Can I group layers in Elements 10?

Can someone tell me if its possible to group a number of layers in Elements 10?

It is possible to use clipping layers e.g. to apply an adjustment to just the layer below but it's only possible to use named layer groups in Photoshop CC.

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    To be able to work with layer groups in Elements 13, you need an add-on from an external software.
    For instance, the very affordable tool set from Elements+ ($12)has a script for that:
    See the other features:
    About Elements+
    Or see:
    Layer Comps Work Around - Elements Village

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    Feature for Grouping Layers is not available with PSE, but you can still proceed with your steps by doing the following:
    Select all of your top 3 layers and then drag them to 'create new layer' icon. This will create a copy of the selected layers.Now continue with the Step 15 mentioned in your tutorial.
    The only difference with PSE will be that your 3 layers will not be bundled as a group. Whenever you need to duplicate a group, just select all the layers (mentioned in your tutorial under the group) and duplicate them.
    Hope this helps you proceed with your work.

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    The file is the following:  Corporate Business Card | GraphicRiver
    Do I have to purchase a creative cloud membership now?  I already spent $150 on Elements.  And that was money thrown away.
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    I understand that the solution would be just to cut the file into smaller files and design each UI view in a separate file but that would be painful. And it does not seem to be a very hard task to just group layers.

    Does the document also have a lot of layer comps?
    And can you post that document or send me a copy of it so we can see exactly why it is hanging?

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    The problem is your workflow. If you use iphoto, you don't use bridge, and you should never poke around in the iphoto library from any program except iphoto, since that's a fast road to corrupting the library, which is as delicate as a gardenia about being touched by anything but iphoto.
    You have two choices:
    1. Set PSE as your external editor from iphoto in the iphoto preferences, then send your photos directly from iphoto to PSE. If you do that, Save, not Save As, without making any changes to the name or format of your photo and iphoto will keep one version + original for you. If you save another group of edits, it will replace the previous version.
    2. Export the photos from iphoto to your desktop or somewhere and then use File>Open in PSE, save the photos under new names and reimport them to iphoto as new files.
    If you prefer to use Bridge, then don't use iphoto. Trying to use both is a shortcut to madness.

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    Thank you!

    Here is an action someone made just for that.
    This action opens the layer groups by deleting the layer group (set) while leaving
    the layers inside.
    So the layers will no longer be in layer groups (sets), but at least you will be able to see
    what's inside the layer groups and edit those layers.

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    Hi Akhilesh,
    Thanks for your help. Your answer helped me very much.
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    Thanking you,

  • Can't select layers with transparency

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    Some things just happend and I have no idea why.
    1. I can no longer nudge grouped layers. Photoshop complains that it cannot nudge layers in a group. I'm pretty sure I have done this many times before, so I guess I'm doing something wrong here.
    2. When I try to move a layer selected in the layer panel (or selected via ctrl-alt-right click), a click on the layer selects the layer effect above instead.
    It seems like there is some kind of click through enabled. If I click on a transparent part of the layer, the layer below get selected instead.
    My first thought was that this had something to do with "Autoselect layer/group", but it's disabled.
    This drives me crazy, how can I go back to normal mode, so I can click anywhere in a layer, transparent or not, and move the items in it etc?
    (I'm using Photoshop CS6.)
    Thanks in advance!

    1) Is a Selection active?
    What is the exact meassage?
    2) Could you please post a screenshot with the pertinent Panels visible?
    Are Photoshop and OS fully updated and have you performed the usual trouble-shooting routines (trashing prefs by keeping command-alt-shift/ctrl-alt-shift pressed while starting Photoshop after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved and making a note of the Preferences you’ve changed, 3rd party plug-ins deactivation, system maintenance, cleaning caches, font validation, etc.)?

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    Hi there
    ok so PS CS6 if I grab a layer in Group A (yes layer sets sorry) and drop it into Group B, itll put it under anything thats already in Group B, which annoys me! Is there a way of telling PS to default anything dragged from one group to another to default the newly added layers to the top 

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    In the camera raw dialog you probably have the Bit Depth set to 16 bits/channel.
    Change the Bit Depth to 8 bits/channel
    (bottom  middle of camera raw dialog where is says Depth)
    You can also change the bit depth once in photoshop elements 10 by going to Image>Mode and clicking on 8 bits/channel

  • After duplicating LAYER, I go to EDIT    FILL LAYER and can't find NORMAL mode  Elements 9

    after duplicating LAYER, I go to EDIT    FILL LAYER and can't find NORMAL mode

    I go to the menu and NORMAL does not appear
    Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 10:28:01 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: after duplicating LAYER, I go to EDIT    FILL LAYER and can't find NORMAL mode  Elements 9
        Re: after duplicating LAYER, I go to EDIT    FILL LAYER and can't find NORMAL mode  Elements 9
        created by 99jon in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion
      Try from the layers pallet after highlighting your background copy layer. You should have dropdown menus for blend modes and opacity.
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  • Grouping layers?

    Hello all. First post. I worked in the prepress industry for 15 years and became quite familiar with the main graphics programs through the years. (Ai, Ps, PgM, InD, Fr and Q). Lets face it, in prepress you need to know it all to work professionally and effectively. Lost my job 2 years ago and I just started a new prepress job after this hiatus. This company primarily uses Ai - it's a silk screen company working in spot and vector. I've done a lot of that in my past. No problem. My boss, who to his credit is very fast, is not the most efficient in how he sets up his artwork. He insists that every color is placed into it's very own, individual layer and all color marks/bulls/crops are on each layer and colored that color. Instead of just one set in registration color. No, you can not use REGISTRATION because I doesn't like it. ??? OK...(isn't it all colors????) Anyways, I don't want to make waves, so I'm trying to conform to his "technique". (no knockouts and overprints allowed! thus the separate layers for everything)
    Question: 7 color job. 7 layers of art. Complex art with a lot of objects on each layer. Need to make 6 up layout for output. HOW can I group all objects, so I can make my 6 up (6 groups), and not have these objects merge into 1 common layer. Because remember, I need to maintain the integrity of the 7 layers.  How do I group 7 objects from 7 layers and keep them in their respective layers????? I hope there's an easy answer I just missed.
    Thanks all. The long winded intro is so somebody doesn't question why I don't do my layouts more efficiently and use Ai properly...

    ScottWeichert wrote:
    Wade.. that can still make for a layer nightmare if you need to find something quickly. With sublayers it's very easy to quickly find anything.
    What are you talking about. All the layers stay the same when you duplicate the artboards.
    And if I read the OP correctly they have a boss and hey already have enough layers.
    If for some reason there are objects on a layer that has to be turned off for any version of the printing do this your way is a nightmare as you have to to each duplicate layer to turn it off where as this way since they are on the same layer you turn the layer off or if they are just specific objects they are all right in front of you on that one layer.
    by duplicating the art boards you do not make new layers.
    And this is a 6 times up to print only document. so you have the objects you want there and anything you do not want is not there. They d not even need to save this document once printed unless they are doing a rerun.
    If they want to do a different version they do it on the original and then create the 6 up which is a cinch.
    I think you missed the boat on this take another look at this and rethink and you will see the obvious advantage of the feature which was a very popular request for this very reason.

  • Can't move layers in Mac Acrobat 9 Pro

    I can't move layers in Acrobat 9 Pro, even though Adobe says it's possible. All that I get is a circle wih a slash at the cursor on clicking and holding the mouse, indicating that moving the layer up or down in the stack is not possible. No key presses help either. Four attempts to get a definitive answer from Adobe Support yield only that they said it was possible. They also admitted that even if you did move a layer, it would not affect how the layer objects display, ie. whether above or below other layer's objects!
    Has anyone been successful in moving a layer?
    Relatedly, one (Windows) respondent says she can "position" a new layer upon Layer Import, but the Mac dialog makes no mention of the layer stack, just the X-Y coordinates on the PDF page....
    Thanks for any help or thoughts,

    Thanks guys for responding. I went through the usual steps of trashing preferences, shutting down the computer, going home, and drinking a beer. I got in this morning and booted her up, and now everything works just as it should.
    No idea what it was. I'm positive that the tracks weren't locked, and I'm 95% sure that I was in arrow mode (I was selecting the layer right before trying to move it.)
    I don't know what it was, but I hope it never happens again.
    Thanks again,

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