Can't burn more that 30 min to dvd

I'm trying to do the direct from dv camera to iDVD option at best quality and can't get the entire 59 min to burn. What can I do? Thanks!

I've only tried OneStep once... What happens, exactly? A timecode break on the tape will stop it.

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    What you report is what it is.
    Each burn to of Timeline content to DVD-VIDEO format on DVD disc results in the disc containing one OpenDVD Folder and one VIDEO_TS Folder.
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    If you have several movies, one possibility is to build a Timeline with the movies, use stop markers, and setup disc menus according so that the viewer
    can selectively watch the movies. More on that later if wanted.
    Any questions or need clarification, please ask.
    Thank you.

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    For small, independent developers, this "not commonly downloaded" error is a common issues in browsers.  You can see complaints from developers here: a6e-4f10-a26e-d2f5e03fa52d
    I have placed the setup program inside a .zip file to as a workaround.
    Thanks for reporting this!

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    I have managed to get it to work consistently now. I just burned 20 DVD's without a problem.
    I tried everything you suggested except the imageburn software. I didn't like that site, I was too anxious to try and figure out where to download that software in the midst of all the advertisements on that site.
    After clearing out everything in startup and services except what I needed I still wasn't able to burn successfully. Finally I went and purchased some Verbatim DVD-R discs and wahlah! Actually, after the first try with the verbatim I had an error code when trying to burn with Encore. So, I created and image file as you suggested and then I used Cyberlink's Power2Go to burn the image file and from there on it seems everything is solid.
    I think the biggest problem was using TDK discs. I came to the realization a few years ago that certain disks are not as predictable as others and that verbatim and maxell seem to be the best. I did get one bad batch of verbatim though one time and that's when I switched to Maxell. My friend gave me 200 of the TDK's and I've been having problems ever since. But, I wasn't sure what it was exactly because he gave me those around the same time I rebuilt my system.
    I had also found the Plextor seems to be the best bet for burners. But, I had been using an HP one lately and thought maybe that was the problem. However, now it seems to be fine.
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    You might also want to post this in the iMovie forum

  • Can I burn a .mov file directly to DVD?

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    It is only 2GB in size, so should not need compressing.
    QT 7.6.4 simply does not play the video once it is on DVD.
    What am I missing?

    I'm not quite sure how Movie and QT Movie differ, since they both have the .mov file extension name.
    The MOV, MP4, and M4V file extensions refer to the container in which the data is stored. MOV, for instance, is a generic file container which can contain up to 99 tracks of compatible data. In the case of audio and video content, that means any compression format compatible with whatever codec components you have installed on your system to include third-party components. You can place WMV, DivX, or even "muxed" MPEG-1 data in an MOV container. On the other hand, an MP4 container is normally limited to MPEG4/AAC or H.264/AAC audioi/video content which normally opens using the QT Player. The M4V container is even more specific --normally limited to H.264/AAC or H.264/AAC/AC3 content which automatically opens in iTunes when double-clicked (assuming you have not changed the opening application yourself). The same H.264/AAC data placed in any of these file containers will play equally well. However, owing to differences, in the container itself, they may appear to have differing file sizes or possess differing file characteristics. However, as mentioned above the A/V data is exactly the same in each. In fact, using the "Save As.." command on either the MP4 or H.264 file will save the active A/V content of that file in an MOV file container.
    Now how should I burn this QT Movie to DVD to get best quality?
    As previously stated, the easiest way is to place the file in a "Burn" folder and press the "Burn" button. This action simply copies the file(s) in the folder to your optical media without changing the file at all. You can also burn "data" discs using the Disk utility included in the Utility Folder but using the burn folder is an automated Finder feature that burns media without having to open a dedicated application.
    Toast is obviously out, since it takes the resolution down and changes the ratio aspect. Burn with Finder does not make a dvd that is playable on a dvd player... Does this mean I should use iDVD, or is there a better option?
    Here you have to make a decision. Commercial DVD players do not support HD content. You can either "author" a DVD in an application like Toast or iDVD and have it converted to SD content (the standard 720x480 VIDEO_TS VOB files) or you create an HD file that plays back in HD but only on your computer using one of the QT-based player applications. You can't have it both ways. If your files must be HD and play on a commercial player, then buy a Blu-Ray player, buy a Blu-Ray burner, and then use the Toast 10 High-Def/Blu-Ray plug-in to create either short HD DVDs or Blu-Ray discs that will play your HD content in HD on your new commercial Blu-Ray player. This is not, however, what you originally asked how to do and the HD content will not be QT compatible.

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    No. You need a DVD authoring application such as iDVD.
    New machine purcahses do not include iDVD and iWeb as part of the iLife '11 suite of apps but that doesn't mean they don't work in Lion.
    Apple no longer sells iDVD or iWeb so you'll have to search for a reseller of the iLife '09 or '11 DVD or use a more expensive authoring app like Toast.

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    -Creating it as an image saving it to my desktop and burning it from disk utilities
    -Creating it in iDVD and burning it that way
    I AM using a DVD-R
    So, again it will play in the playstation but not on dvd players
    When I burned it using the whole image thing & disc utilities, it burned the slide show correctly but NO music. I would really appreciate your help

    Sorry, was trying to get all of these.
    Have a look at these for help:

  • Can you burn Blu-Ray on a standard DVD?

    I know Encore won't build a Blu-Ray movie to a DVD disc but I've seen some ppl say you can use the freeware program ImageBurn to burn the Encore build to a standard DVD as long as its small enough to fit.
    The reason why I want to do it is make short HD demos of my video work on a standard DVD that can be viewed on a Blu-Ray player. DVD media is a lot cheaper than BR 50 cents vs $10 a disc and I aslo don't own blu-ray burner. For longer videos I can use a Dual Layer DVD for clients who want a HD option.
    Some ppl say absolutely no, while other say yes. Someone outlined how to do it but it didn't work for me, although I only used the last part of the instructions to burn because I was using Encore to build folder or iso, while the instructions are intended for ppl ripping a retail Blu-Ray.
    I'm filmed my own legit HD content, encoding it as the proper mpeg-2 blu-ray format, authored it in Encore CS3, built a blu-ray folder or iso, and using ImageBurn to wrote it to a standard DVD. All of that worked but when I took it to Best Buy their Blu-Ray player wouldn't recognize the DVD.

    For what it's worth, I've been able to burn an ENcore BluRay .iso and then used Imgburn to burn the .iso to a regular DVD and it played on a SONY BDP S300.
    Sometimes the firmware in the player has to be updated.
    This has been duplicated by others (see message #11 of this thread.
    I wasn't able to burn a "folder" to a regular DVD, but only the .iso.
    Also this thread where apparently the .iso can be burn to a dual layered DVD.
    John Rich

  • Can't burn my IDVD project on a DVD or the desktop

    I made a project with IDVD and now I want to burn it on a DVD, but this is not working.
    First it seems to work, but then when he is at the stage to burn the movies and slideshows. IDVD gives the error with encoding/ decoding. I tried it several times but I get all the time the same error.
    I tried to copy my file on the desktop, but I got the same problem.
    Could anybody please help me?!

    What version of iMovie? iMovie '08 or iMovie HD (v. 6)?
    What brand and format DVD? You should use DVD-R. Verbatim works perfectly for me. Memorex and TDK have bad track records here...
    Suggest you create a disc image and then burn the DVD. File/Save as Disc Image...
    This will isolate any encoding/burning issues you may encounter. Once the disc image is created, double-click the .img and burn the virtual disc that should appear on your desktop, using Toast to burn the DVD. Disk Utility to burn the .img file. Usually, you can select a burning speed in Disk Utility.
    There are variations to this process based on which OS X you are using...
    Open Disk Utility (in Utilities folder in Applications folder), click on the virtual disc (maybe the .img) in the left-hand window. Click the Burn icon. A new window should drop down and your SuperDrive tray will open after clicking the Burn icon. Insert a recordable DVD. (Verbatim DVD-R preferred by me.) Click the Close button. Wait. Select a burn speed. If you hold your mouse cursor over the pop-up it says: "Select a slower speed to work around burn failures," so select 4x or slower for best results. Then click the Burn button.
    -->If the virtual disk selection won't allow you to click the Burn icon, use the .img file instead. This may have changed in 10.3.9 and did change in Tiger.
    Also, you can use DVD Player to play the virtual disk to check your iDVD project before burning to DVD. Launch DVD Player. File/Open VIDEO_TS (Open DVD Media... in Player 4.6). Find the VIDEO_TS folder and open that. (The audio folder is for DVD-Audio disks.)

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    I have purchased movies from itunes, downloaded them and can only burn them to data DVD...which is useless in a DVD player.  How can I burn these movies to DVD so that I can view them on a DVD player?

    You are not licensed to burn any iTunes video products, regardless of whether it's to a data DVD or a playable DVD.
    See the iTunes Terms & Conditions, Usage Rules v.   "(v) You shall not be entitled to burn video iTunes Products or tone iTunes Products."   Additionally, you are only licensed to use iTunes products on iTunes authorized devices, which DVD players are not.

  • Compress more than 180 mins. on DVD

    Hello. I shoot local government meetings that often run more than 180 minutes. I know it means lower quality, but I'd like to squeeze as much as 210 or 240 minutes onto a standard DVD. I do that now using DVD Shrink. Is there someplace I can find Compressor presets that will do that, or can I create my own? Thank you.

    You can make all the Compressor presets you want. But your best option for programs that long is to buy a stand-alone DVD recorder. Either record the meeting live to the recorder or output from FCP's Timeline to the recorder IF you need to edit. However, it is my understanding that government meetings should not be edited in any form.
    -DHYou can make all the Compressor presets you want. But your best option for programs that long is to buy a stand-alone DVD recorder. Either record the meeting live to the recorder or output from FCP's Timeline to the recorder IF you need to edit. However, it is my understanding that government meetings should not be edited in any form.

  • Can't burn more than 2 hours using DVDSP 4

    I am having trouble burning my project to a DVD. I have created 2 Quicktime.dv movies, in iMovie, that are approximately 1 hour 10 minutes each. I have taken the bitrate, in Preferences, all the way down to 2.0, using One Pass, and all I get is the message that says there is not enough space on the output media. What am I missing that I can't fit both of these movies on one 4.7 gig DVD blank?
    Thank you.
    G5 2GHz Dual   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   DVDSP 4.02

    Hi james - welcome to the discussions.
    One reason for this error is that your hard drive is getting full. before DVDSP writes to disc it creates a copy of the build files in a location you specify. Have you got enough room on your drive?
    The second thing to try is to encode these movies before you bring them in to DVDSP - this will give you a far more accurate idea of the file sizes you are dealing with. You should certainly be able to get your project onto a DVD-R with such a low bitrate, but you are likely to lose quality doing so. You can also afford to raise that bitrate slightly. If you encode the audio to AC3 you will free even more room for the video and you could get away with 2.5 as a setting... still woefully low for DV material.
    Your options are therefore to either use DL DVD-R, or encode using MPEG1, or encode using MPEG2 at Half D1 resolution.

  • How can I delete more that one thing at a time in iTunes

    How can more than more than one song be deleted in iTunes on computer?

    If you slect one Song then hold down the shift key and click on another song, those two songs and all the songs between them will be selected, and can be deleted at once.
    If you select a song, hold down the Ctrl key and click another song, that other song will also be selected (but not the ones in between). Holding down control and clicking another song gives you three different songs selected at once, and so on. All the selected songs can be deleted at once.

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