Can Java do it?

I am wondering if I can build my GUI using and then somehow tie that to some java code? Which will reference java methods with a specific jar file? Please give me some ideas.

Sorry guyz but I have been messing with this GridBagLayout and I cannot for the life of me figure it out. Sorry. for some reason this puts the button on the same line as the text fields. Why?
     private static void addComponentsToPane(Container pane)
          GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout();
          GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
               //Create Needed components
          String[] labelsText = {     "Transaction Type: ","Service Type: ", "Jurs Code: ", "Amount: "};
          JLabel[] labels = setLables(labelsText);
          String[] inputFieldsText = {"", "", "", ""};
          JTextField[] inputFields = setTextFields(inputFieldsText);
          String[] buttonsText = {"Calculate Taxes"};
          JButton[] buttons = setButtons(buttonsText);
          String[] textAreaText = {""};
          JTextArea[] textArea = setTextArea(textAreaText);
          //Add components
          gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START;
          int i = 0;
          for(int count = 0; count < labels.length; count++){
               gbc.gridx = count+i;
               gbc.gridy = 0;
               gbc.gridx = count+1+i;
               gbc.gridy = 0;
               pane.add(inputFields[count], gbc);
               i = i+2;
          gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_START;
          gbc.gridx = 2;
          gbc.gridy = 1;
          gbc.gridwidth = 4;

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    884924 wrote:
    Good Day dears...
    How can java programs execute automatically when it connects to network.What is "it"? That is, execute when what connects to the network?
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    Yes, We can declare constructor as private/public/protected also.
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    Next time, go and use Google yourself.

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    [email protected]

    strike one: you are asking an obvious homework type program without showing any evidence of having done any work of your own first. Please show your work first. This isn't a homework service.
    strike two: you are cross posting here and in the "new to java forum". This irritates many of us to no end as we end up doing volunteer work to solve a problem only to find that its already been solved in another thread. So we've wasted our time for nothing. Don't do this.

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    Well, I would agree with you conclusion that a language by itself can't be called a framework. If you goal is to improve your communication, I would suggest you make good use of capitalization and use proper English instead of words like "pls".
    *The criticism is meant to be helpful.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    Hi all !
    Can Java evaluate (compile and run on the fly) runtime
    defined code (as text) ? Like JavaScript does :No, but maybe BeanShell may be of interest to you:

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    Your code may leak memory. There are many, many, many reasons this could be. All of them represent bugs in your code.
    You should get a profiler to identify the problem spots of your code.
    You spoke of a memory crash as well. The VM may crash with some bug in the VM, or a bug in native code but that is not relevent to your problem. A memory leak is a problem in your code.

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    Thank you very much for any idea you may have,

    Thank you for the replies :)
    I found something with Jeditorpane (JTextComponent and HTML Text Display) at
    which looks like what I want. It allows hyperlinks within the table cells and I'm not sure if JTable allows for that. Also, I will want multiple lines and even images (eg moon phases for the calendar) in each cell. I ran the example above and it works great. And yes, it makes use of the HyperlinkListener.
    I don't want to create an HTML file for those who suggested that. I just want the flexibility of HTML formatting withing my standalone Java application.
    I am still not sure why everyone is suggesting JTable though :) So I will look at it some more. The link above also has a turorial on JTable and does say its faster that JEditor pane because it doesn't have to do any HTML rendering. But it doesn't look to me like it can really ever look like a calendar.....
    Thank you again! Being a total Java novice, I am very impressed with how easy JEditorpane is.

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    2) initiate a phone call
    3) send an sms or receive an sms
    4) can it control bluetooth and to what extend
    what are things that java cannot do?
    thank you very much!

    J2ME apps run in sandbox mode. Things can be done using various APIs. To
    answer your specific questions:
    1) depends on the host device implementation, this is not defined by JCP
    2) AFAIK not (due to security). There might be an API however that allows you to
    do this on certain devices.
    3) Yeah, no problem. See
    4) Depends on APIs provided by device manufacturer. JCP defined
    The things J2ME can not do are mostly features like accessing your phone
    book, use built-in camera (unless APIs are provided), floating point math
    operations, ...
    Reading J2ME related JSRs from will give you the overview
    of what's defined and can be expected from all compliant phones. Other
    features may or may not be implemented.
    Hope this helps,

  • Can Java execute batch file outside of current JVM in separate process tree

    Does anyone know how to run programs from Java as separate processes that will not die when the spawning java program exits (JVM exits).
    The problem I have with using Runtime.exec is it spawns only child processes under the current running JVM, thus when the origonal program that called Runtime.exec ends so does all child processes.
    Basically I want to start a DOS batch file from my Java application, my Java application will then immediately exit (calling System.exit(0) ). The batch program will continue to run, its does some file clean up, create's some new files and deletes the old jar (containing the main app), it then rebuilds the main app jar and and executes the main class and then exits itself.
    I've also tried the apache.tomcat.jni.Proc :-
    long pool = Pool.create( new Long(0).longValue() );
    long pa = Procattr.create( pool );
    Procattr.dirSet( pa, "c:\\temp\\updater\\");
    Procattr.cmdtypeSet( pa, Proc.APR_SHELLCM );
    Procattr.detachSet( pa, 1 );
    long proc = Proc.alloc( pool );
    Proc.create( proc, "test.bat", new String[]{"test.bat"}, null, pa, pool );
    The detach option doesn't work, if I take it off then the bat file runs and stops the JVM exiting, if I leave it in the batch file never gets called.
    Is this possible in Java. Can java start master process on Windows XP JDK1.5+?

    Well I found the answer elsewhere ( thought I'd post it here for future visitors who might be experience the same problem.
    Basically Runtime can do this however it must be done the following way :-
    The java:-
    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c c:\\test.bat");
    }The batch:-
    @echo off
    PING -n 1 -w 5000 >nul
    java -cp "c:\ " MainThe important line that makes the whole thing work is :-
    @echo offIf this line is missing then the whole things locks up (must be the io streams getting used)
    Also this code can not be run from an IDE (well at least not from Intellj) as it also locks up.
    It must be run from a command prompt or jar.
    Also note that any commands in the batch file must have there output redirected to "nul" otherwise Windows kills the cmd as soon as it trys to output to a dead stream (dead because the Java has exited). for example :-
    @echo off
    PING -n 1 -w 10000 >nul
    cd %1
    del /F /Q *.* >nul
    move /Y new\*.* >nul
    RD /Q /S new >nul
    PING -n 1 -w 1000 >nul
    java -cp "c:\ " Main

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