Can Still Pictures takes only 1 frame

hi guys
we want to make a still motion ad (you know like old school when we take one pic at a time and then combine them together)
the problem is that the imported photos takes more than 1 frame and we have like 100 pic for each 3 second of animation so shrink them amnually to 1 frame will be very mony/time consuming
my question is there an optin in premiere that makes the each of the imported images take only 1 frame each??
thank you all in advance

A great enhancement, if you ask me.
I do agree. How many times have I cursed, when I Imported 100 PSD's into PrPro 2.0, only to realize that either I forgot to set Edit>Preferences, or forgot to set it "back." Oh well, at my advanced age, having to Import 100 stills, is not the end of the world - however, I wonder how many "good years" I have left... ?
PS - I do not hear many here (on earlier versions) complain that much. On the PrE forum, they scream like stuck pigs, at the prospect of having to do a re-Import with the proper Duration settings.

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    To take panorama
    - ensure that the panorama option is on
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    Ah, you mean a stop motion movie?  (take a still picture of the legos, move them slightly, take another still picture.)
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    Assuming you have iMovie 11 (also known as Version 9.0.4), here is how you do it. (If you have a different version, let me know. The instructions will be different).
    First, get an app called MPEG Streamclip, which is free. (google MPEG Streamclip from Squared 5)
    Open MPEG Streamclip.
    In iMovie, select the clip you need. Then, right-click/Reveal in Finder.
    Drag this clip into MPEG Streamclip
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    In MPEG Streamclip, click FILE/EXPORT FRAME.
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    Here is a demo I made the other day for how to extract the still image using MPEG Streamclip.

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    I don't know why you can't export a movie, but there is no reason that you should have to make a slideshow so you can have photos in a trailer.
    You can make the trailer. Then FILE/CONVERT TO PROJECT.
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    Hi mduggan,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    If the other person can't see you during a FaceTime call, first use the Camera app on the iPhone to make sure the camera is working properly. If you don't see an image when using the Camera app, try these troubleshooting steps first:
    If the screen shows a closed lens or black image, force quit the Camera app.
    Ensure the camera lens is clean and free from any obstructions. Use a microfiber polishing cloth to clean the lens.
    Cases can interfere with the camera and the flash. Try gently cleaning the lens with a clean dry cloth or removing the case if you see image or color-quality issues with photos.
    Try turning iPhone off and then back on.
    If your iPhone has a front and rear camera, try switching between them to verify if the issue persists on both.
    You can find these steps and more information here:
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    If the camera is working normally, next troubleshoot FaceTime using the steps in this article:
    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime
    All the best,

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