작성날짜 : 2004-05-17
Oracle 9i에서 강화된 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 관련 내용을 요약해 본다.
아래의 내용에 대해 설명될 것이다.
- enhanced된 Oracle9i analytical functions
- Use grouping sets
- Create SQL statements with the new WITH clause
1. enhanced된 Oracle9i analytical functions
1) Inverse percentile functions (역백분위수 함수)
: 특정 percent에 해당하는 값을 찾는데 사용된다.
percentile_disc : 특정 백분위수에 가까운 값을 return하는 함수.
percentile_cont : linear interpolation을 사용하여 연속적인
백분위수를 계산하는 함수
ex) 1999년 11월달의 distribution channel당 판매량의 50%에 가까운
discrete value을 찾아라.
select c.channel_desc, avg(s.quantity_sold), percentile_disc(0.5)
within group
(order by s.quantity_sold desc) percentile_50
from sales s, channels c
where c.channel_id = s.channel_id
and time_id between '01-NOV-1999' and '30-NOV-1999'
group by c.channel_desc;
2) What-if rank and distribution functions
: 만약 어떤 data가 add된다면 이 data가 어느정도의 rank나 percenage에
속하는지를 찾는데 사용한다. what if analysis에 해당한다.
RANK : 그룹에서의 순위
DENSE_RANK : 중복값을 배제한 순위
ex) 새로운 사람이 고용되어 $10000 을 받는다면 부서당 salary을 비교할때
어느 정도 rank인가?
select department_id, round(avg(salary)) avg_salary,
rank(10000) within group (order by salary desc) rank,
dense_rank(10000) within group (order by salary desc) dense
from employees
group by department_id ;
3) FIRST/LAST aggregate functions
: 각 그룹의 첫번째나 마지막 값을 나타낼때 사용한다.
ex) manager당 commission을 가장 많이 받는 사람과 적게 받는 사람을 구하라.
select manager_id,
min(salary) keep (dense_rank first order by commission_pct)
as low_comm,
max(salary) keep (dense_rank last order by commission_pct)
as high_comm
from employees
where commission_pct is not null
group by manager_id;
4) WIDTH_BUCKET function
: with_bucket은 oracle 8i의 ntile과 비슷하다. 차이점은 ntile은 있는 모든
값을 그냥 정해진 bucket의 수로 나누는 것이고. with_bucket은 최소,최상
값을 정할 수 있다는 점이 다르다.
만약의 시험성적을 저장하고 있는 테이블이 있으면 각 점수별 분포를 확인
할때 사용할 수 있다.
With_bucket(expression, 0, 100,10)
그러면 10점 단위로 bucket이 생성되고 각 점수별 해당 bucket이 return된다.
ex) Low boundary value = 3000
High boundary value = 13000
Number of buckets = 5
select last_name, salary ,
width_bucket(salary,3000,13000,5) as sal_hist
from employees ;
5) Grouping sets
: group by절에 사용되며 소계나 특정 level의 소계등을 구할때 쓰인다.
2. Use grouping sets
1) 아래의 세개의 그룹에 대한, product가 10,20,45이고 1999년 11월의 1,2일에
해당하는 값을 구하라.
Time, Channel, Product
Time, Channel
Channel, Product
select time_id, channel_id, prod_id, round(sum(quantity_sold)) as cost
from sales
where (time_id = '01-DEC-1999' or time_id = '02-DEC-1999')
and prod_id in (10,20,30)
group by grouping sets
((time_id,channel_id,prod_id),(time_id,channel_id),(channel_id,prod_id)) ;
2) GROUPING SETS vs. CUBE and ROLLUP (참고 bul#11914)
CUBE나 ROLLUP은 필요한 group만 볼수 없지만 9i에서는 1)와 같이 원하는
group만을 볼수 있다.
select time_id, channel_id, prod_id,
round(sum(quantity_sold)) as quantity_sum
from sales
where (time_id = '01-DEC-1999' or time_id = '02-DEC-1999')
and prod_id in (10,20,45)
group by cube(time_id, channel_id, prod_id);
Grouping sets절 대신에 union all을 사용하는 것은 table을 더 많이
scan하게 되고 문장을 구사하기가 비효율적이다.
아래의 두 문장은 같은 결과를 return한다.
select time_id, channel_id, prod_id,
round(sum(quantity_sold)) as quantity_sum
from sales
where (time_id = '01-DEC-1999' or time_id = '02-DEC-1999')
and prod_id in (10,20,45)
group by grouping sets (time_id, channel_id, prod_id);
select to_char(time_id,'DD-MON-YY'),
round(sum(quantity_sold)) as quantity_sum
from sales
where (time_id = '01-DEC-1999' or time_id = '02-DEC-1999')
and prod_id in (10,20,45)
group by time_id
union all
select channel_id ,
round(sum(quantity_sold)) as quantity_sum
from sales
where (time_id = '01-DEC-1999' or time_id = '02-DEC-1999')
and prod_id in (10,20,45)
group by channel_id
union all
select to_char(prod_id) ,
round(sum(quantity_sold)) as quantity_sum
from sales
where (time_id = '01-DEC-1999' or time_id = '02-DEC-1999')
and prod_id in (10,20,45)
group by prod_id;
4) Composite Columns
아래의 세개의 그룹에 대한 product가 10,20,45이고 1999년 11월의 1,2일에
해당하는 값을 구하라.
Product, Channel,Time
Grand Total
select prod_id, channel_id, time_id
, round(sum(quantity_sold)) as sales
from sales
where (time_id='01-DEC-1999' or time_id='02-DEC-1999')
and prod_id in (10,20,45)
group by rollup(prod_id,(channel_id, time_id))
3. Create SQL statements with the new WITH clause
복잡한 query의 Select절에서 같은 block을 한번 이상 query를 할때 쓰인다.
Query block의 값은 user의 temporary tablespace에 저장한다.
Perfoemance의 향상을 기대할 수 있다.
1) 전체 회사의 총 salary의 1/8보다 많은 부서를 구하라.
summary as (
select department_name, sum(salary) as dept_total
from employees, departments
where employees.department_id = departments.department_id
group by department_name)
select department_name, dept_total
from summary
where dept_total > (select sum(dept_total) * 1/8 from summary)
order by dept_total desc ;
2) 1)을 예전 version에서는 아래와 같이 구현하였다.
select department_name, sum(salary) as dept_total
from employees,departments
where employees.department_id=departments.department_id
group by department_name
having sum(salary) > ( select sum(salary) * 1/8
from employees, departments
order by sum(salary) desc;
4. Benefits
Improved query speed
Enhanced developer productivity
Minimized learning effort
Standardized syntax
Reference Ducumment
Oracle 9i New features for Developer

Hi Rajasheker,
Without knowing the exact scenario it is hard to give you an answer but I hope the following broad guidelines might help you.
1) There must be some thing in common or it may be a case of wrong architecture/missing buseness requirements. Identify the relationship between these two.
2) Or, do they have a 100% parallel relationship by design? In this casse you need to create a high level common object (dummy) to facilitate the consolidatation process (for example company code or worst scheario sys-id) and enhance both cube as well as ODS.
3) Or, if it is a complex situation: Introduce a new object which can build a bridge between these two. Ask the business about the rules.
If it doesn't help, pl give more details.

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    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 907, message: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis at OCI call OCIStmtExecute. [nQSError: 17010] SQL statement preparation failed. (HY000)
    SQL Issued: SELECT s_0, s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4, s_5, s_6, s_7, s_8, s_9, s_10, s_11, s_12, s_13, s_14, s_15, s_16, s_17, s_18, s_19, s_20, s_21, s_22, s_23, s_24, s_25, s_26, s_27, s_28, s_29, s_30, s_31, s_32, s_33, s_34, s_35, s_36, s_37, s_38, s_39, s_40, s_41, s_42, s_43 FROM ( SELECT 0 s_0, "ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" s_1, "ATG"."Line Item Fact"."# Orders" s_2, "ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Discount" s_3, "ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Size" s_4, "ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Value" s_5, "ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Gross Revenue" s_6, "ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Units" s_7, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."# Orders (Prior Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_8, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."# Orders (Trailing 7 Day Pct Var)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_9, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."# Orders (Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_10, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Discount (Prior Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_11, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Discount (Trailing 7 Day Pct Var)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_12, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Discount (Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_13, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Size (Prior Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_14, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Size (Trailing 7 Day Pct Var)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_15, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Size (Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_16, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Value (Prior Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_17, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Value (Trailing 7 Day Pct Var)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_18, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Value (Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_19, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Gross Revenue (Prior Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_20, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Gross Revenue (Trailing 7 Day Pct Var)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_21, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Gross Revenue (Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_22, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Units (Prior Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_23, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Units (Trailing 7 Day Pct Var)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_24, FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Units (Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) s_25, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."# Orders (Prior Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_26, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."# Orders (Trailing 7 Day Pct Var)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_27, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."# Orders (Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_28, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Discount (Prior Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_29, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Discount (Trailing 7 Day Pct Var)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_30, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Discount (Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_31, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Size (Prior Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_32, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Size (Trailing 7 Day Pct Var)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_33, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Size (Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_34, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Value (Prior Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_35, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Value (Trailing 7 Day Pct Var)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_36, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Avg Order Value (Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_37, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Gross Revenue (Prior Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_38, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Gross Revenue (Trailing 7 Day Pct Var)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_39, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Gross Revenue (Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_40, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Units (Prior Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_41, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Units (Trailing 7 Day Pct Var)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_42, REPORT_AGGREGATE(FILTER("ATG"."Line Item Fact"."Units (Trailing 7 Days)" USING (("ATG"."Date"."Day Timestamp" IN (TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))))) BY ) s_43 FROM "ATG" WHERE (("Date"."Day Timestamp" BETWEEN TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1*60,date '2012-07-22') AND TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-1,date '2012-07-22'))) ) djm
    Has anybody come across this issue?
    Edited by: Mukesh on Jul 22, 2012 11:57 AM

    Hello Andrew,
    1.) DW schema in Oracle (‘Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production’).
    2.) This is for every ATG's analysis. I have not authored anything custom.
    I am sure connection information is correct in ATG.RPD file. I used to get different error like incorrect login or unable to connect if it was wrong and those are no more, So I
    believe connection URL is correct. I am not sure if need disable/enable something or do some specific configuration in DB connection in ATG.RPD.
    Edited by: Mukesh on Jul 23, 2012 3:50 PM

  • Can not log in Oracle Business Intelligence 11g

    Hi All,
    When I tried to startup the Oracle Business Intelligence 11g there are issues:
    <2010-9-12 下午11时38分24秒 CST> <Error> <oracle.wsm.resources.policymanager> <W
    SM-02311> <由于出现基础错误 "java.rmi.RemoteException: EJB Exception: ; nested e
    xception is:
    oracle.adf.share.ADFShareException: 在 parseADFConfiguration 中遇到 MDSC
    onfigurationException", 无法检索请求的文档。>
    <2010-9-12 下午11时38分41秒 CST> <Warning> <JDBC> <BEA-001129> <Received excepti
    on while creating connection for pool "mds-owsm": The Network Adapter could not
    establish the connection>
    <2010-9-12 下午11时38分42秒 CST> <Error> <oracle.adf.share.config.ADFMDSConfig>
    <BEA-000000> <在 parseADFConfiguration 中遇到 MDSConfigurationExceptionMDS-01330
    : 无法加载 MDS 配置文档
    MDS-01329: 无法加载元素 "persistence-config"
    MDS-01370: metadata-store-usage "OWSM_TargetRepos" 的 MetadataStore 配置无效。
    MDS-00922: 无法实例化 ConnectionManager "oracle.mds.internal.persistence.db.JNDI
    weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: 0:weblogic.common.ResourceEx
    ception: Could not create pool connection. The DBMS driver exception was: The Ne
    twork Adapter could not establish the connection
    oracle.mds.config.MDSConfigurationException: MDS-01330: 无法加载 MDS 配置文档
    MDS-01329: 无法加载元素 "persistence-config"
    MDS-01370: metadata-store-usage "OWSM_TargetRepos" 的 MetadataStore 配置无效。
    MDS-00922: 无法实例化 ConnectionManager "oracle.mds.internal.persistence.db.JNDI
    weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: 0:weblogic.common.ResourceEx
    ception: Could not create pool connection. The DBMS driver exception was: The Ne
    twork Adapter could not establish the connection
    at oracle.mds.config.PConfig.loadFromBean(
    at oracle.mds.config.PConfig.<init>(
    at oracle.mds.config.MDSConfig.loadFromBean(
    at oracle.mds.config.MDSConfig.loadFromElement(
    at oracle.mds.config.MDSConfig.<init>(
    at oracle.mds.core.MDSInstance.getMDSConfigFromDocument(
    at oracle.mds.core.MDSInstance.createMDSInstanceWithCustomizedConfig(MDS
    at oracle.mds.core.MDSInstance.getOrCreateInstance(
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFMDSConfig.parseADFConfiguration(ADFMDSConf
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor173.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl.getResultFromComponent(ADFConfi
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl.getConfigObject(ADFConfigImpl.j
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl.getConfigObject(ADFConfigImpl.j
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl.getMDSInstance(ADFConfigImpl.ja
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl.getMDSInstance(ADFConfigImpl.ja
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFContextMDSConfigHelperImpl.getMDSInstance(
    at oracle.adf.share.ADFContext.getMDSInstanceAsObject(
    at oracle.wsm.repository.mds.MDSInstanceFactory.getMDSInstance(MDSInstan
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.AbstractBean.<init>(
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.DocumentManagerBean.<init>(DocumentMana
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.ejb.DocumentManagerEJB.<init>(DocumentM
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.ejb.DocumentManager_ookznn_Impl.<init>(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor275.newInstance(Unknown Sourc
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingC
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.jee.spi.EjbComponentCreatorBr
    at weblogic.ejb.container.injection.EjbComponentCreatorImpl.getBean(EjbC
    at weblogic.ejb.container.manager.BaseEJBManager.createNewBeanInstance(B
    at weblogic.ejb.container.manager.BaseEJBManager.allocateBean(BaseEJBMan
    at weblogic.ejb.container.manager.StatelessManager.createBean(StatelessM
    at weblogic.ejb.container.pool.StatelessSessionPool.createBean(Stateless
    at weblogic.ejb.container.pool.StatelessSessionPool.getBean(StatelessSes
    at weblogic.ejb.container.manager.StatelessManager.preInvoke(StatelessMa
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.BaseRemoteObject.preInvoke(BaseRemote
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.StatelessRemoteObject.__WL_preInvoke(
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.ejb.DocumentManager_ookznn_IRemoteDocum
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.ejb.DocumentManager_ookznn_IRemoteDocum
    entManagerImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(ClusterableRemoteRef
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(ClusterableRemoteRef
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.ejb.DocumentManager_ookznn_IRemoteDocum
    entManagerImpl_1033_WLStub.retrieveDocuments(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.client.DocumentManagerDelegate$
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.client.DocumentManagerDelegate$
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.client.DocumentManagerDelegate.retrieveDocum
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.accessor.BeanAccessor.updateCache(BeanAccess
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.accessor.BeanAccessor.fetchDocuments(BeanAcc
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.accessor.BeanAccessor.access$300(BeanAccesso
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.accessor.BeanAccessor$MissingDocsFetcherTask
    at oracle.wsm.common.scheduler.TimerManagerWrapper$TimerListenerImpl.tim
    at weblogic.timers.internal.commonj.ListenerWrap.timerExpired(ListenerWr
    Caused By: oracle.mds.exception.MDSExceptionList: MDS-01329: 无法加载元素 "persi
    MDS-01370: metadata-store-usage "OWSM_TargetRepos" 的 MetadataStore 配置无效。
    MDS-00922: 无法实例化 ConnectionManager "oracle.mds.internal.persistence.db.JNDI
    weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: 0:weblogic.common.ResourceEx
    ception: Could not create pool connection. The DBMS driver exception was: The Ne
    twork Adapter could not establish the connection
    at oracle.mds.config.PConfig.loadFromBean(
    at oracle.mds.config.PConfig.<init>(
    at oracle.mds.config.MDSConfig.loadFromBean(
    at oracle.mds.config.MDSConfig.loadFromElement(
    at oracle.mds.config.MDSConfig.<init>(
    at oracle.mds.core.MDSInstance.getMDSConfigFromDocument(
    at oracle.mds.core.MDSInstance.createMDSInstanceWithCustomizedConfig(MDS
    at oracle.mds.core.MDSInstance.getOrCreateInstance(
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFMDSConfig.parseADFConfiguration(ADFMDSConf
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor173.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl.getResultFromComponent(ADFConfi
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl.getConfigObject(ADFConfigImpl.j
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl.getConfigObject(ADFConfigImpl.j
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl.getMDSInstance(ADFConfigImpl.ja
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl.getMDSInstance(ADFConfigImpl.ja
    at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFContextMDSConfigHelperImpl.getMDSInstance(
    at oracle.adf.share.ADFContext.getMDSInstanceAsObject(
    at oracle.wsm.repository.mds.MDSInstanceFactory.getMDSInstance(MDSInstan
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.AbstractBean.<init>(
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.DocumentManagerBean.<init>(DocumentMana
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.ejb.DocumentManagerEJB.<init>(DocumentM
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.ejb.DocumentManager_ookznn_Impl.<init>(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor275.newInstance(Unknown Sourc
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingC
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.jee.spi.EjbComponentCreatorBr
    at weblogic.ejb.container.injection.EjbComponentCreatorImpl.getBean(EjbC
    at weblogic.ejb.container.manager.BaseEJBManager.createNewBeanInstance(B
    at weblogic.ejb.container.manager.BaseEJBManager.allocateBean(BaseEJBMan
    at weblogic.ejb.container.manager.StatelessManager.createBean(StatelessM
    at weblogic.ejb.container.pool.StatelessSessionPool.createBean(Stateless
    at weblogic.ejb.container.pool.StatelessSessionPool.getBean(StatelessSes
    at weblogic.ejb.container.manager.StatelessManager.preInvoke(StatelessMa
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.BaseRemoteObject.preInvoke(BaseRemote
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.StatelessRemoteObject.__WL_preInvoke(
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.ejb.DocumentManager_ookznn_IRemoteDocum
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.ejb.DocumentManager_ookznn_IRemoteDocum
    entManagerImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(ClusterableRemoteRef
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(ClusterableRemoteRef
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.bean.ejb.DocumentManager_ookznn_IRemoteDocum
    entManagerImpl_1033_WLStub.retrieveDocuments(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.client.DocumentManagerDelegate$
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.client.DocumentManagerDelegate$
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.client.DocumentManagerDelegate.retrieveDocum
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.accessor.BeanAccessor.updateCache(BeanAccess
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.accessor.BeanAccessor.fetchDocuments(BeanAcc
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.accessor.BeanAccessor.access$300(BeanAccesso
    at oracle.wsm.policymanager.accessor.BeanAccessor$MissingDocsFetcherTask
    at oracle.wsm.common.scheduler.TimerManagerWrapper$TimerListenerImpl.tim
    at weblogic.timers.internal.commonj.ListenerWrap.timerExpired(ListenerWr
    <2010-9-12 下午11时38分42秒 CST> <Error> <oracle.wsm.resources.policymanager> <W
    SM-02311> <由于出现基础错误 "java.rmi.RemoteException: EJB Exception: ; nested e
    xception is:
    oracle.adf.share.ADFShareException: 在 parseADFConfiguration 中遇到 MDSC
    onfigurationException", 无法检索请求的文档。>
    What is wrong with it? any idea is appreciate.
    帖子经 user12986314编辑过
    帖子经 user12986314编辑过
    Edited by: user12986314 on 2010-9-12 下午5:56

    I have encounted the same promble.Have u resolve it?Please do me a favor.Thanks.

  • Use coherence in Business Intelligence area

    Hello, Everyone,
    I am just wondering that is it possible to use coherence in business intelligence area? Does anyone has such experience?
    As we know, building BI application is quite different from the online trading applications.
    If we try to use database to fulfill a BI application, every SQL statement would process tons of data .
    Maybe we should wait hours or days for one result sometime.
    Therefore, I am thinking of the coherence. How could this platform help us? If we seperate data on different grid nodes and process on different nodes, that would be faster than pure database environment.
    However, there are two significant problems that I could not avoid.
    First, how to seperate data? if it beame a very complicated work, I think database would be better. At least, database provides one node partition mechanisms.
    Second, how about the performance of QueryMap? Unfortunately, I did some test on QueryMap, the performance of QueryMap is quite worse than Oracle database.
    Please give me some suggestions.
    Best regards
    Copper shen

    Hi Moshin,
    You have to learn SAP BW 3.5 along with ABAP and BI 7.0. Because BW 3.5 is the earlier version of BI 7.0.
    BO is widely used for Reporting which can work on any database.
    It's better to join in SAP Authorized Institutes like the following. It may be expensive.
    1. Siemens
    2. Yash

  • Business Analyst in Business Intelligence / Analytics domain?

    I'm new to the world of Business Analyst in BI domain and would like some pointers..
    - What/who is Business Analyst in Business Intelligence  / Analytics and what are the roles and responsibilities?
    - What key skills/background/knowledge is needed to succeed in this area?
    - Please cite few real life case studies of BA work? How does a workday day of BA in BI domain look like?
    Thanks in advance to the experts.

    try Attending this free webinar by Rishikesh Vakula, a seasoned Project Manager and business  analyst , with more than 13 years of experience in various domains, to include, Defense, Telecommunications, E Commerce, Government And Banking & Financial to understand the future of BI
    Please register here -
    Wednesday, August 24, 2011 - 06.00 u2013 7.00 P.M EST
    Webinar Highlights
    u2022     Expectations from Todayu2019s IT Business Analyst
    u2022     Waterfall Vs Agile Business Analysis
    u2022     Artifacts from an IT Business Analyst
    u2022     Introduction to IT Project Scope and Scope Management
    u2022     Domain Modelling & Requirement Gathering
    u2022     Practical aspect of Requirement Gathering

  • Business Intelligence Installation Error

    I am having an issue creating a package within BIDS.  So, far my PC has the following installed.
    1.  Microsoft Server SQL 2008 R2
         a.  Management Studio
         b.  SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Tools
    2.  Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
    I originally had installed SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Services, but read that BIDS will not work with SQL R2 Express edition, so I did an Edition Upgrade,  to upgrade from the Express version to the SQL 2008 R2 Standard Edition,
    which ran successfully.  I thought that this would resolve my issue trying to create a package in BIDS,  after rebooting but no deal.  The exact error message I recieve is:
    Microsoft Visual Studio is unable to load this document
    To design Integration Services Packages in Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), BIDS has to be installed in one of these editions of SQL Server 2008 R2: Standard, Enterprise, Developer, or Evaluation. To install BIDS..... 
    Any suggestions to resolve would be appreciated!

    Is Busines Intelligence Development Studio available under All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.
    Have you also installed Integration Services along with SQL Server?
    You can try Workaround provided in this KB:
    - Vishal

  • Business Explorer and Business Intelligence Roles

    Can someone answer the following questions about these 2 roles:
    Business Explorer
    Business Intelligence
    It appears the BI Role above has the Business Planning feature, but Business Explorer does not.  Other than this, can someone explain the difference and why 2 seperate roles?
    Also, if we give users the Business Explorer role, we do not want them to see the Bex Broadcasting tab that comes by default.  Is the only way to avoid this is create a copy of this standard delivered ivew (contained in the Business Explorer Role) and remove this tab?
    Can anyone share thoughts or experience with these 2 different roles and modifying?
    Thanks,  Mark.

    Business Explorer role is from 3.5 and BI role is new in 04s.
    You will have to create the copy and remove the unwanted iViews from the new role.
    You can set permissions at iView level (permission to specfc users for broadcaster iView) but it will be hard maintaining it.

  • Difference between oracle business intelligence and discoverer.

    hi all.
    can anyone help me that what is the difference between oracle business intelligence and discoverer.
    any suggestion?

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but
    also google gives some pretty good responses if you throw in "Oracle Discoverer" or "Oracle Business Intelligence" :o).
    if you have specific questions you might pick up a forum dedicated to the specific product from here:

Maybe you are looking for