Call popup, make selection, re-execute query problem

Hi all,
I searched and searched, but can't quite figure out how to do this. The javascript/AJAX examples just get me completely lost.
I have a search page. On the search page I want to allow the users to save and subsequently retrieve a search. I have the part to save search working fine. But, I am having a devil of a time getting the retrieve search functionality to work.
The popup works fine, and displays the saved searched for that user, and I can get the sequence number of the search returned back to the calling page. But, now that the calling page has the sequence number, I need to submit the page (or whatever is needed for a PPR region), so that it checks to see if the sequence number field is null or not. If it's not null, then query the saved search table to extract the query condition, plug that in to the where clause, and re-execute the query to repopulate the region.
I have a quasi-working example of what I'm trying to do at on the site at (if needed, the application is called "test problem", page 3). Due to how my search functionality is setup, using Oracle text, I can't get a 'real' search to perform, so I'm 'faking it' with just a "select *..." on the site.
Workspace: wbfergus
username: htmldb
password: htmldb
Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Bill Ferguson

Well, I've finally got it to return the SEQ from the popup onto the calling page and then have the calling page submit.
However, I now have some other kind of problem that's really vexing me. I've turned on debug so I can see how the page is getting rendered, at up near the top it explicity states:
0.01: ...Session State: Saved Item "P3_SEQ" New Value="121"
However, I have a region that is based on a PL/SQL function returning a query:
v_stmnt varchar2(4000) := null;
v_where varchar2(4000) := null;
v_area  varchar2(4000) := null;
--if apex_application.get_current_flow_sgid(:P3_SEQ) IS NULL THEN
   v_where := :P3_WHERE_CLAUSE;
   v_area  := :P3_AREA_SEARCH;
   htp.p('P3_SEQ is NULL');
   SELECT where_clause, search_area
   INTO   v_where, v_area
   FROM   playlist
   WHERE  seq = v(':P3_SEQ');
   htp.p('P3_SEQ = '||:P3_SEQ);
end if;
--v_where := 'XYZ';
v_stmnt := 'SELECT   dep_id, dev_st, oper_tp, sig, NAME, ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'commod, commod_group, ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'MIN (usgs_num) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER  BY mt_rec ASC) usgs_num, ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'MIN (model_name) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER  BY mt_rec ASC) model_name, ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'MIN (country) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER  BY l_line ASC) country, ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'MIN (state_prov) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER  BY l_line ASC) state_prov, ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'MIN (county) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER  BY l_line ASC) county, ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'MIN (lat_dec) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER  BY g_line ASC) lat_dec, ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'MIN (lon_dec) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER  BY g_line ASC) lon_dec, ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'mas_id, mrds_id ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'FROM     NEW_MASTER_QUERY1 ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'WHERE    dep_id IN ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'    (SELECT dep_id ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'     FROM search_table where '||v_where||' ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||v_area||') ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'GROUP BY dep_id, dev_st, oper_tp, sig, NAME, ';
v_stmnt := v_stmnt||'commod, commod_group, mas_id, mrds_id';
return v_stmnt;
END;It always acts as if :P3_SEQ is null, and is confirmed by the htp.p output. But the page explicity knows that :P3_SEQ is not null.?.?
This is just on my local copy of the app, I'll see if I can put together something on that does the same thing. My default query on my app uses Oracle Text, so simulating it requires a bit of extra work.
Bill Ferguson

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    I am assuming you are using FORMS6i Client/Server (big assumption these days I know but here goes...!!)
    From your reply I think you misunderstood my suggestion!
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    In Forms 6i (10gR2 is different)
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    Thank you Rahamath and thank you Joachim
    -Create non database item (Item_A). (As you told me Rahamath)
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    :global.g_var := null;
    end if ;
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    Simply create a enter-query trigger on the non-database-block:
    go_block ( 'database_block' );
    end;If your search criteria is in the non-database-item in the first block,
    you actually do not need the enter_query build-in.
    Just create a execute-query trigger on the first block like:
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    go_item ( :System.trigger_item );
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    Need tyo make sure the problem is with the query/workbook are general issue with all workbooks/query.
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                 A                                                       10            60
                 B                                                       20            60
                 C                                                       30            60
                 D                                                       0              60
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    mobile_no : 989.....
    call_date_from : 25-april-2013
    call_date_to : 26-april-2013
    Please help

    It sounds like you want a Top-N Query , something like this:
    WITH    got_nums   AS
         SELECT     table_x.*     -- or list columns wanted
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY  call_date      ) AS a_num
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY  call_date  DESC) AS d_num
         FROM     table_x
         WHERE     mobile_no     = 989
         AND     call_date     >= DATE '2013-04-25'
         AND     call_date     <  DATE '2013-04-26' + 1
    SELECT  *     -- or list all columns except a_num and d_num
    FROM     got_nums
    WHERE     1     IN (a_num, d_num)
    ;This forum is devoted to the SQL*Plus and iSQL*Plus front ends. This question doesn't have anything to do with any front end, does it? In the future, you'll get better response if you post questions like this in the PL/SQL.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only), and also post the results you want from that data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using (e.g.,
    See the SQL forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}

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    In the reading of the data, mistakes appeared.  Navigation the value is contains possible "New Delhi" of feature 0CITY40 at that
    10. ten place a mistake Notification Number BRAIN 290
    This is very urgent  can you please help me .
    Thanks & regards
    Subba Reddy.

    Double click this error message it will give you more details. Post that.

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    example: select empno,p1_job,sal from emp;
    in this job_lov is having the following query.
    select job from emp;
    this lov is attached one text item p1_job.
    p1_job should be called as drop down in side the query. How can i call select list.
    please help

    I forgot to mention that there is no relation between lov and emp table.
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    select emp,p1_job,empno from emp.
    but there is no relation between p1_job and emp table.
    it is completeley indepent select list.
    lov query is select job from jobs;
    Edited by: 893185 on Apr 2, 2012 11:25 AM

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    For huge amount of data (Accountings)
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    htree ITEM;
    node_value VARCHAR2(100);
    -- Find the tree itself.
    htree := FIND_ITEM ('BL_TREE.IT_TREE');
    node_value := FTREE.GET_TREE_NODE_PROPERTY( htree, :SYSTEM.TRIGGER_NODE ,  ftree.node_value  );
       set_block_property('GL_ACCOUNTS', DEFAULT_WHERE , 'ACCOUNT_ID ='|| node_value  );
    END IF;
    END;The above code is working fine 4 the detail block which is *'GL_ACCOUNTS'*
    when i substitute is Master block which is 'GL_ACCOUNTS_TYPES' it doesn't display all data
    Help is Appriciated pls.

    In WHEN-TREE-NODE-SELECTED i modified the following code :_
            htree ITEM;
           node_value VARCHAR2(100);
           parent_node FTREE.NODE;
      -- Find the tree itself.
      htree := FIND_ITEM ('BL_TREE.IT_TREE');
      -- Get the parent of the node clicked on. 
                  parent_node := FTREE.GET_TREE_NODE_PARENT ( htree, :SYSTEM.TRIGGER_NODE );
                set_block_property('GL_TYPES', DEFAULT_WHERE , 'TYPE_ID ='|| parent_node  );
      -- Get the detail of the parent node
          node_value := FTREE.GET_TREE_NODE_PROPERTY( htree, :SYSTEM.TRIGGER_NODE ,  ftree.node_value  );
               set_block_property('GL_ACCOUNTS', DEFAULT_WHERE , 'ACCOUNT_ID ='|| node_value  );     
          END IF;
    FRM-40350 : Query caused no records to be retrieved but i have records in the data base ...!
    Well, Do u think that's because in ur package i retrieve only the detail block ?

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