Calendar precision

Is there a way to get something like a Calendar that may be more precise?
If I do this:
java.util.Calendar c1 = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
java.util.Calendar c2 = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
java.util.Calendar c3 = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
java.util.Calendar c4 = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
System.out.println(c4.getTimeInMillis());I'll get repeated lines. And c2 will equal c1 or c3.
I'd like to be able to put some objects in a HashMap using the time they go in as the key. I know I can only put one Object in at a time (and I'm not even threading anything), so I had assumed that would be a unique enough key. I was using Gregorian Calendars as keys. In testing, though, things went fast enough that I got Equal calendars - which meant equal keys, which meant some objects didn't stay in the Map. That's bad.
I'm working around this now by sleeping for a millisecond after adding an object. But that feels really, really stupid.
Any suggestions are very much appreciated.

The goal is to be able to get Objects from the
collection based on when they went in. If you can
access objects by date, you can get a bunch of the
objects from a range, or a state at any given time.Why would that have anything to do with creating a
unique key for a hashmap?The TemporalCollection class i was writing uses a HashMap. That's why. HashMap keys have to be unique in order to not overwrite older objects.
Generally you use a key in a hashmap so you can put
other items in and get items out.Right. Use the key to find objects.
Unless you keep track of this value you will never be
able to do that.Right. The Map keeps track of its keys.
And what happens if someone does put two items in at
the same time? Although technically that can't happen
from a computing standpoint it most definitely can
happen from a business standpoint. For example if
someone is moving out of one place they might very
well be moving into another place at the very "same"
time. Or when transfering money from one account to
another.If you're moving, there is no reason to track into and out of each address. You just track intos and assume that the person lives there until they move into some other place. One date per move instead of two dates per house that would have to be synchronized (like for correcting an input error).
When transfering money between accounts, you have two accounts. They each have their own TemporalCollection list/map.
And I doubt any business user (that deals with people
"moving") cares about millisecond precision. They
probably don't even care about second precision. And
it is even possible all they want is day precision.My goal is to write a class that handles as many situations as possible. The business use I was writing for would need minutes of precision at best. But in writing a test for the class, objects were flying faster than milliseconds were incremented. It would suck to tell a client that their computer is too fast for your program. Hence my original question. It's not a matter of wanting to know the millisecond that something happened, it's wanting to know what happened first.
There's obviously more than one way to accomplish this. DrClap suggested using a list and a containing object instead of a map. That solution sould have no problems with duplicate times (as long as the business use doesn't).
A map is just one way to do it. It's the way I started with based on what I was reading. It may not be perfect. Any attempt to order things by time needs a way of marking time thats as precise as the differences in time might be. If the computer can just do milliseconds, and it's possible that things could happen faster than that, you need some workaround. That's what happened. That's why I wrote. That's what I got help with.
If you're still curious about what I'm trying to do (or why in hell I'm trying) check out the martinfowler link a few posts above. It gives a summary of the problem and some code that I started with.
I know a lot of people post with really stupid questions about things they haven't thought out very well. I don't think this is one of them :) but I appreciate the challenges to my assumptions.

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    Hi Guys,
    I have a query (view) to calculate orders' fulfillment leadtimes.
    The current criteria exclude week-ends but not bank holidays therefore I have created a calendar table with a column name
    isBusinessDay but I don't know how to best use this table to calculate the On-Time metric. I have been looking everywhere but so far I have been unable to solve my problem.
    Please find below the current calculation for the On-Time Column:
    , ClntGroup
    , CORD_DocumentCode
    , DESP_DocumentCode
    , Cord_Lines --#lines ordered
    , CORD_Qty --total units orderd
    , DESP_Lines --#lines dispatched
    , DESP_Qty --total units dispatched
    , Status
    , d_status
    , OpenDate --order open date
    , DateDue
    , DESP_PostedDate --order dispatched date
    , DocType
    , [Lead times1]
    , [Lead times2]
    , InFxO
    , OnTime
    , InFxO + OnTime AS InFullAndOneTime
    , SLADue
    FROM (
    DATEPART(WEEK, d.DateOpn) AS Week#
    , Clients.CustCateg
    , Clients.ClntGroup
    , d.DocumentCode AS CORD_DocumentCode
    , CDSPDocs.DocumentCode AS DESP_DocumentCode
    , COUNT(CORDLines.Qnty) AS Cord_Lines
    , SUM(CORDLines.Qnty) AS CORD_Qty
    , COUNT(CDSPLines.Qnty) AS DESP_Lines
    , SUM(CDSPLines.Qnty) AS DESP_Qty
    , CDSPLines.Status
    , d.Status AS d_status
    , d.OpenDate
    , d.DateDue
    , CDSPDocs.PostDate AS DESP_PostedDate
    , d.DocType
    , DATEDIFF(DAY, d.OpenDate, d.DateDue) AS [Lead times1]
    , DATEDIFF(DAY, d.OpenDate, CDSPDocs.PostDate) AS [Lead times2]
    , CASE WHEN SUM(CORDLines.Qnty) = SUM(CDSPLines.Qnty) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS InFxO --in-full
    --On-Time by order according to Despatch SLAs
    , CASE
    WHEN Clients.ClntGroup IN ('Local Market', 'Web Sales', 'Mail Order')
    AND (DATEDIFF(DAY, d.OpenDate, CDSPDocs.PostDate) - (DATEDIFF(WEEK, d.OpenDate, CDSPDocs.PostDate) * 2 ) <= 2)
    THEN 1
    WHEN Clients.ClntGroup IN ('Export Market', 'Export Market - USA')
    AND (DATEDIFF(DAY, d.OpenDate, CDSPDocs.PostDate) - (DATEDIFF(WEEK, d.OpenDate, CDSPDocs.PostDate) * 2) <= 14)
    THEN 1
    WHEN Clients.ClntGroup = 'Export Market' OR Clients.CustCateg = 'UK Transfer'
    AND d.DateDue >= CDSPDocs.PostDate
    THEN 1
    ELSE 0
    END AS OnTime
    --SLA Due (as a control)
    , CASE
    WHEN Clients.ClntGroup IN ('Local Market', 'Web Sales','Mail Order') AND CDSPDocs.PostDate is Null
    THEN DATEADD(DAY, 2 , d.OpenDate)
    WHEN Clients.ClntGroup IN ('Export Market', 'Export Market - UK', 'Export Market - USA') OR (Clients.CustCateg = 'UK Transfer')
    AND CDSPDocs.PostDate IS NULL
    THEN DATEADD (DAY, 14 , d.OpenDate)
    ELSE CDSPDocs.PostDate
    FROM dbo.Documents AS d
    INNER JOIN dbo.Clients
    ON d.ObjectID = dbo.Clients.ClntID
    AND Clients.ClientName NOT in ('Samples - Free / Give-aways')
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DocumentsLines AS CORDLines
    ON d.DocID = CORDLines.DocID
    AND CORDLines.TrnType = 'L'
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DocumentsLines AS CDSPLines
    ON CORDLines.TranID = CDSPLines.SourceID
    AND CDSPLines.TrnType = 'L'
    AND (CDSPLines.Status = 'Posted' OR CDSPLines.Status = 'Closed')
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Documents AS CDSPDocs
    ON CDSPLines.DocID = CDSPDocs.DocID
    ON dimdate.[Date] = d.OpenDate
    d.DocType IN ('CASW', 'CORD', 'MORD')
    AND CORDLines.LneType NOT IN ('Fght', 'MANF', 'Stor','PACK', 'EXPS')
    AND d.DateDue <= CONVERT(date, GETDATE(), 101)
    ) AS derived_table
    Please find below the DimDate table
    FullDateNZ HolidayNZ IsHolidayNZ IsBusinessDay
    24/12/2014 NULL 0 1
    25/12/2014 Christmas Day 1 0
    26/12/2014 Boxing Day 1 0
    27/12/2014 NULL 0 0
    28/12/2014 NULL 0 0
    29/12/2014 NULL 0 1
    30/12/2014 NULL 0 1
    31/12/2014 NULL 0 1
    1/01/2015 New Year's Day 1 0
    2/01/2015 Day after New Year's 1 0
    3/01/2015 NULL 0 0
    4/01/2015 NULL 0 0
    5/01/2015 NULL 0 1
    6/01/2015 NULL 0 1
    This is what I get from the query:
    Week# ClntGroup CORD_DocumentCode OpenDate DESP_PostedDate OnTime
    52 Web Sales 123456 24/12/2014 29/12/2014 0
    52 Web Sales 123457 24/12/2014 30/12/2014 0
    52 Web Sales 123458 24/12/2014 29/12/2014 0
    52 Local Market 123459 24/12/2014 29/12/2014 0
    1 Web Sale 123460 31/12/2014 5/01/2015 0
    1 Local Market 123461 31/12/2014 6/01/2015 0
    As the difference between the dispatched and open date is 2 business days or less, the result I expect is this:
    Week# ClntGroup CORD_DocumentCode OpenDate DESP_PostedDate OnTime
    52 Web Sales 123456 24/12/2014 29/12/2014 1
    52 Web Sales 123457 24/12/2014 30/12/2014 1
    52 Web Sales 123458 24/12/2014 29/12/2014 1
    52 Local Market 123459 24/12/2014 29/12/2014 1
    1 Web Sale 123460 31/12/2014 5/01/2015 1
    1 Local Market 123461 31/12/2014 6/01/2015 1
    I am using SQL Server 2012

    >> The current criteria exclude week-ends but not bank holidays therefore I have created a calendar table with a column name “isBusinessDay” but I don't know how to best use this table to calculate the On-Time metric. <<
    The Julian business day is a good trick. Number the days from whenever your calendar starts and repeat a number for a weekend or company holiday.
    CREATE TABLE Calendar
    (cal__date date NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 
     julian_business_nbr INTEGER NOT NULL, 
    INSERT INTO Calendar 
    VALUES ('2007-04-05', 42), 
     ('2007-04-06', 43), -- good Friday 
     ('2007-04-07', 43), 
     ('2007-04-08', 43), -- Easter Sunday 
     ('2007-04-09', 44), 
     ('2007-04-10', 45); --Tuesday
    To compute the business days from Thursday of this week to next
    SELECT (C2.julian_business_nbr - C1.julian_business_nbr)
     FROM Calendar AS C1, Calendar AS C2
     WHERE C1.cal__date = '2007-04-05',
     AND C2.cal__date = '2007-04-10'; 
    We do not use flags in SQL; that was assembly language. I see from your code that you are still in a 1960's mindset. You used camelCase for a column name! It makes the eyes jump and screws up maintaining code; read the literature. 
    The “#” is illegal in ANSI/ISO Standard SQL and most other ISO Standards. You are writing 1970's Sybase dialect SQL! The rest of the code is a mess. 
    The one column per line, flush left and leading comma layout tells me you used punch cards when you were learning programming; me too! We did wrote that crap because a card had only 80 columns and uppercase only IBM 027 character sets. STOP IT, it make you
    look stupid in 2015. 
    You should follow ISO-11179 rules for naming data elements. You failed. You believe that “status” is a precise, context independent data element name! NO! 
    You should follow ISO-8601 rules for displaying temporal data. But you used a horrible local dialect. WHY?? The “yyyy-mm-dd” is the only format in ANSI/ISO Standard SQL. And it is one of the most common standards embedded in ISO standards. Then you used crap
    like “6/01/2015” which is varying length and ambiguous that might be “2015-06-01” or “2015-01-06” as well as not using dashes. 
    We need to know the data types, keys and constraints on the table. Avoid dialect in favor of ANSI/ISO Standard SQL. 
    And you need to read and download the PDF for:
    >> Please find below the current calculation for the On-Time Column: <<
    “No matter how far you have gone down the wrong road, turn around”
     -- Turkish proverb
    Can you throw out this mess and start over? If you do not, then be ready to have performance got to hell? You will have no maintainable code that has to be kludged like you are doing now? In a good schema an OUTER JOIN is rare, but you have more of them in
    ONE statement than I have seen in entire major corporation databases.
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

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    Searching this forum, I have noticed quite a few others with the same problem. Has this been fixed/rectified?
    Nokia PC Suite
    Outlook 2003 (all the latest updates)
    Win XP (all the latest updates)Message Edited by iogrady2 on 15-Jan-2007
    09:56 PM

    I am just wondering if anything has changed in the year or so since the last posting?
    I have recently bought an E61i and I am seeing similar behaviour when I try synchronising with Outlook 2003. I have the latest PC suite installed.
    To be more precise:
    I can create a notes entry in the calendar item on my PC. It WILL sync to the E61i. But if I edit that field on the E61, it WILL NOT sync back to the PC.
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    Also, who's ridiculous idea was it to migrate the to-dos from iCal to Mail? Why would anybody want to go to their Mail app when scheduling tasks? I can't refer to my Calendar in Mail, and AppleMail on my iPhone and iPad don't to have support for it either. I switched years ago from Entourage to iCal for my scheduling precisely to avoid this sort of silly disconnect.
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    Seems very un-Apple-like to not have this functionality after waiting for it for 2+ years now. This appears to be decidedly Microsoft-like to me: Un-user-friendly, to say the least. What's up?

    It hasn't been migrated or switched to Mail. It has been incorporated with Mail which you don't have to create there if you don't want to. You can create a To Do in Mail - receive an email that provides or reminds you of a To Do to create, which will be available in iCal automatically, or create a To Do in iCal only if you prefer switching applications in order to do so. A To Do created in Mail can be stored locally on your computer's hard drive, or stored on the server with a MobileMe account.
    Support for syncing To Do's hasn't been provided yet, which may have something to do with including Tasks with Outlook and being able to sync between the two for this data as is available for contacts and calendar events for those who sync this data on their Mac and with a Windows PC. Maybe this will be included with firmware 4.0 to be announced this Thursday.
    Are there any plans to support to-do item sync from iCal on my Mac and any of Apple's mobile products in any useable fashion?
    Since this is a user to user help forum only, doubtful if any fellow users know what Apple's plans are. If they did, they wouldn't be allowed to say until Apple makes an announcement, or until a firmware update is released that includes the option.
    If syncing to-do data with iPhones, iPads, etc is not going to be supported then why even have it in iCal in the first place?
    Because To Do's have been available with iCal long before the iPhone and iPad were released?

  • Calendar app in 10.3 dev preview

    Surprised to see what seem like an obvious UX issue with the calendar app in the 10.3 dev preview:
    The month view is moved forward/backward in time by swiping down and up, where the day and week view are moved forward/backward in time by swiping left/right.  While I suppose I could get used to it, I don't see why it was necessary or desirable to break the user's sense of past/future navigation depending on what chunk of time they are striding forward/backward.  Why not just keep the way that it works in 10.2?

    Oh, and also a minor observation/suggestion:
    In month view, the agenda panel below the calendar can be expanded by tapping a tiny little icon button.  Swipe gestures are genius on small screen mobile devices because they require less precision vs. tapping on some very specific spot.  Why not expand or contract the agenga view panel with a swipe up/swipe down?  The tiny little tap target can stay, as a visual cue for folks who prefer to tap a button, but high-utility swiping is all over the rest of the calendar app, and agenda view expansion is just one more logical place to put it.

  • Printing daily tasks in the calendar view

    How can I print the To Do's /Tasks in the side bar as part of my daily/day view in iCal.
    I want to print out the day. And generally that includes my to do's for the day, even if there is not date attached (pick up eggs, etc ).
    Yes, some how, miraculously, it's missing.
    I've gone to the print setting and ticked off ' print to do's' in the calendar, but they don't
    I would like something that would, uh, print what i see, i.e., my day and the to do's along side of it. How is it that this seemingly simple feature is so overlooked? Or am i missing something basic. Could be!

    I felt the same as you...looked around for ages to see I was missing something, then I came here and found solace in the disappointment others regarding precisely the same issues.
    One way around it is to print in LIST view.  You will get the Events in the Calendar listed in chronological order but you won't see the entire day laid out from start to finish (a bit of a pain).  The TO DO's will be listed but, whaddaya know, they no longer are grouped by calendar.  At least the Events aren't duplicated.
    Seems Apple has dropped the ball AGAIN on the simplest of tasks.
    BusyCal is the only app that I've found that is decent in dealing with these issues, but I refuse to pay $49.99 for basically one or two simple tasks that iCal should perform.

  • Team Calendar in Read-Only Mode in Leave Request Approver Screen

      After lots of interaction and inputs in my previous thread,
      Customization Done for 2 level approval of leave in ESS but Facing Problems
           Our Team had decided to make the Team Calendar in Leave Request Approval Screen in Read-Only Mode (more precisely modus=TeamView)
           My question is, is it possible to achieve the same, because instead of adding custom validations using Custom RFC, If it is possible to make the Team Calendar as Read-Only than it will help us to achieve our goals. Please do let us know that is it possible? and, if Yes, How to achieve it?
          On leave request approval screen, we want Approver to take any action via "Show Worklist" and No User Action allowed on Team Calendar (Disabled but not InVisible).
    Tushar Shinde.

    This is the note 1484853 but as i said you cant see it unless you raise a Message for SAP , We have to add yout company to the note.
    these are the steps
    In LeaveRequestApprover application, a higher level manager can
    approve/reject a leave though he/she is not the owner of the approval
    workitem (TS12300097). It happens when a higher level manager clicks on
    the leave in the TeamCalendar launched from the LeaveRequestApprover
    Other terms
    LeaveRequestApprover, TS12300097, prepare_select, WorkList,
    Reason and Prerequisites
    Reason:- This is caused because the approve/reject button were not
    restricted based on the logged in user.
    Prerequisites:- IT105 entries for the backend PERNRs should be correctly
    You can check here
    the note is meant for few customers only

  • How I migrated my caldav data (Contacts and Calendars) to Mavericks + Server

    I write this post to share with you the steps I had to take for correctly migrating my caldav database (containing data for Addressbook and Calendar Server) from a Lion Server to Mavericks with Server version 3.
    The problem occured like this : after downloading and installing mavericks (from the Apple Store), and downloading/installing the Server Utility (version 3), everything migrated just fine, except I had an error message during the first launch of the Server utility, but since it eventually launched, and the services were running, I didn't notice anything at first.
    But I rapidly saw a big problem : my caldav data was missing. If a client connected to their calendar application, they would get (after syncing with the server) a new empty calendar named "calendar" (this is typical of a fresh empty caldav database). Same for addressbook clients (empty contacts).
    So I searched and read several post that helped me greatly :
    BUT, what is different in mavericks, is this :
    The postgres cluster that hosts the caldav data seems to have move (again!), and this is by exploring several config files that I figured which was the right socket to use to connect to the good postgres cluster.
    The clues were in the file : /Applications/ list
    Where I found the precious parameter (under the Postgres section) :
    What I also figured is that the user account to use for connecting to this postgres cluster is caldav, and not _postgres.
    So here are basically the steps I had to take  to reinstall my old database.
    Step #0 :
    First, you need to locate the dump of the old postgres database, I found that the migration process seemed to make a dump inside :
    This method ONLY WORKS if you have the following file :
    If you have that file, you can extract it with the command :
      gunzip /Library/Server/Migrated/Library/Server/PostgreSQL/Backup/dumpall.psql.gz
    For the rest of the steps I assume this file is named  /path/to/your/dump.psql
    I think (but I'm not sure of it) that THIS precise dump is different than what you would get inside a manual dump, meaning that in this dump you have all the  databases of the cluster. Again I'm not sure, but that's what I think since there are CREATE DATABASE instructions inside it).
    If you don't have that file, perhaps you made a dump by hand.
    If that's the case, I think that before Step #3 you will have to create an empty caldav database, BUT, I'm not sure the command "calendarserver_bootstrap_database -v" mentionned here will create the caldav in the right cluster (read above). Perhaps we could figured out together if that's your case.
    Step #1 : stop the services
    sudo serveradmin stop addressbook
    sudo serveradmin stop calendar
    Step #2 : drop the caldav database
    sudo dropdb -h /var/run/caldavd/PostgresSocket -U caldav caldav
    If you get this error message :
    dropdb: database removal failed: ERROR:  database "caldav" is being accessed by other users
    DETAIL:  There is 1 other session using the database.
    then go to Step #2a, otherwise, go straight to Step #3
    Step #2a : only if Step 2 didn't work, see above ! (taken from here)
    # Connect to the postgres database
    psql -h /var/run/caldavd/PostgresSocket -U caldav
    # Terminate the current sessions
    postgres=> select pg_terminate_backend(procpid) from pg_stat_activity where datname='caldav';
    # Exit postgres
                   postgres=> \q
    Step #3 : if your database dump is not from /Library/Server/Migrated/Library/Server/PostgreSQL/Backup/dumpall.psql.gz, then PERHAPS you will have to create manually an empty caldav database (see Step #0)
    Step #4 : create the new database from the dump
    sudo psql -h /var/run/caldavd/PostgresSocket -U caldav -f </path/to/your/dump.psql> caldav
    A lot of things should be displayed, and I eventually got an error at the end :
    psql:DataDump.sql:49844: \connect: FATAL:  database "collab" does not exist
    But in my case that didn't affect my migration.
    Step #5 : restart services
    sudo serveradmin start calendar
    sudo serveradmin start addressbook
    I hope that helps you.

    iCloud adds a new (additional) Address book to Outlook, it contains the iCloud contacts, if the iCloud contacts and the Outlook contacts are the same there will be duplicates:
    Look in one Contact Folder only
    Delete the Outlook Contacts (you can't delete the whole folder, only the contents
    These are your choices.

  • How to change colors in calendars in ios7

    I find I can change colors on the Exchange account (gmail) but not the regular gmail account. I do not use iCloud for cals.
    In exchange there is an info button (i with a circle around it), this is where colors can be chosen at will.
    In gmail there is no way to make this choice.
    A problem, since I have several daylong events in a dark color that are obscuring, viz masking, hour long appointments due to the color schemes that cannot apparently be changed.
    is this true?
    PS: I've read that exchange has been deprecated as an account type and that "Gmail" is the preferred option for google calendars, etc. Is that true? Will Gmail accounts push notifications the way Exchange did?

    Precisely the point.
    Exchange (run through native Apple Cal.) gives these options.
    Gmail (ditto) doesn't.
    My understanding is that now the preference is to use Gmail over Exchange, which is no longer supported by google.
    I've experienced problems syncing with Exchange but not with Gmail (some calendars do others don't sync in E.)—maybe for this reason, I don't know. I currently combine where needed and possible so that I have the color option, which to me is worth the slight inconvenience of running two different Gmail calendars at the same time.
    It sounds like you don't use either just iCloud for syncing calendars, so I may open another thread to ask about this situation. thanks.

  • How to customize the values displayed in the calendar?

    Can anyone tell me where can I find the source code of the calendar?
    While creating the calendar, in the wizard we give the table names and column names. But I want to modify the query according to my requirement.
    So I just want to know where can I find the source code so that I can modify it.
    Thanks in advance :-)

    Thanks for your reply.
    Actually, I have a scenario.
    I have a table exactly similar to EMP table.
    I am creating a calendar where every employee can enter their schedules. I am using the Skillbuilders Schedule plug in to achieve this.
    But there is a constraint who can see whose schedules.
    For example, in EMP table, if you look at the tree structure:
    | |
    | |
    | -------MILLER
    | |
    | --------FORD
    | | |
    | | ---------SMITH
    | |
    | --------SCOTT
    | | |
    | | ---------ADAMS
    Now, my requirement is JONES can see the schedules of KING, BLAKE, CLARK, FORD, SCOTT and no one else. Not even SMITH and ADAMS.
    ALLEN can schedules of BLAKE, JAMES, MARTIN, TURNER, WARD and no one else.
    To be precise, one level up, same level and one level down.
    Can you please let me know the query that can satisfy this condition and where to use that query.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Webcenter Spaces integration with Lotus Calendar, Sametime, Quickr

    Hello all,
    I'm working on a project which involves building an intranet Portal and the customer has Lotus 8.5 which wants to integrate in the Webcenter Spaces 11g "portal". More precisely they want to have in their portal the lotus calendar portlet, lotus mail portlet,lotus notes portlet, lotus sametime portlet ..etc. I found an old documentation and sample of this kind of portlets developed by Oracle but they don't work because of some errors when they try to retrieve the Lotus configuration. The documentation is this one :
    I tried to find the authors of this documentation, or perhaps who developed the portlets and ask them if they can adapt the portlets for an integration between Webcenter Suite and Lotus Notes 8.5. If somebody knows about this topic or can help me with fixing the problem I have with the portlets please let me know - my e-mail is [email protected]
    Thank you very much, your help is very much appreciated !

    First of all let me thank you Brad, for taking the time to answer, it's very nice of you. After I read you post I spent a couple of hours searching for the installer of the recommended "WebLogic Portlets for Groupware Integration". After searching everywhere I could possible search : OTN, E-Delivery, Metalink, I could not find the installer of this portlets. In the Installation Guide it says : " 2. Download the software from the Oracle Software Downloads site. " - there is nothing related to Portlets for Groupware on OTN.
    Now, I'm ashame but I have to give up, I guess perhaps this portlets for groupware integration are bundeled into some kit with a different name, I don't know, believe me I tried to find them, I searched the documentation but with no luck.
    I would be very thankful if you can point me to the installer of this portlets. Thank you very much again !

  • IPad Calendar Scroll

    I'm hoping someone will be able to help me with this strange issue with the Calendar App on my iPad:
    Basically, it no longer scrolls forward reliably in Week view:
    • A right to left swipe forward through time is ignored – unless it happens in the 'header' section of the week, where the dates and all day events are. Swipes in the 'middle' of the page don't register.
    • Swipes backward through time - left to right - do work, anywhere on the page.
    • It seems to be intermittent; mostly it's a problem in landscape orientation. Portrait usually works reliably backwards and forwards, and up and down (the left-right axis in landscape mode, of course)
    • Other apps are not affected - the BBC News app, for example, which allows R>L scrolling through stories, or Photos, which also allows R>L scrolling through pictures.
    I've tried resetting my iPad - though I restored again from my last backup (possibly stupid of me…). I also deleted a Calendar event I entered last night, before the problem emerged - I wondered if this was corrupt in some way.
    Anyone come across this issue? Could it be related to Daylight Saving (which is still a couple of weeks off)? Any clues would be appreciated!
    iPad 3, iOS 7.1.

    hello Same annoying bug. The scrolling from right to left on landscape mode. to make it work you have to go right once an then left from anywhere on the page. Another solution that works fine for me is to scroll with the finger precisely from top the "Day" line (Monday, tuesday...) after a while I got used to it.
    But for me the major problem with iPad calendar -which I hope is a bug- is not to be able to open a specific day from the month view by a single tap on the date of the day. Has anyone this problem too ? To go to the day, you have to tap on week and it opens on a random week which obliges you to scroll again to the day you want. Am I clear ? PLEASE APPLE FIX THAT ISSUE. it used to work great on iOS 6 !!!!!!

  • Search for calendars with exact match

    I am work on customisation of uwc. I have problem with calendar search. I am getting the result of substring matches. I want to have exact matches. I suppose that it is some kind of configuration of Sun Calendar Server. Could you give me please some advices?
    Thank you

    jslezak wrote:
    I am work on customisation of uwc. I have problem with calendar search. I am getting the result of substring matches. I want to have exact matches. I suppose that it is some kind of configuration of Sun Calendar Server. Could you give me please some advices?Which screen are you talking about precisely? Is this the calendar subscription search screen or the attendee search screen?
    A number of the searches are controlled by the calendar ics.conf file. So try matching the directory access entry which relates to your search to the appropriate string in ics.conf and that should provide a guide as to what needs to be changed.

Maybe you are looking for

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