Can CS6 import CS4?

I'm just about to start several InDesign projects. I've got CS4 and will upgrade to CS6 in the next month or two. I was wondering if I start laying out in CS4 (nothing complicated, just applying styles, lots of images and text wraps), will CS6 be able to import most of what I've done in CS4, or should I just get everything in place and keep the fomatting to an absolute minimum, and then do the layout in CS6?

CS6 should be able to read all previous versions without any issues.
Notice I said should. The same was true for CS5 and 5.5, and there were more than one or two reports here of problems that developed with legacy files when directly converting them in CS5. Most of those problems didn't manifest until days after the conversions and much editing. Exporting the originals to .idml or .inx and opening that in the new version seems to be very effective in preventing this (and in fairness, it wasn't something that happened to every user or every file, so there may have been other problems with the files that were reported), so I strongly recommend exporting from CS4 and using the .idml to continue your project in CS6, and don't save it with the same name, just in case you need to go back tot he original for some reason.

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