Can't open  Disk 3, Can I get some feedback on this please..

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not sure
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Saturday June 30th, 12:48am
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IE 6
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Windows 2000
- Error Msg
Cannot open file (Disk 3)
I can't unzip this file. Its' giving me the above error message.

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  • Can I get some help with this please

    I got the following error messages from java after running my code.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 66
         at Graph.ChainingHashTable.get(
         at Graph.Vertex.isNeighbor(
         at Graph.LinkedGraph.addEdge(
         at Graph.Traversals.main(
    The following is my code
    package Graph;
    public class Traversals implements Callback<Vertex>
        public void visit( Vertex data )
            System.out.println( data.getName() );
         * Perform a breadth first traversal of the vertices in the given graph
         * starting at the specified node. The call back object is used to process
         * each node as it appears in the traversal.
         * @param g the graph to traverse
         * @param start the vertex where the traversal will start
         * @param cb the object that processes vertices.
        public void BFSTraverse( Graph g, Vertex start, Callback<Vertex> cb )
            Queue<Vertex> waiting = new LinkedQueue<Vertex>(); // Queue of waiting
                                                                // vertices
            // Ensure the graph has no marked vertices
            List<Vertex> vertices = g.getVertices();
            for( vertices.first(); vertices.isOnList(); )
                vertices.get().setTag( false );
            // Put the start vertex in the work queue
            waiting.enqueue( start );
            // While there are waiting vertices
            while( !waiting.empty() )
                // Get the next Vertex
                Vertex curVertex = waiting.front();
                // If this Vertex hasn't been processed yet
                if( !curVertex.getTag() )
                    cb.visit( curVertex ); // Process the vertex
                    curVertex.setTag( true ); // Mark it as visited
                    // Put its unmarked neighbors into the work queue
                    List<Vertex> neighbors = curVertex.getNeighbors();
                    for( neighbors.first(); neighbors.isOnList(); )
                        Vertex cur = neighbors.get();
                        if( !cur.getTag() )
                            waiting.enqueue( cur );
         * Use Kruskal's algorithm to create a minimum spanning tree for the given
         * graph. The MST is returned in the form of a graph.
         * @param g the graph from which to generate the MST
         * @return a graph containing the the vertices of g and the the edges
         *         nesseary to form a minimum spanning tree.
        public Graph kruskalMST( Graph g )
            // Where the MST will be stored
            Graph mst = new LinkedGraph();
            // All the vertices in the graph
            List<Vertex> vertices = g.getVertices();
            // List of Vertex Sets
            List<Set<String>> vertexSets = new LinkedList();
            // Add the vertices in the original graph to mst
            // and create the vertex sets at the same time
            for( vertices.first(); vertices.isOnList(); )
                String curName = vertices.get().getName();
                Set<String> curSet = null; // new ArrayBasedSet<Vertex>();
                // Add the name of the current vertex to its set and then
                // add the set to the list that contains the vertex sets
                curSet.add( curName );
                vertexSets.add( curSet );
                // Add the current vertex to the MST graph
                mst.addVertex( curName );
            // Put the edges into a heap which effectively sorts them
            Heap<Edge> edges = new ArrayBasedHeap<Edge>();
            List<Edge> allEdges = g.getEdges();
            for( allEdges.first(); allEdges.isOnList(); )
                edges.insertHeapNode( allEdges.get() );
            // Setup is complete - run the algorithm
            // There is more than one set left in the list vertex sets
            while( vertexSets.size() > 1 )
                // Get the smallest edge
                Edge cur = edges.getSmallest();
                // Find the sets where these vertices are located
                int sourcePos = findSet( vertexSets, cur.getSource().getName() );
                int destPos = findSet( vertexSets, cur.getDest().getName() );
                // If the vertices are in different sets - add the edge to
                // the MST
                if( sourcePos != destPos )
                    Set<String> sourceSet = vertexSets.get( sourcePos );
                    Set<String> destSet = vertexSets.get( destPos );
                    // Add the edge to the MST
                    mst.addEdge( cur.getSource().getName(),
                            cur.getDest().getName(), cur.getCost() );
                    // Merge the sets
                    sourceSet.union( destSet );
                    vertexSets.remove( destPos );
            // The MST can be read from this graph
            return mst;
         * Return the position of the first set in the list that contains the
         * specified name.
         * @param vertexSets a list of sets to search.
         * @param name the name being searched for.
         * @return the position of the first set in the list that contains the name
         *         or -1 if the name cannot be found.
        private int findSet( List<Set<String>> vertexSets, String name )
            int retVal = -1;
            // Step through the list and examine each set. Stop when you
            // find a set with the name or we fall off the list
            for( int i = 0; retVal == -1 && i < vertexSets.size(); i = i + 1 )
                Set curSet = vertexSets.get( i );
                // Does the current set contain the name we are looking for?
                if( curSet.contains( name ) )
                    retVal = i;
            // Return the position of the set
            return retVal;
         * Perform Dijkstra's Shortest Path algorithm on the given graph, starting
         * at the given vertex.
         * @param g the Graph to traverse.
         * @param name the name of the vertex where the traversal starts.
         * @return an array containing vertex path costs.
        public int[] dijkstraSP( Graph g, String name )
            // The names of the vertices for which the shortest
            // path is not known
            Set<String> u = new ArrayBasedSet<String>();
            // The names of the vertices for which the shortest
            // path is known
            Set<String> s = new ArrayBasedSet<String>();
            // Put the vertices in an array to make things easier
            List<Vertex> vertices = g.getVertices();
            Vertex v[] = new Vertex[ vertices.size() ];
            for( int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++ )
                v[ i ] = vertices.get( i );
            // The starting vertex
            Vertex start = g.getVertex( name );
            // The lowest costs seen so far
            int c[] = new int[ v.length ];
            // Temporary edge used by the program
            Edge curEdge = null;
            // Sort the vertices by name so that the costs will
            // appear in order by name
            Heap<String> names = new ArrayBasedHeap<String>();
            // Build the heap
            for( int i = 0; i < v.length; i = i + 1 )
                names.insertHeapNode( v[ i ].getName() );
            // Read out the values
            for( int i = 0; !names.empty(); i = i + 1 )
                v[ i ] = g.getVertex( names.getSmallest() );
            // We "know" the shortest path to the source
            s.add( name );
            // For each vertex, compute the starting cost
            for( int i = 0; i < v.length; i = i + 1 )
                // If this isn't the start node
                if( !v[ i ].getName().equals( name ) )
                    // Put it in the unknown set
                    u.add( v[ i ].getName() );
                    // Compute the initial cost to reach this Vertex
                    curEdge = start.getEdge( v[ i ].getName() );
                    if( curEdge != null )
                        c[ i ] = curEdge.getCost();
                        // This Vertex is currently unreachable
                        c[ i ] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                    // It costs 0 to get to the start vertex
                    c[ i ] = 0;
            // Set is complete - run the algorithm until all of
            // the paths are known
            while( !u.isEmpty() )
                // Find the position of the lowest-cost unknown node
                int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                int minPos = -1;
                for( int i = 0; minPos == -1 && i < c.length; i = i + 1 )
                    if( c[ i ] < min && u.contains( v[ i ].getName() ) )
                        min = c[ i ];
                        minPos = i;
                // We know the shortest path to the vertex
                s.add( v[ minPos ].getName() );
                u.remove( v[ minPos ].getName() );
                // Update the costs based
                for( int i = 0; i < c.length; i = i + 1 )
                    // Get the edge between the new shortest and the
                    // current node in the array
                    curEdge = v[ minPos ].getEdge( v[ i ].getName() );
                    // If there is an edge
                    if( curEdge != null )
                        // If going through the new node is better than
                        // what has been seen update the cost
                        if( c[ i ] > c[ minPos ] + curEdge.getCost() )
                            c[ i ] = c[ minPos ] + curEdge.getCost();
            return c;
        public static void main( String args[] )
            Traversals t = new Traversals();
            Graph g = new LinkedGraph();
            g.addVertex( "A" );
            g.addVertex( "B" );
            g.addVertex( "C" );
            g.addVertex( "D" );
            g.addVertex( "E" );
            g.addVertex( "F" );
            g.addEdge( "A", "B", 5 );             <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Line 311
            g.addEdge( "A", "D", 9 );
            g.addEdge( "A", "C", 10 );
            g.addEdge( "B", "A", 5 );
            g.addEdge( "B", "D", 4 );
            g.addEdge( "C", "A", 10 );
            g.addEdge( "C", "D", 13 );
            g.addEdge( "C", "E", 14 );
            g.addEdge( "D", "B", 4 );
            g.addEdge( "D", "A", 9 );
            g.addEdge( "D", "C", 13 );
            g.addEdge( "D", "E", 7 );
            g.addEdge( "D", "F", 8 );
            g.addEdge( "E", "C", 14 );
            g.addEdge( "E", "D", 7 );
            g.addEdge( "E", "F", 2 );
            g.addEdge( "F", "D", 8 );
            g.addEdge( "F", "E", 2 );
            int costs[] = t.dijkstraSP( g, "A" );
            for( int i = 0; i < costs.length; i = i + 1 )
                System.out.println( costs[ i ] );
    package Graph;
    * An implementation of a HashTable using chaining for collision resolution.
    * Javadoc comments for methods specified in the Table interface have been
    * omitted.
    * This code assumes that the preconditions stated in the comments are true when
    * a method is invoked and therefore does not check the preconditions.
    public class ChainingHashTable<K, V> implements Table<K, V>
        private List<Tuple<K, V>> hashTable[]; // The hashtable
        int size; // The size of the hash table
         * Create a new hash table.
         * @param cardinality the number of elements in the domain.
        public ChainingHashTable( int cardinality )
            // Note that the cast is necessary because you cannot
            // create generic arrays in Java. This statement will
            // generate a compiler warning.
            hashTable = (LinkedList<Tuple<K, V>>[]) new LinkedList[ cardinality ];
            size = 0;
        public void put( K key, V value )
            int bucket = key.hashCode();
            // Do we need to create a new list for this bucket?
            if( hashTable[ bucket ] == null )
                hashTable[ bucket ] = new LinkedList<Tuple<K, V>>();
            hashTable[ bucket ].add( new Tuple<K, V>( key, value ) );
            size = size + 1;
        public void remove( K key )
            int bucket = key.hashCode();
            List<Tuple<K, V>> chain = hashTable[ bucket ];
            boolean found = false;
            // Is there a chain to search?
            if( chain != null )
                // Step through the chain until we fall off the end or
                // find the tuple to delete
                while( !found && chain.isOnList() )
                    // If this tuple has the key we are looking for
                    // delete it and stop the loop
                    if( chain.get().getKey().equals( key ) )
                        found = true;
        public V get( K key )
            int bucket = key.hashCode();
            List<Tuple<K, V>> chain = hashTable[ bucket ];     <----------------------------------------------------------------Line 76
            V retVal = null;
            // Is there a chain to search?
            if( chain != null )
                // Step through the chain until we find the element or
                // run out of list.
                for( chain.first(); retVal == null && chain.isOnList(); chain
                        .next() )
                    // If this tuple has the key we are looking for,
                    // extract the value
                    if( chain.get().getKey().equals( key ) )
                        retVal = chain.get().getValue();
            return retVal;
        public boolean isEmpty()
            return size == 0;
        public int size()
            return size;
        public int cardinality()
            return hashTable.length;
        public List<K> getKeys()
            List<Tuple<K, V>> chain;
            List<K> keys = new LinkedList<K>();
            // Go through each chain and create a list that contains all
            // of the keys in the table
            for( int i = 0; i < hashTable.length; i++ )
                if( hashTable[ i ] != null )
                    chain = hashTable[ i ];
                    for( chain.first(); chain.isOnList(); )
                        keys.add( chain.get().getKey() );
            return keys;
        public List<V> getValues()
            List<Tuple<K, V>> chain;
            List<V> values = new LinkedList<V>();
            // Go through each chain and create a list that contains all
            // of the keys in the table
            for( int i = 0; i < hashTable.length; i++ )
                if( hashTable[ i ] != null )
                    chain = hashTable[ i ];
                    for( chain.first(); chain.isOnList(); )
                        values.add( chain.get().getValue() );
            return values;
         * Return a string representation of this hash table.
         * @return a string representation of this hash table.
        public String toString()
            StringBuffer hashAsString = new StringBuffer( "" );
            List chain = null;
            for( int i = 0; i < hashTable.length; i = i + 1 )
                hashAsString.append( "h[" + i + "]==" );
                if( hashTable[ i ] != null )
                    chain = hashTable[ i ];
                    for( chain.first(); chain.isOnList(); )
                        hashAsString.append( " " + chain.get() );
                hashAsString.append( "\n" );
            return hashAsString.toString();
    } // ChainingHashTable

  • E4200 continuous flashing issue: Linksys support, can we get some feedback?

    A few people in the "E-4200 My Review so far - I will answer any questions you have" thread (myself included) are experiencing the continuous flashing of the "Cisco" light on top of the router.  Please see the aforementioned thread for details.
    We've checked the manuals.
    We've talked to tech support.
    We've exchanged routers.
    We've reset the routers dozens of times.
    Nothing seems to work.
    Can we just get some feedback on this?  I'd be glad to provide feedback as to the settings I'm using in order to reproduce this problem, because, well, I can't not reproduce it.
    Even if it can't be fixed right away, I'd just like to know that it's actually being looked at and that it'll probably just be fixed by a future firmware upgrade.  Any feedback would be great!

    I had the same blinking.  For me it was a neighbors wireless printer that had connected to my network but obviously could not authenticate.  I found it by using the web configuration 'wireless', 'Wireless MAC configuration', and clicking the 'wireless client list'.  From here I could see the offending unit and I blocked it.  Since I did this no more blinking light.  After three days of no blinking, I tested it by allowing the printer access again.  Within minutes, the blinking started.  Againg I configured to block the printer and blinking stopped.

  • HT1338 I am trying to register my Appliances and when I try to click on "Save" or "Submit" I am unable on my MacBook pro. I have tried different browsers yet still same problem.  Can anyone shed some light on this please.

    I am trying to register my Appliances and when I try to click on "Save" or "Submit" I am unable on my MacBook pro. I have tried different browsers yet still same problem.  Can anyone shed some light on this please.

    Thanks for that 'sberman' - because my iPhone is backed-up to my work computer (only at this stage) I have had to call our IT Department in Adleaide. (4 times this morning). The last guy managed to get the phone into 'DFU Mode' - no more recovery mode screen - (kind of 'asleep' perhaps) from my understanding of same. I am awaiting a call again from IT so they can get my computer to actually recognise my iPhone on the C Drive. This also happened to  one of my colleagues in Newman (WA). She got so frustrated with the whole process that she bought another phone the next time she was in 'civilisation.' She hasn't had any problems since. (Cross fingers).
    Thanks again, Sandra2474.

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    I have an issue login into lightroom mobile on my desktop, it keeps coming up with  Lightroom has experienced an unexpected sign in failure. Please try again later.(Attempt to index a nil value can anyone ahead some light on this please?

    Have you tried this workaround?...Error: "Unexpected Sign in failure...nil value" when syncing to Lightroom mobile | Mac OS

  • HT204408 My applications folder has a black question mark on it at the bottom of my screen. I do not know what error I made, but my fan effect of the previous applications has gone away. Can I get some help with this?

    One day ago I inadvertantly removed my applications folder. In it's place is a folder with a black question mark which appeared after I attempted to open up the applications file. Also, previously when I clicked on the file applications would open in a fan display. Could I please get some assistance with this?

    ...removed my applications folder.
    From where? And to where?
    If you trashed it and emptied the trash, what backup, if any, do you have? If it's still in the Trash, move it back.
    If no backup, reinstall Snow, which will give you the version as of the DVD you use, then update back to 10.6.8, and run all other needed updates, including any security updates. This should save all your third party programs, as well as settings.
    The white puff of smoke is nothing, it only means you moved it out of the Dock. If you still have it, or had it, as soon as you open it it would reappear in the Dock. The item in the Dock is only a kind of alias.

  • Can I get some help on this mac

    I am new to Mac. I used a PC for many years and have swapped to the mac. I need to know, how do I delete programs? I am sure I will be back for more help. Thanks.
    Porter Haskew

    Welcome to the Apple boards.
    Deleting a program (called an app in Mac-ese) is usually nothing more than dragging it into the trash or right-clicking it and trashing it.
    However, some apps have threads elsewhere and may not delete properly or it might cause system problems.
    And some apps have a script that goes with them that you run to delete them. MS Office and the XTools are two such examples of programs that should be removed only by their delete scripts.
    If you list the names of he apps you wish to delete, we can help you much better than your general question which, as I have pointed out, has several answers.
    Unlike Winders, there is no one place to go to remove a program. There are plusses and minuses they way Macs handle removing programs.

  • I have a Mac Pro OS 10.7.5 and have a DVD+R disc with files on it, but it ejects the disk after about 10 seconds--what to do?  How can I get the data off this disc?  I can see it has been already burned, so files are on there?

    I have a Mac Pro OS 10.7.5 and have a DVD+R disc with files on it, but it ejects the disk after about 10 seconds--what to do?  How can I get the data off this disc?  I can see it has been already burned, so files are on there?

    Try cleaning the lens and see if that will restore functionality to the DVD drive.  Use a DVD lens cleaning disk, if you have a can of compressed air, shoot some into the slot or wrap a fine microfiber cloth (eyeglasses cleaning cloth)  around a business card and insert it gently inside the slot.
    If no success, make an appointment at an Apple store genius bar and get a free diagnosis from them.

  • After installing OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 -  I get this when I try to open Illustrator " To open "Adobe Illustrator CS6" you need to install the legacy SE6 runtime." I can not get seem to do this, how is this done?

    After installing OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 -  I get this when I try to open Illustrator “ To open “Adobe Illustrator CS6” you need to install the legacy SE6 runtime.” I can not get seem to do this, how is this done?

    It seems to be enough to create empty folders at “/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk” and “/System/Library/Java/Support/Deploy.bundle”, to make Illustrator use Jave SE 8 as it should.
    This way to get round the legacy JAVA requirement was presented by Kals in post #7 in this thread:

  • Can't get some songs off my ipod!!

    For some reason I can't get some songs off my old ipod. recently I lost all my songs on my new ipod so I went to my old ipod followed the steps of extracting files from ipod to itunes and come to find out that some songs didn't go into itunes. The files I want were downloaded using imesh and they are mp3 format. For some reason when I go into my computer and open my ipod's music folder the songs are not there yet they have to be because I can see and play them on itunes when I connect the old ipod.But I can see one of the files in a folder except that one file is really the entire album. It's about 13 songs and I can't seem to seperate them. So is there anyway to directly transfer all files from the ipod to itunes instead of doing the copy folder steps as described in apple's "transferring music guide"? Also I tried consilidating library and that didn't work either.

    There is a manual method of accessing the iPod's hard drive and copying songs but not playlists back to iTunes on Windows posted in this thread: MacMuse - iPod to iTunes
    If you prefer something more automated then there are a number of third party utilities that you can use to retrieve the music files and playlists from your iPod, this is just a selection. Have a look at the web pages and documentation for these, they are generally quite straightforward.
    iPod Access Mac and Windows Versions
    YamiPod Mac and Windows Versions
    PodUtil Mac and Windows Versions
    iPodCopy Mac and Windows Versions
    PodPlayer Windows Only
    iGadget Windows Only

  • HT1414 when I do this steps thy give me a massege says " the iphone could not be restored . An unknown error accorred (3149) " . Can I get some help ?

    when I do this steps thy give me a massege says " the iphone could not be restored . An unknown error accorred (3149) " . Can I get some help ?

    Try using DFU/Recovery mode to restore
    1. Plug iPhone 4 to computer
    2. open iTunes
    3. Turn off iPhone
    4. Press home and power button for 10 seconds
    5. Stop pressing the power. Button but keep pressing down the home button
    iTunes should say the following; "iTunes won't be able to use your iPhone until you restore your device"
    Then you'll have the option to restore and it should work, it has worked for me in the past

  • I can't get some song on my iphone they work off of the computer but they wont show up on my phone they are in the "on my iphone" section but they gray and have a gray dotted circle next to them i have tried every thing I just want them on my phone HELP!

    I can't get some song on my iphone they work off of the computer but they wont show up on my phone they are in the "on my iphone" section but they gray and have a gray dotted circle next to them i have tried every thing I just want them on my phone HELP!!!

    You have posted to the iTunes Match forum, which your question does not seem to be related to. Is your question concerning iTunes Match or syncing with iTunes via USB?

  • I've twice tried to use iTunes match. It stalls in step 2. I've rebooted my Mac computer and still stalls. Apple's taken the $25 but not delivered the service. Can I get some personal help?

    I've twice tried to use iTunes match. It stalls in step 2. I've rebooted my iMac computer and it still stalls. Apple's taken the $25 but not delivered the service. Can I get some personal help? There are 12,733 songs, a few dozen of which are not going to be in the Apple music library because they are unique to my collection. Also, some titled "Track XX" and no artist. I assume these would either not upload or else just be uploaded. But, after an overnight of step 2, the iTunes match program was still on song number 7384 or 12733 (it was on that number for over 12 hours). Looking in the music library, activating the iCloud icon and status fields, there were hundreds of songs with the status "waiting."

    Lmwilliamson wrote:
    Kernel panics:
    After taking my late 2009 15 inch macbook pro to the apple store, the genius completely erased my computer and reinstalled the Mac OS X software, but the problem still persists. 
    I also took it to my college tech support center, they tried to take the ram out and reinsert it and clean up the dust, but the problem still remains.
    I am able to use my computer in Safeboot mode (only)
    Well it could still be a software problem if you installed a third party program after the OS X wipe and install, because by booting into Safe Mode it disables certain functions of OS X and hardware. Check for updates or problems for all your third party software, include everything, including menulets, System Preference panes, hacks and so forth.
    If you restored any sort of software from backup like TimeMachine, it likely was corrupted data and now is returned.
    If the college tech support found a lot of dust clogging the rear exhaust vents behind the fans, then likely the heat damage done to the machine has already occured and can't be reversed. Video cards are usually first to go, which Safe Mode does disable the video card somewhat.
    Run through this list of fixes, it's systematic in nature, also has a Hardware Test to see what's going on
    ..Step by Step to fix your Mac
    Too bad this is occurring to a mere 4 year old machine, but dust will do that. Here is the culprit that Apple doesn't tell anyone about.

  • How can i get apple to understand this is an authorize cord?  It's the cord that came with the phone.

    How can i get apple to understand this is an authorize cord?  It's the cord that came with the phone.

    cheriefromcatawba wrote:
    How can i get apple to understand this is an authorize cord?  It's the cord that came with the phone.
    Is that what Apple told you when you took your phone and usb cord to the store?

  • I have 2 accounts in my family and would like to purchase some of the same songs for both accounts, however when I try to purchase a duplicate song from the second account the song says play instead of purchase. How can I get some of the same songs?

    I have 2 accounts in my family and would like to purchase some of the same songs for both accounts, however when I try to purchase a duplicate song from the second account the song says play instead of purchase. How can I get some of the same songs?

    Drrhythm2 wrote:
    What's the best solution for this? I
    Copy the entire /Music/iTunes/ folder from her old compouter to /Music/ in her account on this new computer.

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