Can I open/edit /save my Garageband 08 projects with Garageband 11?

Hi guys,
As the title says, can I? Is Garageband 11 backwards compatible with GB 08 projects without loosing anything? (volume points, effects, etc.)

kikedeolivos wrote:
Would you recommend the upgrade from 08 to 11?
you can read about the features for v5 and 6 ('9 & '11) here:
(Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)
(Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)
kikedeolivos wrote:
I think that maybe the Flex Time would be helpful, being my recordings 99% Audio.
Flex Time is pretty impressive, from a few tests i've tried
kikedeolivos wrote:
I've jus upgraded to Snow Leopard and was wondering if GB11 would be faster / more stable with Snow Leopard.
i doubt you'll find any speed increases, that will be more related to your hardware
kikedeolivos wrote:
 With GB08, in a 20 Audio track projects, even with the tracks locked, I get the "Can't continue" message; have to accept and play again.
if you're using a laptop, you'll likely get better results with a fast external FireWire hard drive

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