Can someone decode the format of this file please?

Hi All,
I need a little bit of education/advice. I have never used Svae for Web and Devices before, so first it would be cool to know what this setting is ideally used for. Second, there are some design tactics that are vary new to me in a batch of files I've recieved to work on, so I'd like to know why anyone would do this to their files. And third, how do I fix it so that I can do what I need to do.
The issue that led me to this topic is this:
I work for a company as an in-house artist. Sometimes my employer will hire an outside person to do patterns. I then apply those patterns to mockups, new products, packaging, or whatever they may ask me to create. Recently I recieved a batch of files that are patterns, but the pattern swatch cannot be moved by itself. I have lables in the layers pallette such as "Cell Location" "Clipping Artboard" "Dummy Path" "Clipped Elements" and "Unclipped elements" (Unclipped elements seem to go nowhere, and I've never heard of the others).
I also seem to have a couple of visibility icons where the eyeball is supposed to be in my layers panel.
Frankly I'm stumped. I need to work with these files, but they seem to be locked somehow, and the files contain things that I haven't ever dealt with before.
So, I'm looking  through the different layers trying to find something I can work with, and I turn on a layer with directions that I also don't recognise. The final step to these directions is "Save for Web and Devices".
Is there anyone who can take a look at this for me real quick please, and explain to me what I am seeing?
I'd really appreciate it.

Yup. Thanks. That's it...that's what I'm seeing minus the grid.
I still don't know haw to work with it to do what I need to do. I can't seem to clip any of it to make a pattern swatch.

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    I interpret this as saying that there is indeed a MSDASQL.dll (x64) in the Windows (x64) bit platform:
    Proposed as answer by                            
    Sofiya Li<abbr class="affil">Moderator</abbr>                        
    Thursday, July 10, 2014 1:10 AM                    
    Wednesday, July 09, 2014 5:44 AM
    In another post you replied the following:
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    Hi Jayaram,
    Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista SP1 are the first Windows releases to include a 64-bit version of the technology. However, from Microsoft download page, 64-bit MSDASQL for Windows 2003 is now available for download. , there is no a
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    Sofiya Li
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    ...and were there no backups made by Logic automatically?
    Assuming the project isn't so badly damaged that this won't work...
    Make a new project and save it as say, Temp project...
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    You will have to experiment to see what works well and what doesn't.   You can have things animating along a timeline in parallel, but you can also have them be their own movieclips and animated when commanded to play().
    In the case of your bird flying off before a button click is processed, you could manage that as follows.  Have the button set a variable that is defaulted at false to be true.  At the end of the bird's flight, you test that variable ( as in ... if(variable == true)...) to see if it is true, and if so, you process whatever command that button is intended for.  If you used a timeline animtion for the bird, then that test would occur at the last frame of the animation.  If you used a coded tween to move the bird across the scene, then you could use an event listener to detect the animation completed and do the test then.
    There are almost always a variety of choices for achieving the same design goal.  The key to determining a solution is knowing what tools you have to work with... and coming to know what those tools are and how to use them is where learning comes in.

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    Other applications can open the flattened version of the image (like Apple's Preview).
    But something has messed up the Photoshop layer data in the file.
    I wasn't able to recover it in the debugger, either -- too much of the layer data is corrupt, and the last part of the file is mighty suspect (too many blocks of zeros).
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    Disco Hristo
    * 1.0 02/06/22
    * @author Disco Hristo
    * @version 1.0
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Assemble
         public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
              if (args.length > 0) //     Checks to see if there are any arguments
                   printArgumentInfo ();
              else // if no arguments run the program
                   getInput ();
                   printToFile ();
                   deleteFiles ();
         public static void getInput () throws IOException
         //     Gets the input and then send it to 3 files according to Tags
              File head = new File ("head.chris");
    PrintStream headStream = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (head));
    File body = new File ("body.chris");
    PrintStream bodyStream = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (body));
    File foot = new File ("foot.chris");
    PrintStream footStream = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (foot));
    String input; //     String used to store input                
    File d = new File(".");
    String files[] = d.list();
    for (int n=0; n!=files.length; n++)
         if (files[n].endsWith(".txt") == true)
              String fileName = files[n];
              BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new FileReader(fileName));
                   while (true)
                   input = in.readLine();
                   if (input != null)
                        input = input.trim();
                        if (input == null) // if no more input                          
                        else if ( (input.compareTo("<HEAD>")) == 0) // if start of <HEAD> text
                                  input = in.readLine();
                                       if (input != null)
                                       input = input.trim();
                                       if ( ((input.compareTo("<BODY>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("<FOOT>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("</BODY>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("</FOOT>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("<HEAD>")) == 0))
                                                      //checks to see if tags in input are in correct order
                                            System.out.println("Input Is Incorrectly Formatted - Tag Error");
                                            System.out.println("Close your <HEAD> tag before starting another tag.");
                                            System.exit(1); //exit program without printing data                                                   
                                       if ( (input.compareTo("</HEAD>")) != 0) //if not end of tag
                                            headStream.println(input); //print to text file
                             while ( (input.compareTo("</HEAD>")) != 0);
                        else if ( (input.compareTo("<BODY>")) == 0) // if start of <BODY> text
                                  input = in.readLine();
                                  if (input != null)
                                       input = input.trim();
                                       if ( ((input.compareTo("<HEAD>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("<FOOT>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("</HEAD>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("</FOOT>")) == 0) ||
                                                      ((input.compareTo("<BODY>")) == 0))
                                                      //checks to see if tags in input are in correct order
                                            System.out.println("Input Is Incorrectly Formatted - Tag Error");
                                            System.out.println("Close your <BODY> tag before starting another tag.");
                                            System.exit(1); //exit program without printing data                                                   
                                       if ( (input.compareTo("</BODY>")) != 0) //if not end of tag
                                            bodyStream.println(input); //print to text file
                             while ( (input.compareTo("</BODY>")) != 0);
                             else if ( (input.compareTo("<FOOT>")) == 0) // if start of <FOOT> text
                                  input = in.readLine();
                                  if (input != null)
                                       input = input.trim();
                                       if ( ((input.compareTo("<BODY>")) == 0) ||
                                            ((input.compareTo("<HEAD>")) == 0) ||
                                                 ((input.compareTo("</BODY>")) == 0) ||
                                                 ((input.compareTo("</HEAD>")) == 0) ||
                                                 ((input.compareTo("<FOOT>")) == 0))
                                                 //checks to see if tags in input are in correct order
                                            System.out.println("Input Is Incorrectly Formatted - Tag Error");
                                            System.out.println("Close your <FOOT> tag before starting another tag.");
                                            System.exit(1); //exit program without printing data                                                   
                                       if ( (input.compareTo("</FOOT>")) != 0) //if not end of tag
                                                 footStream.println(input); //print to text file
                             while ( (input.compareTo("</FOOT>")) != 0);
    public static void printToFile () throws IOException
    // Prints the text from head.txt, body.txt, and foot.txt to the output.log
         File head = new File ("head.chris");
         FileReader headReader = new FileReader(head);
              BufferedReader inHead = new BufferedReader(headReader);
              File body = new File ("body.chris");
              FileReader bodyReader = new FileReader(body);
              BufferedReader inBody = new BufferedReader(bodyReader);
              File foot = new File ("foot.chris");
              FileReader footReader = new FileReader(foot);
              BufferedReader inFoot = new BufferedReader(footReader);
              PrintStream outputStream = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (new File("output.log")));
              String output;     //string used to store output
              while (true)
                   output = inHead.readLine();
                   if (output == null) //if no more text to get from file
                        outputStream.println(output); // print to output.log
              while (true)
                   output = inBody.readLine();
                   if (output == null)// if no more text to get from file
                        outputStream.println(output); // print to output.log
              while (true)
                   output = inFoot.readLine();
                   if (output == null) //if no more text to get from file
                        outputStream.println(output); // print to output.log
              //Close up the files
              inHead.close ();
              inBody.close ();
              inFoot.close ();
              outputStream.close ();     
         public static void printArgumentInfo () //     Prints argument info to screen
              System.out.println("Disco Hristo");
              System.out.println("Assemble.class is a small program that");
              System.out.println("takes in as input a body of text and then");
              System.out.println("outputs the text in an order according to");
              System.out.println("the tags that are placed in the input.");
         public static void deleteFiles ()
              File deleteHead = new File ("head.chris");
              File deleteBody = new File ("body.chris");
              File deleteFoot = new File ("foot.chris");

    I tired your program, it still gives false for files deleted. I tool the same functions you used in your program and ran it. The files get deleted. Tried this :
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class FileTest {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              FileTest f = new FileTest();
              try {
              } catch(IOException ioe){
         public void createFile() throws IOException {
              System.out.println("In create file method...");
              File test = new File("test1.txt");
              File tst = new File("text2.txt");
              PrintStream testStream = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (test));
              PrintStream tstStream = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (tst));
              testStream.println("this is a test to delete a file");
              tstStream.println("this is the second file created");
         public void deleteFile() throws IOException {
              File test = new File("test1.txt");
              File tst = new File("text2.txt");
    Also check the starting and closing braces for your if..else blocks.

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    If you use menu File>Open As and in the open dialog use the type pulldown select camera raw then select a  jpeg image when ACR opens do you see 8.7.1 in ACR window frame ?
    The Canon support ACR  EOS not EOC right.  What version of Photoshop are you using only CS6, CC and CC2014  can use ACR 8.7.1.
    EOS 60D
    EOS 60Da

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    I am not doing it in ITunes, but i did down load the song from ITunes.  I loaded the song on to my Nano, but in my menu selections it doesn't show the song or the artist in any search format.  However, when i plug in my nano to my PC I see the Nano library on my PC drive listings and that song and artist are there.  I can click on the song and it will play in Windows media on my work PC.  I did notice that the format for most all the songs in my library on my Nano are MPEG - 4 audio Files. 
    Thanks for your help, Mel

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     I don't know what else to try.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    A hotfix request has already been submitted for this issue and we have also documented it here
    Tony Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hello qqnicol,
    What program do you run?
    Please contact the software provider to confirm if this 32-bit program can run in 64-bit Windows.
    As some programs can only run in specific version of Windows, please download the right version of software.
    Most programs designed for the 32-bit version of Windows will work on the 64-bit version of Windows. Notable exceptions are many antivirus programs.
    Device drivers designed for the 32-bit version of Windows don't work on computers running a 64-bit version of Windows too.
    Best regards,
    Fangzhou CHEN
    Fangzhou CHEN
    TechNet Community Support

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