Calendar Bug

I've been whining to apple about 90% of my calendar items not synchronizing back to our exchange server. I think I've found the issue.
Any calender item that I create on the iPhone that has a bulleted list in the notes i.e.
1- Do item one at clients
2- Then do something else at clients
does not sync back. Calendar items with other notes do.
Can anyone else confirm this? I just created 5 different calendar appointments, the only one that didn't sync was the one with the bulleted list. I use these all the time which would explain why I've been having a huge failure rate till now.

Hi J McDowell,
What version of Exchange is the iPhone syncing with? Is it 2003 or 2007 and what service pack?
Try restoring the iPhone and testing again.

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    1. Try reinstall iLIfe 09 from your install disk
    To re-install iPhoto
    1. Put the in the trash (Drag it from your Applications Folder to the trash)
    2. Download it from the App Store to reinstall It's on your Purchases List* there.
    For older versions that have been installed from Disk you'll need these additional steps:
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    2b: On 10.6: Those receipts may be found as follows:  In the Finder use the Go menu and select Go To Folder. In the resulting window type
    2c: on 10.7 or later they're at
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    3. Re-install.
    If you purchased an iLife Disk, then iPhoto is on it.
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    When you decide to sync the second computer to the iphone, itunes will ask you if you want to merge or replace the data.
    In the merge, data will be transfered both ways.
    So, when you say separate, you can sync them one at a time, but in the end, all the events will be the same on both computers and iphone. Because itunes keeps merging the data.

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    Device/OS details:
    Software release:
    OS Version:

    Confirmed that the same bad behavior is there now that the calendar has rolled forward to May.
    Like I said this raises the question of what else is broken in the basic functionality of an essential app.
    BlackBerry folks reading this - hope to you see you reproduce the bug, and acknowledge ingestion of a bug report into your internal bug tracking system, for priority fix on next OS release.
    Others reading this, if you reproduce the bug (should be easy) - please add comments as you see fit, to get BlackBerry's attention on this one.

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    I tried reebot iPhone but bug is still here. Here are screenshots:
    Firts is when I open Calendar and I am in the April (actually month). Second is when scroll down through few months up to July. This month (July) is the first where bug occur. From this moment if I scroll up or down I still can not see name of month. Closing of Calendar or view year view and than day view again solve bug. But when I open Calendar again after time and scroll bug happen again.

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    I cannot find a workaround for this bug:
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.util.Date;
    public class Mescal {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.set(2002, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 2); // Sat, 2 Feb 2002
    cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
    Date d = new Date(cal.getTime().getTime());
    Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
    // cal.set(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH, cal2.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH));
    System.out.println("start: " + cal.getTime() + " : " + d);
    cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.MONDAY);
    System.out.println("Set weekday: " + cal.getTime());
    cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
    System.out.println("Set hour: " + cal.getTime());
    cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
    System.out.println("Set minute: " + cal.getTime());
    cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
    System.out.println("Set second: " + cal.getTime());
    The output is:
    start: Sat Feb 02 11:19:18 CET 2002 : Sat Feb 02 11:19:18 CET 2002
    Set weekday: Mon Jan 28 11:19:18 CET 2002
    Set hour: Mon Dec 31 00:19:18 CET 2001
    Set minute: Mon Nov 26 00:00:18 CET 2001
    Set second: Mon Oct 29 00:00:00 CET 2001
    The problem arises when setting the weekday takes the date back to the previous month. For example, starting off with Feb 9:
    start: Sat Feb 09 11:20:50 CET 2002 : Sat Feb 09 11:20:50 CET 2002
    Set weekday: Mon Feb 04 11:20:50 CET 2002
    Set hour: Mon Feb 04 00:20:50 CET 2002
    Set minute: Mon Feb 04 00:00:50 CET 2002
    Set second: Mon Feb 04 00:00:00 CET 2002
    This has been fixed in JDK1.4Beta2, but obviously we're not going to pin our application on that. There's also a problem with 1.4 that I'll get to in a bit.
    The second calendar attempt (seen in code sample but ultimately not used) doesn't make any difference. Although if you don't use setTime and only initialize the calendar using set(int year, int month, int day) then setting the weekday sets it to the 1st week of the month.
    For example:
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.set(2002, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 13); // Sat, 2 Feb 2002
    cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
    System.out.println("start: " + cal.getTime());
    cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.MONDAY);
    //rest of code is same
    start: Wed Feb 13 11:38:20 CET 2002
    Set weekday: Mon Feb 04 11:38:20 CET 2002
    Set hour: Mon Feb 04 00:38:20 CET 2002
    Set minute: Mon Feb 04 00:00:20 CET 2002
    Set second: Mon Feb 04 00:00:00 CET 2002
    The bug (?) in JDK1.4Beta2:
    if you set WEEK_OF_YEAR, then the date is advanced one.
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.set(2002, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 13); // Sat, 2 Feb 2002
    cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
    Date d = new Date(cal.getTime().getTime());
    Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
    // cal.set(cal2.get(Calendar.YEAR),
    // cal2.get(Calendar.MONTH),
    // cal2.get(Calendar.DATE));
    cal.set(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, cal2.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR));
    // System.out.println("start: " + cal.getTime() + " : " + d);
    // cal.setTime(d);
    System.out.println("start: " + cal.getTime());
    Gives you:
    start: Thu Feb 14 11:41:37 CET 2002
    Set weekday: Mon Feb 11 11:41:37 CET 2002
    Set hour: Mon Feb 11 00:41:37 CET 2002
    Set minute: Mon Feb 11 00:00:37 CET 2002
    Set second: Mon Feb 11 00:00:00 CET 2002
    If you comment out the line cal.set(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR
    then the first line of output reads:
    start: Wed Feb 13 11:38:17 CET 2002
    An unholy mess.

    I had the same bug as you one week ago... though i never come up with a neat solution, i used several loops to counter this. Its works nicely, but the logic is messy. Here's the code:
    Calendar c =new GregorianCalendar();
    int first=2002;               
    int second=2;               
    c.set(Calendar.MONTH,second-1); //setting it to feburary
    //getting the month after i set
    int m = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    //testing if it has 31 days in the month     
    //if the month doesnt have 31 days, the month will be
    //march as java set it the the next month     
    int m1 = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);      
    int d = c.get(Calendar.DATE);
    System.out.println("month1 is "+m1);
    //if m and m1 doesnt match means the month
    //doesnt have 31 days
         //set the month back to the desire month
         //test the month for 30 days               c.set(Calendar.DATE,30);
                             m1 = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                             d = c.get(Calendar.DATE);
                             System.out.println("month1 is "+m1);
                                       m1 = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                                       d = c.get(Calendar.DATE);
                                  System.out.println("month1 is "+m1);
                                       m1 = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                                       d = c.get(Calendar.DATE);
    System.out.println("month1 is "+m1);
                                                                               }//end if
                                  }//end if
    }//end if
    }//end if     

  • Mac mini (late 2014) calendar bug

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    What issue? You closed the app so it is not running.
    Click on the app to open/run the app. It still shows in Activity monitor since it runs in the background for notification and updatingvia iCloud syncing

  • IOS 5.1 Calendar bug - URLs no longer launch Safari

    After upgrading my iPhone 4 over the air to IOS 5.1, tapping on URLs within Calendar meeting invitations (within the Notes field) no longer launch into Safari. I now must hold my finger on the URL, select "Copy", open Safari separately, then paste the URL into the address bar.  The "Open" option does nothing as well. 
    This bug exists in both the the native Apple Calendar app as well as 3rd party calendar apps, and only started once I upgraded to 5.1.
    Yes, I have restarted my device multiple times and the problem presists.
    Is this bug seen by others?  Or is it unique to me for some reason?

    I have the same problem.

  • IOS 5 calendar bug: Floating Appointments

    This is a bug with iOS 5's calendar that you can reproduce yourself. This bug was not in iOS 4:
    1. Enter an appointment into iCal on your Mac running Mac OS X 10.6.8.
    2. Make the appointment a FLOATING appointment, which means that its time will ALWAYS stay the same, regardless of which time zone you are in.
    3. Sync your calendar using MobileMe.
    4. Now go to your iPhone 4 running iOS 5.0.1.
    5. Sync your calendar using MobileMe.
    6. Make sure your iPhone's calendar settings have Time Zone Support turned ON.
    7. Go into your calendar, and look for your floating appointment.
    8. On the MONTH view, your appointment looks JUST FINE! The times are correct!! However, if you try to EDIT THE EVENT, you will see the gigantic bug crop up: the times are completely & wildly off from your original floating times. If you try to modify the times, then you will only mess up the times on the month view even more. There is no way to get the iPhone's calendar appointments to accurately reflect the floating time on both the month view and when editing the appointment. It is completely off.

    Thanks for the info, I gave it a try but am still having the same problem as I mentioned before.
    I believe your issue is a bit different than mine.  My 3 outlook canlanders are there, two of them are displaying (my wife's calendar and my work), however the primary calendar I use in outlook isn't displaying.  It shows that it is selected, however none of my events are there.  I'm able to add new events in this calendar just fine, but all of my events that were there prior to the upgrade in iOS aren't.
    I've already checked settingings to make sure it syncs all old data also, but it still doesn't display events from my main calendar.
    So the issue isn't that I am missing all Outlook calendars, rather I am missing only one of the 3.

  • IOS 4.2.1 / Exchange Calendar Bug - "Tentative"

    I've noticed a problem with iOS 4.2.1 on my iPhone and iPad. Whenever I accept a meeting request from Outlook it shows up as "Tentative" in iOS even though it is "Accepted" in Outlook. If I accept the request from iOS directly it shows up as "Accepted" on both calendars. Anyone else seen this problem before? It's driving me a bit crazy and I'm hoping it is a bug that will be resolved.

    Check the following:
    Make sure your account is not a member of an AD protected group - for example Domain Admin, Enterprise Admin etc.
    Check if security inheritence is disabled on the user object. If it is, turn it back on. This in done through the security tab on the user object -> Advanced and the checkbox in the lower left corner "Allow inheritable permissions....." - this should be enabled.
    Kind regards
    Mr. Moll

  • Mail, Contacts & Calendar Bug

    I think I've found a bug in the Mail, Contacts and Calendars preference panel in Mountain Lion.
    I have an email account that was originally created through The email account has a username (e.g. [email protected]) that is different from the email address (e.g. [email protected] which is a nickname to [email protected] on the Google Apps hosted mail). This account works fine in but when I open the Mail, Contacts and Calendars preference panel and select the account (so I can enable notes and calendar syncing) a sheet opens that says:
    Mail, Contacts and Calendars can't connect to the Google account "matthew".
    Enter the password for user "[email protected]".
    If I enter the correct password it returns an error: "Unabled to verify account name and password".
    If I quit System Preferences, go back into and change the email address to [email protected] so that it matches the username, then go back into Mail, Contacts and Calendars it works fine.
    So it seems there is a bug in the Mail, Contacts and Calendars where it is using the email address instead of the username to authenticate.
    I can't remember trying to do this in Lion, so I can't say if the same bug was there or not.
    Has anyone else seen this?

    Thanks for the advice but it didn't solve the problem. There was nothing in the keychain for the nickname email [email protected] I removed the the keychain item relating to [email protected] and went back into Mail, Contacts and Calendars and it still failing there. I then went back into and re-entered the password into the account and it saved it correctly back into the keychain and it worked to send and receive mail.
    Seems like a bug to me.

  • Calendar bug with 4.1

    Hi everyone,
    We have a page which contains a Calendar, when we're pressing "Next" button, it asks us to enter our user id -- password ?
    Is it normal to get this message ERROR-1002 ID ....unfound element ?
    Can somebody help us ?
    Thanks. Bye.

    Hi Sathish Kumar J.S,
    We also got this authentification problem when we're accessing a page in the application.
    In our calendar, when we click on ''Next" button, the page is resubmitted. We shouldn't force to make an _authentification_ on the page ?
    Do you think, is it an _authentification_ problem ? Is it an APEX known bug, I don't hope so ?
    We need help !!!
    Thanks. Bye.
    Edited by: HTML_DB 1.6 + Apex 4.0 + Hyperion user on 2011-09-27 10:53
    Edited by: HTML_DB 1.6 + Apex 4.0 + Hyperion user on 2011-09-27 11:22

  • Is this a Calendar bug?

    If I set a day to 30th April 2008 and add one day, I obtain 31st April, which is a day that does not exist. Is this a bug?:
    import java.util.Calendar;
    public class DateTest
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Calendar myDay = Calendar.getInstance();
              myDay.set(2008, 4, 30);     // 30th April
              System.out.println("30th April: " +
                   myDay.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + " " +
                   myDay.get(Calendar.MONTH) + " " +
                   myDay.get(Calendar.YEAR) + " "
              myDay.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);     // Adds one day
              System.out.println("Next day: " +
                   myDay.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + " " +
                   myDay.get(Calendar.MONTH) + " " +
                   myDay.get(Calendar.YEAR) + " "

    meacod wrote:
    jwenting wrote:
    I once did, but that was in a product that hadn't been on the market in that shape and version for a decade so it's quite possible for the problem to not have been fixed in that version (and there was no widespread internet availability for people to easily and quickly communicate with the producers)...I discover bugs in windows all the time... ;)I have to agree with that.
    Edited by: Java_Is_Good on May 6, 2008 12:00 AM

  • Iphone calendar bug April 2015!

    Anyone has a bug despite updating to the latest ios version? My calendar won't take new appointments

    I found a solution. When using follow these steps to fix it:

  • Found another Belle calendar bug (Nokia, when is B...

    I know, Nokia does not react here but writing to Dutch Nokia Care is no use: either no answer or a standard answer like "Your C6-01 is a high quality business phone with advanced features ... blah blah blah".
    But okay, found another bug in the Belle calendar. In the calendar widget to be precise: I have a easy week, no appointments. Next appointment is Monday 12 March at 09:15. Much to my surprise I did see the next thing in my calendar widget this morning Monday 5 March: at the top "monday" and below that 09:15 Doctor. I see that today, on Monday the 5th while that appointment is set for Monday the 12th. But that bugged calendar widget is not showing a date, just "monday".
    So besides the stupid 1 line mention bug, it also shows info that is confusing to say the least.
    So please Nokia, fix the calendar!!
    (and no, I do not want that ComingNext app )

    Export the region as an audio file first. Right-click the track select Export as audio file.
    Then import the track into the new project.
    Alternately, do a Save As of the project as a different file name.
    Re-open and rearrange the tracks as you please.
    Hope that helps.
    Message was edited by: Beatoven

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