Can anyone recommend an email client?

I currently use nokia messaging and am a big fan of it, but i don't like it sucking memory. So i'm on the lookout for a different client. I've used profimail and don't like it very much so can anyone please suggest anymore? Or failing that, how do you clear the stored data from NM on the C?

What device are you using? Uninstall nokia Messaging in App.Mgr.
‡Thank you for hitting the Blue/Green Star button‡
N8-00 RM 596 V:111.030.0609; E71-1(05) RM 346 V: 500.21.009

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    I'm not sure how Time Capsule can be replicated onto your external drive but there is a USB port on the back of TC that can be hooked up to any recent external drive.
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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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    I tried The Print Shop 2 and believe it would be unusable for a person that is not computer savvy.
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    I was sniffing around some other forums,(as you do), when I came across this post. It sounds intresting, and may be worth giving it a try.
    "Repair your noisy cpu and system fans
    This is a fix that will last for a long, long time.
    Buy some graphite powder and some oil at an auto or hardware store. They come in different packages. For oil, the best is the pen-type as they are easy to handle and only give a small amount at a time. Just about any oil in a pen format will work fine. The graphite powder comes in small plastic tubes. But make sure you get graphite powder, not graphite oil, its too thin for this job! So you need graphite powder in a small tube and oil in a round "pen" that can be squeezed out and placed just where you need it. Also, when the oil is used up in the "pen" you can open it and add your own oil.
    First, clean the fan blades off real well. If you have a heatsink with the fan then clean the heatsink off as well. You can even use a bit of your oil and some q-tips for cleaning if needed. Then, take the small circle, it usually has a name on it, but its in the middle of the fan. Peel one edge up carefully and put a very small amount of oil in where you lifted the label up. Now add some graphite powder in the same place where you put the oil, add as much or a bit more of the graphite powder than the oil. Clean off excess oil and graphite and push the label back where it was. You may need a very small amount of duct tape to hold the label in position and to prevent leakage. This is important if the fan is going to "sit up" as opposed to lying flat.
    Now put the fan back where you want it and when it starts spinning it may be noisy for a few seconds until the graphite\oil works its way in. Then it will stop and it will stay stopped for many years and you may very well not need to buy a new fan after all!
    I experimented a lot with this and this is the very best way to quiet all those fans and have them work well. I have always been a big fan of those removable ide hard drive trays that you can buy. But the fans are the pits, they get noisy real fast. So i had to find a way to fix them as they are very expensive and hard to replace. Now i don't have to. Combo of oil and graphite is the very best, by far. One caution, graphite stains worse than
    oil, so be careful! I'm talking about staining your clothes and hands.
    You can use this system with all CPU fans, video card fans, system fans, and even fans inside power supplies. But one word of caution, its easy to open a power supply and take out the fan, but do be careful as there are voltages there can can hurt you badly. If you don't know what you are doing then wear rubber gloves to get the fan out and to put the fan back in after the
    Trust me, this will work. If the fan spins my method will work for years and I have even fixed fans that were stuck and wouldn't spin! This is better done with the fan on the table but in those cases where you cant or don't want
    to take the fan out of the system, that's where the "pen" with the needle comes in again, but i still find a way to get some graphite in as well, graphite is what makes the oil last a long time! And graphite is also an oil, but you need both together for maximum effectiveness. Oil by itself will only last a few weeks or so and then evaporate, and the fan will get noisy again. Its the graphite powder that does the long term job. The oil really only helps to spread the graphite powder around really well so the graphite can do the job!
    Hope you do as well as i have with this info!"
    End Quote.
    Edit - Additional Info
    The type of northbridge fan used on some MSI boards, eg K8N Platinum & Diamond etc, require that you remove the fan from the board first (you will have to remove the motherboard to do this). This is because the top of the shroud is attached from the bottom by two tiny Phillips type screws. Once you have removed the shroud, very gently prise off the fan from the motor assembly. There is no need to try and remove the three other tiny screws that secure the fan motor in place to the bottom half of the shroud. Once removed, you will see that under the fan is a small plastic pin that holds the sleeve bearing in place.

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    This article may help: A flashing question mark appears when you start your Mac.

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    This article has 6 ways to do it.

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    Macs with a FireWire port will also boot happily from an External drive. You don't even need to open the MacBook.
    Some users buy a drive they would like to have as a future Internal drive, and also buy an external enclosure. They get the External set up the way they want it, then swap with the Internal drive.

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    Hi, Can anyone recommended software to import dvd to iMovies. I need to import about a dozen homemade DVD's and edit them into a single DVD comprising the 'best bits'. How best can I do this. I have an external hard drive available for the job

    You need to convert the VOB files in the TS-Folder of the DVD back to DV which iMovie is designed to handle. For that you need mpegStreamclip:
    which is free, but you must also have the  Apple mpeg2 plugin : or-mac-os-x
    (unless you are running Lion in which case see below))
    which is a mere $20.
    Another possibility is to use DVDxDV:
    which costs $25.
    For the benefit of others who may read this thread:
    Obviously the foregoing only applies to DVDs you have made yourself, or other home-made DVDs that have been given to you. It will NOT work on copy-protected commercial DVDs, which in any case would be illegal.
    And from the TOU of these forums:
    Keep within the Law
    No material may be submitted that is intended to promote or commit an illegal act.
    Do not submit software or descriptions of processes that break or otherwise ‘work around’ digital rights management software or hardware. This includes conversations about ‘ripping’ DVDs or working around FairPlay software used on the iTunes Store.
    If you are running Lion or later:
    From the MPEG Streamclip homepage
    The installer of the MPEG-2 Playback Component may refuse to install the component in Lion. Apple states the component is unnecessary in Lion onwards, however MPEG Streamclip still needs it. See this:
    To install the component in Lion, please download MPEG Streamclip 1.9.3b7 beta above; inside the disk image you will find the Utility MPEG2 Component Lion: use it to install the MPEG-2 Playback Component in Lion. The original installer's disk image (QuickTimeMPEG2.dmg) is required.
    The current versions of MPEG Streamclip cannot take advantage of the built-in MPEG-2 functionality of Lion. For MPEG-2 files you still need to install the QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component, which is not preinstalled in Lion. (The same applies to Mountain Lion even though that has it preinstalled.) You don't have to install QuickTime 7.

  • Can anyone recommend a reliable external backup product that is not super slow?

    I need a reliable external backup drive to store thousands of commercial photography projects that continue to add up over time. I've been using WD MyBook drives in 1 & 2 TB sizes and just purchased a Seagate 5TB drive. It is very slow on my system and seems to slow down my MAC. I have 16GB of RAM and that is all my system can hold. Can anyone recommend a solution for speeding up my backup processes and also not slowing down my system during backup?
    Any help is greatly appreciated.  - Geo

    I am still in the Middle Ages as far as connectivity goes.  USB2, Firewire and eSATA serve my needs.  Though my MBP has a Thunderbolt port, I have not taken that step.
    Take a look at what OWC has to offer:
    This just a sample but should give you a good idea what is available.  Naturally there are vendors as well.
    Note that Thunderbolt hardware can be daisy chained, so not feel that you are restricted to two devices.

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    Can anyone recommend a product to remove duplicates from my hard drive?

    Yes, you can use the program I wrote to do it for you.
    I recommend you backup your Library file first (not all the music files themselves, just the Library files in <pre>My Documents\My Music\iTunes\</pre>
    Download the "EXE" file from here:
    It will download as a ZIP. Open the ZIP and run the EXE (teridonsitunesscripts.exe). From the menu, select itunesremoveduplicates (15).
    When asked, select the Library playlist (number 1).

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