Camera collision in 3d tube

I'm moving a camera through a 3d pipe (made in 3DS). I've got
the movement sorted but I'm having trouble with the collision side
of things. I want to stop my camera from passing through the tube
I've tried a modifier:
but I get a "Variable used before assigned a value" error on
my script. I think I've have put the script in the wrong place and
I also need a bit of help on what else to add (maybe use the
Can anyone help?

Ok thanks.
I've looked at the collisionData section of the help file and
I'm now using:
on collideAny me, collisionData
member("Tube").registerForEvent(#collideAny, #putDetails, 0)
on putDetails me, collisionData
put collisionData.modelA
put collisionData.modelB
put collisionData.pointOfContact
put collisionData.collisionNormal
I've put this in as well but I'm not sure what it does:
-- model ("Camera01")
-- model ("Tube01")
-- vector ( 24.800, 0.000, 0.000 )
-- vector ( -1.000, 0.000, 0.000 )
This hasn't fixed the collision, I presume that now I have
the collision data, I need to resolve it, so I've dug a little
deeper and tried to implement (into the same behaviour):
member("Tube").model("Camera01").collision.resolve = TRUE
But thig isn't working either, is this the right way to

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  • Camera Collision Detection - Is It Possible?

    I am making a 3D RPG game and I would like to know if it is possible to get collision detection on a camera created in Adobe Director 11.  I have my 3D character running through an underground maze and he detects correctly on the walls of the maze.  However, I also have a camera as a child to the character so this moves with him.  I have added a bounding-box to this camera but it still doesn't detect whereas the gunBB works fine, as does the characterBB.
    This is really confusing and I don't know what I am doing wrong.  Any help would be really appreciated!
    Thanks, Phil.

    Thanks for the reply.  It is not exactly what I am looking for as the script is different than the style I am using.  This is the script I have got so far, I have also added an extra camera to view what is happening.
    property pSprite, p3Dmember -- reference to the 3D member
    --property pLevel, maze -- Level
    --property pLeftArrow, pRightArrow, pDownArrow, pUpArrow -- arrow keys
    --property pCharacter -- character in the 3D world
    --property pTofuBB, pGunBB, gun --  character + gun
    --property gUseGun, hasGun
    --property pCamera, pCameraBoundingBox --camera and bounding box
    --property barrier,mountains,exitmaze
    --property door1, door2, turret, turretgun
    --property keylist, keypresslist -- for keys pressed
    --on beginSprite me
    --  -- define the 3D cast member
    --  p3Dmember = sprite(me.spriteNum).member
    --  -- reset the 3D world
    --  p3Dmember.resetWorld()
    --  pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
    --  pCamera =
    --  -- define level as 3DS level Plane - must all be defined after resetWorld()
    --  pLevel = p3Dmember.model("landscape")
    --  mountains = p3Dmember.model("mountains")
    --  turret = p3Dmember.model("turret")
    --  turretgun = p3Dmember.model("turretgun")
    --  maze = p3Dmember.model("maze")
    --  exitmaze = p3Dmember.model("exitmaze")
    --  pCharacter = p3Dmember.model("hero")
    --  gun = p3Dmember.model("gun")
    --  barrier = p3Dmember.model("barrier")
    --  door1 = p3Dmember.model("door1")
    --  door2 = p3Dmember.model("door2")
    --  -- stop hero walking biped animation
    --  pCharacter.bonesPlayer.pause()
    --  -- below for key control
    --  keylist = []
    --  keypresslist = []
    --  -- this sets up a list of keycodes to track.
    --  -- this code covers the arrow keys only, it could be changed to cover a full range of keys
    --  repeat with i = 123 to 126
    --    keylist[i] = i -- this creates a list of keycodes to track
    --    keypresslist[i] = 0 -- this creates a "last state" list that corresponds to the keycode.
    --    --keypresslist tracks the last known state of that key, so we can tell when a keypress has changed.
    --  end repeat
    --  -- key control end
    --  createBoundingBoxes
    --  createLight
    -- code used to create bounding boxes
    --on createBoundingBoxes
    --  -- create tofu bounding box for character
    --  tofuBB_MR = p3Dmember.newModelResource("tofuBox",#box)
    --  tofuBB_MR.height = 235
    --  tofuBB_MR.width = 235
    --  tofuBB_MR.length = 500
    --  pTofuBB = p3Dmember.newModel("tofuBox",tofuBB_MR)
    --  pTofuBB.worldPosition = pCharacter.worldPosition
    --  -- create parent child relationships
    --  pCharacter.addChild(pTofuBB, #preserveWorld)
    --  invisShader = p3Dmember.newShader("invisShader",#standard)
    --  invisShader.transparent = TRUE
    --  invisShader.blend = 50
    --  pTofuBB.shaderlist = p3Dmember.shader("invisShader")
    --  pCamera = p3Dmember.newCamera("camera")
    --  frontCam = p3Dmember.newCamera("frontCam")
    --  frontCam.fieldOfView = 35
    --  frontCam.transform.position = vector(-14150,-3100,-600)
    --  frontCam.transform.rotation = vector(90,0,180)
    -- ="frontCam")
    --  pCamera.fieldOfView = 75
    --  pCamera.transform.position = vector(500,1800,450) --450
    --  pCamera.transform.rotation = vector(90,0,180)
    -- ="camera")
    --  cameraModRes = p3Dmember.newModelResource("cameraModRes",#sphere)
    --  cameraModRes.radius = 200
    --  pCameraBoundingBox = p3Dmember.newModel("CameraBoundingBox",cameraModRes)
    --  pCameraBoundingBox.worldPosition = pCamera.worldPosition
    --  pCameraBoundingBox.shaderList = p3Dmember.shader("invisShader")
    --  pCamera.addChild(pCameraBoundingBox, #preserveWorld)
    --  pCharacter.addChild(pCamera,#preserveWorld)
    --  -- create gun bounding box
    --  gun.worldposition.z = gun.worldposition.z + 200
    --  gunMR = p3Dmember.newModelResource("gunSphere",#sphere)
    --  gunMR.radius = 218
    --  pGunBB = p3Dmember.newModel("gunSphere", gunMR)
    --  pGunBB.worldPosition = gun.worldPosition
    --  pGunBB.shaderList = p3Dmember.shader("invisShader")
    --  pGunBB.addChild(gun, #preserveWorld)
    -- code below used to light up level
    --on createLight
    --  -- create a point 'bulb' type light
    --  p3Dmember.newLight("Bulb Light", #point )
    --  -- position the light
    --  p3Dmember.light("Bulb Light").transform.position = vector(0,0,100)
    --  -- define light color and intensity
    --  p3Dmember.light("Bulb Light").color = rgb(255,255,255)
    --  -- Make the character model a parent of the light
    --  -- Bulb Light becomes a child of pCharacter
    --  -- This is done so that the light will always move
    --  -- with the character.
    --  pCharacter.addChild(p3Dmember.light("Bulb Light"),#preserveParent)
    --on keyUp me
    --  --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.pause()
    --  --if keypressed("s")
    --on keydown me
    --  if keypressed("c") then changeCamera
    --on changeCamera
    --  -- check the sprites camera and switch
    --  if ="frontCam") then
    -- ="camera")
    --     else
    -- ="frontcam")
    --     end if
    --on exitFrame me
    -- below detects which keys are pressed
    --repeat with i = 1 to keylist.count
    --inewstate= keypressed( keylist[i] )
    --if keypresslist[i] <> inewstate then -- this means the key changed status from whether it's up or down
    --if inewstate= 0 then
    -- they key was released
    --keyLastReleased = keylist[i]
    --if (keyLastReleased=123) then pLeftArrow = 0 -- 123 = left arrow key
    --if (keyLastReleased=124) then pRightArrow = 0 -- 124 = right arrow key
    --if (keyLastReleased=125) then
    --pDownArrow = 0 -- 125 = down arrow key
    --end if
    --if (keyLastReleased=126) then
    --pUpArrow = 0 -- 126 = up arrow key
    --end if
    -- the key was pressed
    --keyLastPressed = keylist[i]
    --if (keyLastPressed=123) then pLeftArrow = 1 -- 123 = left arrow key
    --if (keyLastPressed=124) then pRightArrow = 1 -- 124 = right arrow key
    --if (keyLastPressed=125) then pDownArrow = 1 -- 125 = down arrow key
    --if (keyLastPressed=126) then pUpArrow = 1 -- 126 = up arrow key
    --end if
    --keypresslist[i] = inewstate-- update so we remember its new state.
    --end if
    --end repeat
    -- by the time this repeat loop has finished, keypresslist will contain a complete index of what keys
    -- are held down, and which aren't.
    -- Note: most keyboards have a limit on how many keys they'll track simultaneously.
    -- gun collision start
    --if gUseGun = TRUE then
    --pGunBB.worldPosition = pTofuBB.worldPosition
    --pGunBB.worldPosition.z = 500
    --pGunBB.worldPosition.x = pCharacter.worldPosition.x - 150 --50
    ---pGunBB.worldPosition.y = -860
    --gUseGun = FALSE
    --hasGun = TRUE
    --end if
    -- gun collision end
    --on characterMove
    -- if the right arrow is pressed,
    -- rotate the character 5 degrees about the z-axis
    --if pRightArrow then
    -- rotate character and camera
    --end if
    --if the left arrow is pressed,
    -- rotate character -5 degrees about the z-axis
    --if pLeftArrow then
    --end if
    -- if the up arrow is pressed,
    -- move the character 5 pixels along the y-axis
    --if pUpArrow then
    --if (pcharacter.bonesPlayer.playing = 0) then
    --pCharacter.bonesplayer.loop = true
    --if (_key.shiftDown) then
    --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.playRate = 2
    --if (hasGun = TRUE) then -- running"hero", 1, 6270, 8330, 1)
    --else"hero", 1, 2067, 4130, 1)
    --end if
    --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.playRate = 1
    --if (hasGun = TRUE) then -- walking"hero", 1, 4200, 6200, 1)
    --else"hero", 1, 0, 2000, 1)
    --end if
    --end if
    --end if -- bonesPlayer playing
    --if (_key.shiftDown) then
    --end if
    --end if
    -- if the down arrow is pressed,
    -- move the character -5 pixels along the y-axis
    --if pDownArrow then
    --if (pcharacter.bonesPlayer.playing = 0) then
    --pCharacter.bonesplayer.loop = true
    --if (_key.shiftDown) then
    --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.playRate = 2
    --if (hasGun = TRUE) then -- running"hero", 1, 6270, 8330, 1)
    --else"hero", 1, 2067, 4130, 1)
    --end if
    --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.playRate = 1
    --if (hasGun = TRUE) then -- walking"hero", 1, 4200, 6200, 1)
    --else"hero", 1, 0, 2000, 1)
    --end if
    --end if
    --end if -- bonesPlayer playing
    --if (_key.shiftDown) then
    --end if
    --end if
    -- floor collision
    --thisPosn = pTofuBB.worldPosition
    -----thisPosn.z = 1000
    --tModelList = [pLevel, maze, door1, door2] -- removed wall as its no longer on level
    --tOptionsList = [#levelOfDetail: #detailed, #modelList: tModelList]
    --thisData = p3Dmember.modelsUnderRay(thisPosn,vector(0,0,-1),tOptionsList)
    --if thisData.count then
    --totalCount = thisData.count
    --repeat with dataIndex = 1 to totalCount
    --terrainPosn = thisData[dataIndex].isectPosition
    --- if (thisData[dataIndex].model = pLevel) then
    --tDiff = (terrainPosn.z - pTofuBB.worldPosition.z) + 375
    --exit repeat
    --end repeat
    --end if
    --on checkCollisions
    --tModelList = [pGunBB, barrier, mountains, maze, exitmaze, turret, turretgun]
    --tOptionsList = [#maxNumberOfModels: 2, #levelOfDetail: #detailed, #modelList: tModelList, #maxDistance: 300]
    -- make 4 rays around character checking for collisions, 90 degrees apart
    --repeat with i = 1 to 18
    --returnData = p3Dmember.modelsUnderRay(pCharacter.worldPosition,pCharacter.transform.xAxis,tOptionsList )
    --if (returnData.count) then
    -- first in array is closest
    --end if
    --end repeat
    --on checkObjectFoundDistance thisData -- check distance from collision with objects
    --dist = thisData.distance
    -- check if distance is less than width of bounding box
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if

  • Fly through camera collision detection

    i want my camera to have collision detection in its simplest
    form, i mean is there a way of saying to director this is the scene
    and this is the camera and wala all good.
    im using the fly through 3d action is it easier to setup with
    if not what way forward would you suggest for me
    i also want to perant an object to the camera so when it
    moves it moves two.

    Collision detection for a camera is not trivial. Not only
    must you prevent the object that the camera is following from going
    through walls, but you must also prevent the camera from cutting
    through corners as it follows the object.
    You can find a demonstration of Camera Following behavior at

  • Camera rotation limits not right

    I have a camera rotating left/right/up/down, I am trying to
    limit the rotation to 150 degrees in any direction.
    I have this code working for the left/right:
    if gPanLeft then pCamera.rotate(0,1,0)
    pCamera.transform.rotation.z = max(-150,
    I'm using the same code for up/down (using the x axis), but
    the camera stops about 50 degrees in the up direction and about 210
    in the downwards direction.
    I thought I might have a problem with the starting angle of
    my camera (as saved from 3DS Max) and I have tried using different
    angles to compensate, but they don't seem to do much. I have also
    checked to see if my camera collision is stopping the rotation, but
    it isn't.
    Can anyone help?

    I think the problem is that we can't rely on the camera's
    rotation vector to
    detect extents of movement, as the y axis can flip -180 if
    the camera is
    rotated a certain amount, this will screw up your max
    rotation checking and
    make the camera appear to jam.
    I think if you work with seperate properties for each axis of
    rotation, edit
    and check against the properties rather than the camera's
    transform, then
    apply them to the camera rotation vector in one go this
    should fix the
    problem. Some pseudo code to give the idea...
    property pCamera,pCamRotX,pCamRotY,pCamRotZ
    on beginSprite
    pCamera = sprite(the currentSpriteNum).camera
    pCamRotX = 0
    pCamRotY = 0
    pCamRotZ = 0
    end beginSprite
    on exitFrame
    if gPanLeft AND pCamRotY < 150 then
    pCamRotY = pCamRotY + 1
    end if
    pCamera.transform.rotation =
    end exitFrame
    Hope this may help
    Richard Smith

  • Camera icon on home screen

    Whilst at a wedding today my icon for my camera vanished, the you tube one has appeared in its place. I can still access the camera if i type camera in to the search iphone box. Can anyone tell me how i can pin this icon backonto the page
    Thank you

    Its not been deleted. More likely you have inadvertently moved the icon to another page. Check your other home screens.

  • Error in a script and i can´t find it

    I found a very interesting Tutorial about an Archtitcural
    Fly-Trough at the Adobe Sites.
    As I tried make the same i got an Error in the Lingo Script
    that was providet with the Tutorial. I have no experience with
    Lingo so I can´t find the Error. Could sombody find the Error?
    I marked the Line with <<<<<<<<
    Here is the Script (just a little bit long)
    You can see the whole Tutorial here:
    on beginSprite (me)
    -- initialize properties
    pMember = sprite(me.spriteNum).member
    pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
    pMouseDown = FALSE
    pRightMouseDown = FALSE
    pCamera = sprite(me.spriteNum).camera
    pCamAnimFlag = TRUE
    pCamAnimInfo = [#initT: pCamera.transform.duplicate(), \
    ("first_person").transform.duplicate(), \
    #count: 0]
    -- create the camera’s bounding sphere
    mr = pMember.newModelResource("camera_sphere",#sphere)
    mr.radius = 7.5
    pCameraSphere = pMember.newModel("camera_sphere",mr)
    -- create a light to carry with the camera
    camLight = pMember.newLight("camera_light",#point)
    camLight.color = rgb(170,170,170)
    -- make the sphere and light children of the camera
    -- register the camera for the timeMS event in order to
    perform the intro animation if any
    -- register the member for regular timeMS events in order to
    respond to user input and resolve camera “collisions”
    end beginSprite
    on mouseDown (me)
    -- update the mouse down property
    pMouseDown = TRUE
    end mouseDown
    on mouseUp (me)
    -- update the mouse down property
    pMouseDown = FALSE
    end mouseUp
    on rightMouseDown (me)
    -- update the right mouse down property
    pRightMouseDown = TRUE
    end rightMouseDown
    on rightMouseUp (me)
    -- update the right mouse down property
    pRightMouseDown = FALSE
    end rightMouseUp
    -- The animateCamera handler is used to animate the camera
    automatically over time:
    on animateCamera (me)
    -- increment the internal counter for the animation
    pCamAnimInfo.count = pCamAnimInfo.count + 1
    <<<<<<I get an Errormessage in this Line!!!!!
    -- determine the interpolation percentage
    pctg = 100.0 × (pCamAnimInfo.count / 50.0)
    -- if pctg is greater than 100 end animation sequence
    if (pctg > 100) then
    pctg = 100
    pCamAnimFlag = FALSE
    end if
    -- determine the new interpolated camera transform
    t = pCamAnimInfo.initT.interpolate
    -- apply that transform to the camera
    pCamera.transform = t
    end animateCamera
    on controlCamera (me)
    -- respond only if the intro camera animation is completed
    if not(pCamAnimFlag) then
    -- if the shift key is *not* down then follow the mouse
    -- to adjust left right looking
    if not(the shiftDown) then
    -- check for the mouse locH wrt the sprite loc
    deltaH = the mouseH - pSprite.locH
    -- calculate rotation value to apply
    rotn = -(deltaH/165.0) * 4.0
    -- apply that rotation
    end if
    -- if the left mouse is down then move the character forward
    if pMouseDown then
    end if
    -- if the right mouse is down then move the character
    if pRightMouseDown then
    end if
    -- cast one ray fwd/bckwrd depending upon which mouse button
    is down
    case (TRUE) of
    -- left mouse down, cast ray forward
    -- cast ray
    tList = pMember.modelsUnderRay
    (pCamera.worldPosition,-pCamera.transform. zAxis,#detailed)
    -- if there are models in front of the camera, check for
    if (tList.count) then
    end if
    -- right (control+) mouse down, cast ray backward
    -- cast ray
    tList = pMember.modelsUnderRay
    (pCamera.worldPosition,pCamera.transform. zAxis,#detailed)
    -- if there are models in front of the camera, check for
    if (tList.count) then
    end if
    end case
    -- cast a ray to the left
    tList = pMember.modelsUnderRay
    (pCamera.worldPosition,-pCamera.transform. xAxis,#detailed)
    -- if there are models in front of the camera, check for
    if (tList.count) then
    end if
    -- cast a ray to the right
    tList =
    -- if there are models in front of the camera, check for
    if (tList.count) then
    end if
    end if
    end controlCamera
    on checkForCollision (me, thisData)
    -- grab the distance value
    dist = thisData.distance
    -- if distance is smaller than bounding radius, resolve
    if (dist < pCameraSphere.resource.radius) then
    -- get distance of penetration
    diff = pCameraSphere.resource.radius - dist
    -- calculate vector perpendicular to the wall’s
    surface to move the camera
    tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the camera in order to resolve the collision
    end if
    end checkForCollision

    While I wouldn't use count as a property name as it's also a
    list method, it
    does work. It seems to me your problem is not having property
    property pCamAnimInfo (and any others) should be declared
    before the
    Dave -
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Render to YouTube

    Almost all my projects, I upload dozens of works in progress for clients viewing in the private mode. for versions premire elements had a render and upload one step. Now Sony Vegas Pro has this feature. why do i need the speedbumps premire affords in uploading to youtube. If some want options, fine. but I want a quick freeway to the tube to approve changes. not to show off my compression prowess.And as the best settings change for youtube, adobe can silently adapt the expresslane settings. So why doesnt pp have it?

    Valid Points all. But my main purpose would be to transmit privately works in progress to commercial clients. And many clients no use the platform embeded on their sites for video to save their sertvers bandwidth. as far as Anns anting to view the file before uploading, a good idea but time consuming. for me, the failure came with the you tube recompression, many of which fail anyway. so it wastes my time creating a good file, then have you tube mess it up. if watching the file on you tube and it looks ok, I send it to the client. very little of my youtube use is "public". I use it for what its not intended for, and dont really use it for social media. Ill take Johns suggestion and copy this message to the wish forum. Thanks and all the best Ann and John.

  • Premiere Pro CS5.5 User Interface Font Size

    After years of using happily using an early version of Premiere to edit DV I have finally upgraded my video hardware & software to handle HD.
    I am using Adobe Premier Pro CS5.5.1.
    I have a 24" WS full hd monitor as my primary monitor.
    Can it really be true that there is no way to increase the font size in the user interface aside from changing my screen resolution?
    The default font is too small for my old eyes to view comfortably. I'm fairly certain that the old version of Premiere I had allowed
    the font & other parts of the use interface (like the frames in the timeline) to be scaled.
    Have I somehow missed something in the settings, or did adobe really leave something this basic out of the user interface of an $800
    software package? Do I really have to change screen resolution or buy a bigger monitor to increase the GUI font size?

    I am so, so, sad at how America and the world has got so lost, it harasses the disabled (I am vision impaired) and the TBI (I am recovered some 30 year later) by keeping the interface letters so small I have no hope of figuring what does what, even though I have repeatedly spend (about) 800 dollars for Adobe (latest) CS5 Adobe Premiere.
    Just as Microsoft, abusing the user is casual, needs no explanation, only aversion, and the disabled and the ones actually buying the product can just take a leap- no right click, no text size changes (to the interface) in MS outlook, the directory tree inaccessible.
    I am trying to warn the USA citizen of problems I fight since 1981, and the very ignorance and letting things break down....keeps me from learning how to currently get my voice, video, camera (XF305) uploaded.  I have been told to throw away my 800 dollar (or so) Adobe Premiere, get a webcam, forget the 8000 dollar camera, and use You Tube to get a message uploaded direct, fast, without harassment.  Please tell me I do not have to start paying 50 BUCKS A MONTH to STILL not get to creating a video clip merged with another using Adobe Premiere, this breaks my heart to see the decay in the V.A. now widespread into everything, remember this was "not suitable for any purpose" warning Adobe carries from decades ago?  It is evidently more unsuitable then ever, UNLESS STOLEN then I hear it works perfectly and is a work of art.
    Rome fell NOT because the veterans were ignored, WHILE things broke down, a SIGN was the vets getting ignored, they being in the bigger government.  Here, modern vets ignored for decades, until too old to fight, and the entire USA seems to teeter, even blocking voices to mention this very same catastrophic issue- levels and more levels of obfuscation and solicitation to spend more money for ever less certain ownership.  Every cubic foot of a city lot taxed, legislated, as things break down

  • Having Current running in the Aluminium Brushed Body of DV6 3122tx plus images n videos are bllurred

    Hi there i just purchased this new laptop a few days back Hp Pavillion Dv6-3122tx model here in pakistan now the problem i m facing from the very first minute is that i m feeling current running in this alluminium metalic body of this laptop when ever it connected  to charger plus secondly the the videos n images which i see on internet are very much blury like if i m seeing a seeing a vedio of some one on web cam or watching you tube the video is foggy white n blurry  despite a 1 gb dedicated graphic card n so goes with the low resulution images on face book which appear very fine on my desktop pc which has just a 512 ram n no grapthic card really disappointed by these things i will be expecting a quick reply from u guys  

    It is because you don't have an earthing in your house earthing is a neutral phase for you electrical connection which contains a copper plate buried under ground with coal and salt

  • Macbook air super slow

    I just recently bought my MBA and the computer is the slowest computer in the world, when using my web cam or watching you tube videos the computer is always thinking or freezing , does anyone have this same problems..

    Your new MBA may have a problem and the Apple Genius can check it out for you. However, you can trust me that it is NOT the slowest computer in the world. Not even the slowest ultra light computers. Trust me, that honor goes to the netbook laptops that are running Intel's Atom processors. I know, I had one and got rid of it for this very reason.

  • HT1904 When I go to app on my I pad I tried to download u tube. The screen came up and is frozen, can anyone assist? Thanks

    I wanted to download an app, I was wanting to download u tube and the screen appeared for me to make a selection and this screen is frozen
    Can anyone suggest what to do. It is my iPad mini

    Hello, anr779h.
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Try resetting it by pressing and holding both the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. 
    iOS: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting
    Once the device is responsive, close down any unresponsive apps via the steps in the article below. 
    iOS: Force an app to close
    Jason H. 

  • Just installed Windows 7 + Firefox 7 when trying to play 'Discover Windows 7' first Silverlight plugin msg then Plugin Container has stopped working came up..although Firefox will play videos on You Tube..any ideas?

    I've tried checking Silverlight plugin in 'Add-ons' seems to be fine but will not work in Firefox

    In order to find out about the problem I have restarted another fresh install but inside a VM this time so I can take notes and snapshots.
    I found that the following official package will break my Gnome 3.6 pretty easily:
    - pygtksourceview2 : this one instantly crashes Gnome and you are no longer able to log in.
    - pycups  and pysmbc : doesn't crash immediately but after 10s you get the oops.
    Let's remove them from the real install to see if it fixes the problem.
    [EDIT] Tried again to install the above three package inside a fresh Gnome install living into a VM and it didn't crash. See post above regarding my broken Gnome which was related to fingerprint-gui package from AUR.
    Last edited by alphazo (2012-11-20 14:35:08)

  • Can't open CR2 files in photoshop and camera raw

    This weekend I rented a Canon 5D Mark iii. I have downloaded the files and all of the thumbnails in camera raw say CR2 and when I try to open Photoshop does not recognize this product.
    I have:
    Photoshop CS4
    Camera Raw CS4
    Canon 5D Mark ii
    I have checked my updates folder and all my updates are current. Do I need to upgrade to CS5 or is there a way around this?

    Hi I recently had a problem opening CR2 files in PHotoshop cs4. I had to reinstall into a new computer, so obviously it installed the basic programme and not the updates.
    After trying everything, even calling the help desk, there was apparently nothing that can be donw as they no longer support cs4.
    I kept trying and found a you tube video, which i cant find again to add the link but i followed the link and with what I did earlier I can now open CR2 files in my photoshop cs4
    I found the relevany update that I needed to install and downloaded it, camera raw 5.2 ( Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Windows : Camera Raw 5.2 update )  this is the one for the Canon 5d Mk2
    After downloading it would not update the progeramme so I was in the same possition, but i noticed the files were there and i just needed to put them in the right place in photoshop so carried on looking for were to put the Plus In.
    This led me to the video.
    To the point.
    Download the update and save to a location where you will remember.
    open Adobe photoshop and go to "edit"
    Them " Preferences "
    then "General "
    Then " Plus-Ins"
    At the top you will see " Add Plug-Ins Folder " Check this box then navigate to the "win64" ( this is because mine is a windows 64 bit computer and the download is specific ) and Choose it.
    Shut down photo shop and try to open a raw.
    Bridge doesnt work for some reason but im going to keep looking.
    Hope this works for you as well.

  • Can't capture vid - Canon XL cam FW 400 to FW 800 HD - Apple gurus stumped

    Am I REALLY the ONLY person out there using a Canon XL 1 and/or 2, an external hard drive with firewire 800 ports and a G5 and/or Mac Book Pro and working with FCP?!!!!
    I made a special trip from Flagstaff AZ to the Apple Store at the Biltmore in PHX, just to stump the Apple genuises with this problem. They asked that I post this on the Apple site's discussion forum.
    The verdict was: There seems to be a problem capturing video in FCP ("Unable to initialize video deck" and FCP freezes up) when going from the Canon, via firewire 400 4 pin to 6 pin and saving to an external hard drive via firewire 800. The 400 cable is good, as it captures fine to a drive using a 400 cable. It's just the 400 port on newer, 800 capable hard drives, is limited to one. We tried all different ways of configuring, going from camera to HD thru the Mac, and going from camera directly into the external HD, plugging into the 400 port, and then into the Mac from the HD thru the 800 ports.
    The only thing that we didn't try, because it's a rare cable (the Apple store hasn't carried one in over three months), is a 4 pin to 9 pin FW 800 cable.
    What am I doing in real life to still keep making money? I capture to my old external HD that has 2 FW 400 ports, then dump the footage to my new HDs with FW 800 ports to work on the project. Time consuming.
    Again, all versions of FCP and QuickTime software are up to date. We also used one of their G5s. Also, the problem occurs with both my LaCie Rugged HD and my Western Digital My Book, both purchased from the Apple store. The guru at the store kept referring to a bridge issue???

    Here's my standard "so you are using a Canon camcorder to capture and it isn't working" routine:
    Not all Canon cameras have connection issues, but hanging around this site I've come to recognize their ability to connect in FCP is the most problematic of all the camera brands. If you have a Canon camcorder, and can not get it to connect up with FCP, the following is a way to sort through the issues and get it to work. Some are elegant - some are ugly.
    Before we go any farther
    -you should be using 'Firewire Basic' as the control protocol. If you aren't, go change it and try again.
    -Also, verify that you have a solid installation of Quicktime. You may want to reinstall it using the 'delete receipts' method. Here's how:
    Go to /library/receipts and delete any files that say Quicktime followed by a number e.g. Quicktime703.pkg
    Go to the Apple quicktime site and download the appropriate version of Quicktime to your hard drive.
    Run the Quicktime installer.
    Repair Disk Permissions for your System Disk (Disk Utility > Select the system disk > Repair Disk Permissions)
    With some confidence that the software installation and camera settings are correct and it still won't capture correctly, you are most likely a victim of the dread 'Canon firewire bus incompatibility problem'. Simply stated: Canon cameras do not play well with other devices on the same firewire bus. And, since all the firewire ports on a Mac connect to one bus - well - you get the picture.
    The most direct solution is to purchase another, non-Canon device to use as your capturing machine. The Sony DSR-11 is highly recommended for DV work. Since you have one and it isn't working, perhaps you have a more fundamental problem. Beyond replacing your tape playback device, the path you take depends on the model of computer you own.
    1. If you have a G5 tower or a MacPro, capture to a second internal drive with only the camera attached. If you need to move material to firewire drive, disconnect the camera. A second internal drive is quite inexpensive these days if you do not already have one.
    2. If you have a G5 tower (PCI) MacPro (PCI), G4 powerbook (PCMCIA) or MacBookPro (Expresscard 34) with an available slot, purchase the appropriate firewire card for the slot. Connect your camera to the card and you should be good to go. The new card creates a unique bus and will avoid collisions with the external drives.
    3. If you do not have a slot or a second internal drive and you are stuck with the camera, welcome to the camera/drive shuffle.
    - shut down and remove the external hard drive(s) from the system
    - connect the camera directly to the firewire port of the computer
    - start the camera then the computer
    - capture to your internal (system) hard drive
    - shut down the camera and computer
    - disconnect the camera and reconnect the external hard drive(s)
    - start hard drive(s) and computer
    - move captured files to external hard drive(s)
    - edit
    If you output back to tape or wish to view your work on an external Video (NTSC or PAL) monitor, you need to set up the camera to use the firewire out as the A/DV converter or VTR - which means reversing the steps:
    - copy the file back to the internal drive
    - shut everything down
    - disconnect the external drive(s)
    - connect the camera to the firewire port (and the TV to the camera if needed)
    - start the camera then the computer
    - play the file.
    One caveat here - You may have difficulty getting the file back to tape without dropping frames. Playing files off of the system drive is very demanding and they may have a hard time keeping up.
    All in all, if you do not have the option for second bus (i.e. iMacs, eMacs, iBooks, MacBooks) you may want to think about a computer with expandable options next time.
    There is the option of capturing using iMovie, but that brings on it's own set of problems and is not recommended.
    Good luck.

  • Time enry collisions and wage type issues

    Hi Experts,
    We do not have holiday's embedded in our schedules due to the flexibility in when employees are allowed to take the paid time off and also due to
    our "flex" work schedules being more than 8 hour work days but the holiday benefit is an 8 hour benefit.  This has caused us a lot of issues with
    time entry, however, we thought it had been corrected.  We are now running into the same issues.  Here is an example:
    First Issue:
    Work Schedule week of 12/31/07 - 01/05/08
                Sun   Mon   Tues  Wed   Thur  Fri   Sat
    Schedule    0     10    10    10    10    0     0
    Tuesday the 1st is a holiday and the employee must enter Absence type 240 for 10 hours to fit his schedule.  Employee also work on the holiday and
    needs to enter Attendance type 832 for unscheduled holiday work.  When we try to enter the attendance we receive a full day collision error and
    cannot continue.
    Second Issue:
    Work Schedule week of 12/31/07 - 01/05/08
                Sun   Mon   Tues  Wed   Thur  Fri   Sat
    Schedule    0     8     8     8     8     8     0
    Tuesday is the holiday and the employee enters Absence type 240 for 8 hours to fit her schedule.  She is also on Standy-By time for the holiday.  We
    had to configure standby time specifically as a wage type and activate the wage type column in the CATS entry screen.  She must enter W/T (it's the
    only option) 1802 and then record 24 hours in the date 01/01/08.  This entry also gives us a full day collision message and we cannot continue.
    We can provide more examples when a consultant is assigned.  These options used to work and we do not know why they are no longer working.
    Advice me to resolve this ticket on time, its high priority ticket.

    I think your 1st problem comes from the misunderstanding of SAP work schedule logic.
    As you mentioned, you want to input ab type 240 to fit work schedule. But it's not necessary.
    For that day is a WORK day with holiday class 1. That means scheduled work can be overwrited by holiday. If the employee does not come to work in that day without any 2001 informations, he/she is NOT absence,because that day is a paid time off.
    And as for the attendance type, it's also no needed. Because if employee came to work in a public holiday, the working hours will automatically counted as OT hours but UNAPPORVED! To approve this OT, you need input 2007 attendance quota. In this example, the employee got 10 hours OT in puplic holiday which is recorded by SAP TM but unapporved. Then you should create a 2007 record with 10 hours attendance quota in the same day. By doing this, the TM evaluation will count those 10 hours as paid OT.
    I think the way above is what you called "flexibility in when employees are allowed to take the paid time off "
    Hope helpful

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