CAN not find inst mast for ECC6 ehp 7

Hi all,
Help me find installation master for ECC 6 EHP7.

Software provisioning manager 1.0 provides the latest SAPinst version that enables software provisioning processes for several products and releases for all platforms – as a result, you can just download the latest version of the software provisioning manager and automatically get support of the latest products, versions and platforms – including latest fixes in the tool and supported processes.
The specified item was not found.
1680045 - Release Note for Software Provisioning Manager 1.0 SP05 -> Software Logistics Toolset 1.0 -> Software Provisioning Manager 1.0 -> download tool

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    amNaming:05/13/2011 10:22:37:009 AM PST: Thread[WebContainer : 0,5,main]
    Server Id Table -> {%protocol://%host:%port%uri/AssertionManagerServlet/AssertionManagerIF=iplanet-am-naming-samlassertionmanager-url,, com.iplanet.dpro.profile.agent.ProfileService=iplanet-am-naming-profile-class, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/SecurityTokenManagerServlet/SecurityTokenManagerIF=iplanet-am-naming-securitytokenmanager-url, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/authservice=iplanet-am-naming-auth-url, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/sts=sun-naming-sts-url, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/SAMLAwareServlet=iplanet-am-naming-samlawareservlet-url,, com.sun.identity.authentication.server.AuthXMLHandler=iplanet-am-naming-auth-class, com.sun.identity.policy.remote.PolicyRequestHandler=iplanet-am-naming-policy-class, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/loggingservice=iplanet-am-naming-logging-url, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/jaxrpc/=iplanet-am-naming-jaxrpc-url, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/FSAssertionManagerServlet/FSAssertionManagerIF=iplanet-am-naming-fsassertionmanager-url, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/identity/=sun-naming-idsvcs-rest-url, 03,05,04,02|03,01|03=iplanet-am-platform-site-id-list, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/identityservices/=sun-naming-idsvcs-jaxws-url, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/sts/mex=sun-naming-sts-mex-url, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/profileservice=iplanet-am-naming-profile-url, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/SAMLPOSTProfileServlet=iplanet-am-naming-samlpostservlet-url, 02|02,01|01,05|05,04|04=iplanet-am-platform-lb-cookie-value-list, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/SAMLSOAPReceiver=iplanet-am-naming-samlsoapreceiver-url,, com.sun.identity.log.service.LogService=iplanet-am-naming-logging-class, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/sessionservice=iplanet-am-naming-session-url,, %protocol://%host:%port%uri/policyservice=iplanet-am-naming-policy-url, iplanet-am-naming-service=serviceObjectClasses, com.iplanet.dpro.session.service.SessionRequestHandler=iplanet-am-naming-session-class,}
    amNaming:05/13/2011 10:22:37:009 AM PST: Thread[WebContainer : 0,5,main]
    Site Id Table -> {03=03, 02=03, 01=03, 05=05, 04=04}
    amNaming:05/13/2011 10:22:37:009 AM PST: Thread[WebContainer : 0,5,main]
    Platform Servers -> [,,,,]
    amNaming:05/13/2011 10:22:37:009 AM PST: Thread[WebContainer : 0,5,main]
    Platform Server IDs -> [03, 02, 01, 04, 05]
    amNaming:05/13/2011 10:22:37:010 AM PST: Thread[WebContainer : 0,5,main]
    ERROR: WebtopNaming.getServerFromID() can not find server name for server ID : 07 Cannot find server.
    at com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionID.setServerID(
    at com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionID.parseSessionString(
    at com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionID.getSessionServerID(
    at com.iplanet.dpro.session.service.SessionService.isLocalSite(
    at com.iplanet.dpro.session.Session.getSessionServiceURL(
    at com.sun.identity.authentication.UI.LoginServlet.initializeRequestContext(
    at com.iplanet.jato.ApplicationServletBase.processRequest(
    at com.iplanet.jato.ApplicationServletBase.doGet(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    Thank You for the response.
    Here is my site configuration in OpenSSO:
    There are 4 servers in the two opensso hosts (2 secure, 2 non secure)
    Only one site with secure URLs is configured
    Primary URL:
    Assigned Servers:
    From the CoreSystem log, Server ID definitions are:
    Sometimes it throws an exception with existing server IDs. But sometimes it also complains about non existing server IDs.

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    Hi Djmontanalv,
    Please go through the link below.

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    now I am supposed to turn on home sharing on my ipad.
    Where did you see this ?
    But it is Settings > Music (or Videos) - Home Sharing.
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    It is not in iTunes on your iPad.
    I have all sorts of options to look formusicandmovies and photos butthere is no"advanced" settings, and thereis no "file - settings - advanced".
    Because it is in iTunes on your computer because that is what AppleTV uses to play videos.
    Notice the paragraph heading and paragraph 2
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    Make sure you're using the latest version of iTunes.
    Mac: Choose iTunes > Check for Updates.Windows: Choose Help > Check for Updates.
    Choose File > Home Sharing > Turn On Home Sharing.
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    Bluetooth NO PROBLEM
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    OK, great!  EasyPhoto-Print EX should have come with your printer. If not you can d/l it from here.
    Here is a screen shot but I sugest you read the manual which you can also d/l from the Canon site.
    Simply click these two places to delete the pre-made layouts.
    Now click here and select the one you want or made previously.  
    Hope this helps you.
    EOS 1Ds Mk III, EOS 1D Mk IV EF 50mm f1.2 L, EF 24-70mm f2.8 L,
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    Photoshop CS6, ACR 9, Lightroom 6

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    The following previous discussion may help. Several of the posts mention internet connection related issues.

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    After the webcam driver / software installation, you have to restart the notebook.
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    I can nor remember the password for my local keychain. How do i change this?

    There are several possible causes for this issue. Please take each of the following steps that you haven't already tried, testing after each one, until it's resolved. Back up all data before making any changes.
    Step 1
    Follow the directions in this support article.
    Step 2
    Launch the Keychain Access application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Keychain Access in the icon grid.
    Select the iCloud keychain from the list on the left side of the Keychain Access window. If your default keychain has a different name, select that.
    If the lock icon in the top left corner of the window shows that the keychain is locked, click to unlock it. You'll be prompted for the keychain password, which is the same as your login password.
    Keychain Access ▹ Keychain First Aid
    from the menu bar and repair the keychain.
    Step 3
    Open the iCloud preference pane and uncheck the Keychain box. You'll be prompted to delete the local iCloud keychain. Confirm. Then re-check the box. Follow one of the procedures described in this support article to set up iCloud Keychain on an additional device.
    Step 4
    Open the Keychains folder as in Step 1. There should be a file in that folder with the name "login.keychain". If there is also a file iwith the name "login_renamed_1.keychain", then please do as follows:
    Rename login.keychain to "login-old.keychain".
    Rename login_renamed_1.keychain to "login.keychain".
    You can then close the folder.
    Delete the login keychain from the keychain list in Keychain Access. Choose Delete References when prompted, not Delete References & Files.
    File ▹ Add Keychain...
    from the menu bar. Add back the file now named "login.keychain". If any of your needed keychain items are missing from it, also add back the file now named "login-old.keychain". I suggest you transfer any needed items from that keychain to the login keychain, then delete it. The transfers are made by drag-and-drop in Keychain Access. You'll need to enter your password for each item transferred.
    Run Keychain First Aid again. Quit Keychain Access.

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