Can someone please help this brain-dead 50-year-old?

I have an issue I need help with please!! I have a software program that allows me to add cool effects to text (Flasheff2). However, I can't figure out how to have one group of text fade in after the first group of text fades out. See this example: In the example, you'll notice that the developer was able to have multiple text messages fade in then out again. I know how to create and make one group of text fade in then out, but I can't figure out (layers, timelines??) how to have multiple groups of text, one right after the other.
If this makes sense to anyone, please help me out. It is really appreciated.

The very simplest method is to lay out the text and effects end to end on a single timeline. This will certainly work. A second method is to create each text fadein - fadeout as its own movieClip. Then you can play each movieClip one after the other. A third method is to write a set of tweens for each text object. The tweens can each be in functions which are called sequentially. A fourth method is to use the TweenMax tweening library to write one long series of sequential tweens replacing the actual text at each fade out end.
Each of these will work equally well. The first is the least flexible in terms of timing and content, the last is the most flexible.

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