"Can't Open Clip"

Captured a number of clips into iMovie3. Saved saved and saved. Thought I was done. Closed it. Made a new file with new clips. When I try to open the original from Open Recent is says "Clip not found" with all the clips... this can't be happening!... please rescue me!

I may not use Macs very much, but I use them. You may just have to start over on your movie and make sure you don't do something weird.

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    Thank you for your reply.
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    Hello Spadrille,
    It sounds like your application is not activated. Try this: Open a new project in Premiere Pro. Choose Help > Decativate > Restart Premiere Pro. Then choose Help > Activate. See if that solves your problem.

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    The problem was resolved a small manipulation - on stage Basic Configuration,
    point 3 "Configure CA Introscope"
    I forgot to add to the list of CA Introscope Enterprise Managers link to my manager.
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    Have you tried Shared Stream

  • I can´t open FC project ( it is related to my previous post: File error: Access denied when trying to export).

    1- Are you using material with an avid codec? 
    No, I did not use material with avid codec but I wanted to export to a .avi video.
    2- What exactly are your clip settings and your sequence settings?
    Cilp setting are HDV-1080i50
    The secuence is as well HDV-1080i50
    3- What do you mean by "mac block?"
    Sorry for the word, what I mean is that My Mac collapsed. I was trying to export a video
    I was trying to export:
    I could not:
    The destiny specificated does not allow access for read/write
    Check if the folder is just a read folder or check your writing permission.
    So I tried to change permissions of the Hard Disk with OS, then, one after another some windows appeared, here first of them, and a detail:
    The system extension can´t be used
    The system extension "/System/Library/ Extensions/ACard671xSCSI.kext" was not well instaled, the it can be used. Try to reinstal it or contact manofacturer to obtain a update.
    (NOTE: there were a lot of more windows related to differents extensions, some are: "Sustem/Library/Extensions/Apple BMC.Kext"; "(...)Apple EFI Runtime.kext" , "(...) AppleEFIRuntime.Kext/Contents/Plugins/AppleEFINVRAM-kext", etc. I have almost all captured, in case you need more details I can upload the as well).
    Then, I turn off the computer (because it stop working with all those pop ups windows) and next time I tried to turn it on, it never restart again ( it turn in but never start the OS), therefore I restarted from the DVD.
    4- What did you do when you restarted your mac from the dvd os?
       I just installed over the OS ( advised by a mac technitian), since then...
    when I start my mac some windows pop up:
    The first window says:
    One low safe start item was desactivated
    "/Library/StartupItems/DigidesignLoader" was not runnig because it has not the security protocol adjusted.
    The others are the same with: "StartupItems/PACESupport" ,with "StartupItems/Qmaster" and with "StartupItems/SATARaid5Daemon"
    And when I try to open FC fileproject a window show up:
    Final Cut close unexpectedly while AvidV1xCodec was being used.
    I have tried ignore it and restart it a nothing works.
    5- Does the mac see the external hard disk?
         Did you try and repair the external drive? 
         What format is the external drive?
    I have the external disk in technical service, they will try to repair it. It was in MacPlus (registrered) format, configured in Raid 0 ( two hard disk enclosed together and working as one). Now, to recaptured the tapes for the project I have purchase another hard disk ( 1 T and configured it with MacPlus (registrered) format), this new hard disk is well detected by my computer.
    My version of OS is
    Well, that all I can tell about what happen to me.
    Now, as I have said, I can´t  open the FC Project.
    I have tried to clean the user profile of FC and it doesn´t work either... need some advise..., thanks for your help!!

    lotta stuff going on.  I'm in the office now and don't expect a client for about 45 minutes.  Want to walk thru this via skype or ichat?  email me directly if you do.  [email protected]
    If not, post back and I'll try and walk thru these things. 
    Also, if you want to email me the project, I'll see if I can open it here. 

  • Can't open a project in FCP 7

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    What should I do? Could it be a corrupted file?
    Thanks for your help!!

    First thing to try is resetting your preferences.  The best way is using Digital Rebellion's preference manager.  It's free
    Digital Rebellion also has a Project Repair App, part of Pro Maintenance Tools.
    There's a free trial.
    If these two things fail, there may be a corrupt clip causing the problems.  If you take your media drive offline and try launching the project, it may load.  You can then slowly reconnect the media until you find the problem.  Sometimes, just going thru this process will solve it.
    You can also try an autosave version of the project.  FCP automatically saves back up versions of the project as you work on it.  The default interval is 30 minutes.  Just do a finder search for autosave to find the folder.

  • Can't open project unless trash prefs or eject ext hd... ???

    I want to start off by apologizing ahead of time if I miss a detail or seem like I am rambling but I am going on 48 hours no sleep, half of which trying to figure out my problem, and my doc's air date is quickly quickly approaching. I will try to make this brief yet detailed...
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    Home System:
    MacBook Pro 10.5.8
    2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    FCP 6.0.6
    Work System:
    2.5 GHz PowerPC Still on Tiger
    FCP 6.0.6
    (I apologize I don't know more details but I am at my home system right now and weary to drive up there on no sleep..)
    I am editing XDCAM footage which I digitized in low res DV and then highres at the end to DVCPRO HD (since my system at work can't handle anything higher)
    I have completed that entire process for the first hour of the doc with no issues.. having two copies of the SD version.. one at home and one at work and I would just throw my project file on a thumb drive and relink..
    Ok.. so now I am trying to finish hour 2 and I've worked the exact same process as I did for hour 1.. This past Tuesday, it was at the end of the day and I just restarted my machine and tried to open my project and it would get stuck on the loading page... it did pass all the plugins loading... and would stop while it said ...6.0.6. Honestly I didn't think too much of it (panic wise) cause it's always something... lol.. I just did some quick googling... found that I should run permissions and trash my prefs.. Which I did.. and it opened just fine after that.
    Rest of the week went fine until yesterday. At work again... it did the exact same thing. Now I am getting a bit concerned since I've never had to trash prefs before and now it's happening twice in one week...? hmmm.. Since works computer is still on Tiger, I can't download Digital Rebellion FCS Maintenance Pack.. (BUT I do have it on my home system..) So.. I went through the above process once again... and it opened just fine again.
    brought my project file home last night and it was working just fine until around 2am and I couldn't open the darn project.. 'application not responding' force quit by control clicking on the dock...
    Now that I am on my MPB, I decided to run the digital rebellion package (except the trashing of prefs..) Im trying to see if it's something else. I booted in Safe Mode and ran permissions there... restarted..... still can't open. So I ejected the media and it opened.. so now I have two ways to open it but it's the only way??? I even created a new project and copied my assets over to the new project (offline still)... and it still won't open.
    I have to highres Monday and I am terrified to see what will happen ...
    Others I tried:
    -pulled all the plugins out of the plugin folder and it still wouldn't open..
    -Ran Disk Warrior on both machines.. nothing major happened there.
    Here is part of the report that is generated after the force quit to send to Apple:
    Date/Time: 2010-02-20 10:56:55 -0700
    OS Version: 10.5.8 (Build 9L30)
    Architecture: i386
    Report Version: 4
    Command: Final Cut Pro
    Path: /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Final Cut Pro
    Version: 6.0.6 (6.0.6)
    Build Version: 12
    Project Name: FCPApp
    Source Version: 905291121
    Parent: launchd [96]
    PID: 381
    Event: hang
    Time: 5.08s
    Steps: 27
    Process: Final Cut Pro [381]
    Path: /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Final Cut Pro
    00001000 /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Final Cut Pro
    00b23000 /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/KGCore.framework/Versions/A/KGCore
    00b2d000 /System/Library/Frameworks/DVComponentGlue.framework/Versions/A/DVComponentGlue
    00b32000 /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/AERegistration.framework/Versions/A/AERegi stration
    00b53000 /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/AEProfiling.framework/Versions/A/AEProfili ng
    00b62000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/ProKit
    00e23000 /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/AVCVideoServices.framework/Versions/A/AVCV ideoService
    If anyone wants to see more of that report let me know...
    Thank you so much for your patience and assistance.

    First, I think your workflow is more complicated than it needs to be. If the media resides on both systems on drives with the same name and same folder structure, you shouldn't need to relink. FCP should find the media transparently.
    If you have a corrupt piece of media, this might work. Try this, with the media drive disconnected, open the project and do a save as. Quit fcp and then reconnect the media drive and launch the project. You should get the reconnect window. Do not reconnect anything at this time. Then, gradually reconnect your media until you find the problem clip.
    If the problem is corruption in your sequence, follow the initial steps above, but after cancelling the reconnect on startup, try creating a new sequence with the same settings as your existing sequence and copying the contents of the existing sequence to the new sequence. Then select the new sequence in the browser and control click and choose reconnect media.
    Report back and if the problem still exists we can move on.

  • Can't open picture attachment​s on BlackBerry Curve 8330

    I just traded my Pearl 8130 for the Curve 8330 yesterday.  While I think I made the right decision, I'm a little annoyed by the fact that for the most part, I can't open email attachments.  Keep in mind, this is when I actually use the Internet Browser to access my various accounts.  In other words, I'm actually going to www.gmail.com and www.hotmail.com.  When I get into my Hotmail, it'll show the paper clip signifying an attachment but won't give me any sort of option to open it.  It just lists the file name(s) and that's it.  When I go into my gmail, if I've got an email that only contains one or two pictures it'll usually open those.  But any more than that and it's the same deal with Hotmail, except that it'll actually have the "6 Attachments" link that I can actually click, but when I do it just lists the file names in regular type and there's no option whatsoever to open them.  It doesn't open any kind of thumbnail either.  
    It's kind of a bummer to me because I have a lot of saved pictures in my email accounts that I'd like to save on my phone as well.  If all BlackBerrys are like that, I'll just deal with it and shut up.  When I get email attachments in the accounts I've set up to go directly to my BlackBerry I can always open them, so maybe this is just normal for BlackBerrys.  But if mine is actually having a problem I'd really like to get it fixed.  If that's the case, does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do?  I already resent Service Books and took the battery out and put it back in.  That's all I've tried so far.  If all else fails I can just take it in to Alltel to have it looked at but it'd be nice to avoid having to do that.    I know there are other ways to go about this... I can always just manually move them to my phone's memory card from the computer and stuff.  Getting them directly from my email would just be a little quicker.
    Thanks, everyone!

    Blackberry browser isnt exactly the same as a browser on your PC. It has limitations, such as sizes. when you added the email to your BIS account its now mail on your device which is the primary function of a blackberry. when using BIS or BES emails, they are designed to truncate if too big, but if you wish to look at more it gives you that option. www.hotmail.com is not designed to accomodate blackberry. Your best option is to stay to the BIS email option.
    Not to mention it uses less of your data bandwidth to use BIS email rather than browsing to www.hotmail.com

  • I can't open the DVD tray

    I can't open the DVD tray. There's nothing inside. I hear a sound (a grrrr) but it won't open.
    I had that 2-3 times in the last 5 years and I always managed to open it by pushing the "DVD ROM drive open button" while I restart but not this time.
    I also tried to put a paper clip in the little hole but that doesn't work either.
    In the Apple help site, they say push the "eject media key" on your keyboard; I didn't know where that is but I know now it's the F12 key; when I push it I hear a sound coming from the tray (like a electric screwdriver) but nothing happens.
    So what can I do ?
    I saw that Andrew Favret had the same problem in October and Don Archibald said:
    • Boot or restart the machine, immediately press the Option key, keep it held down. This will bring up Startup Manager. Once Startup Manager has finished loading, press the key combo Command-. (Command-Periodkey). This should open the tray.
    I tried the "Option" key. The Start Up Manager appeared: A display with my 5 drives in the middle, and a Right Arrow icon on the right.
    I did click on the right arrow and it started to load normally as it does when you turn the computer on.
    So I try the whole thing again and now instead of clicking on the right arrow, I tried the command and period key. I hear again, a sound coming from the tray and I see the icon for "eject" on the screen but nothing happens. Tried 5-6 times. And the F12 key don't have any effect at this time.
    If I had a disc in the tray, I'm sure the icons for the DVD drive will appear but the tray is empty.
    Not sure if there's a relation but I just upgraded that same day to a new version of iTunes (from version 7 to 8.0.2) and 3 other upgrades: QuickTime player (from 7.1.3 to 7.5.5) Plus Java and Security something.

    Usually there is a CD/DVD in the tray that won't eject, but you say the tray is empty. Are there any other users of you Mac, especially kids? Someone may have placed something in the tray that is causing the jam.
    Here's the usual fixes.
    First try a Restart while holding down the mouse button.
    If that doesn’t work, look at these links:
    A dozen ways to eject or unmount a recalcitrant CD or DVD
    Ejecting media in Mac OS X: Removing 'stuck' CDs/DVDs
    Power Macintosh G3 and G4: About the DVD-RAM Drive
    PowerPC-based Macintosh: How to eject a disc when other options don't work
    Force Eject (10.3 or later) - Can be used to eject any removable disk that the system will not eject. http://mac.softpedia.com/progDownload/Force-Eject-Download-34780.html
     Cheers, Tom

  • Can't open project on External Harddrive

    I'm using iMovie 5.0.2 and working on a project that is saved on an external hard drive.
    After 6 hours of editing, the power cord came out of the hard drive. I connected everything and tried to save the project. I then got scared and stopped the saving. Now I can't open the project. I can't save it to another part of the hard drive and open it. Every time I try to open the movie it says :
    A project file is missing.
    The file "_" couldn't be opened
    and is being skipped. Click Ignore All
    to skip any remaining missing file messages.
    The iMovie quits. If I can find the files- all won't be lost. Plus, I have a high res quicktime file saved of the raw footage. But, I would like NOT to lose that 6 hours of work.
    Can I open this file? Did I mess it up? Where are the video clips saved? I can't find them. I have iMovie on my laptop and the project saved on the hard drive.
    Thanks for any help. This is why I'm so done with video Just a few more projects to do. After 15 years this type of crap drives me crazy.

    Don't do anything more with your iMovie. Don't try another save, as that can write over your last good saves. You MAY be able to retrieve the prior save. Hopefully, you saved as you went along during these 6 hours so you can retrieve a very recent saved version.
    (These types of accidents have made me realize the importance of backing up my movies-in-progress as I am editing them. I did not do this in the past, and now I try to do it at least at the end of each editing session so that not all would be lost. I had an external drive fail suddenly and all of my movies were gone. Fortunately, I was able to reimport the original footage, but frequent saves would have been best).
    In iM6, you can access the project files by control or right-clicking on the star icon and selecting 'show package contents' to let you see the movie files. One or more of the icons will have a tilde ~ or several of them. Those are prior versions of the iMovie, and can be used to get back to a prior save.
    In iM5, I think you can just directly open the project files and see the movie files as ~ files with the name as "yourmovie.mov" It might be in a Cache folder and might be called "Timeline Movie.mov." If you don't see anything like a Cache folder, try doing the process for iM6 above. If you see multiple .mov files with ~ and then more ~~ or even ~~~ those are more versions. You may have to try one or more of these to find the latest one possible.
    Once you locate the .mov version of your movie, open a new iMovie project and drop in one of the .mov~ movies into it and see if it works. If so, continue editing with this one. This version will be all in one clip, so more editing is a bit more difficult, but not impossible and at least you will have some of your work back.
    It's crucial you NOT save the messed-up project right now, for that will destroy the good QuickTime movie, replacing it with a bad "empty" movie.
    (Thanks to Karl Peterson for the info re: retrieving prior saved movies).
    Good luck!
    Message was edited by: Beverly Maneatis

  • How can i open .mts files in premiere cs4?

    Hi all,
    I am using premiere cs4.
    when i import .mts file in cs4 it says file format is not supported.
    could any one please tell me how can i open .mts file in premiere cs4.

    What kind of audio did the camera record?  For example, the Sony NX5U can be set to record linear PCM audio, which will not import into CS4.  If the same camera is set to record AC3 audio, then the clips should import and play as expected.  This thread may help:
    Adobe Community: AVCHD audio

  • The "open clip in audition" doesn't work?

    I have PPro cs3 and Audition cs3. in Ppro, I should be able to select a clip and choose "open clip in audition". I click on it, but nothing happens. is this a bug in PPro cs3?
    any fixes?
    I know I can open the file directly in audition, but I bought audtion because they're supposed to be integrated!!!
    thanks -

    > I should be able to select a clip and choose "open clip in audition". I click on it, but nothing happens. is this a bug in PPro cs3?
    Where do you find that option? Edit in Soundbooth or edit original are the only options I see.

Maybe you are looking for

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