance app. Just open it after installing and chose 'automation' and run it. It will clean your system cache.
Second, try creating a disc image and burning the disc image at a slower speed. If your media is x8 burn it at x4 and so on.
I'm pretty sure cleaning your system cache will solve the problem.
Onyx: http://www.titanium.free.fr/pgs/english.html
*Be sure to install the right version of Onyx for your OS.

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    From Kevin's blog:
    still image and movie size:
    The maximum frame size that can be imported for still images and movies is 256 megapixels, with a maximum dimension of 32,768 pixels in either direction.
    For example, an image that is 16,000×16,000 pixels is OK, as is one that is 32,000×8,000, but an image that is 35,000×10,000 pixels can’t be used.
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    Kevin- is it more of a FILE size or FRAME size issue? Which needs to be changed?


    I have been using itunes for many years and i have had no problems burning cds but since last week it keeps erroring everytime i try to burn a cd it starts then comes up with an error code i.e 4150 then says cancelling burning i am getting really frustrated as are a lot of other seemingly experienced users.I am getting through so many cds as are other users and it is costing me money i would be really gratefull if someone could email me back with a solution to this problem as i am going crazy.

    Of course since the latest drm strategy it won't burn iTunes Store protected songs purchased using iTunes version6.
    If you just want to listen to your stuff in your car or stereo, you can just drag and drop onto a blank cd as it appears on your desktop. Good way to check if yer burner is kaput too.
    Good luck.

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    I"m surprised that your recovery media didn't install all the original drivers.  It should have AFAIK.
    If your recovery media is old enough to pre-date SP1 _and_ youve installed an advanced format drive (most HDDs are these days) that could explain the windows update problem.
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    Once you get win update running try again to get ThinkVantage System Update installed.  That should get your drivers updated.
    The large print: please read the Community Participation Rules before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc.  The fine print: I do not work for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored. ... GeezBlog
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  • Ken Burns Effect Pollutes Everything

    If you're putting together a slideshow, do not turn on the KB Effect for anything. Ever. I hate to say this, for I love this feature. It has enhanced many of my slides. However, it's a sorcerer's apprentice.
    It causes nightmares once it's in your timeline. You can't update its durations, unless you delete the slide & start all over. I've found, oddly, that if a transition is connected, and you try to reduce the duration of the slide, after the transition is rendered, the slide, instead of having reduced duration, is actually increased by the amount of the reduction you wanted!
    Beware of using KBE for any photo in your iPhoto imported album. Once you invoke KBE on any photo, it pollutes every photo you click on, thereafter, whether you turn it off or not. Karl Petersen posted a message last month, praising this polluting feature of KBE:
    "The most important is that all of the Ken Burns settings, the KB checkbox, zoom, pan and duration are controlled by the LAST imported clip you made, or a previously-imported clip you clicked on. THAT's what sets the default setting for your next import(s). (A very nice feature, by the way, for it lets you apply the Ken Burns settings of one clip to the next photos you import. You don't have to reconfigure settings each time.)"
    First, it's boring to an audience to have repetitious effects. Second, I don't know what he means by "import." iM4, in moving a photo from the Pane to the Viewer (timeline), says it's importing it, but I already imported it from iPhoto4. Third, I'm not so lazy as to resent having to reconfigure individual photos, if it means I have control over what I want to reconfigure & what I don't want to reconfigure.
    Third, I wish Apple would realize users do have a brain: They don't need everything automated. There should be two buttons: KBE on for all, another KBE off for all. KBE off would allow the user to select which photos KBE is confined to. One thing I like about Microsoft is, it doesn't assume anything about the user. The user has choice & is always in control.
    I'm really at the point of not invoking KBE for anything, anymore. It's causing too much frustration, & it's not worth the time trying to figure it out, especially once the photo is in the timeline.
    BTW, what's the relationship between the Monitor, the Timeline, & the window in the upper right corner of the Photo Pane?

    The conclusions you've reached about the Ken Burns Effect are so strange it makes me wonder if you've understood how it works. Unlike the Ken Burns Effect in iPhoto — which adds the effect on-the-fly as a sequence of photos is played — the Ken Burns Effect in iMovie affects how the photo is imported and rendered. iMovie renders video — creates a movie clip — based on your Ken Burns settings.
    Remember, iMovie is all about creating video clips that play as part of a movie. iPhoto, on the other hand, has no movie. It simply displays a series of images. It never creates a movie until we export the slideshow to a QuickTime movie.
    Changing the Ken Burns settings of a photo in iPhoto simply changes how that image is played in the iPhoto slideshow. Changing the Ken Burns settings of an iMovie clip, on the other hand, changes how it is (immediately) rendered into a new video clip.
    You can't update its durations, unless you delete the slide & start all over
    Of course you can change a duration. Click on the rendered clip in the Timeline, change the duration, and Update the clip.
    Of course, if you've edited a previously-rendered clip — added a title or transition, for example — then it is no longer a KB clip. But if you remove the title or transition you can update the KB settings normally.
    First, it's boring to an audience to have repetitious effects.
    I never suggested you use the same KB effect on all your clips. I suggested that if you want to avoid having to reconfigure your Ken Burns settings before importing a photo, first click on a clip that already uses those KB settings. This saves time and considerable aggravation. I find this especially useful because the KB settings window is so clumsy (and buggy).
    Second, I don't know what he means by "import." iM
    Each time you add a photo from the iPhoto list to your iMovie project it is imported to the project. iMovie adds the photo to the project, then renders the video clip, if needed. (The imported photo is retained so you can Update the clip later, if you want.)
    Third, I'm not so lazy as to resent having to reconfigure individual photos, if it means I have control over what I want to reconfigure & what I don't want to reconfigure.
    Fine, iMovie lets you do that. There's nothing preventing you from configuring new Ken Burns settings for each photo. (My suggestion was to avoid having to do that unnecessarily.)
    Third, I wish Apple would realize users do have a brain:
    Apple DOES assume we have brains. And that we use them to learn how the program actually works, and why.
    There should be two buttons: KBE on for all, another KBE off for all. KBE off would allow the user to select which photos KBE is confined to.
    It's that point which makes me wonder if you've misunderstood something important. The Ken Burns settings we apply in iMovie do NOT control how the movie PLAYS in iMovie, at least not directly, like it does in iPhoto (and other slideshow software). The KB settings control how a clip is RENDERED when the photo is imported to iMovie. Once rendered, that clip is FIXED unless we re-render (Update) it. Changing its Ken Burns settings changes the clip ONLY if we re-render the clip.
    Another way to think about it is that the Ken Burns Effect affects how a photo is imported. Once imported, it does not affect how it plays.
    Once you invoke KBE on any photo, it pollutes every photo you click on, thereafter, whether you turn it off or not
    There's no pollution of anything. For the reasons I mentioned earlier, the settings do NOT change anything about existing photos or clips until you Apply those settings, which (usually) causes iMovie to re-render the clip.
    Try to re-think how Ken Burns works, where you assume iMovie is creating video, not just a series of images it plays in sequence. Those are two very different things.

  • HOW to Burning A dvd with 5.1 audio AND WATCH IT AT HOME ?

    I have had I nightmare with the compressor application trying to burn 5.1 audio and the film together had no luck . I wonder what does a guy do to listen to 5.1 files in his home cinema set up ? I know that I can bounce the 5.1 audio into the film in logic but can I burn a dvd with the 5.1 audio and film and take it home and listen to what I have done in a non studio environment ?
    Would much appreciate some help on this cause frustration is not the word to discribe me going nuts for like 5 hours trying to figure out how that non musical program works .
    Thanks for any feedback ...

    Ah, got it.
    Since you have Compressor I would guess you also have DVD Studio Pro. Anyway a quick movie showing how to do it. Drag the m2v and audio into the asset bin (you will see it in the lower left of the movie) then it goes through the steps. Note the audio and video streams are not the same length, I just threw it together quickly to show you. Of course menus can be fanbcier and all the rest and there may be some gotchas in the details, but it will generally work. Also make sure to set a First Play for the disc. Usually it is good to have a small couple seconds of black frames or warning on a track before jumping off to the next thing, and you can set the Track to be first play in this case if you like. try to use good media (DVD-R/+R) brands like Taiyo Yuden, cheaper media can cause issues.
    Well there are alot of things to take into consideration, but that should give you a good jump start

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    Hey Z,
    Thank you for the tip on exporting by media browser (large) from imovie. But of course, if it's not one thing it's another. Now that I figured how to export a large file from imovie, I have an idvd issue. I followed the instructions for burning from idvd and changing the encoding to professional quality and the burn speed to x4, but I am receiving an error that states the following,
    Your project exceeds the maximum content duration. To burn your DVD, change the encoder setting in the Project Info window.
    - total project duration: 79:04 minutes
    - total project capacity: 4.327 GB (max. available: 4.172 GB)
    - number of menus in project: 1 menus
    - total menu duration: 0:39 minutes
    - total menu capacity: 37.370 MB
    - total movies duration: 78:25 minutes
    - total movies capacity: 4.291 GB
    I have searched in the idvd forum for similar issues and I am stumped at this point. I have tried deleting the encoding assets and re launching idvd with the changed preferences, and still the same error. I know you mentioned something about free hard drive space available, and I have very little left. 4GB to be exact due to massive hours of non-edited footage. I am not sure if this is why, but I do not recall ever needing free space to burn memory onto a separate dvd. I would be more than happy if I am wrong, and it would be a quick fix. Otherwise, the technical nightmare continues. It's all a learning process and your expertise is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

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    I´ve read the manual but I can´t get any solution.
    We shoot the movie in 16mm with an Aaton minima camera.
    The telecine was made to dv tapes.
    I´ve created a database in Cinema tools with the flex files, exported a xml to final cut and batch captured.
    My problem is:
    When I use the Cinema tools reverse telecine and open my clip in Final Cut (6.0.3), it still contain fields and I can´t read the letters of the window burn
    The field pattern is A2 B2 C1 D1 D3 -- Field 2 only as we can read in the manual.
    I´m reversing for 23.98 fps
    I´ve tried with the "Standard upper/lower" checked and unchecked with no positive results... When I open in the Final Cut, in a 23.98 project, and see the clip
    frame by frame, I can´t read the letters and there is fields... I´ve tried the other options too... But the pull down is always there
    In page 132 of Cinema tools manual,you can read in the "Check telecine results" session ---> "each letter should be clearly legible..."
    That´s my nightmare... What should I do? Can anyone give me a solution for this problem??
    Thanks for reading...

    Ugh - single field telecine.
    I've never had to put single field video through Cinema Tools so I shouldn't be commenting - but I happen to know that another guy with a -similar- but different problem with single field telecine video in CT set his field dominance to F1-F2, and got usable video. Thought I'd mention it.
    See here: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1563046&tstart=13
    Single field telecine isn't that complicated, it should be easy for CT to just remove the extra field from the sequence. Make sure you're starting on an A frame (or field, in your case, I suppose.)
    Again, never done single field video in CT, so feel free to ignore me completely.

  • Imovie burn high quality??

    I've exported an iDVD 720p movie to my hard drive.  I found an old version of iDVD and have been able to get it on the comp and play around.  The challenge is, any time I try to burn a higher quality version (the video file is 10GB) to a dual layer DVD to maintain as much quality as possible, iDVD gives me an encoding error.  I've also tried Roxio Toast - I can get it to burn to dual layer DVD, but it's so grainy it's terrible - worse than pulling it up on Youtube.  On the mac, the video is beautiful.  Crisp, good colors. 
    I'm needing suggestions.  What I'm needing to do is very basic and I'm very good with computers, but this is frustrating not only me, but my parents, who purchased the computer for their business to be able to archive high quality recordings of their shows.  It's been a nightmare telling them that the $1,200 computer they bought can't seem to do this VERY BASIC task. 
    We have an Apple iMac purchased in May 2013 - so as new as can be basically.  Standard iMac, no upgrades.

    DVDs are by standards just 720x480 in resolution… about a quarter of your actual footage.
    And playback a DVD 'full screen' on an iMac zooms-in again, blowing up the few pixels, about by factor 6x.
    keep this in mind, when judging 'quality'.-
    To get max possible quality, stay under 60min of content on SL dvd-r, 120min on DL dvd-r
    Putting <60min on DL has no effect, just draining your wallet …
    In iMovie, choose Export using Quicktime, in the many options, select AppleIntermediateCodec, which will export the internal timeline of your project without any un-neccessary transcoding. File is huge, don't worry, it's all about length. not size.
    Drag resulting mov into iDVD. Works perfectly here…
    Worked, to be precise. Haven't done a disk for years now

  • Burning Aperture versions to disk error

    I have been burning small Aperture 3 projects to disk to send to friends. Suddenly I got an error message for a small file (53 photos) that I was attempting to burn to a CD after I just burned 72 photos to another disc successfully. Here is the error message: The disc can't be burned because an unexpected error occurred (error code Ox80020000). I tried to make a new burn file and retry with a new disk. That did not work either. After trial and error I managed to burn a few of the pictures, but trying to find the "bad" ones is a nightmare - if in fact it is a case of a bad jpg file. What is happening and can it be fixed?

    Is this the internal drive or an external? Stock Mac drive? Where are you seeing the error message? Did you look in the console logs to see if there was anymore information?
    When you write
    have been burning small Aperture 3 projects to disk
    Do you really mean you are exporting projects from Aperture and writing those to disk or do you mean you're exporting images from the project and writing those to disk?
    You tried a new disk which and got the same error. Did you try a different set of images/projects? Best would be to go back to one of the sets of images/projects that worked and try those again. The disk drive may have developed an error in the time since you last successfully used it and now.

  • How to Burning A dvd with 5.1 audio ?

    I have had I nightmare with the compressor application trying to burn 5.1 audio and the film together had no luck . I wonder what does a guy do to listen to 5.1 files in his home cinema set up ? I know that I can bounce the 5.1 audio into the film in logic but have can I burn a dvd with the 5.1 audio and film and take it home and listen to what I have done in a none studio environment ?
    Would much appreciate some help on this cause frustration is not the word to discribe me going nuts for like 5 hours trying to figure out how that none musical program works .....
    Thanks for any feedback ...

    You need Final Cut Studio to burn 5.1 on mac. (DVD Studio Pro, to be specific)
    Yes, IMO Apple really sells Logic users short on 5.1. Sure you can author, but no delivery platform unless you pony up $$$ for FCS.

  • Can't burn discs in iTunes or like pulling teeth.

    I have posted on this subject a couple times now, and I read that I am not alone in this suffering. I receive the infamous error 4000 when trying to burn "any" music files from iTunes. What really frustrates me is that I can't even burn the music I purchase from "The Store" which as I understand in the user/purchase agreement is my "right"
    I have read through 40 pages of this forum about this issue and I have yet to see a fix for it. Is there a fix? I also see that others who suffer the same fate do not have an answer either. This issue is only related to itunes as I can burn in any other burning software that exists. I have taken many steps through the computer manufacturer (whom is also aware of this issue) only to discover that this is purely an iTunes problem. I have contacted iTunes support directly and have had no response regarding this issue, hence this rant. The only suggestions that I have seen are to alter system files that may or may not work. Why should I or anyone else have to do this when so much other software (for burning CDs) just seems to work?
    I would very much like to continue to use iTunes and by association the iTunes Store as I find this to be a convenient way to purchase music however, what good is it if I can’t burn this “purchased” music which I mentioned is my right.
    The only positive thing for me is that I am a stockholder and have made a few dollars from Apple, so maybe it’s a wash.
    Support for iTunes in Windows appears rather dismal to me right now.

    This is also my NUMBER 1 complaint about this POS ipod and itunes. I paid my money for songs and have the right to transfer these files to ANY format I choose for personal use. NOT ALL OF WANT TO BUY EVRY F'N ACCESSORY OUT THERE TO PLAY ITUNES IN OUR CARS OR ON HOME STEREOS. WE WANT TO BURN F'N CD'S TO USE IN OUR CARS AND ON OUR HOME STEREOS. Someone needs to correct this issue! I F'N bout the file and didnt pirate the file I have the right to use it in anyway i see fit for personal use! Like a dumb *** I went out and bought three ipods for my whole clan . Only to find the nightmare of having to set up three different libraries. Then the three different music libraries makes it were if one buys a song on itunes you cant move this file to another ipod and play it. Only they can or if you make the mistake and buy a song on a different system it wont transfer to your home itunes library.
    My RANT and what a waste of money this hardware and software is. GOD I WISH WINDOWS WOULD COME OUT WITH SOMETHINGS SO I CAN THROW ALL OF THESE IN THE TRASH!!!!!!

  • Can't burn discs in iTunes - Please help!

    *itunes disk burner or software not found* is the error I'm receiving. Diagnostics below:
    (Build 9200)
    TOSHIBA Satellite P870
    QuickTime not available
    FairPlay 2.2.32
    Apple Application Support 2.3.2
    iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    iTunes Serial Number 00CEB5580A81A848
    Current user is not an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2013-02-16 07:56:21.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    iPodService (x64) is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    **** CD/DVD Drive Tests ****
    No drivers in LowerFilters.
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    Failed while scanning for CD / DVD drives, error 2510.
    Virtual drives can sometimes interfere with reading and writing CDs in iTunes. If this is a virtual drive and you are having problems with other drives, try uninstalling the virtual CD application.
    D: Unsupported CD or DVD drive.
    Virtual drives can sometimes interfere with reading and writing CDs in iTunes. If this is a virtual drive and you are having problems with other drives, try uninstalling the virtual CD application.

    This is also my NUMBER 1 complaint about this POS ipod and itunes. I paid my money for songs and have the right to transfer these files to ANY format I choose for personal use. NOT ALL OF WANT TO BUY EVRY F'N ACCESSORY OUT THERE TO PLAY ITUNES IN OUR CARS OR ON HOME STEREOS. WE WANT TO BURN F'N CD'S TO USE IN OUR CARS AND ON OUR HOME STEREOS. Someone needs to correct this issue! I F'N bout the file and didnt pirate the file I have the right to use it in anyway i see fit for personal use! Like a dumb *** I went out and bought three ipods for my whole clan . Only to find the nightmare of having to set up three different libraries. Then the three different music libraries makes it were if one buys a song on itunes you cant move this file to another ipod and play it. Only they can or if you make the mistake and buy a song on a different system it wont transfer to your home itunes library.
    My RANT and what a waste of money this hardware and software is. GOD I WISH WINDOWS WOULD COME OUT WITH SOMETHINGS SO I CAN THROW ALL OF THESE IN THE TRASH!!!!!!

  • Tried everything:  Burned DVDs blink, pause and/or freeze altogether.

    Hello there.
    I live in a town in Mexico, where I volunteer screening art and foreign films for free at a non-profit cultural center. The place has a proyector and sound system, I bring everything else, coming out of my pocket.
    I've been trying to show films we cannot get in Mexico, so I've mastered the technique of ripping and integrating spanish subtitles using DVDSP4. However, even as the subtitles seem to be fine, the playback has been a terrible pain in the neck.
    I had a Sony DVD player, and at certain points the DVDs would blink or freeze up. I tried everything I could find out and think of, to no avail. Now I have an Oppo DVD player, and the video pauses for fractions of a second then resumes play, only to pause again a few seconds later, throughout the film.
    As a test, I played a couple of straightforward 'ripped and burned' DVDs, and bingo, they play perfectly, so the error must be in something about DVDSP4. I'm using every trick in the book, firing with both barrels.
    My media:
    - Taiyo Yuden DVD-R, no luck.
    - Verbatim DVD+R, no luck.
    - Verbatim DVD+R DL, hit and miss.
    For the build, I'm encoding One Pass VBR, minimun Bit Rate 4.0, maximum Bit Rate 6.4. I even tried a maximum Bit Rate of 6.0, no luck. Also, Motion Estimation either Best or Better, no luck.
    I was burning on the SuperDrive Pioneer DVR-K04L, then bought an external Sony DRX-820UL-T. No luck.
    I've tried Toast Titanium 6, 7 and Popcorn. No luck.
    I've run Disk Utility to repair both permissions and the drive. No luck.
    In a nutshell: Help!!!
    A couple of thoughts:
    1. Could the Tiger updates be the culprit?
    2. Most of the time, the only subtitles I can find are from Spain, therefore in PAL format. I adjust the times to NTSC then integrate them to my project. Maybe this is the problem, but even if I turn off the subtitles, the problem persists.
    If there's anything you can think of that might help me solve this nightmare, please let me know.
    2 GHz PowerPC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   1 GB DDR SDRAM

    Unfortunatley what you are doing runs afoul of the Terms of Use of this Board. Even though a non-profit cultural center sounds like a good cause, doing what you are doing is copyright infringement, so people can get in trouble/kicked off here if they help. So if you do not get answers, it is not because people do not want to help or are being non-responsive

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