C# What do you think of it?

Having to learn c# for a project at work.. What do you guys think of it?
Whats your experiences of it, Good Bad or just plain ugly ?
The similarity to Java is unreal!

C# looks remarkably a lot like Java because, it frankly IS Java (Or what I like to call "FrankenJava"). Microsoft had a legal dispute with Sun over attempts to integrate ActiveX and COM technologies into Java directly contradicting their liscensing agreement. Microsoft lost this case, and had to pay Sun a minor fee. Microsoft is very much afraid of Java because it promises platform independence, and they've done a great deal to try to tie down client sided programs to their operating system. For several years during this trial, Microsoft actively went out of their way to try to damage Java's reputation. I found at the time that many Java programmers had come to believe that good client sided software simply couldn't easily be distributed with Java, and that it was too slow and bogged down because of its reliance on a virtual machine. A lot of this perception came from the fact that Internet Explorer, the most widely used browser at that time, shipped with an ancient version of the Microsoft Virtual machine. Most people viewing Java on the web were met with an ancient VM and never saw on their client-sided machines the explosion of Java technology with the introduction of Java 2. So. After convincing a huge portion of the programming community that Virtual Machines were iherantly slow, and that JIT compilation was a bunch of malarky, suddenly C# shows up on their Common Language Runtime. The Common Language Runtime is, get this, a Virtual Machine with JIT compilation. C# is basically what J++ would have become had Sun not stuck its foot in the door.
Now, your comments that C# isn't cross-platform aren't exactly true. There is a very succesful open-source project called "Mono" that is a nearely complete implementation of the standard features in the .NET platform. Unfortunately ASPX, and Forms, and several other components included in the Windows .NET platform aren't standard and aren't yet implemented. The problem here is the fact that since these implementations are not standard, they are subject to change at Microsoft's whim.
As for Visual Studio .NET, C#, and aspx-- I think they're very nice. C# is good because it will keep Sun and IBM on their toes, and may spark more interest from Sun in making Java Open Source. Aspx is a very easy to use web-application development system. It has some quirky things here and there, it seems to hide a great deal of detail from the user that causes some very confusing problems every once and a while, but all together it is incredibly easy to use. The .NET API shows that Java basically taught Microsoft what Object Orientation is. Just look at the differences between Visual C++ 6, where Object orientation is often overlooked for copy and paste templates, and C#. I'm very much excited about all of this change for the better as a long time Windows programmer. I always find myself having to shift mental perspectives between programming for Windows and programming for Linux.
While I have used Visual Studio .NET for a couple major projects, and it is a great deal of fun to fiddle around with, I would have to say that Java is simply the more mature solution for any of these problems. The Open-Source adoption of Java is overwhelming. Java is truly a solid language. It is typed, it forces the user to think about exception handling (which I believe is a good thing despite what Bruce Eckels may think), and while having all of this functionality to keep your code solid it also supports the kinds of abstraction facilities needed to produce the high level patterns that I've come to love in languages like Smalltalk and Ruby.
-Jason Thomas.

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    Credit card and debit card and checking and savings information is encrypted so it is possible to be hacked, but the odds are greater to get hit by the Love Boat then to have a wide scale hack.
    Oh yes they do happen, Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, Target and quite a few others. But in all the years I have paid my invoice with saved card information I never been hacked.
    You use good passwords and the risk is minimal.
    Good Luck

  • What do you think of my Bash Script? What about the error checking?

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    It works
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    # Shell script to make a USB Tumb Drive for Flashing BIOS on a Lenovo Ideapad Y510.
    # This script needs to be owned and run as ROOT with the "sudo command"
    # i.e. sudo usbbiosflasher
    # If you have anyideas send me a PM on ubuntufourms.org my user name is HunterThomson
    # Name/Rename this script usbbiosflasher and save it to the ~/home directory.
    # Then run the command- chown root:root usbbiosflasher
    # Then run the command- chmod 755 usbbiosflasher
    # Then copy the script to the directory /usr/bin.
    # Run this comand to do that- sudo cp ~/usbbiosflasher /usr/bin
    # You also must have the program "mbr" installed
    # You can install the mbr program by running this comand in the shell on Ubuntu
    # sudo apt-get install mbr
    # In Arch Linux you have to get it from Aur
    # First you will need to know a few things...
    # You will also need to know the Mount Point i.e. /media/disk and the /dev path i.e. /dev/sdb1.
    # You can find these by using the df -T comand.
    # Run df -T in the shell. Then plug in the USB Thumb Drive and run the df -T comand agin.
    # The new listing is the USB Thumb Dirve.
    # Also check to make sure the File System tipe is vFAT or FAT16 or FAT32.
    # If it is not use gparted to format it to FAT32.
    # I am farly certen that all USB Thumb drives come formated with FAT file system out of the BOX.
    # You may want to fromat it anyway just to make sure.
    echo "Interactive Shell Script to Make a USB Thumb Drive \for Flashing BIOS On a Lenovo Ideapad Y510"
    echo ""
    echo "You will need to have the program mbr installed"
    echo "If you are on Ubuntu Linux you can retreve it form the repositories"
    echo "If you are on Arch Linux you will need to get it from the Aur repository"
    echo "Open anuther shell and \do that now..."
    echo ""
    while [ "$verify" != y ]
    printf "Do you have mbr installed... yes or no?"
    read AN1
    echo ""
    printf "You answered... $AN1 I have installed mbr. Is this correct... y or n?"
    read verify
    echo ""
    if [ "$AN1" == "no" ]
    echo "Install mbr now. Then run this script agin"
    echo "contunuing script"
    echo ""
    # The next comand will make a directory to put needed files into. Note this file and everything init will be owned by root.
    mkdir ~/usbbiosfiles && check1="yes"
    if [ "$check1" = "yes" ]
    echo "Made directory usbbiosfiles... OK"
    echo "Could not \make directory usbbiosfiles"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    # The next two comands will get the FreeDOS file and the .ROM file.
    cd ~/usbbiosfiles && checka="yes"
    if [ "$checka" = "yes" ]
    echo "Changing to the usbbiosfiles directory... OK"
    echo "Could not Change to the usbbiosfiles directory"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    wget "http://www.fdos.org/bootdisks/autogen/FDOEM.144.gz" && check2="yes"
    if [ "$check2" = "yes" ]
    echo "Download of FreeDOS... OK"
    echo "Could not Download FreeDOS"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    wget "http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=78460&d=1216648756" && check3="yes"
    if [ "$check3" = "yes" ]
    echo "Download of the BIOS.ROM \file... OK"
    echo "Could not Downlad the BIOS.ROM \file"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    # The next comand will name the .ROM file to the right name.
    mv ~/usbbiosfiles/attachment.php?attachmentid=78460\&d=1216648756 ~/usbbiosfiles/06CN29WW.bios.update.tar.bz2 && check4="yes"
    if [ "$check4" = "yes" ]
    echo "Renameing of the BIOS.ROM \file... OK"
    echo "Could not rename the BIOS.ROM \file"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    echo ""
    # The next two comands set the variables. DEVX for the path i.e. /dev/xxx and MOUNTX for the mount point i.e. /media/xxx
    while [ "$verify" != y ]
    echo "You will need to know the Mount Point and the dev Path. You will also need to \make sure the File System \type is vFAT, FAT16 or FAT32."
    echo ""
    echo "With the USB Thumb Drive unpluged, Open another shell and run the comand df -T Then plug \in the USB Thumb Drive and run the comand df -T one \more time. The new device listed is the USB Thumb Drive. Note the Mount Point and The dev Path and the File system Type i.e. vFAT... If the File System \type is not vFAT, FAT16 or FAT32 you will need to fromat it with gparted. You may want to format the USB Thumb Drive anyway just to \make sure. In any \case delete all files and directorys on the USB drive before you go any ferther with this program."
    echo ""
    printf "Enter the dev path the USB Thumb Drive is at?"
    read DEVX
    echo ""
    echo "Are you sure $DEVX is the dev path of the USB Thumb Drive... y or n?"
    read verify
    echo ""
    while [ "$verify" != y ]
    printf "What is the Mount Point of the USB Thumb Drive?"
    read MOUNTX
    echo ""
    echo "Are you sure $MOUNTX is the Mount Point of the USB Drive... y or n?"
    read verify
    echo ""
    install-mbr --enable A1 --partition 1 --force --timeout 0 $DEVX && check5="yes"
    if [ "$check5" = "yes" ]
    echo "Installing MBR on USB Thumb Dirve... OK"
    echo "Could not install MBR on USB Thumb Drive"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    tar xjf ~/usbbiosfiles/*.tar.bz2 && check7="yes"
    if [ "$check7" = "yes" ]
    echo "Unpacking BIOS.ROM file... OK"
    echo "Could not unpack BIOS.ROM file"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo ""
    echo "Reformat the USB Stick to FAT32 with gparted"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    gunzip ~/usbbiosfiles/FDOEM.144.gz && check8="yes"
    if [ "$check8" = "yes" ]
    echo "Unpacking FreeDOS files... OK"
    echo "Could not unpack FreeDOS files"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo ""
    echo "Reformat the USB Stick to FAT32 with gparted"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    mkdir ~/usbbiosfiles/fdoem144 && check9="yes"
    if [ "$check9" = "yes" ]
    echo "Made directory fdoem144 in direcoty usbbiosfiles... OK"
    echo ""
    echo "Going to \sleep \for 5secs"
    echo "Could not make directory fdoem144 in usbbiosfiles directory"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo ""
    echo "Reformat the USB Stick to FAT32 with gparted"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    modprobe loop && sleep 5 && check0="yes"
    if [ "$check0" = "yes" ]
    echo "Modprobeing loop... OK"
    echo "Could not \modprobe loop"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo ""
    echo "Reformat the USB Stick to FAT32 with gparted"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    mount -o loop ~/usbbiosfiles/FDOEM.144 ~/usbbiosfiles/fdoem144 && check10="yes"
    if [ "$check10" = "yes" ]
    echo "Mounting FreeDOS on the fdoem144 directory... OK"
    echo "Could not \mount FreeDOS on the fdoem144 directory"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo ""
    echo "Reformat the USB Stick to FAT32 with gparted"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    cp ~/usbbiosfiles/fdoem144/* $MOUNTX && check11="yes"
    if [ "$check11" = "yes" ]
    echo "Copying FreeDOS files to $MOUNTX... OK"
    echo "Could not copy FreeDOS files to $MOUNTX"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo ""
    echo "Reformat the USB Stick to FAT32 with gparted"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    cp ~/usbbiosfiles/*.ROM $MOUNTX && check12="yes"
    if [ "$check12" = "yes" ]
    echo "Copying BIOS.ROM files to $MOUNTX... OK"
    echo "Could not copy BIOS.ROM files to $MOUNTX"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo ""
    echo "Reformat the USB Stick to FAT32 with gparted"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    sync && check13="yes"
    if [ "$check13" = "yes" ]
    echo "Runing the syncing command... OK"
    echo "Could not run the syncing command"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo ""
    echo "Reformat the USB Stick to FAT32 with gparted"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    umount ~/usbbiosfiles/fdoem144 && check14="yes"
    if [ "$check14" = "yes" ]
    echo "Unmounting of FreeDOS... OK"
    echo "Could not unmount FreeDOS"
    echo "Look above for errors or problems reported and fix the problem"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    echo "Reformat the USB Stick to FAT32 with gparted"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this script agin"
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    while [ "$verify" != y ]
    printf "Do you see any errors... yes or no?"
    read AN2
    echo ""
    printf "You answered... $AN2 to errors. Is this correct... y or n?"
    read verify
    echo ""
    if [ "$AN2" == "yes" ]
    echo "User Repoted... Error"
    echo "Look above for errors or problems reported and fix the problem"
    echo ""
    echo "removeing directory usbbiosfiles..."
    echo ""
    echo "Reformat the USB Stick to FAT32 with gparted"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this script agin"
    rm -r ~/usbbiosfiles
    echo "Success"
    echo "I did a lot of error checking too and didnt find anything"
    echo ""
    echo "Go get a pen and paper to write down these instructions"
    printf "Then hit the Enter to continue"
    read WAIT
    echo ""
    echo "Now leave the USB Thumb Drive pluged into your computer and Reboot. When the Lenovo Logo POST screen appears hit F2 to enter the CMOS setup utility. Go over to BOOT tab and go down to HardDrive \(Not Boot Order) \then \select the USB Thumb Drive as the 1st hard drve. Then F10 and yes to save changes. Your compter will reboot agin. Then when the Lenovo Logo POST Screen appers on reboot hit F4 to enter the BIOS FLASHING program. The USB Thumb Drive will be seen as the C drive \in the list on the Left, Select it. Then \select the .ROM \file \in the list on the Right and start the BIOS FLASH. \(NOTE Your hart may stop beating... This is normal) Pray to any God you know of and your computer should restart just like normal. Hit F2 and the BIOS will now stay it is 06CN29WW. You will need to \set the boot order to the way you like it and other things \if you need to because they have been changed to the default."
    echo ""
    echo "End of script"
    Last edited by hunterthomson (2008-08-10 11:17:47)

    Personally.....  (this is just how I would have written it - if it works, then it's good enough for me though )
    I would change this whole block:
    while [ "$verify" != y ]
    printf "Do you have mbr installed... yes or no?"
    read AN1
    echo ""
    printf "You answered... $AN1 I have installed mbr. Is this correct... y or n?"
    read verify
    echo ""
    if [ "$AN1" == "no" ]
    echo "Install mbr now. Then run this script agin"
    echo "contunuing script"
    To this much shorter code:
    MBR='/usr/bin/install-mbr' # Or where ever you expect it to be
    if [ ! -x $MBR ] ; then
    echo "mbr doesn't appear to be installed."
    echo "If it is installed, check it's location, make sure it's executable and then make sure the MBR variable in this script is correct"
    exit 1
    I wouldn't have used the checkXX variables for each stage:
    mkdir ~/usbbiosfiles
    if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
    echo "Could not \make directory usbbiosfiles"
    echo "look above \for \info"
    echo "Fix the problem and run this scrip agin"
    exit 1
    echo "Made directory usbbiosfiles... OK"
    There is an issue with the way you do your verifications - the user can never get out unless they answer 'y' or hit CTRL+C. Something like this gives them options:
    while [ "$verify" != "y" && "$verify" != "n" ]; do
    echo "You need to answer 'y'es or 'n'o"
    read verify
    echo $verify | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" # This converts the answer to lowercase so replies entered in upper case will still work
    if [ $verify != 'y' ] ; then
    exit 1
    One last thing I try to do in scripts... Declare all your binaries as variables at the start of the program, then execute the binary program by using the variable. For example:
    # Binaries
    # Execute tar and chmod the created file
    $TAR cvzf /tmp/tarfile.tar.gz /etc/*.conf
    $CHMOD 400 /etc/*.conf
    This way, it's easy to change the path in future without having to hunt through the script if the paths change, and it also ensures you're calling the programs using the full paths to make sure you're not executing some strange variant or alias that someone has setup. If I use `chmod` 30 times in a script, and the path changes in the future or on a different system (`chmod` is a bad example cause it's highly unlikely to change, but you know what I mean), then all you need to do is update the variable at the start of the script, and it all works again without having to script-hunt and change it 30 times.

  • Lack of SD card slots what do you think

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I like my stuff on an SD card. Not in a cloud. It seems Motorola, Verizon, and android all want you to put your stuff in the cloud. I'm sorry but I like my privacy and I like to access my content even when I have no signal. The cloud is for morons who don't realize their stuff can be hacked. If the Pentagon can be hacked, so can the cloud. Verizon, give us the option. Quit force feeding us stuff that a bunch of techno geeks sitting around and dream up. I have been a loyal customer for years and your trying my patience. I like my Droid Razr MAXX HD. It has served me well for 2 years in some of the worst environments. It has never failed me and I think you hit the nail on the head when you introduced it. But you took a moronic stance and quit offering it. You got it right and then screwed it up. The only complaint I had was all the bloat ware. Give us the choice. We buy the phone, it is ours, we should be the ones to decide what stays and what goes. Not some ***** sitting in marketing. If you want to introduce it, then do so but allow the people the choice of what stays and what goes. It will cost you customers in the future if you don't, including me. Have a nice day!!!!

    You ask "what do you think".
    I think that your message would/will be better received if you didn't resort to name calling and "colorful" language.
    You/we will never win the "argument" over what you term "bloatware".  Verizon enters into financial agreements with the providers of that software to be able to install it on the devices.  They make a lot of money (presumably) on this, so it is not likely to end.

  • Still in a quandary about hardware specs. What do you think?

    I need to build a new system as editing machine for CS4. Everything is more or less clear as to what I need, there are only two issues remaining:
    1. How much RAM to install, and
    2. Disk setup.
    As always there is the balance between performance and costs. Since this is not "an unlimited means available" type of machine, you will not see much esoteric components, like SSD raids or nVidia Quadro CX card. It is a dual E5472 Harpertown system (8 core), running Vista 64 Business.
    1. How much RAM would be a good balance in price/performance? 8 or 16 GB? We are talking about Kingston Value Ram DDR2-6400 ECC FBDIMM, either 4 x 2 GB ( 420) or 4 x 4 GB ( 650), with the possibility to double memory in the future. If you do not make a habit of continuously switching between PP, AE, EN, PS etc. and are mainly using only 1 application at the time, I wonder if there is a noticeable performance gain to justify the additional cost. The choice is obvious if the total cost of the machine would not be stretching available means. So what do you think?
    2. Main storage is 8 x WD Caviar Black 1 TB disks in raid50 for media, renders, scratch etc. But what about the boot disk? Either a 300 GB WD Velociraptor ( 240), or 4 x WD Scorpio (7200 RPM) 160 GB in raid10 ( 250), using on-board ESB2 chipset.
    While we are at it, does it make sense to add 4 x WD Scorpio 250 GB in Raid5 (on an Areca ARC controller with free ports) only for pagefile, projects and temporary export. Final export will be transferred over the network to a burning machine for DVD's. Backups of projects is to external USB disks and on a separate machine over VPN.
    The case has room for 8 hot swappable 3.5" disks and 8 hot swappable 2.5" laptop disks plus another disk and a DVD/BR burner internally. There are still 4 external eSATA ports available for future expansion. Foreseen video card is ATI 4870 512MB. Network is currently a 1 Gb connection, but can be enhanced to 2 Gb with 2 NIC's.
    Look forward to your reactions.

    The case is the
    Supermicro SC743TQ-865SQ
    and the storage bay for the 2.5" disks is the
    Addonics AE4RCS25NSA (2.5 Disk Array 4SA)
    Thanks for your remark about the difficulty of troubleshooting boot arrays. That might be an advantage for the Velociraptor.
    Dag, no. I don't make the mistake of visiting Amsterdam, unless it is absolutely necessary, like visiting the IBC, let alone visiting those bars. I came to realize that Vista has grown up a bit with SP1 and with full support for 64 it now makes a bit more sense than XP64. It does imply a couple of days tweaking Vista (= removing 'features') to make it work decently, but after that is accomplished I will make a slip streamed DVD version for future installs, so that is a one time investment. With recent enhancements in Nullsoft that is easily accomplished, including all intermediate patches and 'Patch Tuesday' versions.

  • I accidentally deleted my iPhoto when i empty my trash? i think 1year ago.i want it back but i heard that its difficult...my 2nd option is i'll buy iPhoto from apps. what do you think guys? thank you and god bless!

    i accendentaly deleted my iphoto when i empty my trash. i think 1 year ago. i want it back but they say its difficult. now i think i'll buy iphoto to apps. what do you think guys??? ty and god bless!

    A bunch of totally different questions
    iPhoto is an application and it is in your applications folder - is it there? It must be in teh Applications folder on your boot drive - it can not be on an external drive
    The photos are kept in the iPhoto library (by default and highly recommended) - is that what you deleted? It can be anyplace by by default it is in your pictrues folder
    Time Machine is a backup program that backuse your your Mac - you do NOT directly access its backup files but you use the Time Machine application to restore files - see http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1427?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US for details
    Your post is not at all clear as to what you have or what you want to do
    If in fact you do have a copy of the photos on an external hard drive as you say you thikyou do them you launch iPhoto and import them to iPhoto (file menu import  --  or drag them to the iPhoto icon in the Dock)
    If you have a time machine backup of your iPhoto library and you want to use that then you launch TM and go to the time you wna tto restore from, select the iPhoto library and click restore
    If the above does not cover what you have and what you want please post back with exact details of what you have and what you want to do

  • My IPhone all of a sudden pops up saying sim card failed. I turn it off and turn it back on and it works but the next day it happens again. what do you think is wrong with it?

    My IPhone all of a sudden pops up saying sim card failed. I turn it off and turn it back on and it works but the next day it happens again. what do you think is wrong with it?

    Hello brittbend
    Check out the article to further troubleshoot your SIM card issues with your iPhone.
    iPhone: Troubleshooting No SIM
    -Norm G.

  • I have a question can you please add so the iphone also have 5 icon dock like the iPad have it would make my day easy as h..:) maby in the next update? What do you think?

    I have a question can you please add so the iphone also have 5 icon dock like the iPad have it would make my day easy as h..:) maby in the next update? What do you think? What do everyone think?

    I have a question can you please add so the iphone also have 5 icon dock like the iPad have it would make my day easy as h..:) maby in the next update? What do you think? What do everyone think?

  • Best IDE & Platform Configuration? What do you think?

    What do you think the best IDE is out there? I want to compile and create applications as well as servlets and beans, but my focus would be on the beans, servlets, jsp, etc, the web stuff. Once I have the IDE for that, what is the best configuration for developing under that environment. For example I would like to use the the JavaMail API as well, and that is available for the J2EE. So I can install both the J2SE and J2EE SDK's right? Should I accept their default installation directories? Is it possible to move files, the .jar files for example over the to a single directory for centralization? Help, trying to get an understaning how to create a nice development environment. Simple, efficient, etc.
    Thanks so much!!

    I personally think Eclipse is outstanding. I used JBuilder for a while, but it insisted on formatting code the JBuilder way. Eclipse also has refactoring, which is a major bonus. Moving classes is now a few clicks instead of performing a search-replace on all your files. There are UML and dozens of other types of plug-in.
    As far as setting-up your environment, I normally duplicate a web application's deployment. So, the external JAR's I need are in WEB-INF/lib. The IDE should take care of classpath issues, if you perform the initial project set-up properly. I would also learn Jakarta's Ant. It makes deployment a lot easier, at the expense of some up-front development.
    - Saish
    "My karma ran over your dogma." - Anon

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    What did you think?
    More informaion about the product can be found at http://www.cisco.com/go/smartstorage

    I guess no one from Cisco is going to repond to your post Johnny.
    I agree with your thoughts, and was excitedly looking forward to Cisco's entry in the small NAS market and rushed out to buy a NSS326 (Equiv to QNAP TS-659) Unit.  I already own a QNAP TS-639 older model for 1.5 years and loved it - and expected Cisco just to make this even a better unit.  Which in some ways they have (Syslog and Radius features) - although as you've already noticed, elimation of QPKG application support which numbers up to almost 2 dozen applications that are not available on Cisco's version
    Unfortunately if you look on eBay, you'll see my NSS326 up for sale.
    To address your points (from my point of view)
    1) ROCK SOLID:  I've found the hardware to be just that (on both units).  Built well, and I'm sure will last for years.   As for software stability, - see next
    2) FAST FIRMWARE UPDATES:  It's for this reason that the unit is up for sale.   V3.0 of the firmware was a major release.  And there have been issues - although many/most of them have been addressed with still a few (somewhat serious) issues still lingering.   QNAP seems to be attacking these fairly quickly.   Unfortunately there has been 2 releases from QNAP addressing issues since Cisco's adoption of this unit since v3.2.6.   As you'll see in these posts, Cisco is not following QNAPs releases, and will be releasing their own line of firmware.  For me, this is a serious issue - and I wish I knew this before purchasing.  I feel Cisco is already 2 releases behind which includes many fixes to their current platform. (Also see QPKG note above - many missing applications)
    3) SUPPORT:  This is where Cisco excels and always has.   To start 5yr vs 1yr warranty, and of course Cisco TAC is one of the best in the world.  In contrast, QNAP's support quite frankly isn't great - although, it's support community for forums are excellent.   Unfortunately I can't speak specifically on NSS support since I haven't called them for this, so I'm speaking more generally.
    So it really boils down to whats more important for your situation.

  • Adobe, what do you think about that ?

    - one day I was demoing DPS to 35 people in Paris. The whole day the servers were barely accessible. For the reputation and reliability of DPS that was wonderful.
    - another day I was doing a little DPS demo for Adobe. Again the same problem.
    - another day, the demo was ruined because the servers were so slow.
    - this Monday morning, I open my iPad and I can see my latest Folio in ACV.
    In the afternoon I join Adobe reps and partners and other VIPs in London for the launch of CS6. There I go with my iPad and what a surprise when I want to show the Folio to an Adobe representative ?
    Despite being signed in, all my folios where archived and all in Download state. I could not access a WiFi and even if I could I think that downloading 500 Mb would be impossible.
    Many people where asking me :
    —"And are you teaching DPS ?"
    – I said "Yes, I'm even working on it for real projects."
    — "Do you have one to show us ?"
    – "No, because Adobe's software, for a reason that I don't understand, deleted all my folios a few moments ago and I would have to redownload them again. ACV sucks".
    People to who I have talked to where Adobe people, chiefs of graphic studios (newspaper, agency,...), potential clients for DPS,...
    There was even of Adobe person that told me : "We are receiving a lot of complaints about the technical model of DPS, and you're right, it's terrible".
    There are so many problems with this app and with the servers.
    DPS's reputation will may be better when one day we just play offline with the folios like a PDF in GoodReader for instance.
    DPS is exploding my bandwidth.

    Peter, that is sad. If a publisher decides to pull the issue from the
    server, that's like burning down their own library of things.
    Apple wanted adobe to stop downloading such large data into the storage
    that will be backed up. So issues now go into the cache, that will not be
    uploaded to the Icloud storage.
    Because you buy a 64gb iPad, but get only 2Gb of online storage.
    (mobil gesendet)
    Am 26.04.2012 18:35 schrieb "Peter Villevoye" <[email protected]>:
       Re: Adobe, what do you think about that ?  created by Peter Villevoye<http://forums.adobe.com/people/Peter+Villevoye>in
    Digital Publishing Suite - View the full discussion<http://forums.adobe.com/message/4363125#4363125

  • Idea of a product development for Apple (what do you think)

    This is a photoshopped picture I did of an Apple Macbook charger, were there is the ability to disconnect the cable with the magsafe unit.
    This gives Apple users the ability to change the broken electric cord for a new one without out having to change the whole charger unit
    as also it can be considered good for the environment
      I am not sure if this has come up before, but it would be very usefull to have this option.
    what do you think and is there a way to influence Apple to do this modification?

    Thank you Keith for your information.
      In this case I am not worried about the origin of the idea and some compensation to the creator. If this modification will lead to happier costumers of Apple and more efficient use of material and thus better for the environment (as Apple claim they are always improving ) then I am satisfied.
    It is good that Apple has this Policy and I agree that they can use any idea submission to them as their own. This Idea is so basic and easy to carry out that I believe that many others have thought of it.
    Sometimes it can be good to get a pair of extra eyes or brain to spot were you can improve.
    thanks again for your info

  • My iPhone 6 panoramic camera does not work properly: the arrow does not turn when i turn my phone. Furthermore sonetti da my Keyboard does not turn as well. What do you think si the problem?

    My iPhone 6 panoramic camera does not work properly: the arrow does not turn when i turn my phone. Furthermore sonetti da my Keyboard does not turn as well. What do you think si the problem?

    Furthermore my keyboard does not turn sometimes as well

  • What did you think of iMovie '11?

    I am thinking about buying a new mac but I'm only really concerned about the movie making software. I have used iMovie a few years ago and I liked it for the most part but I want some personal feedback on it. What did you think of the new software? What has changed in the last few years? Anything important that I should know?

    If You last used iMovie HD6 then the change is severe - it's a compleately new tool.
    If iMovie'08 or 09 the difference is not that great.
    Some I listed as
    *iMovie 09 (v8) 8.0.6 (jan 2009)*
    • Far better than iMovie 08 but still far from good.
    • Pic in pic, green screen but basic
    • Image stabilization - fairly good for amateur use
    • Speed-up/down and reverse
    • Bl/W, Old age etc
    • Still - No Continous TimeLine
    • NO - Possibilities to enhanze by use of thirdpart Plug-ins (all investments lost)
    • NO - Playback via Camera/FW - and this prevents 100% safteybackups and the use of an extra TV/Monitor as real-time Quality control (as in iM 1 to HD6)
    Aimed at - speed editing small video projects to be presented on the Internet - NOT DVDs
    *iMovie 11 (v9) 9.0.x*
    • Will be - Intel Only
    • Snow Leopard minimum Mac OS X.6.3
    • Advanced view including a true TimeLine ? Yes but rudimentary (very basic)
    • True Storyboard - where You even can write and prepare space for lacking material that needs to be obtained or re-shoot. YES
    • Better wave-form presentation of audio and audio tools - Rubberband - Yes
    • Trailer creating tool
    • ”Faces” as in iPhoto - NO - but this finds if there are people in some video-clips
    • Better audio tools. Equalizer and a background audio reducer
    • More Camera support eg 24fps
    • not 64-bit only
    • The Playback to Camera via FW - returns ? NO
    • Full Quality to iDVD - NO - still only half - every second line
    • Plug-in facility ? - NO
    • No free text tool
    • Tool to mask an identity eg band over face or unsharp area. - NO (could be obtained via Plug-ins in iM HD6 and earlier)
    • Animation tool - To point on interesting object/player - NO animations refere to a totally different
    thing connected to Storyboard and insert of ”dummy animations” while building a movie
    Yours Bengt W

  • Dear apple management,  I have purchased I pad mini e few days ago. I need help as follows:  (1) Camera: i did take a few photos but something has gone wrong. As i press the camera icon, I get a blank dark black screen. What do you think has gone wrong ?

    Dear apple management, apple support communities
    I have purchased I pad mini e few days ago. I need help as follows:
    (1) Camera: i did take a few photos but something has gone wrong. As i press the camera icon, I get a blank dark black screen. What do you think has gone wrong ? HELP URGENTLY REQUIRED.
    (2) How do i sync my pc  with I pad mini?
    (3)i can read on i pad mini  file made in microsoft excel but all numbers are very different from the original document. What is the solutuon?
    Dr Uma S Nayak
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    You are talking to fellow users on these forums, not iTunes Support or Apple - I've asked the hosts to remove your phone number from your post.
    For the Camera app, try closing it via the taskbar and see if it works when you re-open the app : from the home screen (i.e. not with the Camera app 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar at the bottom of the iPad's screen, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the Camera app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    If that doesn't fix it then try a soft-reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.
    In terms of syncing, you will need iTunes on your computer - if you haven't already downloaded it then you can do so from here : http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
    You can conncet the iPad to your computer and select it on the left-hand sidebar of your computer's iTunes (you can enable the sidebar on iTunes 11 on a PC via control-S), and use the tabs on the right-hand side of the iTunes screen to sycn your content to the iPad.
    Syncing music : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1351
    Syncing apps : http://support.apple.com/kb/PH12315
    If you haven't yet synced your iPad to your computer you may also find this page useful : https://discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-3141
    For the excel file, what app are you viewing/editing it in ? If the values are different then it may be that the app that you are using doesn't support all the formulas that are being used in the spreadsheet. Apps that 'support' excel documents include Apple's Numbers app, and from third-parties apps such as Documents To Go ('premium' version) and QuickOffice Pro HD.

  • My I mac screen had a small green light on the lower left.  on a black screen. the screen seemed unresponsive. When I re-srted the bong sounds but the wite screen never shows the apple - What do you think this means?

    My I mac screen had a small green light on the lower left.  on a black screen. the screen seemed unresponsive. When I re-srted the bong sounds but the wite screen never shows the apple - What do you think this means?

    Welcome to the world of Mac. Some ‘light’ reading to help the transition. I don’t recommend trying to get through all of this at once.
    A guide for switching to a Mac
    Anatomy of a Mac
    Mac Basics—Tutorials on using a Mac
    Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts,
    Mac Basics – Mac Find Out How
    Mac Basics – Switching From Windows
    Mac OS FAQ
    Quick Assist
    Switch Basics
    Switching to Mac Superguide
    Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Mountain Lion Edition
    Take Control E-books
    Welcome to the Switch To A Mac Guides

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