Calling Specific Layers in Actions

Hi All,
Any help you have on this would be really appreciated.  I have a variety of Illustrator templates set up to use for different projects and they never vary.  There's a huge amount of volume associated with these projects, so many processes need to be done via actions.  My question is:
Is there a way to call layers using actions in Illustrator, much like the "Select Object" script in the Actions panel (which can be scripted itself)?
For example, let's say I have a template and it has two layers, always (because it's an Illustrator template, it doesn't vary).  One layer is labeled "Print" and one layer is labeled "Press Notes" (and is set as a "template" in the layer attributes).  I want to have an action that strips out the "Press Notes" layer every time.
It's easy enough to do this with individual objects (Attributes>Notes, then write a script that calls the variable(s) in the note) but I can't figure out how to script layers.
I'm running Leopard, but I need something that's cross-compatible, so I can't rely on Applescript and don't know enough Javascript to solve it that way.
Thanks again~

Actions will not move to Layers, as you've discovered. but you can accomplish what you want through a series of "Lock Others" and "Unlock All Layers" and "Flatten Artwork" commands, which are recordable. They are accessed from the Layers panel fly-out menu.
Illustrator always selects the top layer when a file is opened, so the sequence depends on how your template is constructed. For example, to remove the bottom layer, the sequence would be:
Layer: Lock Others
Select All
Layer: Unlock All Layers
Select All
Unlock All
Layer: Flatten Artwork
Hope this helps...
Mike D

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    Hi Nisha,
    Not sure if I have understood correctly, but if you just wanted to calculate leaving date and write the same date in IT0041 then you don't need a function module:
    1. Create a small program, as follows:
    REPORT  ZHR_PY_R0008                           .
    TABLES: P0000,
      RP50D-DATE1 = P0000-BEGDA - 1 .
    ENDFORM.                    " CHANGE_DATE
    This program will give you the last working day written to RP50D-DATE1
    2. Simply enter the following lines into table T588Z:
    0000 04 499*- LEAVING ACTION - Populate Infotypes with leave date -*
    0000 04 500 P T001P-MOLGA='08'
    0000 04 501 P PSPAR-TCLAS='A'
    0000 04 502 P PSPAR-MASSN='*'/X   (* equals your leaving action types)
    0000 04 503 P PSPAR-MASSN='*'/X   (* equals your leaving action types)
    0000 04 504 F CHANGE_DATE(ZHR_PY_R0008)
    0000 04 505 ******** INF.0041  ********
    0000 04 506 I COP,0041,,,(P0000-BEGDA),(P0000-ENDDA)/D
    0000 04 507 W P0041-DAR07='*'   (* equals your date type)
    0000 04 508 W P0041-DAT07=RP50D-DATE1
    or if you are simply looking to delimit IT0041 with the leave date then replace lines 506-508 with:
    0000 04 506 I MOD,0041,,,(RP50D-DATE1),(RP50D-DATE1)/D
    0000 04 507W     P0041-ENDDA=RP50D-DATE1
    This will solve your problem : - )

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    Hi FRNzzz!! wrote:
    hi i am using oracle 10g database.
    can it be possible ?
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    if a=100 then
    end if; how it will be in case statement ? i have searched lot on internet but didnt get
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    thanksnot sure if I got your question correctly, is this what you are looking for?
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  declare
      2      a number := 100;
      3      b number;
      4      c number;
      5  begin
      6      case
      7        when a = 100 then
      8          b := 200;
      9          c := 300;
    10        when a = 0 then
    11          b := 300;
    12          c := 400;
    13        else
    14          b := 0;
    15          c := 0;
    16      end case;
    17  dbms_output.put_line('a :'||a||' b :'||b||' c :'||c);
    18* end;
    SQL> /
    a :100 b :200 c :300
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    Thanks in advance.

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        DATA zlc_controller TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_component_controller.
            ex_controller = zlc_controller.
        DATA zcl_me TYPE REF TO zl_srqm_inc_incidentovp_impl2.
            ex_me = zcl_me.
              lc_controller TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_component_controller,
              lc_view TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_controller.
       IF lr_confirm_popup IS NOT BOUND.
         MOVE text-t01 TO l_text.
         MOVE text-tit TO l_title.
        CALL METHOD zlc_controller->window_manager->create_popup_2_confirm
            iv_title          = 'TITLE'
            iv_text           = 'TEXT'
            iv_btncombination = if_bsp_wd_window_manager=>co_btncomb_yesno "OK Button
            rv_result         = lr_confirm_popup.
        lr_confirm_popup->set_display_mode( if_bsp_wd_popup=>c_display_mode_surrounded ).
        lr_confirm_popup->set_on_close_event( iv_event_name = 'eh_closepopup_at_save'
                                              iv_view = zcl_me ).
        lr_confirm_popup->open( ).

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    Hi All,
    Could some one tell me how to call the smart form in action.
    Eg. PB40 - Offer Contract Action.
    Appreciate your respnse.

    Hi ,
    attached you find  some  abap code to call a smartform with some comments in it. Hope that helps:
    DATA: l_fn_name               TYPE rs38l_fnam
          , l_devtype               TYPE rspoptype
          , ls_output_options       TYPE ssfcompop
          , ls_control_parameters   TYPE ssfctrlop
          , ls_job_output_info      TYPE ssfcrescl
          , l_pdf_fsize             TYPE i                      "#EC NEEDED
          , lt_otf_tab              TYPE tsfotf
          , lt_pdf_lines            TYPE TABLE OF tline
    To do
       The mapping from the UI structure to the Smortform structure has to be
       implemented here or in a pirvate method.....
    Call function module u201CSSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAMEu201D to get the name of the smartform.
          formname           = zh38tm_cl_zz_2gen_bl_constants=>c_smartforms_hipo
          fm_name            = l_fn_name
          no_form            = 1
          no_function_module = 2
          OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       Call function module u201CSSF_GET_DEVICE_TYPEu201D to get the print parameter
            i_language             = sy-langu
            e_devtype              = l_devtype
            no_language            = 1
            language_not_installed = 2
            no_devtype_found       = 3
            system_error           = 4
            OTHERS                 = 5.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
        Fill label structure to smartform
         ls_labels = zh38pm_cl_zz_bl_perf_plan=>set_sf_label( ).
         Set output parameters u201CLANGUAGEu201D, u201CNO_DIALOGu201D and u201CGETOTFu201D
          ls_output_options-tdprinter     = l_devtype.
          ls_control_parameters-no_dialog = abap_true.
          ls_control_parameters-getotf    = abap_true.
          ls_control_parameters-langu     = sy-langu.
         Call smartform with the structures u201CIMP_S_PERF_PLANu201D, u201CCHG_S_PRINT_PLAN
          CALL FUNCTION l_fn_name
              control_parameters      = ls_control_parameters
              output_options          = ls_output_options
              s_doc_processing        = gs_doc-s_doc_processing
              s_header_display        = gs_doc-s_header_display
              s_header_texts          = gs_doc-s_header_texts
              s_header_status         = gs_doc-s_header_status
              t_header_appraiser      = gs_doc-t_header_appraiser
              t_header_appraisee      = gs_doc-t_header_appraisee
              t_header_part_appraiser = gs_doc-t_header_part_appraisers
              t_header_other          = gs_doc-t_header_others
              s_header_dates          = gs_doc-s_header_dates
              t_header_add_data       = gs_doc-t_header_add_data
              t_body_columns          = gs_doc-t_body_columns
              t_body_element_descr    = gs_doc-t_body_element_descr
              t_body_elements         = gs_doc-t_body_elements
              t_body_cells            = gs_doc-t_body_cells
              t_body_cell_notes       = gs_doc-t_body_cell_notes
              t_body_cell_val_values  = gs_doc-t_body_cell_val_values
              t_body_cell_val_ranges  = gs_doc-t_body_cell_val_ranges
              t_body_cell_val_c_like  = gs_doc-t_body_cell_val_c_like
              t_body_cell_val_descr   = gs_doc-t_body_cell_val_descr
              job_output_info         = ls_job_output_info
              formattinl_error        = 1
              internal_error          = 2
              send_error              = 3
              user_canceled           = 4.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            APPEND LINES OF ls_job_output_info-otfdata TO lt_otf_tab.
            exp_t_otf = lt_otf_tab.
           Call function module u201CCONVERT_OTFu201D to convert the smartform data
          to exporting parameter u201CEXP_PDF_XSTRING
                format                = 'PDF'
                bin_filesize          = l_pdf_fsize
                bin_file              = exp_pdf_xstring
                otf                   = lt_otf_tab
                lines                 = lt_pdf_lines
                err_max_linewidth     = 1
                err_format            = 2
                err_conv_not_possible = 3
                OTHERS                = 4.
            IF sy-subrc ne 0.
              CLEAR exp_pdf_xstring.
    First you have to determine the smartforms function modules name the wxecute it.

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    I am developing a web application which uses weblogic portlets and struts. This is what I have for now in the .portlet file.
    +<netuix:strutsContent action="getStudentList" module = "people/students"+
    refreshAction = "getStudentList" reqestAttrpersistence="none"/>
    I want it to change something like this:
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    refreshAction = "" reqestAttrpersistence="none"/>
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    Edited by: user13634949 on Jun 23, 2011 1:22 PM

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    I have to call an action (kind of: <html:form action="/actions/myInfos/" method="POST"> in an jsp file, but I have to give the action two paramters as well I have in this jsp.
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    <html:form action="/actions/myInfos/'<c:out value='${tt[5]}' default='?'/>'&taskgruppe=<c:out value='${tt[6]}' default='?'/>" method="POST">
    but there is a problem with the "s and 's , because he doesnt understand, that he has to intepret the commands to get a String out of them but thinks they are already the strings.
    Does anybody know, how to solve this problem. (Without Forms if possible, because in the target-action i'm using a different form than in the source-action.
    Thank you all

    <c:ur var="action" value="/actions/myInfos/">
      <c:param name="studgruppe" value="${tt[5]}"/>
      <c:param name="taskgruppe" value="${tt[6]}"/>
    <html:form action="${action}" method="POST">

  • Combine standard task (ABAP method call) and additional UWL Action Handlers

    Hi, i have defined a task with an asynchronous ABAP method call and a terminating event which i want to use "as is" in the universal worklist, that means that the standard action has to be the ABAP method call defined for the task.
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    name="WebDynproApplication" value="hr01_app"/>
    name="openInNewWindow" value="yes"/>
    name="System" value="SYSTEM_ALIAS_ERP"/>
    name="WebDynproNamespace" value="hr01"/>
              <Descriptions default="Show"/>
    Thank you very much, best regards, Martin
    Edited by: Martin Sommer on Dec 1, 2008 5:51 PM

    found a solution with transaction launcher and custom transaction

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