Can BB Curve 8520 have OS 7?

If so, can anyone please teach me how to? I currently on OS 5

Hello Josh12
Welcome to BlackBerry Support Forums
No you cannot Update your BlackBerry® Curve 8520  to OS 7 ! OS version 5 is the limit for your device Model .
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    I would really appreciate if someone could give me an answer to if my phone does have GPS and why some phones work and others don't?

     Thanks a lot for answering really appreciate it.  Your the first straight yes or no answer I've had.

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                       am facing a serious problem with my blackberry curve 8520. My mobile network is based on edge. And since 2 days GSM is shown at the place of edge and if I make a out going call, it shows " the call is Failed" and even messages can't be sent. And I get a incoming calls with out any problem, when I get a incoming cal GSM is changing to EDGE and then I can make a outgoing cal..In order to make a out going cal from my mobile I should receive a incoming cal first to change GSM to EDGE. And some times edge changes to SOS and no network is activated. Please solve my problem.

    The first thing I'd do is to get a free SIM card swap from Airtel.
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    OK, it may not be a powered USB socket on the PC. You will need to check you have the right driver. One way to check the connection is in the settings in the BB under memory there is a mass storage mode support which needs ot be on and the auto enable mass storage mode when enabled when connected. This will usually allow you to see the BB like a external hard drive or camera in windows explorer when you connect it.
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    Is Blackberr India offering ne replacements?

    shashank_kakkar wrote:
    Is Blackberr India offering ne replacements?
    You would need to ask BlackBerry India that question. This is a user-to-user community support forum. We are not RIM employees, but volunteers who enjoy assisting other users. RIM personnel rarely comment on queries posted here.
    Meanwhile, you can find replacements to replace yourself at and
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  • I have curve 8520. in contacts i have a line headed 'find'. but i want to put in a number and see if the owner is in my contacts. can i do this?

    Go to Solution.

    Hello Splurch,
    Searching the Contacts using the phone number is not currently supported on the BlackBerry Curve 8520 smartphone.
    Thank you.
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  • How do i kindly reset my MED 0 so that i can unlock my curve 8520

    i have have mistakenly exceeded the 10 MED options giving to me to unlock my blackberry curve 8520. and the counter is now 0 MED. i kindly want to know how i can reset the counter. thank you.

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Please see this helpful thread to start:​ckBerry-Functions-and/Unlocking-your-BlackBerry-Gu​...
    If you have used up all of your chances to enter the correct unlock code, there is nothing further you can do. Even if you happen to have now the correct code, it is useless. Only the factory can now (legally) unlock your BB. Typically, I've heard that the cost of having BlackBerry do this for you will be greater than the cost of just buying a new one. But, you are able to ask them...see here:​l/incident.jsp
    Note, however, that this process will start with a fee...
    If you obtained your unlock code from somewhere but it was incorrect, your recourse could be with them -- however, they may well question why you exhausted all 10 attempts before contacting them.
    If your BB was already MEP locked and you obtained it from a source that represented it as being able to be unlocked, then your recourse would be with the seller you obtained it from.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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  • Can't create a personal email account on my Blackberry Curve 8520.

    I cannot create an personal email account on my Blackberry Curve 8520. I’ve already followed some of the instructions from this forum and on the main website of Blackberry but still can’t create an email account for my phone.
    These are the steps I’m doing when I’m trying to create and email.
    From the home screen, go to Setup.
    Click Setup Wizard.
    Click Email Setup.
    But when I’m in the email setup, the only option I have is the “I want to use a work email account with a Blackberry Enterprise Server.
    I don’t have the option of “I want to create or add an email address”.
    Now, how can I create a personal email account on my phone?
    I hope somebody can help me in my problem.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
     To use the proprietary RIM Push email capability, you must have an adequate data plan from your carrier. The carriers host BIS for their BB users. Typically, BIS is not available via generic data plans. Many carriers call what is necessary The Blackberry Data Plan. Whatever they call it, it is the carrier who delivers BIS to their BB users -- contact them for assistance. Once you have a BIS-capable data plan on your BB (at whatever fees your carrier will charge, btw), you will then have Personal Email added to the email setup wizard.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • I can't browse using my blackberry browser (wifi connection w/ BB curve 8520)

    good day!
    i purchased a blackberry curve 8520 (w/contract) from one of the telecommunication companies in my country - philippines. everything started all good until one day i can no longer open/use my pre-installed blackberry browser.
    everytime i click on the bb browser logo, the screen just does nothing... nothing loads up on my phone.
    then i tried opening the bb browser throgh the task manager panel a message appears stating: "your device does not currently have any browser configuration service book entries. please contact yor service provider to enable the browser on your device" 
    i have tried rebooting the phone several times, both soft and hard.
    can you give me any solution for my problem? TIA.
    P.S. i have unlocked my phone so i can use it on other carriers. but the problem started a month before i did so. my two friends also have the same phone (bought the same day as mine) and they are not experiencing the same problem. 

    seaill09 wrote:
    excuse me ? i got the same problem to i click the REGISTER NOW in the menu and it already sent a message in HOST ROUTING TABLE, but nothing happend ? pls. help
    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Here are updated instructions, including notations of the required response from each step. If the response arrives correctly, you move onto the next step. If the response does not arrive correctly, you drop out of the process and contact your mobile service provider for formal support.
    I suggest the following steps, in order, even if they seem redundant to what you have already tried (steps 1 and 2 each should result in a message coming to your BB...please wait for that before proceeding to the next step):
    1) Register HRT
    KB00510 How to register a BlackBerry smartphone with the wireless network
    Please wait for one "registration" message to arrive to your Messages app
    2) Delete and Resend Service Books (pre-BB10 devices only)
    KB05000Delete the service book for the BlackBerry Internet Service email account from the BlackBerry smartphone
    If you have no CMIME entry, then skip the deletion
    KB02830 Send the service books for the BlackBerry Internet Service
    Please wait for "Activation" Messages, one per already configured email account, to arrive in your Messages. If you have no already configured email accounts, please wait 1 hour.
    3) Reboot
    Pre-BB10 Devices ONLY. With power ON, remove the back cover and pull out the battery. Wait about a minute then replace the battery and cover. Power up and wait patiently through the long reboot -- ~5 minutes.
    BB10 Devices. Hold the top button down until the counter reaches zero. Wait for the device to be fully shut down (e.g., nothing at all displayed on the screen, no LED lights, etc.). Hold the top button until the red LED is lit. Wait through the full boot-up process. IF this fails, you can attempt the battery-pull method above, but it is normally NOT recommended unless nothing else works.
    See if things have returned to good operation. Like all computing devices, BB's suffer from memory leaks and such...with a hard reboot being the best cure.
    Hopefully that will get things going again for you! If not, then you should try deleting and re-adding your configurations for the affected email accounts. Otherwise, you should contact your mobile service provider for formal support.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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  • Can´t set up private email account on BlackBerry Curve 8520

    I have BBerry Curve 8520 and when tried to set up the email accounts (I don't have enterprise account), the only option I have is the Enterprise.
    I have followed the steps on
    but on element 2) the only option that I have is 
    I want to use a work email account with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server
    BlackBerry 8520
    v5.0.0.1036 (Bundle 1682) Platform
    Any suggestion or have any one seen this before?
    Thanks in advanced.
    Go to Solution.

    To use the proprietary BB services (including Push email capability, BBM, etc.), you must have an adequate data plan from your carrier. The carriers host BIS (BlackBerry Internet Service) for their BB users. Typically, BIS is not available via generic data plans. Many carriers call what is necessary The Blackberry Data Plan. Whatever they call it, it is the carrier who delivers BIS to their BB users -- contact them for assistance. Once you have a Push-email enabled BIS-capable data plan on your BB (at whatever fees your carrier will charge, btw), your BB-proprietary services will function (e.g., you will have Personal/Internet Email added to the email setup wizard, your BBM will function, etc).
    With hundreds of carriers in the world, each with dozens of different data plans, it's impossible to tell you specifically what any service plan might actually provide. Only the carriers can answer that question. The best thing to do is to decide what services you desire, and then talk to your carrier about obtaining (from them) a data plan that enables what you desire.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • HELP NEEDED :changed curve 8520 to pearl 9100. Can't get BB I.D.password to reset.

    Hello All,
    I recently switched from BB Curve 8520 to BB Pearl 9100. I'm having trouble getting my official e mails configured to new handset.  I have changed my BB id password online but when the same is fed into the handset it rejects. I have used 7 attempts already.. Pearl 9100 was used by my husband earlier and had his id configured which i have erased.
    Can some one help ?

    No, my issue has not been resolved and its got me uneasy. I've had issues contacting customer support which is why I'm here. What's going on with your account?

  • Blackberry curve 8520 - can not connect onto internet

    Please help
    my blackberry curve 8520 O.S 5 can not connect onto the internet. It shows my wifi as connected but i can not use BBM or web browser. What can i do?

    OK, here's the direct link:
    And a copy of the page:
    Service books for the BlackBerry® Internet Service might need to be sent to your BlackBerry® smartphone for one of the following reasons:
    One of the service books is out of date
    The BlackBerry smartphone service book database has been cleared
    The original service books did not reach the BlackBerry smartphone
    Note: When you log in to your BlackBerry Internet Service account and change your personal identification number (PIN), a new service book is automatically sent to your BlackBerry smartphone.
    The service books can be sent to the BlackBerry smartphone using one of the following methods:
    Method 1
    The BlackBerry smartphone user can send the service books from the BlackBerry smartphone.
    For instructions, see KB15402.
    Method 2
    The BlackBerry smartphone user can send the service books when logged in to the BlackBerry Internet Service web site.
    Go to your wireless service provider’s BlackBerry Internet Service web site and log in to your account. For instructions on how to log in to the BlackBerry Internet Service web site, see KB03087.
    In the Settings menu, click Help.
    Click Send Service Books.
    Click OK.
    Method 3
    A wireless service provider representative can send the service books to the BlackBerry smartphone. Contact your wireless service provider for more information.
    Back to top
    BlackBerry® Internet Service
    Back to top
    Additional Information
    A service book is created for each email account you have set up with the BlackBerry Internet Service, including your BlackBerry email account. Each service book appears on the BlackBerry smartphone as <account name> [CMIME].
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  • Blackberry curve 8520 can't download apps always gives me other devices apps

    When trying to download apps for my BB curve 8520 always get other devices info I have internet access and. Used to be able to conect to a wifi called linksys now it seem I'm been blocked from all conections and info to my phone info called tmobile my sevice provider all iget from them is aditude. They say I shoudnt get apss for iphone nokias laptop ipads. My kids phones are temporarily off for none payment but can use it as amodem to a tmobile laptop. Is it posible they're useing my acount and made restrictions for my phone

    Hello Chrissie24, 
    Welcome to the forums. 
    Try not having your device plugged in while you are searching for the application and then when it asks for you to connect your device then connect it via USB. 
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • BlackBerry Curve 8520- can't turn it on. Help!!!

    I need help to get my Curve 8520 Start up. Yesterday night i used it to send email and made few calls. in the morning I try turn it on I couldn't get it to start. I even try to change battery, still not working.
    I bought the phone from France and its 4 Months old can I used the warranty in the UK? 
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi tendressex,
    Welcome to BlackBerry support community forums. As a new comer to the community you would be better of checking some quick answers to basic BlackBerry® questions. Like,
    BlackBerry 101 will help you to get simple instructions for setting up your new device and learn specific features and functions about your BlackBerry smartphone.
    Tips and Tricks will help you to get some shortcuts unique to your smartphone. Become a pro with your BlackBerry smartphone.
    If you're looking for a specific query please use the search feature of the community before posting. If your desired query in not found in the forum then post your query in appropriate board mentioning your device OS version(Options -> About).
    Have fun and enjoy your stay!
    If your query is resolved then please click on “Accept as Solution”
    Click on the LIKE on the bottom right if the post deserves credit

  • BB Curve 8520--Can't receive MMS messages, but can successfully send them.

    I just got the BB Curve 8520 and I can send MMS messages successfully, but no matter how many times someone sends me a MMS, it does not make it to me. I tried changing my firewall and MMS settings, but this has still left me without any incoming MMS messages. It is supposed to be included in my plan with Rogers. Any suggestions?

    nusk wrote:
    I do have the same problem!
    Why now ?? And do some one have a soloution ??
    Hi. Same answer, please provide the info I asked of the original poster ie
    More information will be needed before making suggestions. Please provide as much as you are able of the the following
    Blackberry Model.
    Carrier Name.
    Do you have a Data Plan?
    Operating System Version go to Menu > Options > About - it looks like v5.0.0.681
    Memory for Device and SD Card Options > Memory
    Any error statement or code.
    The Exact nature of problem - the more info the better.
    When this started and whether it started just after an update or new App download and which App/s theme/s download.
    Blackberry Best Advice - Back-up weekly
    If I have helped you please check the "Kudos" star on the right >>>>

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