Can't connect with Edge

When I try to connect to Edge, it says that it can't find the server. I can connect fine to a Wi-Fi signal when it is available. What can I do to connect to Edge?

Don't know that it will fix your particular problem, but I just had this same exact issue. Edge seemed to be working but I kept getting a "cant find server" message every time I tried to use it, no matter what my location was. I heard that AT&T was having router problems somewhere on the east coast so I just figured it was affecting me as well. After about 2 days of this, I decided to reboot the thing (home button and power button) and Edge worked normally again immediately after the boot.
G4 FW800 1.25Ghz & MacBook Pro Core2 Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

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    ... there is no button for update between the About and Usage buttons in the General. ...
    Correct. That is only a feature of iOS 5 or later...
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    muskagap wrote:
    Oh, sorry, it's Marocco not Turkey
    tell your friend to connect Skype through a proxy server:
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    If one of my replies has adequately addressed your issue, please click on the “Accept as Solution” button. If you found a post useful then please "Give Kudos" at the bottom of my post, so that this information can benefit others.

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    TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 17-JUL-2008 11:10:28
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2003, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Used parameter files:
    Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
    Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=
    OK (70 msec)
    OK (40 msec)
    OK (50 msec)
    OK (50 msec)
    OK (40 msec)
    C:\Documents and Settings\Phil>
    Listener status info
    LSNRCTL> status
    Alias LISTENER
    Version TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    Start Date 17-JUL-2008 10:45:26
    Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 29 min. 2 sec
    Trace Level off
    Security ON: Password or Local OS Authentication
    Listener Parameter File D:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\network\admin\listener.ora
    Listener Log File D:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\network\log\listener.log
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    Services Summary...
    Service "PLSExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "PLSExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "orcl" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "orcl", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "orclXDB" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "orcl", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    The command completed successfully
    # listener.ora Network Configuration File: D:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\listener.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
    (ORACLE_HOME = D:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1)
    (PROGRAM = extproc)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = elvis)(PORT = 1521))
    ORCL =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = elvis)(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)
    (SID = PLSExtProc)
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    Fatal NI connect error 12638, connecting to:
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    Oracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    Time: 17-JUL-2008 10:23:14
    Tracing not turned on.
    Tns error struct:
    ns main err code: 12638
    TNS-12638: Credential retrieval failed
    ns secondary err code: 0
    nt main err code: 0
    nt secondary err code: 0
    nt OS err code: 0

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    Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=elvis)(PORT=1521)))
    Services Summary...
    Service "PLSExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "PLSExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0
    Service "orcl" has 2 instance(s).
    Instance "orcl", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0
    Instance "orcl", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    "DEDICATED" established:18 refused:0 state:ready
    Service "orclXDB" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "orcl", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    "D000" established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:1002 state:ready
    DISPATCHER <machine: ELVIS, pid: 2284>
    The command completed successfully

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        public int MessageID { get; set; }
        [Required(ErrorMessage="Please type a message to submit")]
        public string MessageText { get; set; }
        public DateTime WrittenOn { get; set; }
        [Required(ErrorMessage="Please select a ticket")]
        public int TicketID { get; set; }
        public virtual Ticket Ticket { get; set; }
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please select a business")]
        [Display(Name = "Business")]
        public int BusinessID { get; set; }
        public virtual Business Business { get; set; }
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please select a user")]
        [Display(Name = "User")]
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public virtual ApplicationUser ApplicationUser { get; set; }
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    If someone could help me solve the problem, I would be glad.

    Hi Toni,
    I see that this particular query is been answered in the following thread.
    You can also refer the following links, hope this helps.

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    Does your Cloud subscription properly show on your account page?
    If you have more than one email, are you sure you are using the correct Adobe ID? for subscriptions on your Adobe page
    If yes
    Some general information for a Cloud subscription
    Cloud programs do not use serial numbers... you log in to your paid Cloud account to download & install & activate... you MAY need to log out of the Cloud and restart your computer and log back in to the Cloud for things to work
    Log out of your Cloud account... Restart your computer... Log in to your paid Cloud account
    -Sign in help
    -ID help
    If no
    This is an open forum, not Adobe support... you need Adobe staff to help
    Adobe contact information -
    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

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